
Defines functions getDataInBoundingBox getVertexShape getVertexColor plotUsingGGplot setStrokeSize setEdgeThickness setVertexSize plotnetwork getData showFilesToUser storeCoordinatesForExplodeLayout getCoordinatesForExplodeLayout findClosestRadius findRadiusWithMaxGOE applyExplodeLayout orderClustersVisually applyEquidistantExplosion applyRadialExplosion getAreaOfOverlap getAreaofCluster calculateScore removeOutliersFromEachCluster removeOutliers getDataFromFile convertNodeListFile getCentroid extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix getCentroidForEachCluster calculateRadialAngles calculateEquidistantAngles getCoordinatesForTheNetwork getGraphForLayout getDataFrameFromFile getOriginalNetworkCoordinates minmax toggleValidity

toggleValidity <- function(updateSliderValues)
  result <- tryCatch(
     if(updateSliderValues) { return(FALSE) }
     else { return(TRUE) },
     warning = function(w){return(FALSE)},
     error   = function(e){return(FALSE)})

#Define Min-Max normalization function
minmax <- function(vec){
  vec <- as.numeric(vec)
  mi <- min(vec)
  ma <- max(vec)

  output <- sapply(vec, function(x) ((x-mi)/(ma-mi)))

#Find the co-ordinates from file/FR/KK layout algorithm
getOriginalNetworkCoordinates <-function(input, g, userCoords){

    algoType <- input$layoutAlgoType
    vac <- data.frame()
    coord <- getCoordinatesForTheNetwork(g, vac, algoType)
    #coordFile <- paste(basePath, '/', input$coordFile, sep = "")
    coord <- getCoordinatesForTheNetwork(g, userCoords, NULL)


#Returns a cleaned up data frame read from the file.
#If a row is all zero or has NA in it then its removed
#If column sum is greater than number of rows then it removed as well
getDataFrameFromFile <- function(networkfile, rvalues){

  #df  <- read.delim(networkfile_name, sep="\t", row.names=1, check.names = FALSE )
  df <- networkfile

  #set all na values to zero
  df[is.na(df)] <- 0

  #in the data frame first column is phenotype, we are not using this information in the code
  phenotype <- df[,1, drop=FALSE]

  #clean up data frame to look like the one we need
  # All rows and columns with all zeros are removed and data frame is converted to matrix
  df <- df[,-1]
  df <- df[sapply(df, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))]

  #df <- df[rowSums(df[,]!=0, na.rm=TRUE)!=0,]
  #df <- df[,colSums(df==0, na.rm=TRUE)<nrow(df)]
  df <- data.matrix(df)


getGraphForLayout <- function(df, rvalues){
  #Convert data from matrix to edgelist
  edgelist <- data.matrix(df)
  if (rvalues$netType == 1) {
    n <- dim(df)[1]
    df2 <- df
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
      for (j in (1+i):n) {
        df2[i,j] <- 0
    edgelist <- data.matrix(df2)
    rownames(edgelist) <- 1:dim(edgelist)[1]
    colnames(edgelist) <- 1:dim(edgelist)[1]
    g <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(data.matrix(df), mode = 'undirected', weighted = T)
  } else {
    elist <- data.table::melt(df)
    elist <- elist[(elist[,3]>0),]
    rownames(edgelist) <- 1:dim(edgelist)[1]
    colnames(edgelist) <- (dim(edgelist)[1]+1):(dim(edgelist)[1]+dim(edgelist)[2])
    g <- igraph::graph.data.frame(elist, directed=FALSE)

  #generate edgelist file
  edgelist <- data.table::melt(edgelist)
  edgelist2 <- edgelist[edgelist[,3]!=0,]

  #filename2 <- paste(rvalues$resultsFolder,"/edgeList.dat", sep="")
  #filename2 <- "edgeList.dat"
  #colnames(edgelist2) <- c("Patient", "Variable", "Weight")
  #write.table(edgelist2, filename2  , sep="\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

  return(list(g, edgelist2))

#Extract co-ordinates from the the coordinates file, if its supplied by the user
#else generate coordinates using the Fruchterman Reingold Algorithm
getCoordinatesForTheNetwork <- function(g, coordinates = data.frame, algoType = NULL){
  #read co-ordinates from the text file, file should be supplied in the same folder as the other files

  if(length(coordinates) == 0)
    if(algoType == 'fr'){
      coord <- suppressWarnings(igraph::layout_with_fr(g, niter = 1000, dim=2))
      #coord <- gplot.layout.fruchtermanreingold(as.matrix(g, matrix.type = "edgelist"))
      coord <- suppressWarnings(igraph::layout_with_kk(g, niter = 1000, dim = 2))
    #use the user specified co-ordinates file
    #coord <- read.delim(coordinatesFile,  sep="\t" , header = FALSE)
    coord <- coordinates
    coord <- coord[match(igraph::V(g)$name, coord[,1]),2:3]


  coord <- data.matrix(coord)


#Calculates and returns angles on a circle at equal distance. Starting point is specified when the function is called
calculateEquidistantAngles <- function(nclust, rings){

  #Parameter to place centroid of first cluster
  degreeoffset <- 360/(nclust)

  #Find number of clusters on each circle starting from the outside circle
  clustersOnEachRing <- rep(0, rings)
  index <- as.numeric(rings)
  for (i in 1: nclust)
    clustersOnEachRing[index] <- clustersOnEachRing[index] + 1
    index <- index - 1
    if(index < 1){ index <- as.numeric(rings) }

  #Each circle needs to have a starting degree at which first cluster of the circle will go to
  startDegreeForEachRing <- c()
  for (i in 1: rings){
    startDegreeForEachRing <- c(startDegreeForEachRing, (i-1)*degreeoffset)
  startDegreeForEachRing <- rev(startDegreeForEachRing)

  #Find the offset for each circle, offet is the angle between two clusters from the center of the circle
  offsetForEachRing <- c()
  for ( i in 1:rings){
    offsetForEachRing <- c(offsetForEachRing, 360/clustersOnEachRing[i])

  index <- as.numeric(rings)
  count <- 0
  equidistantDegrees <- c()
  for( i in 1:nclust){
    equidistantDegrees <- c(equidistantDegrees, startDegreeForEachRing[index] + count*offsetForEachRing[index])
    index <- index - 1
    if(index < 1)
      index <- as.numeric(rings)
      count <- count + 1

  #Calculate correct angle around rings to place clusters
  #equidistantDegrees <- c(startdegree, sapply(1:(nclust-1), function(x) startdegree+x*degreeoffset))
  #Make sure its converted from degrees to radians
  equidistantDegrees <- sapply(equidistantDegrees, function(x) x*pi/180)


#Calculates and returns the angle extended by the center of the cluster to the center of the network
#We use this angle in Radial Explode Layout Algorithm to calculate new location of centroids after explosion
calculateRadialAngles <- function(nclust, networkCentroidX, networkCentroidY, centroids){
  #Start off with an empty vector
  radialDegrees <- c()

  for(i in 1:nclust)
    #Angle extended by the centroid of the cluster to the centroid of the network, calculated in radians
    angle <- atan2(centroids[i,3] - networkCentroidY, centroids[i,2] - networkCentroidX)

    #create a vector of radial angles
    radialDegrees <- c(radialDegrees, angle)


#Centroid of each cluster is seen as roughly the center point of the cluster.
#Its calculated by calculating the median of x and y locations
getCentroidForEachCluster <- function(nclust,net, selectAlgoForCentroids){
  centroids <- mat.or.vec(nclust, 3)
  centroids[,1] <- 1:nclust

  #Determine current centroid location of all clusters. Centroids are calculated using medians of X/Y coordinates of members of each cluster.
  for(i in 1:nclust)
    clusterCentroid <- getCentroid(net[net[,2]==i,3], net[net[,2]==i,4], selectAlgoForCentroids)
    centroids[i,2] <- clusterCentroid$X
    centroids[i,3] <- clusterCentroid$Y

#Extracts coordinates into a matrix
extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix <- function(g, groups, coord){
  net <- cbind(igraph::V(g)$name, groups[match(igraph::V(g)$name, row.names(groups)),1], coord)

  #Min-Max data
  net[,3] <- minmax(net[,3])
  net[,4] <- minmax(net[,4])

  #hard code
  #net[,2] <- 1

#Calculates Centroid of the whole network
getCentroid <- function(pointsX, pointsY, selectAlgoForCentroids){

  if(selectAlgoForCentroids == 'median')
    centroidX <- median(as.numeric(pointsX))
    centroidY <- median(as.numeric(pointsY))
  else if(selectAlgoForCentroids == 'mean')
    centroidX <- mean(as.numeric(pointsX))
    centroidY <- mean(as.numeric(pointsY))
    minX = min(as.numeric(pointsX))
    maxX = max(as.numeric(pointsX))

    minY = min(as.numeric(pointsY))
    maxY = max(as.numeric(pointsY))

    centroidX <- (minX+maxX)/2
    centroidY <- (minY+maxY)/2
  returnList <- list("X" = centroidX, "Y" = centroidY)

###Extrat coords, outcomes, cluster and entity from nodelist file
convertNodeListFile <- function(nodeListData, input){

  #nodeListData <-   data.table::fread(nodelistFile_name, sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
  #nodeListData <- as.data.frame(nodeListData)

  #if use user coords checked, use FRX and FRY.
    coordFile <- nodeListData[,1:3]  #coordinates.txt
    coordFile <- data.frame()
    # if(input$layoutAlgoType == "fr"){
    #   coordFile <- nodeListData[,1:3]  #coordinates.txt
    # }
    # else{
    #   coordFile <- nodeListData[,c(1,4,5)]  #coordinates.txt
    # }

  entityFile <- nodeListData[,c(1,8)] #entity.txt
  moduleFile <- nodeListData[,c(1,7)] #modules
  outcomeFile <- nodeListData[,c(1,6)] #outcomes

  inputList <- list("coords" = coordFile, "outcomes" = outcomeFile, "modules" = moduleFile,  "entity" = entityFile )

#This method gets user specified project folder and reads all the data from the files that reside within it.
#Method expects to get the network file and module file , coordinates file is optional
getDataFromFile <- function(networkfile, modules, rvalues){

  df     <- getDataFrameFromFile(networkfile, rvalues)

  # groups <- read.delim(modulefile_name,  sep="\t", row.names=1, header=FALSE)
  groups <- as.matrix(modules[,2])
  row.names(groups) <- modules[,1]
  #rownames(df) <- modules[,1]
  #colnames(df) <- modules[,1]
  net <- getGraphForLayout(df, rvalues)
  g <- net[[1]]
  edgelist <- net[[2]]

  nclust <- length(unique(groups[,1]))

  returnList <- list("df" = df, "nclust" = nclust, "groups" = groups, "g" = g, "edgelist" = edgelist)


removeOutliers <- function(x) {
  outliers <- NULL
  test <- round(x, digits = 5)
  #print(paste("Length of test before grubbs = ", length(test)))

  result <- outliers::grubbs.test(test, type = 10, two.sided = TRUE)
  pv <- result$p.value
  counter <- 0
  while(pv > (0.01)) {
    outliers <- as.numeric(strsplit(result$alternative," ")[[1]][3])
    test <- test[!test %in% outliers]
    result <- tryCatch(outliers::grubbs.test(test, type = 10, two.sided = TRUE),
                       warning = function(w){return("NA")},
                       error   = function(e){return("NA")})

    counter <- counter + 1
    if(class(result)== "character" || counter > 1000)
    pv <- result$p.value

  #print(paste("Length of test before grubbs = ", length(test)))

# clusterX and clusterY are X and Y co-ordinates of a cluster. Based on these numbers we will find
# the centroid of a cluster and also the distance of each point from the centroid. Centroid is simply the
# mean of clusterX and clusterY
removeOutliersFromEachCluster <- function(clusterX, clusterY){

  #find mean of the cluster
  meanX <- (min(clusterX) + max(clusterX))/2
  meanY <- (min(clusterY) + max(clusterY))/2

  #initialize a vector that holds distance of each point from the centroid
  distFromCentroid <- c()

  for( i in 1:length(clusterX))
    #calculate distance of the point from the centroid
    distance <- dist(rbind(c(meanX, meanY), c(clusterX[i], clusterY[i])))

    #accumulate the value of distance in distFromCentroid vector
    distFromCentroid <- c(distFromCentroid, distance)

  #create a data frame to associate each distance value to the corresponding x,y value
  dataFrame <- data.frame(distFromCentroid, clusterX, clusterY)

  # remove outliers from the distance vector, remain distance values will help us to filter out
  # the X,Y co-ordinates from the
  nonOutliers <- removeOutliers(distFromCentroid)

  # returns a TRUE/FALSE vector denoting if the value is in nonoutlier vector or not
  isAvailable <- distFromCentroid %in% nonOutliers

  #this new dataframe will only contain X,Y values that are non outliers
  newDataFrame <- dataFrame[isAvailable, ]

  newClusterX <- newDataFrame[,2]
  newClusterY <- newDataFrame[,3]

  returnList <- list("clusterX" = clusterX, "clusterY" = clusterY)


calculateScore <- function(input, net, nclust){

  networkMinX = networkMaxX = networkMinY = networkMaxY <- c()
  clusterList <- list()

  #capture all the clusters without outliers as a list
  for( i in 1: nclust)
    clusterX <- as.numeric(net[net[,2]==i,3])
    clusterY <- as.numeric(net[net[,2]==i,4])

    sizeX <- length(clusterX)
    sizeY <- length(clusterY)

    # cluster <- removeOutliersFromEachCluster(clusterX, clusterY)
    # clusterX <- cluster$clusterX
    # clusterY <- cluster$clusterY

    clusterList <- c(clusterList, list(clusterX, clusterY))

  #Find area of intersection of clusters
  intersectAllClusters <- spatstat::owin(c(0,0), c(0,0))
  unionOfAllClusters <- spatstat::owin(c(0,0), c(0,0))
  for( i in 1: nclust){
    clusterX <- as.numeric(clusterList[[(i-1)*2 + 1]])
    clusterY <- as.numeric(clusterList[[(i-1)*2 + 2]])

    clusteri.minX <- min(clusterX)
    clusteri.maxX <- max(clusterX)
    clusteri.minY <- min(clusterY)
    clusteri.maxY <- max(clusterY)

    networkMinX <- c(networkMinX, clusteri.minX)
    networkMaxX <- c(networkMaxX, clusteri.maxX)
    networkMinY <- c(networkMinY, clusteri.minY)
    networkMaxY <- c(networkMaxY, clusteri.maxY)

    unionOfAllClusters <- spatstat::union.owin(unionOfAllClusters,
                                     spatstat::owin(xrange = c(clusteri.minX, clusteri.maxX),
                                          yrange = c(clusteri.minY, clusteri.maxY)))

    for(j in i:nclust)
      if(i != j)

        clusterX <- as.numeric(clusterList[[(j-1)*2 + 1]])
        clusterY <- as.numeric(clusterList[[(j-1)*2 + 2]])

        clusterj.minX <- min(clusterX)
        clusterj.maxX <- max(clusterX)
        clusterj.minY <- min(clusterY)
        clusterj.maxY <- max(clusterY)

        clusteriWindow <- spatstat::owin(xrange = c(clusteri.minX, clusteri.maxX), yrange = c(clusteri.minY, clusteri.maxY))
        clusterjWindow <- spatstat::owin(xrange = c(clusterj.minX, clusterj.maxX), yrange = c(clusterj.minY, clusterj.maxY))

        intersection <- spatstat::intersect.owin(clusteriWindow, clusterjWindow, fatal = FALSE)
          intersectAllClusters <- spatstat::union.owin(intersectAllClusters,intersection)

  #Area of union of clusters
  unionArea <- spatstat::area.owin(unionOfAllClusters)
  intersectionArea <- spatstat::area.owin(intersectAllClusters)

  nonOverlapArea <- unionArea - intersectionArea

  rectangle <- spatstat::owin(c(min(networkMinX), max(networkMaxX)), c(min(networkMinY), max(networkMaxY)))
  networkArea <- as.numeric(spatstat::area.owin(w = rectangle))

  score <- nonOverlapArea/networkArea

  # cat(paste("Union area", "Intersect area", "Non-overlap area",  "Score", sep = "\t"), "\n")
  # cat(paste(unionArea, intersectionArea, nonOverlapArea, networkArea, score, sep = "\t"), "\n")

  # print(paste(input$tupleSize, " ", score, sep =""))



getAreaofCluster <- function(boundingBox){

  cluster.minX <- boundingBox[1]
  cluster.minY <- boundingBox[2]
  cluster.maxX <- boundingBox[3]
  cluster.maxY <- boundingBox[4]

  # width  <- abs(boundingBox[3] - boundingBox[1])
  # height <- abs(boundingBox[4] - boundingBox[2])
  # return(as.numeric(width*height))

  rectangle <- spatstat::owin(c(cluster.minX, cluster.maxX), c(cluster.minY, cluster.maxY))

getAreaOfOverlap <- function(boundingBox1, boundingBox2){

  cluster1.minX <- boundingBox1[1]
  cluster1.minY <- boundingBox1[2]
  cluster1.maxX <- boundingBox1[3]
  cluster1.maxY <- boundingBox1[4]

  cluster2.minX <- boundingBox2[1]
  cluster2.minY <- boundingBox2[2]
  cluster2.maxX <- boundingBox2[3]
  cluster2.maxY <- boundingBox2[4]

  x_overlap <- max(0, (min(cluster1.maxX, cluster2.maxX) - max(cluster1.minX, cluster2.minX)))
  y_overlap <- max(0, (min(cluster1.maxY, cluster2.maxY) - max(cluster1.minY, cluster2.minY)))

  # if(cluster1.maxX < cluster2.minX || cluster1.maxY < cluster2.minY || cluster1.minX > cluster2.maxX || cluster1.minY > cluster2.maxY)
  # {
  #   return(0)
  # }
  # else
  # {
  #   #find the area
  #   axis.X <- c(cluster1.minX, cluster1.maxX, cluster2.minX, cluster2.maxX)
  #   axis.Y <- c(cluster1.minY, cluster1.maxY, cluster2.minY, cluster2.maxY)
  #   axis.X <- sort(axis.X)
  #   axis.Y <- sort(axis.Y)
  #   return((axis.X[2] - axis.X[1]) * (axis.Y[2] - axis.Y[1]))
  # }

applyRadialExplosion <- function(rings, displace, net, radialDegrees, nclust, centroids, selectAlgoForCentroids) {

  ringassign <- as.numeric(rings)

  networkCentroid <- getCentroid(net[,3], net[,4], selectAlgoForCentroids)
  netX <- networkCentroid$X
  netY <- networkCentroid$Y

  idX <- c()
  idY <- c()

  #Determine final centroid location for each cluster
  for(i in 1:nclust)
    x <- radialDegrees[i]

    idealx <- ringassign*displace*cos(as.numeric(x))
    idealy <- ringassign*displace*sin(as.numeric(x))

    ringassign <- ringassign - 1
    if (ringassign < 1){
      ringassign <- as.numeric(rings)

    shiftx <- idealx- centroids[i,2] - netX
    shifty <- idealy- centroids[i,3] - netY

    net[net[,2]==i,3] <- (as.numeric(net[net[,2]==i,3]) + shiftx)
    net[net[,2]==i,4] <- (as.numeric(net[net[,2]==i,4]) + shifty)



applyEquidistantExplosion <- function(net, radialDegrees, nclust, shiftOrRotate, selectAlgoForCentroids, rings, displace) {

  #Map the order of the clusters such that correct cluster goes to the right point on the circle

  mapping <- orderClustersVisually(radialDegrees)

  #Calculate equidistant angles on the circle
  degrees <- calculateEquidistantAngles(nclust, rings)

  networkCentroid <- getCentroid(net[,3], net[,4], selectAlgoForCentroids)
  netX <- networkCentroid$X
  netY <- networkCentroid$Y

  ringassign <- as.numeric(rings)

  #degrees is the equidistant angle that each cluster should make with the circle
  #radialDegree is the angle that cluster currently makes with the centroid
  for(i in 1:nclust)
    diffAngle <- degrees[i] - radialDegrees[mapping[i]]

    clusterCentroid <- getCentroid(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3], net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4], selectAlgoForCentroids)
    centroidclusterX <- clusterCentroid$X
    centroidclusterY <- clusterCentroid$Y

    #Shift/Rotate whole of the cluster to the new location
    clusterX <- as.numeric(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3])
    clusterY <- as.numeric(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4])

    newcentroidX <- ringassign*displace*cos(as.numeric(degrees[i]))
    newcentroidY <- ringassign*displace*sin(as.numeric(degrees[i]))

    shiftx <- newcentroidX - centroidclusterX - netX
    shifty <- newcentroidY - centroidclusterY - netY

    net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3] <- (clusterX + shiftx)
    net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4] <- (clusterY + shifty)

    ringassign <- ringassign -1
    if(ringassign < 1) { ringassign <- as.numeric(rings)}

    if(shiftOrRotate == 'rotate')
      clusterCentroid <- getCentroid(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3], net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4], selectAlgoForCentroids)

      #Rotation Matrix
      rotm <- matrix(c(cos(diffAngle),sin(diffAngle),-sin(diffAngle),cos(diffAngle)),ncol=2)
      centroidLocationMatrix <- cbind(as.numeric(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3]),as.numeric(net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4]))
      newClusterLocation <- t( (rotm %*% (t(centroidLocationMatrix) - c(clusterCentroid$X, clusterCentroid$Y))) + c(clusterCentroid$X, clusterCentroid$Y))

      net[net[,2]==mapping[i],3] <- newClusterLocation[,1]
      net[net[,2]==mapping[i],4] <- newClusterLocation[,2]



#Clusters are not ordered as they appear visually on the plot, this method maps the visual ordering to cluster ordering in the file
orderClustersVisually <- function(radialAngles){

  len <- length(radialAngles)

  locationArray <- radialAngles

  if(length(locationArray) >1){
  locationArray <- sort(locationArray) #Sort the array in ascending order

  indexNearZero <- which(locationArray >0)[1] #Closest +ve value is the angle that should go to Zero degree on the circle

  # rearrange the array in the neew order
  reOrderedArray <- c(locationArray[indexNearZero:len], locationArray[1:(indexNearZero-1)])

  #Mapping the new order with respect to the radial angles that we have calculated for each cluster
  #we have to map because the cluster numbering does not match with what we have visually avaialble
  for(i in 1:len)
    index <- which(radialAngles == reOrderedArray[i])[1]
    locationArray[i] = index

  {return (1)}

applyExplodeLayout <- function(rings, displace, net, selectAlgoForCentroids, shiftOrRotate, layoutAlgoType, nclust, input){

  net[,3] <- minmax(net[,3])
  net[,4] <- minmax(net[,4])

  centroids <- getCentroidForEachCluster(nclust,net, selectAlgoForCentroids)

  # #Calculate the centroid of the whole network
  networkCentroid <- getCentroid(net[,3], net[,4], selectAlgoForCentroids)

  #calculate the angle of each cluster wrt the center of the network for Radial Explosion Layout
  radialDegrees <- calculateRadialAngles(nclust, networkCentroid$X, networkCentroid$Y, centroids)

  net <- applyEquidistantExplosion(net, radialDegrees, nclust, shiftOrRotate, selectAlgoForCentroids, rings, displace)

  if(input$radialOrEquiDist == "radial")
    net <- applyRadialExplosion(rings, displace, net, radialDegrees, nclust, centroids, selectAlgoForCentroids)

findRadiusWithMaxGOE  <- function(input, dataFromFile, coord){
  groups <- dataFromFile$groups
  g <- dataFromFile$g
  nclust <- dataFromFile$nclust
  net <- cbind(igraph::V(g)$name, groups[match(igraph::V(g)$name, row.names(groups)),1], coord)

  net <- extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix(g, groups, coord)

  net[,3] <- minmax(net[,3])
  net[,4] <- minmax(net[,4])

  buffer   <- 5  # buffer/vicinity for the location of maxima
  maxScore  =  maxPos = startPos = radius = clusteriScore <- 0
  step     <- 0.1

    tempScore <- maxScore
    endPos <- startPos + buffer*step

    for(i in seq(startPos, endPos, by = step)){
      explode.net <- applyExplodeLayout(input$rings, i, net, input$selectAlgoForCentroids,
                                        input$shiftOrRotate, input$layoutAlgoType, nclust, input)
      clusteriScore <- calculateScore(input, explode.net, nclust)

      if((clusteriScore > maxScore)){
          radius <- i
          maxScore <- clusteriScore
          startPos <- i + step

    if(tempScore == maxScore) { break }
  result <- c(radius, clusteriScore)

findClosestRadius <- function(input, dataFromFile, coord){
  groups <- dataFromFile$groups
  g <- dataFromFile$g
  nclust <- dataFromFile$nclust

  net <- cbind(igraph::V(g)$name, groups[match(igraph::V(g)$name, row.names(groups)),1], coord)
 # net[is.na(net)] <- 0

  explode.net <- extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix(g, groups, coord)

  #Get Original Network Score
  originalScore <- calculateScore(input, explode.net, nclust)

  print(paste("Original Score of Layout = ", originalScore, sep = ""))
  #Now calculate score for all the possible circle radius
  minVal <- 0.1
  maxVal <- 2.0
  step   <- 0.1
  pos <- 0
  maxclusteriScore <- 0

  for(i in seq(0.1, 5.0, by = 0.1)){
    explode.net <- applyExplodeLayout(input$rings, i, explode.net, input$selectAlgoForCentroids,
                                      input$shiftOrRotate, input$layoutAlgoType, nclust, input)
    clusteriScore <- calculateScore(input, explode.net, nclust)

        if((clusteriScore - originalScore) > 0){
                radius <- i
  res <- list("radius"= radius, "originalScore" = originalScore)

#This method will use the data extracted from the Project folder files and generate the co-ordinates for the explode layout
#Its called each time user changes the sliderinput value and/or textinput value.
getCoordinatesForExplodeLayout <- function(dataFromFile, input, coord, rvalues){
  #Extract graph coordinates into a matrix

  explode.net <- extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix(dataFromFile$g, dataFromFile$groups, coord)

  #to display best network when user navigates from search tab to Visualize tab
  nclust <- length(unique(dataFromFile$groups[,1]))
  if(input$viewTypes != "2")
   {   explode.net <- applyExplodeLayout(input$rings, input$displace, explode.net, input$selectAlgoForCentroids,
           input$shiftOrRotate, input$layoutAlgoType, dataFromFile$nclust, input)
  explode.net[,3] <- minmax(explode.net[,3])
  explode.net[,4] <- minmax(explode.net[,4])


#This method will save coordinates at different circle radius and no. of circles.
storeCoordinatesForExplodeLayout <- function(dataFromFile, input, coord, rvalues){
  #Extract graph coordinates into a matrix

  explode.net.initial <- extractCoordinatesIntoMatrix(dataFromFile$g, dataFromFile$groups, coord)

  # Store coordinates; these coordinates will be used when the user just loads the data into visualize tab
  #calculate coordinates for original network
  explode.net<- matrix(0,  nrow=nrow(explode.net.initial),  ncol=ncol(explode.net.initial))
  explode.net <- explode.net.initial
  explode.net[,3] <- minmax(explode.net[,3])
  explode.net[,4] <- minmax(explode.net[,4])
  explode.net <- formatExplodeNetMatrix(explode.net, rvalues, input)

  #coordsELFile contains original coords, outcomes, cluster, entity and EL coords from 0.1 to 2.0
  #re-order explode.net to match nodelist format in modim. #Idea is to maintain same file format in both modim and EL.
  if(ncol(explode.net) == 6){
    coordsELFile <- explode.net[,c(1,3,4,6,2,5)] #data with outcomes
    coordsELFile <- explode.net[,c(1,3,4,2,5)]  #data without outcomes

  #create statList file
  #statFilename <- paste(rvalues$resultsFolder, "/statList.dat", sep= "")
  statFilename <- "statList.dat"
  statFile <- matrix(0,20 , 2)
  colnames(statFile) <- c("Circle-Radius", "CCS")

  #modularityFile <- paste(rvalues$dataFolder,'/', "zscore.txt", sep = "")
   # mod <- read.delim(modularityFile, header = TRUE)

  j <- 1 # number of rings set to by default
  nclust <- length(unique(dataFromFile$groups[,1]))

  if(nclust != 1)
  #calculate coordinates at each circle radius (min=0.1; max=2)
  for(i in seq(0.1, 2, by = 0.1)){

      #initialise variables and matrix
      explode.net<- matrix(0,  nrow=nrow(explode.net.initial),  ncol=ncol(explode.net.initial))
      explode.net <- explode.net.initial

      #ApplyExplode Layout
      explode.net <- applyExplodeLayout(j, i, explode.net.initial, input$selectAlgoForCentroids,
                                        input$shiftOrRotate, input$layoutAlgoType, dataFromFile$nclust, input)
      clusteriScore <- calculateScore(input, explode.net, dataFromFile$nclust)

      if(i >= rvalues$ClosestRadius){

        statFile[(i*10),1] <- as.numeric(i)
        statFile[(i*10),2] <- as.numeric(sprintf("%.4f",as.numeric(clusteriScore)))
        #statFile[(i*10),3] <- 2.5
        #statFile[(i*10),4] <- mod[1,1]
        #statFile[(i*10),5] <- mod[1,2]
        statFile[(i*10),2] <- ""
        #statFile[(i*10),3] <- ""
        #statFile[(i*10),4] <- ""
        #statFile[(i*10),5] <- ""

      explode.net[,3] <- minmax(explode.net[,3])
      explode.net[,4] <- minmax(explode.net[,4])
      explode.net <- formatExplodeNetMatrix(explode.net, rvalues, input)
      ELcoords <- explode.net[, 3:4]
      if(input$layoutAlgoType == "fr"){
          colnames(ELcoords) <- c(paste("EL.FRX", i, sep =""), paste("EL.FRY", i, sep =""))
          colnames(ELcoords) <- c(paste("EL.KKX", i, sep =""), paste("EL.KKY", i, sep =""))

      coordsELFile <- cbind(coordsELFile, ELcoords)

    statFile <- statFile[statFile[,1]!=0,]
    write.table(statFile[,c(1,2)],statFilename, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE )

  #filename <- paste(rvalues$resultsFolder, "/coordinates.dat", sep= "")
  #filename <- "coordinates.dat"
  #write.table(coordsELFile, filename, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE )
  coordsELFile <- data.frame(coordsELFile)
  coordsELFile[,1] <- as.character(coordsELFile[,1])
  coordsELFile[,2:length(coordsELFile)] <- lapply(coordsELFile[,2 : length(coordsELFile)], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
  return (coordsELFile)

#Updates the TextInput field on the File Popup after user selects the project folder
showFilesToUser <- function(session, userSelectedDataFolder, userSelectedDataFolderFullPath, rvalues){
  updateTextInput(session, 'projectFolder', value=paste(userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/'))
  updateTextInput(session, 'networkFile', value=paste(userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/', userSelectedDataFolder, '_subset.txt',sep = ""))
  updateTextInput(session, 'nodeListFile', value=paste(userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/', userSelectedDataFolder, '_nodelist.dat',sep = ""))

  nodelist <- read.delim(paste(getwd(),'/Project/',userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/', userSelectedDataFolder, '_nodelist.dat',sep = ""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
    updateCheckboxInput(session, "coordfileCheckBox", value = FALSE)
  #coordFile <- paste(userSelectedDataFolderFullPath,'/Data/', userSelectedDataFolder, '_subset_coords.txt',sep = "")

  # if(file.exists(coordFile)){
  #   updateTextInput(session, 'coordFile', value=paste(userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/',userSelectedDataFolder, '_subset_coords.txt',sep = ""))
  #   updateCheckboxInput(session, "coordfileCheckBox", value = TRUE)
  #   shinyjs::enable("coordfileCheckBox")
  # }
  # else{
  #   updateTextInput(session, 'coordFile', value="No File")
  #   updateCheckboxInput(session, "coordfileCheckBox", value = FALSE)
  #   shinyjs::disable("coordfileCheckBox")
  # }
  # outcomeFile <-   paste(userSelectedDataFolderFullPath,'/Data/', userSelectedDataFolder, '_subset_outcomes.txt',sep = "")
  # if(file.exists(outcomeFile)){
  #   updateTextInput(session, 'outcomeFile', value=paste(userSelectedDataFolder, '/Data/',userSelectedDataFolder, '_subset_outcomes.txt',sep = ""))
  #   }
  # else{
  #   updateTextInput(session, 'outcomeFile', value="No File")
  #   }

#This method is the wrapper method that calls getDataFromFile. server.R calls this method to get data extracted from the files
getData <- function(basePath, input, rvalues, modules){

   networkFile <- paste(basePath, '/',input$networkFile, sep = "")
   #moduleFile <- paste(basePath, '/',input$moduleFile, sep = "")

   dataFromFile <- getDataFromFile(networkFile, modules, rvalues)


getEdgeList <- function (path){

  readEdgeList <- data.table::fread(path , sep ="\t")
  readEdgeList <- as.data.frame(readEdgeList)

plotnetwork <- function(input, sliderValues, rvalues, libUsedForPlot, labelsData= NULL){

  if(libUsedForPlot == 3)
    p <- plot(rvalues$dataFromFile$g, layout=matrix(as.numeric(sliderValues[,3:4]), nrow(sliderValues), 2, byrow=F),
         vertex.label = c(rep(NA, rvalues$nrows), rvalues$colnames),
         vertex.label.color = "black",
         vertex.label.font =2,
         vertex.color = rvalues$vcolors,
         vertex.label.dist = 0.25,
         vertex.label.degree = pi/4,
         vertex.label.family = "TT Ariel",
         vertex.shape = rvalues$vertexShape, xlim=c(-1, 1), ylim=c(-1, 1)
    #library(igraph,  warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE)

    #plotcord <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(sliderValues[,2:3]), nrow(sliderValues), 2, byrow=F))
    plotcord <- as.data.frame(sliderValues[,2:3])
    colnames(plotcord) = c("X1", "X2")

    #edgeListpath <- paste(rvalues$resultsFolder, '/edgeList.dat', sep="")
    #elist <- getEdgeList(edgeListpath)
    elist <- rvalues$dataFromFile$edgelist

    #net <- asNetwork(rvalues$dataFromFile$g)
    net <- intergraph::asNetwork(igraph::graph.data.frame(elist, directed=FALSE))


    edglist <- network::as.matrix.network.edgelist(net, attrname = 'Weight')
    if (rvalues$netType == 1) {
    	edges <- data.frame(plotcord[elist[, 1], ], plotcord[elist[, 2], ])

    } else {
    	edges <- data.frame(plotcord[edglist[, 1], ], plotcord[edglist[, 2], ])

    #plotcord$elements <- as.factor(get.vertex.attribute(net, "elements"))

    #set vertex color, shape  and stroke
    rvalues$vcolors <- getVertexColor(sliderValues, input, rvalues)
    rvalues$vertexShape <- getVertexShape(sliderValues, input, rvalues)

    colnames(edges) <- c("X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2")

    rvalues$vertexSize <- setVertexSize(sliderValues, input, rvalues, edglist)
    rvalues$edgeThickness <- setEdgeThickness(sliderValues, input, rvalues, edglist)
    rvalues$stroke <- setStrokeSize(sliderValues, input, rvalues)

    if(libUsedForPlot == 1)
      p <- plotUsingGGplot(plotcord, edges, rvalues, input, labelsData)
    else if(libUsedForPlot == 2)
      p <- plotUsingGraphics(plotcord, edges, rvalues, input)
      p <- forceNetwork(Links = edges, Nodes = plotcord, NodeID = "name")

    #library(igraph,  warn.conflicts = FALSE, quietly = TRUE)


setVertexSize <-function(sliderValues, input, rvalues, edgeList) {

  nodesize <- getVertexSize(input$vertexSize, session, input)

  ##calculate weight of edges each all the nodes.
  if((input$nodeDegree) && (nodesize !=0)){

    nodeInfo <- sliderValues
    edgeInfo <- edgeList

    newEdges <- as.matrix(data.frame(nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 1], c(1,6) ], nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 2], c(1,4,6) ]))
    colnames(newEdges) <- c('Label', 'Entity', 'Label2', 'EdgeWeight', 'Entity2')
    newEdges[,4] <- edgeInfo[,3]

    weightedNodes <- nodeInfo[, c(1,5,6,6)] #1,2,5,5
    colnames(weightedNodes) <- c('Label', 'WeightedNodeDegree', 'Entity', 'VertexSize')
    weightedNodes[,c(2,4)] <- 0

    for(i in 1:nrow(weightedNodes)){
      if(weightedNodes[i,3] == 1){
          weightedNodes[i,2]  <- sum(as.numeric(newEdges[weightedNodes[i,1] == newEdges[,1],4]))

    minweightedNodeDegree <- min(weightedNodes[weightedNodes[,3]==1,2])

    for(i in 1:nrow(weightedNodes)){
      if(weightedNodes[i,2] == minweightedNodeDegree){#weighted node degree equals min weighted node degree
        weightedNodes[i,4]  <- nodesize
        weightedNodes[i,4]  <- nodesize + weightedNodes[i,2]

    vertexSize <- weightedNodes[,4]
    vertexSize <- nodesize


setEdgeThickness <- function(sliderValues, input, rvalues, edgeList) {

  edgeThickness <- getThickness(input)

  if((input$edgeWeight) && (edgeThickness!=0)){

    nodeInfo <- sliderValues
    edgeInfo <- edgeList

    newEdges <- as.matrix(data.frame(nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 1], c(1,6) ], nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 2], c(1,6,4,6) ]))
    #newEdges <- as.matrix(data.frame(nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 1], c(1,8)], nodeInfo[edgeInfo[, 2], c(1,8,6,7)]))

    colnames(newEdges) <- c('Label', 'Entity', 'Label2', 'Entity2', 'EdgeWeight', 'EdgeThickness')
    newEdges[,6] <- 0
    newEdges[,5] <- edgeInfo[,3] #*edgeWeight

    minEdgeWeight <- min(as.numeric(newEdges[,5]))

    for(i in 1:nrow(newEdges)){
      if(newEdges[i,5] == minEdgeWeight){#weighted node degree equals min weighted node degree
        newEdges[i,6]  <- edgeThickness
        newEdges[i,6]  <- edgeThickness * as.numeric( newEdges[i,5])

    edgeThickness <- as.numeric(newEdges[,6])


setStrokeSize <- function(sliderValues, input, rvalues){

  if((!is.null(rvalues$clusterNum)) && (rvalues$clusterNum !=0)){

    stroke <- 0
    strokeMat <- cbind(sliderValues, stroke)
    #for(i in 1:length(rvalues$clusterNum)){
     strokeMat[strokeMat[,5] == rvalues$clusterNum[1], 'stroke'] <- 1

    strokeMat[strokeMat[,'stroke']==0, 'stroke'] <- 0.3
    stroke <- strokeMat[,'stroke']
    stroke = 0.3

plotUsingGGplot <- function(plotcord, edges, rvalues, input, labelsData = NULL){

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot()

      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = X1, y = Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2), data = edges, size = rvalues$edgeThickness, colour = "#888888")

    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(X1, X2),colour = "black",  fill = rvalues$vcolors, shape = rvalues$vertexShape, size = rvalues$vertexSize, data = plotcord, stroke = rvalues$stroke)  #add shape, vertexcolor: original

  p <-p + ggplot2::scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")  + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)
  p <-p + ggplot2::theme(panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank()) + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
  p <-p + ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
  # p <-p + theme(legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA))+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA))
  # p <-p + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank())
  #p <- p + geom_text(aes(plotcord$X1, plotcord$X2,label=c(rep(NA, rvalues$nrows), rvalues$colnames)),
  #                   hjust=0,vjust=0, size = 6, fontface = "bold", check_overlap = TRUE )


getVertexColor <- function(explode.net, input, rvalues){
  #explodeNet is a matrix with colnames: "PID", "Cluster", "X1", "Y1", "Entity", "Outcome".
  entityColor.index  <- c("red", "black")
  #C9197A - dark pink ; #CE9A89 - pale brown; #0AF3EE - aqua/pale blue;
  #94EA18 - green ; #E5F115 - yellow; #8825F9 - dark violet; #d95ea1 - light pink; #6b8e23 - cow green, #C0C4E0-  light grey
  clusterColor.index <- c("#C9197A", "#94EA18", "#0AF3EE", "#808080", "#E5F115", "#8825F9", "#CE9A89",  "#fd991c", "black", "#6b8e23", "#C0C4E0", "#669999", "blue", "pink")  #distinctColorPalette(25)
  clusterColor.index[20] <-c("black")

  outcomeColor.index <- c("magenta", "sky blue", "orange", "yellow", "brown")
  #outcomeColor.index[20] <- c("black")

  if (ncol(explode.net) == 5){
    vcolors <- switch(input$nodeColor,
                              #"1"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,6], function(x) outcomeColor.index[x]),
                              "2"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,4], function(x) clusterColor.index[x]),
                              "3"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,5],  function(x) entityColor.index[x])
    vcolors <- switch(input$nodeColor,
                              "1"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,4], function(x) { if(x != 20){ return (outcomeColor.index[x])}
                                else {return ("black")}

                              "2"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,5], function(x) clusterColor.index[x]),
                              "3"=sapply(as.data.frame(explode.net)[,6],  function(x) entityColor.index[x])


  return (vcolors)


getVertexShape <- function(explode.net, input, rvalues){

  entity <- as.numeric(explode.net[,6])
  shape.index = c(21, 24)
  vertexShape <- sapply(entity, function(x) shape.index[x])



getDataInBoundingBox <- function(data , ranges, rvalues){
    #data <- newSliderValues$explode.net
  if(!(is.null(ranges$x)) && (!is.null(ranges$y))){

      rvalues$nrows <- nrow(data[data[,6] == 1,] )
      if (rvalues$netType == 1) {
        all_var <- as.character(data[data[,6] == 1,1])
      } else {
        all_var <- as.character(data[data[,6] == 2,1])
       # list of all variables
      names <- colnames(data)
      #retrieve data points inside bounding box
      a <- data[data[,names[2]] >= ranges$x[1], ]
      b <- a[a[,names[2]] <= ranges$x[2], ]
      c <- b[b[,names[3]] >= ranges$y[1], ]
      d <- c[c[,names[3]] <= ranges$y[2], ]

      if (rvalues$netType == 1) {
        varname <- d[d[,6] == 1, 1]
        } else {
          varname <- d[d[,6] == 2,1] #var name inside bounding box.

      rvalues$colnames <- as.character(varname[match(all_var, varname)])
      #no. of rows in network file
      if (rvalues$netType == 1) {
        rvalues$nrows <- nrow(data)
        rvalues$colnames <- as.character(data[,1])  #retrieve variable names.
      } else {
        rvalues$nrows <- nrow(data[data[,6] == 1,] ) #counts number of entities.
        rvalues$colnames <- as.character(data[data[,6] == 2,1])  #retrieve variable names.

  labelsData <- list('nrows' = rvalues$nrows, 'colnames' = rvalues$colnames)
#plotUsingGraphics <- function(plotcord, edges, rvalues, input){
  # plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=c(-0.05, 1.05), ylim=c(-0.05, 1.05),  xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
  # #Adding the edges to the plot
  # segments(x0 = edges$X1, y0 = edges$Y1 , x1 = edges$X2, y1 = edges$Y2, col = "grey" )
  # # #Plot the nodes
  # points(x = as.numeric(plotcord$X1), y = as.numeric(plotcord$X2), col = "black",
  #        cex = input$vertexSize/2, pch = rvalues$vertexShape1, bg = rvalues$vcolors, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab="", ylab="")
  # text(x = as.numeric(plotcord$X1), y = as.numeric(plotcord$X2), labels=c(rep(NA, rvalues$nrows), rvalues$colnames), cex= 1.5)

# gggraph <- function(g, xpos, ypos) {
#   require(ggplot2)
#   g_ <- get.edgelist(g)
#   g_df <- as.data.frame(g_)
#   g_df$id <- 1:length(g_df[,1])
#   g_df <- melt(g_df, id=3)
#   xy_s <- data.frame(value = unique(g_df$value), x = xpos, y = ypos)
#                      # x = vplace(length(unique(g_df$value))),
#                      # y = vplace(length(unique(g_df$value))))
#   g_df2 <- merge(g_df, xy_s, by = "value")
#   p <- ggplot(g_df2, aes(xpos, ypos)) +
#     geom_point()
#   # +
#   #   geom_line(size = 0.3, aes(group = id, linetype = id)) +
#   #   geom_text(size = 3, hjust = 1.5, aes(label = value)) +
#   #   theme_bw() +
#   #   opts(panel.grid.major=theme_blank(),
#   #        panel.grid.minor=theme_blank(),
#   #        axis.text.x=theme_blank(),
#   #        axis.text.y=theme_blank(),
#   #        axis.title.x=theme_blank(),
#   #        axis.title.y=theme_blank(),
#   #        axis.ticks=theme_blank(),
#   #        panel.border=theme_blank(),
#   #        legend.position="none")
#   p
# }

# ggbigraph <- function(g) {
#   require(ggplot2)
#   g_ <- get.edgelist(g)
#   g_df <- as.data.frame(g_)
#   g_df$id <- 1:length(g_df[,1])
#   g_df <- melt(g_df, id=3)
#   xy_s <- data.frame(value = unique(g_df$value),
#                      x = c(rep(2, length(unique(g_df$value))/2), rep(4, length(unique(g_df$value))/2)),
#                      y = rep(seq(1, length(unique(g_df$value))/2, 1), 2))
#   g_df2 <- merge(g_df, xy_s, by = "value")
#   p <- ggplot(g_df2, aes(x, y))
  # +
  #   geom_point() +
  #   geom_line(size = 0.3, aes(group = id, linetype = id)) +
  #   geom_text(size = 3, hjust = 1.5, aes(label = value)) +
  #   theme_bw()
  # +
  #   opts(panel.grid.major=theme_blank(),
  #        panel.grid.minor=theme_blank(),
  #        axis.text.x=theme_blank(),
  #        axis.text.y=theme_blank(),
  #        axis.title.x=theme_blank(),
  #        axis.title.y=theme_blank(),
  #        axis.ticks=theme_blank(),
  #        panel.border=theme_blank(),
  #        legend.position="none")

 # p


# plotg <- function(net, value = NULL) {
#   m <- as.matrix.network.adjacency(net)  # get sociomatrix
#   # get coordinates from Fruchterman and Reingold's force-directed placement algorithm.
#   plotcord <- data.frame(gplot.layout.fruchtermanreingold(m, NULL))
#   colnames(plotcord) = c("X1", "X2")
#   edglist <- as.matrix.network.edgelist(net)
#   edges <- data.frame(plotcord[edglist[, 1], ], plotcord[edglist[, 2], ])
#   plotcord$elements <- as.factor(get.vertex.attribute(net, "elements"))
#   colnames(edges) <- c("X1", "Y1", "X2", "Y2")
#   edges$midX <- (edges$X1 + edges$X2)/2
#   edges$midY <- (edges$Y1 + edges$Y2)/2
#   pnet <- ggplot()
#     + geom_segment(aes(x = X1, y = Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2), data = edges, size = 0.5, colour = "grey")
#     + geom_point(aes(X1, X2, colour = elements), data = plotcord)
#     + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1")
#     + scale_x_continuous(breaks = NULL)
#     + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)
#     + theme(panel.background = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position = "none") # discard default grid + titles in ggplot2
#     + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank())
#     + theme(legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA))
#     + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA))
#     + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank())
#   return(print(pnet))
# }
DIVA-Lab-UTMB/epl documentation built on April 11, 2022, 3:46 p.m.