# libraries ####
# sources ####
# ui ####
ui <- fluidPage(
# Welcome banner ####
column(10, p("We are still working on the site and welcome any comments to", tags$a(href = "mailto:shs@gov.scot", target="_blank", "shs@gov.scot"))),
column(2, actionButton("close_banner", "Close" , class="close-button", icon=icon("times"))),
style = "padding-top:20px; padding-left:20px; padding-bottom:20px; background-color:#ffd480;"))
# Navbar page ####
navbarPage(title="SHS Data Explorer",
id = "navbar",
windowTitle = "SHS Data Explorer",
theme = shinythemes::shinytheme("flatly"),
collapsible = TRUE,
# Home tab ####
tabPanel("Home", value = "homeTab", style = "margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; margin-bottom: 4%",
column(12, p(img(src = "home_logo.png", width = "100%", height = "100%", alt = "Scottish Household Survey logo"))),
column(12, fluidRow(
h1("Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer", style = "text-align: left"),
p("Since 1999, the Scottish Household Survey collects and provides information about Scottish households.", style = "text-align: left"),
p("This website provides up-to-date, comparable information on Scottish households at local authority and national level. Choose your topic of interest below and start exploring the data!", style = "text-align: left"),
h1("Topics", style= "text-align: center")
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_demographics", "Demographics", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_housing", "Housing", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_neighbourhoods", "Neighbourhoods", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_economic_activity", "Economic Activity", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_finance", "Finance", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_internet", "Internet", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_physical_activity", "Physical Activity", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_local_services", "Local Services", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_environment", "Environment", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_volunteering", "Volunteering", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_culture", "Culture", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%")),
column(10, offset = 1, actionButton("home_to_childcare", "Childcare", width = "100%", class = "button", style = "font-size: 150%"))),
br(), br(),
column(6, offset = 1, p(img(src = "SG_master_logo_RGB.jpg", width = "100%", height = "100%", alt = "Scottish Household logo"))),
column(3, offset = 2, p(img(src = "nat_stat.png", width = "100", height = "100", alt = "National Statistics logo"))),
br(), br(), br(), br(), br(),
column(6, offset = 4,
actionButton("reload_modal", "Reload 'Take a Tour'", class="close-button")),
br(), br()
# About tab ####
tabPanel("About", value = "aboutTab",
fluidRow(column(8, offset = 2, includeMarkdown("home.Rmd"))
# Survey Results tab ####
div(icon("fas fa-chart-line"),
"Survey Results"), value = "surveyTab",
style = "margin-left: 4%; margin-right: 4%",
column(5, radioButtons("navigation_mode", "Select question", c("Browse by topic and question", "Search questions"), inline = TRUE))
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.navigation_mode == 'Search questions'",
column(12, selectizeInput('searchbar', 'Search',
choices = c(
options = list(
placeholder = "Type here to find what question you are looking for",
onInitialize = I('function() { this.setValue(""); }')
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.navigation_mode == 'Browse by topic and question'",
column(5, selectInput("select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, width = "100%"))),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.navigation_mode == 'Browse by topic and question'",
column(7, selectInput("select_question", label = "Question", choices = c(), width = "100%")))
column(3, selectInput("select_local_authority", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = c(), selected = "Scotland", width = "100%")),
column(3, selectInput("select_year", label = "Year", choices = c(), width = "100%")),
column(3, selectInput("select_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = c("No comparison", "Year", "Local Authority/Scotland"), selected = "No comparison", width = "100%")),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "input.select_comparison_type == 'Year'", selectInput("select_year_comparator", label = "Comparator", choices = c(), width = "100%"))),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "input.select_comparison_type == 'Local Authority/Scotland'",selectInput("select_local_authority_comparator", label = "Comparator", choices = c(), width = "100%")))
column(9, h4(textOutput("main_table_type_comment"))),
column(1, conditionalPanel(condition = "output.question_type != '0'", downloadButton("download_table", "Download", class="close-button"))),
column(1, offset= 1, actionButton("helpTable", "Help", icon("question"), class = "close-button"))
column(10, h4(textOutput("comparison_table_type_comment"))),
column(2, conditionalPanel(condition = "input.select_comparison_type != 'No comparison' && output.question_type != '0'", downloadButton("download_comparison_table", "Download comparison table")))
column(6, h3(textOutput("main_plot_title"))),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "output.question_type != '0' && output.question_type != '4'", checkboxInput("ConfidenceInterval", "Display Confidence Intervals", value = TRUE))),
column(2, conditionalPanel(condition = "output.question_type != '0' && output.question_type != '4'", radioButtons("zoomLevel_main",
"Y-axis zoom level:",
selected = "Full scale",
choices = c("Zoom to data", "Full scale")))),
column(1, actionButton("help", "Help", icon("question"), class="close-button"))
fluidRow(conditionalPanel(condition = "output.question_type == '4'", h4("Due to differences in data structure, no chart is displayed for this table"))),
conditionalPanel(condition = "output.question_type != '0' && output.question_type != '4' && input.select_comparison_type != 'No comparison'",
column(3, offset = 6, checkboxInput("compareConfidenceInterval", "Display Confidence Intervals", value = TRUE)),
column(3, radioButtons("zoomLevel_comparator", "Y-axis zoom level:", selected = "Full scale", choices = c("Zoom to data", "Full scale")))
# LA Reports tab ####
div(icon("fal fa-clipboard-list"),
"Create Report"),
style = "margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%",
column(4, offset = 4, p(img(src = "new_logo.png", height = "70%", width = "70%", alt = "Scottish Household Survey logo")))
column(12, tags$b(p("Download survey results as a PDF report."))),
column(12, p("Below you can download all tables in a topic for a local authority or Scotland, and a specific year as a PDF report.")),
column(12, p("You can also include a comparison in your PDF report. Either compare your local authority with another local authority, national figures, or another year.")),
column(12, p("Once you have selected your inputs, click on 'Generate Report' and wait until the download button appears."),br()),
column(8, selectInput("select_report_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, width = "100%"))
column(3, selectInput("select_report_local_authority", "Select Local Authority", choices = local_authorities)),
column(3, selectInput("select_report_year", "Select Year", choices = years)),
column(3, selectInput("select_report_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = c("No comparison", "Year", "Local Authority/Scotland"), selected = "No comparison", width = "100%")),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "input.select_report_comparison_type == 'Year'", selectInput("select_report_year_comparator", label = "Comparator", choices = years, width = "100%"))),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "input.select_report_comparison_type == 'Local Authority/Scotland'",selectInput("select_report_local_authority_comparator", label = "Comparator", choices = c(local_authorities), width = "100%")))
column(3, actionButton("generate", "Generate Report", icon = icon("file"), class = "main-button")),
column(3, conditionalPanel(condition = "output.reportbuilt", downloadButton("download", "Download Report", class = "main-button")))
# Raw Data tab ####
div(icon("far fa-folder-open"), "Data"), value = "csv", style = "margin-left: 4%; margin-right: 4%; margin-bottom: 4%",
p("Below you will find all the data for each table and chart found in our survey results."),
p("You can download the full Scottish Household Survey micro-level datasets at", tags$a(href = "https://beta.ukdataservice.ac.uk/datacatalogue/series/series?id=2000048", target = "_blank", "UK Data Service.")
column(5, selectInput("select_excel_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, width = "100%")),
column(7, selectInput("select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = c(), width = "100%"))
# Resources tab ####
tabPanel("Resources", value = "resourcesTab", style = "margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; margin-bottom: 4%",
column(4, offset = 4, p(img(src = "new_logo.png", height = "70%", width = "70%", alt = "Scottish Household Survey logo")))
p(h2("Get in touch")),
p("Email:", tags$a(href = "mailto:shs@gov.scot", "shs@gov.scot")),
p("Telephone: 0131 244 1685"),
p("SHS Project Team, Communities Analysis Division, Area 2H North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ"),
h2("Technical resources"),
p("To get in-depth survey analysis, read the most recent", tags$a(href = "https://www.gov.scot/isbn/9781839609848/", target = "_blank", "annual SHS publication.")),
p("If you want a brief insight into survey findings, read the most recent", tags$a(href = "https://www.gov.scot/isbn/9781839609855", target = "_blank", "key findings report.")),
p("For further information on our survey questions, read the full", tags$a(href = "https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-household-survey-questionnaires/", target = "_blank", "questionnaire for each year.")),
p("Want more technical survey information? Read our", tags$a(href = "https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-household-survey-2018-methodology-fieldwork-outcomes/", target = "_blank", "methodology report.")),
br(), br(), br()
column(12, HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OgMbrDXZK-s" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'))
h2("Learn more about SHS"),
p("The SHS team is passionate about finding new ways to share our data and findings. Below is a range of different media."),
p(icon("fas fa-clipboard-list"), tags$a(href = "https://veriksson94.shinyapps.io/shsapptutorial/", target = "_blank", "Data Explorer Quiz")),
p(icon("far fa-book"), tags$a(href = "https://shs.theapsgroup.scot/september-2018/", target = "_blank", "Inquality Data Comic"), tags$em("illustrated by Katie Quinn")),
p(icon("far fa-book"), tags$a(href = "https://shs.theapsgroup.scot/", target = "_blank", "Housing and Finances Data Comic"), tags$em("illustrated by Katie Quinn")),
p(icon("far fa-book"), tags$a(href = "https://www.gov.scot/publications/single-step/", target = "_blank", "Physical Activity Report")),
p(icon("fas fa-video"), tags$a(href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgMbrDXZK-s&feature=youtu.be", target = "_blank", "Scottish Household Survey Animation")),
p(icon("fas fa-video"), tags$a(href = "https://twitter.com/scotgov/status/1171469690809401351?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%22%3E", target = "_blank", "SHS 2018 Findings Video")),
p(icon("fas fa-microphone"), tags$a(href = "https://twitter.com/digitalscots/status/1183726105662050310?s=20&utm_source=FutureScot+-+MASTER&utm_campaign=7f20a2c022-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_1_10_2019_10_25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a4962b4dbd-7f20a2c022-147245485", target = "_blank", "Scottish Household Survey Podcast"), tags$em("with Roger Halliday and Emma McCallum")),
p(icon("fas fa-window-restore"), tags$a(href = "https://scotland.shinyapps.io/sg-scottish-household-survey/", target = "_blank", "Scottish Household Survey App")),
p(icon("fas fa-clipboard-list"), tags$a(href = "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGNvzKa-cspn_-tLf4yzSzwDuojRgA6pWV5Hl54al_t-EBjA/viewform", target = "_blank", "SHS 2018 Findings Quiz")),
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LI-RlYzH0ug" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
#Accessibility statement
tabPanel("Accessibility", value = "accessibilityTab", style = "margin-left: 15%; margin-right: 15%; margin-bottom: 4%",
h2("Accessibility Statement"),
p("This website is run by the Scottish Government. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:"),
tags$li("zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen"),
tags$li("navigate most of the website using just a keyboard"),
tags$li("listen to some of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)
We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand."),
p("Please contact us if you:"),
tags$li("Cannot access any part of this site or want to report an accessibility problem."),
tags$li("Need information on this website in a different format. Such as accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille. We’ll consider your request and get back to you as soon as we can."),
p("If you’re not happy with how we respond to your feedback, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service. They are an independent advice service. They will advise you on what to do next."),
p("Scottish Government is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018."),
This accessibility statement applies to the Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer website."),
h2("Compliance status"),
p("This website is partially compliant with the regulations, due to the non-compliances listed below."),
h2("Non-accessible content"),
p("The content listed below is not-compliant with the regulations:"),
tags$li("You cannot skip to the main content when using a screen reader"),
tags$li("The “Take a Tour” section is not fully accessible to screen reader software"),
tags$li("Charts are difficult for people using screen readers to access"),
tags$li("Some charts contain colours that are difficult for colour-blind people to distinguish"))
# server ####
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Welcome Modal ####
welcome_modal <- modalDialog(
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(img(src = "new_logo.png", height = "50%", width = "50%", alt = "Scottish Household Survey logo"), style = "text-align: left"),
tags$div(h4("The Data Explorer provides information about Scottish homes, neighbourhoods, and their views on various aspects of society."),
style = "color: 0E3E5D; font-size:20px; text-align: left"),
h4("If this is your first time using the tool, watch our video tutorial to get the most out of it"),
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fhn3S7gvq8o" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'),
h4("Prefer written guidance? Take a tour by clicking on the button below."),
actionButton("tour", "Take a tour", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button"),
easyClose = TRUE, fade = FALSE
#Shows modal first time
#Reloads modal on request from home tab
tour_modal_1 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
img(src = "new_logo.png", height = "50%", width = "50%", alt = "Scottish Household Survey logo"), style = "text-align: left"),
h4("The Scottish Household Survey Data Explorer is an interactive tool created so that anyone can access the survey results, compare data over time and between different parts of Scotland. All the data and charts can be exported in various formats to use for your own analysis and reports. Let's look at how to use the website!"),
actionButton("back0", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next1", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$tour, {showModal(tour_modal_1)})
observeEvent(input$next1, {showModal(tour_modal_2)})
observeEvent(input$back0, {showModal(welcome_modal)})
tour_modal_2 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("'Survey Results'", style = " color: 0E3E5D; font-size:30px; width = 90%, text-align: left;")),
h4("This is where the interactive data lives. Use the different drop-down menus to select different topics, questions, geographical area, years and comparators."),
img(src = "modal_survey2.png", alt = "Image of Survey results page", height = "100%", width = "100%")),
actionButton("back1", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next2", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back1, {showModal((tour_modal_1))})
observeEvent(input$next2, {showModal(tour_modal_3)})
tour_modal_3 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("Reading the tables", style = " color: 0E3E5D; font-size:30px; width = 90%, text-align: left;")),
img(src = "modal_table2.png", alt = "Image of a table in the survey results tab", height = "100%", width = "100%")),
actionButton("back2", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next3", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back2, {showModal(tour_modal_2)})
observeEvent(input$next3, {showModal(tour_modal_4)})
tour_modal_4 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("Visualising the data with graphs", style = " color: 0E3E5D; font-size:30px; width = 90%; text-align: left;")),
h4("The graphs related to each question are interactive. This means that you can modify them to fit your needs."),
img(src = "modal_chart.png", alt = "Image of a chart in the survey results tab", height = "100%", width = "100%")),
actionButton("back3", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next4", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back3, {showModal(tour_modal_3)})
observeEvent(input$next4, {showModal(tour_modal_5)})
tour_modal_5 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("Statistical significance", style = "color: 0E3E5D; font-size: 30px; width = 90%; text-align: left")),
h5("The Scottish Household Survet can make generalisations about the Scottish population as a whole by only interviewing a random sample of all the Scottish households. This means that figures are estimates rather than precise percentages, and come with a degree of error. In fact, the 'true' value might be higher or lower than the estimate. This range is called the 'confidence interval'"),
h5("For time or local authority comparisons, the tables and charts indicate whether any difference is statistically significant or not."),
tags$li("Tables: Dark green colour indicates a value statistically significantly greater than the comparison. Light purple colour indicates a value stastically significantly lower than the comparison. Cells with no colour indicate no statistical difference."),
tags$li("Charts: Hovering over the error bars will display the exact range of the confidence interval.")),
img(src = "sign_table.png", alt = "Image of table with significant differences, identified through green and purple colours", height = "100%", width = "100%")),
img(src = "ci_graph.png", alt = "Image of graph with error bars, identifying confidence intervals", height = "100%", width = "100%"))),
actionButton("back4", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next5", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back4, {showModal(tour_modal_4)})
observeEvent(input$next5, {showModal(tour_modal_6)})
tour_modal_6 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("Downloading Data", style = " color: 0E3E5D; font-size:30px; width = 90%, text-align: left;")),
h4("You can modify and download the data you need. In the 'Download Data' tab you can view all the data used to produce the tables and charts. Either copy or download all the data for a specific question or you use the filter function to retrieve the data for a specific criteria."),
img(src = "modal_download.png", alt = "Image of download data page", height = "100%", width = "100%")
actionButton("back5", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button"),
actionButton("next6", "Next", icon("play-circle"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back5, {showModal(tour_modal_5)})
observeEvent(input$next6, {showModal(tour_modal_7)})
tour_modal_7 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = modalButton("Close"),
p(tags$div("You're all set to go!", style = " color: 0E3E5D; font-size:30px; width = 90%, text-align: left;")),
h4("If you want more information and guidance about the app, visit the 'About' and 'Resources' tabs."),
actionButton("back5", "Back", icon("chevron-circle-left"), class = "close-button")
observeEvent(input$back6, {showModal(tour_modal_6)})
# Test banner ####
shinyjs::onclick("close_banner", shinyjs::hide(id = "welcome_banner", anim = TRUE))
# Topic tab buttons ####
observeEvent(input$home_to_demographics, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[1])
observeEvent(input$home_to_housing, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[2])
observeEvent(input$home_to_neighbourhoods, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[3])
observeEvent(input$home_to_economic_activity, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[4])
observeEvent(input$home_to_finance, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[5])
observeEvent(input$home_to_internet, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[6])
observeEvent(input$home_to_physical_activity, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[7])
observeEvent(input$home_to_local_services, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[8])
observeEvent(input$home_to_environment, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[9])
observeEvent(input$home_to_volunteering, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[10])
observeEvent(input$home_to_culture, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[11])
observeEvent(input$home_to_childcare, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar",
selected = "surveyTab")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_topic", label = "Topic", choices = select_list_topics, selected = select_list_topics[12])
# Assign dynamic variables ####
# years_in_df() ####
years_in_df <- reactive ({
question <- input$select_question
if (nchar(question) > 0) {
question_type <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$Type
if (question_type != 0) {
years_in_df <- suppressWarnings(unique(readRDS(paste0("data/dataset/", gsub("/", " ", question), ".Rds"))$Year))
} else {
years_in_df <- NULL
# scotland_only() ####
scotland_only <- reactive ({
question <- input$select_question
scotland_only <- FALSE
if (nchar(question) > 0) {
scotland_only <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$ScotlandOnly
if (is.na(scotland_only)) {
scotland_only <- "F"
if (scotland_only == "Y") {
scotland_only <- TRUE
} else {
scotland_only <- FALSE
# Update input$select_question by input$select_topic ####
if (input$navigation_mode == "Browse by topic and question") {
if (grepl("The Composition and Characteristics of Households in Scotland", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_2)
} else if (grepl("Housing", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_3)
} else if (grepl("Neighbourhoods and Communities", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_4)
} else if (grepl("Economic Activity", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_5)
} else if (grepl("Finance", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_6)
} else if (grepl("Internet", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_7)
} else if (grepl("Physical Activity and Sport", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_8)
} else if (grepl("Local Services", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_9)
} else if (grepl("Environment", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_10)
} else if (grepl("Volunteering", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_11)
} else if (grepl("Culture and Heritage", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_12)
} else if (grepl("Childcare", input$select_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_13)
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'searchbar', 'Search',
choices = c(
options = list(
placeholder = "Type here to find what question you are looking for",
onInitialize = I('function() { this.setValue(""); }')
# Update input$select_topic by input$searchbar ####
observeEvent(input$searchbar, {
if (input$navigation_mode == "Search questions") {
current_topic <- input$select_topic
topic_number <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$searchbar,]$Topic
topic <- topic_titles[topic_titles$code == paste0("Top", topic_number),]$title
if (!identical(topic, character(0))) {
if (topic != current_topic) {
topic_update_string <- paste0("updateSelectInput(session, inputId = \"select_topic\", label = \"Topic\", choices = select_list_topics, selected = \"", topic,"\")")
eval(parse(text = topic_update_string))
topic_number <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$searchbar,]$Topic
question <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$searchbar,]$ID
question_update_string <- paste0("updateSelectInput(session, inputId = \"select_question\", label = \"Question\", choices = select_list_questions_topic_", topic_number, ", selected = \"", question,"\")")
eval(parse(text = question_update_string))
# Update input$select_excel_question by inpur$select_excel_topic ####
if (grepl("The Composition and Characteristics of Households in Scotland", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_2, selected = select_list_questions_topic_2[1])
} else if (grepl("Housing", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_3)
} else if (grepl("Neighbourhoods and Communities", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_4)
} else if (grepl("Economic Activity", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_5)
} else if (grepl("Finance", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_6)
} else if (grepl("Internet", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_7)
} else if (grepl("Physical Activity and Sport", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_8)
} else if (grepl("Local Services", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_9)
} else if (grepl("Environment", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_10)
} else if (grepl("Volunteering", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_11)
} else if (grepl("Culture and Heritage", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_12)
} else if (grepl("Childcare", input$select_excel_topic, fixed = TRUE)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_excel_question", label = "Question", choices = select_list_questions_topic_13)
# Update inpu$select_comparison_type and hide input$select_year by type of selected question ####
observe ({
question <- input$select_question
year_count <- length(years_in_df())
scotland_only <- scotland_only()
if (isFALSE(scotland_only)) {
if (input$select_question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions) || (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions) & year_count == 1)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_local_authority", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = local_authorities)
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = c("No comparison", "Local Authority/Scotland"))
} else if (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions) & year_count > 1) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_local_authority", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = local_authorities)
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = c("No comparison", "Year", "Local Authority/Scotland"))
} else if (isTRUE(scotland_only)) {
if (input$select_question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_4_questions) || (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions) & year_count == 1)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_local_authority", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = "Scotland")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = "No comparison")
} else if (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions) & year_count > 1) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_local_authority", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = "Scotland")
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_comparison_type", label = "Compare by", choices = c("No comparison", "Year"))
if (input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
# Update input$select_year by selected question type ####
observe ({
question <- input$select_question
if (!question %in% c(type_0_questions, type_1_questions, type_4_questions)) {
years_in_df <- years_in_df()
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_year", label = "Year", choices = sort(years_in_df, decreasing = TRUE))
# Update input$select_year_comparator by input$select_year ####
observe ({
question <- input$select_question
if (nchar(question) > 0) {
selected_year <- input$select_year
if (!input$select_question %in% c(type_0_questions, type_1_questions, type_4_questions)) {
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_year_comparator", label = "Year",
choices = sort(years_in_df()[!sort(years_in_df()) %in% selected_year], decreasing = TRUE))
# Update input$select_local_authority_comparator by input$select_local_authority ####
observe ({
selected_local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_local_authority_comparator", label = "Local Authority/Scotland", choices = local_authorities[!local_authorities %in% selected_local_authority])
# df() ####
df <- reactive({
question <- input$select_question
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
if (comparison_type == "No comparison") {
comparator <- NULL
} else if (comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
comparator <- input$select_local_authority_comparator
} else if (comparison_type == "Year") {
comparator <- input$select_year_comparator
if (question > 0) {
df <- table_processing(question = question,
local_authority = input$select_local_authority,
year = input $select_year,
comparison_type = comparison_type,
comparator = comparator)
} else {
df <- NULL
# excel_df() ####
excel_df <- reactive({
data_file_path <- paste0("data/dataset/", gsub("/", " ", input$select_excel_question), ".Rds")
question <- input$select_excel_question
scotland_only <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == question,]$ScotlandOnly
if (is.na(scotland_only)) {
scotland_only <- "N"
if (question > 0 & !question %in% type_0_questions) {
df <- readRDS(data_file_path)
column_names <- colnames(df)[!grepl("_l", colnames(df)) & !grepl("_u", colnames(df))]
df <- dplyr::select(df, column_names)
if (scotland_only == "Y") {
df <- df[df$Council == "Scotland",]
} else {
# main_df() ####
main_df <- reactive({
main_df <- df()
main_df <- main_df[!grepl("_2", colnames(main_df))]
# comparison_df() ####
comparison_df <- reactive ({
comparison_df <- df()
comparison_columns <- colnames(comparison_df)[grep("_2", colnames(comparison_df))]
if (length(comparison_columns) > 0) {
variable_column_name <- colnames(comparison_df)[1]
significance_columns <- colnames(comparison_df)[grep("_sig", colnames(comparison_df))]
comparison_df <- comparison_df[c(variable_column_name, comparison_columns, significance_columns)]
colnames(comparison_df) <- gsub("_2", "", colnames(comparison_df))
} else {
comparison_df <- NULL
# main_chart_df() ####
main_chart_df <- reactive ({
if (!input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
main_chart_df <- main_df()
measure_column_name <- measure_column_name(main_chart_df)
main_chart_df <- main_chart_df[main_chart_df[1] != "All" & main_chart_df[1] != "Base",]
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(main_chart_df, 2)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names[variable_column_names %in% c("All", "Base") == FALSE]
main_chart_df <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text = chart_data_processing_string(variable_column_names, measure_column_name, "main_chart_df"))))
main_chart_df$time <- factor(main_chart_df$time, levels = unique(main_chart_df$time), ordered = TRUE)
} else {
main_chart_df <- NULL
# comparison_chart_df() ####
comparison_chart_df <- reactive ({
comparison_chart_df <- NULL
if (input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison" & !input$select_question %in% type_4_questions) {
comparison_chart_df <- comparison_df()
measure_column_name <- measure_column_name(comparison_chart_df)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(comparison_chart_df, 2)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names[variable_column_names %in% c("All", "Base") == FALSE]
comparison_chart_df <- comparison_chart_df[comparison_chart_df[1] != "All" & comparison_chart_df[1] != "Base",]
if(!is.null(variable_column_names)) {
comparison_chart_df <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text = chart_data_processing_string(variable_column_names, measure_column_name, "comparison_chart_df"))))
comparison_chart_df$time <- factor(comparison_chart_df$time, levels = unique(comparison_chart_df$time), ordered = TRUE)
# OUTPUTS ####
# TEXT ####
# output$question_type ####
output$question_type <- renderText({
if (input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_2_questions) {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_3_questions) {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_4_questions) {
} else {
outputOptions(output, "question_type", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# output$main_statistical_significance_key ####
output$main_statistical_significance_key <- renderText ({
if (input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison" & !input$select_question %in% type_4_questions & !input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Year") {
main_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year_comparator, ") | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year_comparator, ")")
} else if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
if (question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Type != "1") {
main_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority_comparator, " (", input$select_year, ") | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority_comparator, " (", input$select_year, ")")
} else {
main_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority_comparator, " | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority_comparator)
# output$comparison_statistical_significance_key ####
output$comparison_statistical_significance_key <- renderText ({
if (input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison" & !input$select_question %in% type_4_questions & !input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Year") {
comparison_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year, ") | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year, ")")
} else if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
if (question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Type != "1") {
comparison_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year, ") | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority, " (", input$select_year, ")")
} else {
comparison_statistical_significance_key <- paste0("<font color=\"#00A3A3\">▮</font> Significantly greater than ", input$select_local_authority, " | <font color=\"#C3C3FF\">▮</font> Significantly lower than ", input$select_local_authority)
# main_table_type_comment ####
output$main_table_type_comment <- renderText({
coverage <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Coverage
if (input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
paste0("Base numbers at local authority level are too small to produce robust analysis.")
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
paste0("Column percentages, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_2_questions) {
paste0("Column percentages, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_3_questions) {
paste0("Row percentages, ", input$select_year, " data, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_4_questions) {
# comparison_table_type_comment ####
output$comparison_table_type_comment <- renderText({
coverage <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Coverage
if (input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_1_questions & input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison") {
paste0("Column percentages, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_2_questions & input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison") {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Year") {
paste0("Column percentages, ", input$select_year_comparator, " data, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0("Column percentages, ", input$select_year, " data, ", coverage)
} else {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_3_questions) {
if (input$select_comparison_type == "Year") {
paste0("Row percentages, ", input$select_year_comparator, " data, ", coverage)
} else if (input$select_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
paste0("Row percentages, ", input$select_year, " data, ", coverage)
} else {
} else if (input$select_question %in% type_4_questions) {
# main_chart_type_comment
output$main_chart_type_comment <- renderText({
coverage <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Coverage
if (input$select_question %in% type_0_questions) {
paste0("Base numbers at local authority level are too small to produce robust analysis.")}
# main_title ####
output$main_title <- renderText({
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
main_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year)
# main_plot_title ####
output$main_plot_title <- renderText({
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
main_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year)
# comparison_title ####
output$comparison_title <- renderText({
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
local_authority_comparator <- input$select_local_authority_comparator
year_comparator <- input$select_year_comparator
comparison_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year, comparison_type = comparison_type, local_authority_comparator = local_authority_comparator, year_comparator = year_comparator)
# comparison_plot_title ####
output$comparison_plot_title <- renderText({
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
local_authority_comparator <- input$select_local_authority_comparator
year_comparator <- input$select_year_comparator
comparison_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year, comparison_type = comparison_type, local_authority_comparator = local_authority_comparator, year_comparator = year_comparator)
# comment ####
output$comment <- renderText({
comment <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Comment
if (!is.na(comment)) {
} else {
# link ####
output$link <- renderText({
link <- question_titles[question_titles$ID == input$select_question,]$Link
if (!is.na(link)) {
} else {
# TABLES ####
# output$main_table ####
output$main_table <- renderDataTable({
df <- main_df()
question <- input$select_question
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
main_table_output(df = df, question = question, comparison_type = comparison_type)
# comparison_table ####
output$comparison_table <- renderDataTable({
df <- comparison_df()
question <- input$select_question
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
comparison_table_output(df = df, question = question, comparison_type = comparison_type)
# Download main table ####
output$download_table <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
name <- main_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year, include_title = FALSE)
paste0(name, ".csv")
content = function(file) {
df <- main_df()
question <- input$select_question
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
main_table <- main_table_output(df = df, question = question, comparison_type = comparison_type)
main_table <- main_table$x$data
if (length(grep("_sig", colnames(main_table))) > 0) {
main_table <- main_table[,-grep("_sig", colnames(main_table))]
colnames(main_table) <- gsub("blank", "", colnames(main_table))
write.csv(main_table, file, row.names = FALSE)
# Download comparison table ####
output$download_comparison_table <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
question <- input$select_question
local_authority <- input$select_local_authority
year <- input$select_year
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
local_authority_comparator <- input$select_local_authority_comparator
year_comparator <- input$select_year_comparator
name <- comparison_title(question = question, local_authority = local_authority, year = year, comparison_type = comparison_type, local_authority_comparator = local_authority_comparator, year_comparator = year_comparator, include_title = FALSE)
paste0(name, ".csv")
content = function(file) {
df <- comparison_df()
question <- input$select_question
comparison_type <- input$select_comparison_type
comparison_table <- comparison_table_output(df = df, question = question, comparison_type = comparison_type)
comparison_table <- comparison_table$x$data
comparison_table <- comparison_table[,-grep("_sig", colnames(comparison_table))]
colnames(comparison_table) <- gsub("blank", "", colnames(comparison_table))
write.csv(comparison_table, file, row.names = FALSE)
# excel_table ####
output$excel_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
excel_df <- excel_df()
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names(excel_df, 2)
variable_column_names <- variable_column_names[2:length(variable_column_names)]
excel_df <- eval(parse(text = round_string("excel_df", variable_column_names, 1)))
excel_datatable <- DT::datatable(excel_df,
colnames = gsub("blank", "", colnames(excel_df)),
extensions = "Buttons",
options = list(
buttons = c("copy", "csv", "excel"),
dom = "Bftpl",
columnDefs = list(list(targets = c(0), visible = FALSE)),
pageLength = 50,
lengthMenu = list(c(10, 25, 50, 100, 200, -1), list('10', '25', '50', '100', '200', 'All')),
paging = TRUE
class = "display",
filter = 'top'
# CHARTS ####
# output$main_chart ####
output$main_chart <- plotly::renderPlotly({
if (!input$select_question %in% c(type_0_questions, type_4_questions)) {
df <- main_chart_df()
measure_column_name <- measure_column_name(df)
df_string <- paste0("df <- df[grep(\"All\", df$`", measure_column_name, "`, invert = TRUE),]\n",
"df <- df[grep(\"Base\", df$`", measure_column_name, "`, invert = TRUE),]\n")
df <- eval(parse(text = df_string))
gather_key <- colnames(df[2])
if (input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
line_chart_string <- paste0("ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = `", gather_key,"`, y = Percent, group = `", measure_column_name, "`, colour = `", measure_column_name, "`)) +
geom_line(size = 1, aes(text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
measure_column_name, \": \",`", measure_column_name, "`,\"\n\",
gather_key, \": \",", gather_key,"))) +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(\"transparent\"),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = \"#b8b8ba\", size = 0.3),
legend.title = element_blank(),
text = element_text(family = \"Arial\")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = shs_colours) +
labs(title = input$question, x = \"Year\")")
chart <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text = line_chart_string)))
} else if (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
bar_chart_string <- paste0("ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = `", gather_key, "`, y = `Percent`, fill = `", measure_column_name, "`, text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Group: \",", gather_key,"))) +
geom_bar(position = \"dodge\", stat = \"identity\") +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = \"#b8b8ba\", size = 0.3),
panel.background = element_rect(\"transparent\"),
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.position = \"bottom\") +
scale_fill_manual(values = shs_colours) +
labs(title = input$question, x = NULL)")
chart <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text = bar_chart_string)))
else {
chart <- NULL
if(input$ConfidenceInterval == TRUE & input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
chart <- chart + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = df$LowerConfidenceLimit,
ymax = df$UpperConfidenceLimit
width = 0.4,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9))
else if (input$ConfidenceInterval == TRUE & input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
confidence_intervals_string <- paste0("chart + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = df$LowerConfidenceLimit,
ymax = df$UpperConfidenceLimit,
text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Group: \",", gather_key,")),
width = 0.3)")
chart <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=confidence_intervals_string)))
if (input$select_question %in% c(type_1_questions, type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
if(input$zoomLevel_main == "Full scale") {
chart <- chart + ylim(0,100)
chart <- ggplotly(tooltip = "text") %>%
config(displaylogo = FALSE,
displayModeBar = TRUE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove = list("zoom2d", "pan2d", "select2d", "zoomIn2d", "zoomOut2d", "autoScale2d"))
} else {
# output$comparison_chart ####
output$comparison_chart <- plotly::renderPlotly({
if (input$select_comparison_type != "No comparison") {
if (!input$select_question %in% c(type_0_questions, type_4_questions)) {
df <- comparison_chart_df()
measure_column_name <- measure_column_name(df)
df_string <- paste0("df <- df[grep(\"All\", df$`", measure_column_name, "`, invert = TRUE),]\n",
"df <- df[grep(\"Base\", df$`", measure_column_name, "`, invert = TRUE),]\n")
df <- eval(parse(text = df_string))
gather_key <- colnames(df[2])
if (input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
line_chart_string <- paste0("ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = `", gather_key,"`, y = Percent, group = `", measure_column_name, "`, colour = `", measure_column_name, "`)) +
geom_line(size = 1, aes(text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
measure_column_name, \": \",`", measure_column_name, "`,\"\n\",
gather_key, \": \",", gather_key,"))) +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(\"transparent\"),
legend.title = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = \"#b8b8ba\", size = 0.3),
text = element_text(family = \"Arial\")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = shs_colours) +
labs(title = input$question, x = \"Year\")")
chart <- eval(parse(text = line_chart_string))
} else if (input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
bar_chart_string <- paste0("ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = `", gather_key, "`, y = `Percent`, fill = `", measure_column_name, "`, , text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Group: \",", gather_key,"
))) +
geom_bar(position = \"dodge\", stat = \"identity\") +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = \"#b8b8ba\", size = 0.3),
legend.title = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(\"transparent\"),
legend.position = \"bottom\") +
scale_fill_manual(values = shs_colours) +
labs(title = input$question, x = NULL)")
chart <- eval(parse(text = bar_chart_string))
if(input$compareConfidenceInterval == TRUE & input$select_question %in% c(type_2_questions, type_3_questions)) {
chart <- chart + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = df$LowerConfidenceLimit,
ymax = df$UpperConfidenceLimit
width = 0.4,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9))
} else if (input$compareConfidenceInterval == TRUE & input$select_question %in% type_1_questions) {
confidence_intervals_string <- paste0("chart + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = df$LowerConfidenceLimit,
ymax = df$UpperConfidenceLimit,
text = paste(\"Value: \", janitor::round_half_up(Percent, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Lower Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$LowerConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Upper Confidence Limit: \", janitor::round_half_up(df$UpperConfidenceLimit, digits = 1), \"%\", \"\n\",
\"Year: \",", gather_key,")),
width = 0.3)")
chart <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=confidence_intervals_string)))
if (input$select_question %in% c(type_0_questions, type_4_questions)) {
chart <- NULL
} else {
if(input$zoomLevel_comparator == "Full scale") {
chart <- chart + ylim(0,100)
#Removes tooltip duplicates and plotly modebar options
suppressWarnings(ggplotly(tooltip = "text") %>%
config(displaylogo = FALSE,
displayModeBar = TRUE,
modeBarButtonsToRemove = list("zoom2d", "pan2d", "select2d", "zoomIn2d", "zoomOut2d", "autoScale2d")))
# Chart help modal ####
chartModal <- modalDialog(
h4("How to use the Data Explorer charts", style = "text-align: center"),
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fhn3S7gvq8o?start=196" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'),
h4("Prefer written guidance? Go to the next page"),
actionButton("tochartModal2", "Written guidance"),
easyClose = TRUE, fade = FALSE, footer = NULL)
observeEvent(input$help, {showModal(chartModal)})
observeEvent(input$tochartModal2, {showModal(chartModal2)})
chartModal2 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
h4("How to use the Data Explorer charts"),
p(img(src = "modal_chart.png", height = "100%", width = "100%"), style = "text-align: center"),
tags$b("Whenever possible, choose full-scale Y-axis when comparing charts. Different zoomed in scales can potentially create misleading data visualisation and comparison.")
# Table help modal ####
tableModal <- modalDialog(
p(tags$h4("How go use the Data Explorer tables", style = "text-align: center"),
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fhn3S7gvq8o?start=56" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'),
h4("Prefer written guidance? Go to the next page"),
actionButton("tableModal2", "Written guidance"),
easyClose = TRUE, fade = FALSE, footer = NULL))
observeEvent(input$helpTable, {showModal(tableModal)})
observeEvent(input$tableModal2, {showModal(tableModal2)})
# Table help modal 2 ####
tableModal2 <- modalDialog(
size = "l",
h4("How to use the Data Explorer tables"),
p(img(src = "modal_table2.png", height = "70%", width = "70%"), style = "text-align: center"),
p(img(src = "sign_table.png", height = "70%", width = "70%"), style = "text-align: center"),
tags$b("Statistical significance is indicated through different coloured cells. Dark green cells indicate a statistically significantly different value to the corresponding comparator table, where light purple cells indicate that the value is statistically significantly lower.")
# output$report ####
observe ({
#update input$select_report_year_comparator by input$select_report_year. Ensures that user cannot choose same year for comparison in report.
selected_report_year <- input$select_report_year
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_report_year_comparator", label = "Year",
choices = years[!years %in% selected_report_year])
#update input$select_report_local_authority_comparator by input$select_report_local_authority. Ensures that user cannot choose same LA for comparison in report.
observe ({
selected_report_local_authority <- input$select_report_local_authority
updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "select_report_local_authority_comparator", label = "Local Authority/Scotland",
choices = local_authorities[!local_authorities %in% selected_report_local_authority])
report <- reactiveValues(filepath = NULL)
observeEvent(input$generate, {
if (any(grepl("package:kableExtra", search()))) detach("package:kableExtra", unload = TRUE)
id <- topic_titles[topic_titles$title == input$select_report_topic,]$code
tmp_dir <- tempdir()
tmp_report <- paste0(tmp_dir, "/", id, ".pdf")
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(message = "Gathering data and building report.",
detail = "This may take a while. This window will disappear
when the report is ready.", value = 1)
if (input$select_report_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
comparator <- input$select_report_local_authority_comparator
} else if (input$select_report_comparison_type == "Year") {
comparator <- input$select_report_year_comparator
} else {
comparator <- NULL
topic <- topic_titles[topic_titles$title == input$select_report_topic, ]$code
topic <- gsub("Top", "", topic)
data <- report_data_processing(topic = topic,
local_authority = input$select_report_local_authority,
year = input$select_report_year,
comparison_type = input$select_report_comparison_type,
comparator = comparator)
report_title_value <- "Scotland's People Local Authority Tables"
author_value <- topic_titles[topic_titles$title == input$select_report_topic, ]$title
date_value <- paste0(input$select_report_local_authority, " (", input$select_report_year, ")")
if (input$select_report_comparison_type == "Local Authority/Scotland") {
date_value <- paste0(date_value, " compared to ", comparator, " (", input$select_report_year, ")")
} else if (input$select_report_comparison_type == "Year") {
date_value <- paste0(date_value, " compared to ", input$select_report_local_authority, " (", comparator, ")")
params <- list(report_title = report_title_value,
author = author_value,
date = date_value,
local_authority = input$select_report_local_authority,
year = input$select_report_year,
topic_data = data,
comparison_type = input$select_report_comparison_type,
comparator = comparator)
rmarkdown::render(paste0("reports/", id, ".Rmd"),
output_format = "pdf_document",
output_file = tmp_report,
params = params,
envir = new.env()
detach("package:kableExtra", unload = TRUE)
report$filepath <- tmp_report
output$reportbuilt <- reactive({
outputOptions(output, 'reportbuilt', suspendWhenHidden= FALSE)
output$download <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0(input$select_topic, "_", Sys.Date(), ".pdf") %>%
gsub(" ", "_", .)
content = function(file) {
file.copy(report$filepath, file)
# app ####
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.