
Defines functions import_new_data

Documented in import_new_data

#' Import new data into DoOR
#' Import or update new data and update
#' \code{door_global_normalization_weights}, \code{door_response_range},
#' \code{odor}, \code{ORs} and receptor data frames.
#' \code{\link{import_new_data}} is used to import new data into database. If
#' the data contains a new receptor or ORN, then build a new data frame for this
#' receptor or ORN. If the data contains a receptor that is already present in 
#' database, then merge the imported data into old data frame. The information 
#' (e.g. response range, how many receptors and odors were measured from given 
#' study) will be integrated into data \code{door_response_range}, \code{odor}, 
#' \code{ORs} and \code{door_global_normalization_weights}. If an existing study
#' is imported, \code{\link{remove_study}} will be run first in order to perform
#' an update.
#' @param file.name character string, the name of given file that contains 
#'   response values of one or more odorant receptors, either a .csv or .txt 
#'   file.
#' @param dataFormat data frame, a data frame does not contain any response 
#'   value but odorant information.
#' @param odor_data data frame, contains the odorant information.
#' @param weightGlobNorm data matrix, indicates whether given receptor has been 
#'   measured by given study.
#' @param responseRange data frame, contains the information about response 
#'   range of each study and how many odors have been measured in each study.
#' @param receptors data frame, contains the receptor and OSN names and their 
#'   expression.
#' @param ident the identifier used for matching, usually the InChIKey is used.
#' @param round the number of digits the imported values are rounded to.
#' @author Shouwen Ma <\email{shouwen.ma@@uni-konstanz.de}>
#' @author Daniel Münch <\email{daniel.muench@@uni-konstanz.de}>
#' @aliases importNewData import_new_data
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.table
#' @keywords data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' import new data named "odorantResponses_Orx.txt" into database and update the
#' support data.
#' library(DoOR.data)
#' import_new_data(file.name = "odorantResponses_Orx.csv")
#' }
import_new_data <- function(file.name,
      dataFormat = door_default_values("door_data_format"),
      odor_data  = door_default_values("odor"),
      weightGlobNorm = door_default_values("door_global_normalization_weights"),
      responseRange  = door_default_values("door_response_range"),
      receptors = door_default_values("ORs"),
      ident     = door_default_values("ident"),
      round     = 3) {
  if (any(grep(".txt$", file.name))) {
    imported.data <- read.table(file.name)
    file.name <- gsub(".txt$", "", file.name)
  if (any(grep(".csv$", file.name))) {
    imported.data <- read.csv(file.name)
    file.name <- gsub(".csv$", "", file.name)
  if (!("Name" %in% colnames(imported.data)) |
      !("InChIKey" %in% colnames(imported.data)))
    stop("'InChIKey' or 'Name' column missing, these two are mandatory!")
  # check for already existing studies
  if (any(file.name %in% responseRange$study)) {
    existing <- which(file.name %in% responseRange$study)
    existing <- file.name[existing]
    for (i in existing)
    # get updated versions from .globalEnv
    responseRange <- door_response_range
    weightGlobNorm <- door_global_normalization_weights
        'The following studies were already existing and were removed
        prior to integrating the new data:\n',
        paste(existing, collapse = ', ')
  # check for missing identifiers
  if (any(is.na(imported.data[, ident]))) {
    nas <- which(is.na(imported.data[, ident]))
    imported.data <- droplevels(imported.data[-nas, ])
    warning('We found ',
            ' missing identifier(s),
            this data was removed!',
            call. = FALSE)
  # check for duplicated identifiers
  if (any(duplicated(tolower(imported.data[, ident]))))
    stop('There are duplicated identifiers in the new dataset,
         please solve this first.')
  # convert CID to character
  whichCIDCol <- grep("CID", names(imported.data))
  if (!is.na(whichCIDCol[1])) {
    imported.data[, whichCIDCol] <- factor(imported.data[, whichCIDCol])
  # look for columns containing numerical values (response data)
  nv 	<- as.numeric(which(vapply(imported.data, is.numeric, logical(1))))
  n 	<- length(nv)
  receptor_file <- colnames(imported.data)[nv]
  if (round != FALSE) {
    imported.data[nv] <- round(imported.data[nv], round)
  # update data matrix "door_global_normalization_weights"
  dim_weightGlobNorm <- dim(weightGlobNorm)
  weightGlobNorm[, dim_weightGlobNorm[2] + 1] <- NA
  colnames(weightGlobNorm)[dim_weightGlobNorm[2] + 1] <- file.name
  matchreceptor <- match(receptor_file, rownames(weightGlobNorm))
  stats <-
      'importedReceptors' = length(receptor_file),
      'newReceptors' = 0,
      'updatedOdors' = 0,
      'newOdors' = 0
  if (any(is.na(matchreceptor))) {
    whichNotmatch 		<- which(is.na(matchreceptor))
    newReceptor 		<- receptor_file[whichNotmatch]
    dim_weightGlobNorm 	<- dim(weightGlobNorm)
    lastRow 		<- (dim_weightGlobNorm[1] + length(whichNotmatch))
    seqlastRows 		<- ((dim_weightGlobNorm[1] + 1):lastRow)
    weightGlobNorm[seqlastRows, dim_weightGlobNorm[2]] <- NA
    rownames(weightGlobNorm)[seqlastRows] <- newReceptor
        "has been added into
        collapse = '\n'
  # update data frame "response range"
  responseRange_new.file <- range(imported.data[, nv], na.rm = TRUE)
  responseRange_new      <- data.frame(
    study   = file.name,
    min 	  = responseRange_new.file[1],
    max  	  = responseRange_new.file[2],
    n_odors = sum(apply(!is.na(imported.data[nv]), 1, sum) > 0)
  # dim(imported.data)[1]) # changed as the old way also returned NAs
  responseRange <- rbind(responseRange, responseRange_new)
  # update data frame "odor" and door_data_format if new odor is available.
  matchtoOdor <- match(imported.data[, ident], odor_data[, ident])
  whichNA     <- which(is.na(matchtoOdor))
  stats$updatedOdors <- length(na.omit(matchtoOdor))
  stats$newOdors     <- length(whichNA)
  if (!identical(odor_data[1:5], dataFormat))
      "The odorant lists of data 'odor' and 'door_data_format' are not
      identical. Please check them again."
  if (is.na(whichNA[1])) {
    message("There were no new odors imported.")
  } else {
    # add new odor identifiers to 'odor' and 'door_data_format' ----------------
    newOdor <- as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "Name"])
        " - is a new odor. Data frames 'odor' and
        'door_data_format' will be updated.",
        collapse = '\n'
    dim_odor 	<- dim(odor_data)
    odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + length(whichNA)), ] <- NA
    levels(odor_data$InChIKey) <- union(levels(odor_data$InChIKey),
    odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "InChIKey"] <-
      as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "InChIKey"])
    levels(odor_data$Name) <-
      union(levels(odor_data$Name), levels(imported.data$Name))
    odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "Name"] <-
      as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "Name"])
    if ('CAS' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
      levels(odor_data$CAS) <-
        union(levels(odor_data$CAS), levels(imported.data$CAS))
      odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "CAS"] <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "CAS"])
    if ('CID' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
      levels(odor_data$CID) <-
        union(levels(odor_data$CID), levels(imported.data$CID))
      odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "CID"]    	      <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "CID"])
    if ('Class' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
      levels(odor_data$Class) <-
        union(levels(odor_data$Class), levels(imported.data$Class))
      odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "Class"]    	    <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "Class"])
    if ('InChI' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
      levels(odor_data$InChI) <-
        union(levels(odor_data$InChI), levels(imported.data$InChI))
      odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "InChI"]          <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "InChI"])
    if ('SMILES' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
      levels(odor_data$SMILES) <-
      odor_data[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "SMILES"]       <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "SMILES"])
    dataFormat <- odor_data[1:5]
      "If data was provided, 'CAS', 'NAME', 'CID', 'Class',
      'InChI' and 'SMILES' columns were updated."
  # if there is a new receptor or ORN update data frame "ORs", NOTE:
  # the AL projection pattern (door_mappings) should be added manually 
  match_receptor <- match(receptor_file, receptors[, "OR"])
  what_is_new <-  receptor_file[which(is.na(match_receptor))]
  if (!is.na(what_is_new[1])) {
    ORs_new 	<- data.frame(OR = what_is_new, expression = NA)
    receptors 	<- rbind(receptors, ORs_new)
    message("New receptor or ORN has been added to 'ORs',
            please input the AL mapping manually.")
  # add new response data
  for (j in receptors[, "OR"]) {
    target <-
      try(get(j), silent = TRUE)
    # try to get the data and assign it a names "target"
    if (inherits(target, "try-error")) {
      # if it can be done, there must be a new receptor
      target <- dataFormat
        "is a new receptor or ORN. A new response data.frame was created."
    matchOdor <- match(imported.data[, ident], target[, ident])
    whichNA 	<- which(is.na(matchOdor))
    if (is.na(whichNA[1])) {
      assign(j, target, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    } else {
      dim_RD 	<- dim(target)
      target[(dim_RD[1] + length(whichNA)), ] 	<- NA
      levels(target$InChIKey) <-
      target[(dim_RD[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "InChIKey"] <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "InChIKey"])
      levels(target$Name) <-
        union(levels(target$Name), levels(imported.data$Name))
      target[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "Name"] <-
        as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "Name"])
      if ('Class' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
        levels(target$Class) <-
          union(levels(target$Class), levels(imported.data$Class))
        target[(dim_RD[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "Class"] <-
          as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "Class"])
      if ('CAS' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
        levels(target$CAS) <-
          union(levels(target$CAS), levels(imported.data$CAS))
        target[(dim_RD[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "CAS"] <-
          as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "CAS"])
      if ('CID' %in% colnames(imported.data)) {
        levels(target$CID) <-
          union(levels(target$CID), levels(imported.data$CID))
        target[(dim_odor[1] + (seq_along(whichNA))), "CID"] <-
          as.character(imported.data[whichNA, "CID"])
      # assign the target back to his real name
      assign(j, target, envir = .GlobalEnv) 
  # import data
  for (i in 1:n) {
    column.name <- receptor_file[i] 			        # receptor name
    target <-
      try(get(column.name), silent = TRUE)
    # try to find a match receptor and load data from old database
    # check if receptor is new
    if (dim(target)[2] == 5)
      stats$newReceptors <- stats$newReceptors + 1
        data1 = target,
        data2 = imported.data,
        by.data2 = column.name,
        assigned.name = paste(file.name, sep = "")
      envir = .GlobalEnv
    message(paste(column.name, "has been imported."))
    # update door_global_normalization_weights
    dim_weightGlobNorm 	<- dim(weightGlobNorm)
    match_receptor 		  <-
      match(column.name, rownames(weightGlobNorm))
    weightGlobNorm[match_receptor, dim_weightGlobNorm[2]] <- 1
  } # END for (i in 1:n)
  # return the updates back to working enviroment
  assign("door_data_format", dataFormat, envir = .GlobalEnv)
         envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("door_response_range", responseRange, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("ORs", receptors, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  assign("odor", odor_data, envir = .GlobalEnv)
      'Import statistics:\n',
      stats$importedReceptors - stats$newReceptors,
      'response profiles were updated,',
      'new profiles were added to DoOR.\n',
      'odorants were updated,',
      'new odorants were added to DoOR.'
} # END program "import_new_data"
Dahaniel/DoOR.functions documentation built on Feb. 20, 2024, 7:04 p.m.