#' Create EML metadata
#' @param path (character) Path to the directory containing ecocomDP tables, conversion script, and where EML metadata will be written.
#' @param source_id (character) Identifier of a data package published in a supported repository. Currently, the EDI Data Repository is supported.
#' @param derived_id (character) Identifier of the dataset being created.
#' @param script (character) Name of file used to convert \code{source_id} to \code{derived_id}.
#' @param script_description (character) Description of \code{script}.
#' @param is_about (named character) An optional argument for specifying dataset level annotations describing what this dataset "is about".
#' @param contact (data.frame) Contact information for the person that created this ecocomDP dataset, containing these columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item givenName
#' \item surName
#' \item organizationName
#' \item electronicMailAddress
#' }
#' @param user_id (character) Identifier of user associated with \code{user_domain}.
#' @param user_domain (character) Domain (data repository) the \code{user_id} belongs to. Currently, EDI is supported.
#' @param basis_of_record (character) An optional argument to facilitate creation of a Darwin Core record from this dataset using \code{convert_to_dwca()}. Use this to define the Darwin Core property \href{https://dwc.tdwg.org/terms/#dwc:basisOfRecord}{basisOfRecord} as \href{http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/HumanObservation}{HumanObservation} or \href{http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/MachineObservation}{MachineObservation}.
#' @param url (character) URL to the publicly accessible directory containing ecocomDP tables, conversion script, and EML metadata. This argument supports direct download of the data entities by a data repository and is used for automated revisioning and publication.
#' @return An EML metadata file.
#' @details This function creates an EML record for an ecocomDP by combining metadata from \code{source_id} with boiler-plate metadata describing the ecocomDP model. Changes to the \code{source_id} EML include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{<access>} Adds \code{user_id} to the list of principals granted read and write access to the ecocomDP data package this EML describes.
#' \item \strong{<title>} Adds a note that this is a derived data package in the ecocomDP format.
#' \item \strong{<pubDate>} Adds the date this EML was created.
#' \item \strong{<abstract>} Adds a note that this is a derived data package in the ecocomDP format.
#' \item \strong{<keywordSet} Adds the "ecocomDP" keyword to enable search and discovery of all ecocomDP data packages in the data repository it is published, and 7 terms from the LTER Controlled vocabulary: "communities", "community composition", "community dynamics", "community patterns", "species composition", "species diversity", and "species richness". Darwin Core Terms listed under \code{basis_of_record} are listed and used by \code{convert_to_dwca()} to create a Darwin Core Archive of this ecocomDP data package.
#' \item \strong{<intellectualRights>} Keeps intact the original intellectual rights license \code{source_id} was released under, or uses \href{https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode}{CCO} if missing.
#' \item \strong{<taxonomicCoverage>} Appends to the taxonomic coverage element with data supplied in the ecocomDP taxon table.
#' \item \strong{<contact>} Adds the ecocomDP creator as a point of contact.
#' \item \strong{<methodStep>} Adds a note that this data package was created by the \code{script}, and adds provenance metadata noting that this is a derived dataset and describes where the \code{source_id} can be accessed.
#' \item \strong{<dataTables>} Replaces the \code{source_id} table metadata with descriptions of the the ecocomDP tables.
#' \item \strong{<otherEntity>} Adds \code{script} and \code{script_description}. otherEntities of \code{source_id} are removed.
#' \item \strong{<annotations>} Adds boilerplate annotations describing the ecocomDP at the dataset, entity, and entity attribute levels.
#' }
#' Taxa listed in the taxon table, and resolved to one of the supported authority systems (i.e. \href{https://www.itis.gov/}{ITIS}, \href{https://www.marinespecies.org/}{WORMS}, or \href{https://gbif.org}{GBIF}), will have their full taxonomic hierarchy expanded, including any common names for each level.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create directory with ecocomDP tables for create_eml()
#' mypath <- paste0(tempdir(), "/data")
#' dir.create(mypath)
#' inpts <- c(ants_L1$tables, path = mypath)
#' do.call(write_tables, inpts)
#' file.copy(system.file("extdata", "create_ecocomDP.R", package = "ecocomDP"), mypath)
#' dir(mypath)
#' # Describe, with annotations, what the source L0 dataset "is about"
#' dataset_annotations <- c(
#' `species abundance` = "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00001688",
#' Population = "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00000311",
#' `level of ecological disturbance` = "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002588",
#' `type of ecological disturbance` = "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002589")
#' # Add self as contact information incase questions arise
#' additional_contact <- data.frame(
#' givenName = 'Colin',
#' surName = 'Smith',
#' organizationName = 'Environmental Data Initiative',
#' electronicMailAddress = 'csmith@mail.com',
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Create EML
#' eml <- create_eml(
#' path = mypath,
#' source_id = "knb-lter-hfr.118.33",
#' derived_id = "edi.193.5",
#' is_about = dataset_annotations,
#' script = "create_ecocomDP.R",
#' script_description = "A function for converting knb-lter-hrf.118 to ecocomDP",
#' contact = additional_contact,
#' user_id = 'ecocomdp',
#' user_domain = 'EDI',
#' basis_of_record = "HumanObservation")
#' dir(mypath)
#' View(eml)
#' # Clean up
#' unlink(mypath, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
create_eml <- function(path,
is_about = NULL,
basis_of_record = NULL,
url = NULL) {
message("Creating EML for derived data package (" , derived_id, ")")
# Load Global Environment config --------------------------------------------
if (exists("config.repository", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
repository <- get("config.repository", envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
repository <- "EDI"
if (exists("config.environment", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
environment <- get("config.environment", envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
environment <- "production"
# Validate inputs -----------------------------------------------------------
validate_arguments(fun.name = "create_eml", fun.args = as.list(environment()))
# Parameterize --------------------------------------------------------------
# Read attributes of ecocomDP tables for reference
attr_tbl <- read_criteria()
attr_tbl <- attr_tbl[!is.na(attr_tbl$column), ]
# Get table names for this L1 dataset for use in EAL_make_eml()
data.table <- unlist(
function(x) {
ecocomDP_table <- stringr::str_detect(
paste0("(?<=.{0,10000})", x, "(?=\\.[:alnum:]*$)"))
if (any(ecocomDP_table)) {
# Arrange tables in the preferred order to be listed in the EML
fext <- unique(tools::file_ext(data.table))
preferred_order <- c(
"observation", "observation_ancillary", "location", "location_ancillary",
"taxon", "taxon_ancillary", "dataset_summary", "variable_mapping")
use_i <- preferred_order %in% tools::file_path_sans_ext(data.table)
data.table <- paste0(preferred_order[use_i], ".", fext)
# Match table names of this L1 to their boiler plate descriptions for use in
# EAL_make_eml()
descriptions <- data.table::fread(
system.file("extdata", "table_descriptions.txt", package = "ecocomDP"))
data.table.description <- descriptions$description[
# Map scripts and their descriptions to their EAL_make_eml()
# equivalents
if (!is.null(script)) {
other.entity <- script
other.entity.description <- script_description
} else {
other.entity <- NULL
other.entity.description <- NULL
# Expand url for each data object of this L1 for use in
# EAL_make_eml()
if (!is.null(url)) {
if (!is.null(data.table)) {
data.table.url <- paste0(url, "/", data.table)
if (!is.null(other.entity)) {
other.entity.url <- paste0(url, "/", other.entity)
} else {
data.table.url <- NULL
other.entity.url <- NULL
# Read L0 EML ---------------------------------------------------------------
message("Reading EML of L0 data package ", source_id)
# Create two objects of the same metadata, eml_L0 (emld list object) for
# editing, and xml_L0 (xml_document) for easy parsing
if (environment == "production") {
url_parent <- paste0(
stringr::str_replace_all(source_id, "\\.", "/"))
} else if (environment == "staging") {
url_parent <- paste0(
stringr::str_replace_all(source_id, "\\.", "/"))
eml_L0 <- EML::read_eml(url_parent)
xml_L0 <- suppressMessages(read_eml(source_id))
# Remove L0 elements that should not be inherited by the L1
eml_L0$dataset$dataTable <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$spatialRaster <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$spatialVector <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$storedProcedure <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$view <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$otherEntity <- NULL
eml_L0$additionalMetadata <- NULL
# Create L1 EML -------------------------------------------------------------
message("Creating EML of L1 data package ", derived_id)
# This will not be a full EML record, it will only contain sections of the L1
# EML to combined with the L0 EML.
# Create list of inputs to EAL_make_eml()
eal_inputs <- EAL_template_arguments(
path = system.file("extdata", "/ecocomDP", package = "ecocomDP"),
data.path = path,
data.table = data.table,
other.entity = script)
eal_inputs$path <- system.file("extdata", "/ecocomDP", package = "ecocomDP")
eal_inputs$data.path <- path
eal_inputs$eml.path <- path
eal_inputs$dataset.title <- "placeholder"
eal_inputs$data.table <- data.table
eal_inputs$data.table.name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(data.table)
eal_inputs$data.table.description <- data.table.description
eal_inputs$data.table.url <- data.table.url
eal_inputs$data.table.quote.character <- rep('"', length(data.table))
eal_inputs$other.entity <- other.entity
eal_inputs$other.entity.name <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(other.entity)
eal_inputs$other.entity.description <- other.entity.description
eal_inputs$other.entity.url <- other.entity.url
eal_inputs$package.id <- derived_id
eal_inputs$user.id <- user_id
eal_inputs$user.domain <- user_domain
eal_inputs$return.obj <- TRUE
# Remove unused data table attributes templates. All boiler plate attributes*
# files are read in with EAL_template_arguments() above, but
# only the ones being used should be kept and used in
# EAL_make_eml().
all_attribute_templates <- names(eal_inputs$x$template)[
expected_attribute_templates <- paste0(
stringr::str_remove(data.table, "\\.[:alnum:]*$"),
unused_attribute_templates <- all_attribute_templates[
!(all_attribute_templates %in% expected_attribute_templates)]
names(eal_inputs$x$template) %in% unused_attribute_templates] <- NULL
# Detect date and time format string directly from each table and add to the
# corresponding data table attributes template as required by
# EAL_make_eml().
for (i in expected_attribute_templates) {
date_column <- eal_inputs$x$template[[i]]$content$attributeName[
eal_inputs$x$template[[i]]$content$class == "Date"]
if (length(date_column) != 0) {
data_table <- which(
stringr::str_extract(i, "(?<=attributes_).*(?=\\.txt)"),
datetime <- eal_inputs$x$data.table[[data_table]]$content[[date_column]]
datetime_format <- parse_datetime_frmt_from_vals(datetime)
if ((is.null(datetime_format)) & (i != "attributes_observation.txt")) { # Default to observation table's datetime format specifier if no date time in ancillary tables. This prevents an EML schema validation error, where datetime attributes must have a format specified
use_i <- eal_inputs$x$template[["attributes_observation.txt"]]$content$dateTimeFormatString != ""
datetime_format <- eal_inputs$x$template[["attributes_observation.txt"]]$content$dateTimeFormatString[use_i]
eal_inputs$x$template[[i]]$content$attributeName == date_column] <-
# Get table attributes and definitions from EML then create catvars templates for each data table of this dataset
defs <- get_attr_defs(xml_L0)
r <- lapply(
function(tbl) {
has_varname <- "variable_name" %in% colnames(eal_inputs$x$data.table[[tbl]]$content)
if (has_varname) {
univars <- unique(eal_inputs$x$data.table[[tbl]]$content$variable_name)
unidefs <- defs[names(defs) %in% univars]
if (length(unidefs) == 0) { # FIXME sometimes there's no match, but could use variable_mapping vals if exists
unidefs <- rep("NA", length(univars))
catvars_template <- data.frame(
attributeName = "variable_name",
code = univars,
definition = unname(unidefs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
return(list(content = catvars_template))
} else {
catvars_template <- data.frame(
attributeName = "variable_name",
code = names(unidefs),
definition = unname(unidefs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
return(list(content = catvars_template))
names(r) <- paste0("catvars_", tools::file_path_sans_ext(names(eal_inputs$x$data.table)), ".txt")
r <- Filter(Negate(is.null), r)
eal_inputs$x$template <- c(eal_inputs$x$template, r)
# Create the taxonomic_coverage template used by EAL_make_eml()
# from the taxon table of ecocomDP.
f <- stringr::str_subset(
taxon <- eal_inputs$x$data.table[[f]]$content
# Handle exceptions
if (!is.null(taxon$authority_system)) { # Default to taxonRankValue if missing authority cols
authsys <- taxon$authority_system
} else {
authsys <- NA_character_
if (!is.null(taxon$authority_taxon_id)) {
authid <- taxon$authority_taxon_id
} else {
authid <- NA_character_
authsys <- ifelse(is.na(authid), NA_character_, authsys) # Default to taxonRankValue if missing any required authority values
authid <- ifelse(is.na(authsys), NA_character_, authid)
taxonomic_coverage <- data.frame(
name = taxon$taxon_name,
name_type = "scientific",
name_resolved = taxon$taxon_name,
authority_system = authsys,
authority_id = authid,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
eal_inputs$x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt$content <- taxonomic_coverage
# The annotations template read in with EAL_template_arguments()
# serves as a map from tables of this L1 to the boilerplate annotations
# which are compiled here.
annotations_map <- eal_inputs$x$template$annotations.txt$content
annotations <- annotations_map[0, ]
annotations <- rbind(
annotations_map[annotations_map$context %in% "eml", ])
if (!is.null(is_about)) {
additional_dataset_annotations <- data.frame(
id = "/dataset",
element = "/dataset",
context = "eml",
subject = "dataset",
predicate_label = "is about",
predicate_uri = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000136",
object_label = names(is_about),
object_uri = unname(is_about),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annotations <- rbind(annotations, additional_dataset_annotations)
other_entity_annotations <- data.frame(
id = paste0("/", script),
element = "/otherEntity",
context = "dataset",
subject = script,
predicate_label = "is about",
predicate_uri = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000136",
object_label = "analysis code",
object_uri = "http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002489",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
annotations <- rbind(annotations, other_entity_annotations)
for (i in data.table) {
table <- stringr::str_remove(i, "\\.[:alpha:]*$")
annotations_subset <- dplyr::filter(
subject %in% table | context %in% table)
table_annotations <- annotations_subset[
annotations_subset$subject %in%
c(colnames(eal_inputs$x$data.table[[i]]$content), table), ]
table_annotations$id <- stringr::str_replace(
paste0("(?<=/)", table, "(?=$|/)"),
table_annotations$context <- stringr::str_replace(
table_annotations$context, table, i)
table_annotations$subject <- stringr::str_replace(
table_annotations$subject, paste0("^", table, "$"), i)
annotations <- rbind(annotations, table_annotations)
variable_mapping <- stringr::str_subset(
if (length(variable_mapping) != 0) {
tblnms_varmap <- eal_inputs$x$data.table[[variable_mapping]]$content$table_name # remove missing tables from variable_mapping
tblnms_input <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(data.table)
tbls2keep <- tblnms_varmap %in% tblnms_input
eal_inputs$x$data.table[[variable_mapping]]$content <- eal_inputs$x$data.table[[variable_mapping]]$content[tbls2keep, ]
variable_mappings_annotations <- lapply(
function(table) {
variable_mapping_subset <- dplyr::filter(
table_name == table)
file_name <- stringr::str_subset(
paste0(table, "\\.[:alpha:]*$"))
if (!is.null(variable_mapping_subset$mapped_label)) { # Handle missing columns
objlbl <- variable_mapping_subset$mapped_label
} else {
objlbl <- ""
if (!is.null(variable_mapping_subset$mapped_id)) {
objuri <- variable_mapping_subset$mapped_id
} else {
objuri <- ""
annotation <- data.frame(
id = paste0("/", file_name, "/variable_name"),
element = "/dataTable/attribute",
context = file_name,
subject = "variable_name",
predicate_label = "is about",
predicate_uri = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/IAO_0000136",
object_label = objlbl,
object_uri = objuri,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Remove duplicate annotations or the variable_name attribute (a column
# containing multiple variables as apart of a "long" table) will have
# more than one of the same annotation
annotation <- dplyr::distinct(
.keep_all = TRUE)
annotations <- rbind(
annotations[annotations == ""] <- NA_character_
annotations <- annotations[stats::complete.cases(annotations), ]
eal_inputs$x$template$annotations.txt$content <- annotations
# Only include metadata for existing columns (attributes)
for (i in data.table) {
table <- stringr::str_remove(i, "\\.[:alpha:]*$")
tmplt <- paste0("attributes_", table, ".txt")
attrnms <- eal_inputs$x$template[[tmplt]]$content$attributeName
colnms <- colnames(eal_inputs$x$data.table[[i]]$content)
attrs_to_keep <- attrnms %in% colnms
eal_inputs$x$template[[tmplt]]$content <- eal_inputs$x$template[[tmplt]]$content[attrs_to_keep, ]
# Call EAL_make_eml()
eml_L1 <- suppressWarnings(
names(eal_inputs) %in% names(formals(EAL_make_eml))])))
# Update <eml> --------------------------------------------------------------
eml_L0$schemaLocation <- paste0(
"https://eml.ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.2.0 ",
eml_L0$packageId <- derived_id
eml_L0$system <- "edi"
# Update <access> -----------------------------------------------------------
# Access control rules are used by some repositories to manage
# editing, viewing, downloading permissions. Adding the user_id and
# user_domain here expands editing permission to the creator of the DwC-A
# data package this EML will be apart of.
# A patch for EML::read_eml() handling of nodes with 1 child vs > 1 child
if (!is.null(names(eml_L0$access$allow))) {
eml_L0$access$allow <- list(eml_L0$access$allow)
eml_L0$access$allow <- unique(
# Update <dataset> ----------------------------------------------------------
# For purposes of annotation references, the <dataset> attribute (which may
# have been set by the L0 creator) needs to be set to "dataset", which is
# expected by the L1 dataset annotation.
eml_L0$dataset$id <- "dataset"
# Remove <alternateIdentifier> ----------------------------------------------
# Some repositories assign a DOI to this element. Not removing it here
# an error when uploading to the repository.
message(" <dataset>")
message(" <alternateIdentifier>")
eml_L0$dataset$alternateIdentifier <- NULL
# Update <title> ------------------------------------------------------------
# Add notification the user that this is an ecocomDP data package
message(" <title>")
eml_L0$dataset$title <- paste(
eml_L0$dataset$title, "(Reformatted to the ecocomDP Design Pattern)")
# Update <pubDate> ----------------------------------------------------------
message(" <pubDate>")
eml_L0$dataset$pubDate <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
# Updating <abstract> -------------------------------------------------------
# Add link to L0 data packages and combine L0 and L1 abstracts
eml_L1$dataset$abstract$para[[1]] <- stringr::str_replace(
L1_para <- eml_L1$dataset$abstract$para[[1]]
L0_para <- xml2::xml_text(
xml2::xml_find_all(xml_L0, ".//abstract//para"))
eml_L0$dataset$abstract <- NULL
eml_L0$dataset$abstract$para <- c(
# Update <keywordSet> -------------------------------------------------------
# Add ecocomDP specific keywords to the L0 keywords
message(" <keywordSet>")
# Two options for combining keyword sets, because of variation in the return
# from EML::read_eml() (i.e. lists nodes when length > 1, and unlists when
# length = 1).
if (!is.null(names(eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet))) {
eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet <- c(list(eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet),
} else {
eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet <- c(eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet,
# Add Darwin Core basisOfRecord
if (!is.null(basis_of_record)) {
eml_L0$dataset$keywordSet <- c(
keywordThesaurus = "Darwin Core Terms",
keyword = as.list(paste0("basisOfRecord: ", basis_of_record)))))
# Update <intellectualRights> -----------------------------------------------
# Use parent intellectual rights or CC0 if none exists
if (is.null(eml_L0$dataset$intellectualRights)) {
message(" <intellectualRights>")
eml_L0$dataset$intellectualRights <- eml_L2$dataset$intellectualRights
# Update <taxonomicCoverage> ------------------------------------------------
# Combine taxonomic coverage of L0 and L1. While this may provide redundant
# information, there isn't any harm in this.
# Two options for combining taxonomic classifications, because of variation
# in the return from EML::read_eml() (i.e. lists nodes when length > 1, and
# unlists when length = 1).
if (!is.null(names(eml_L0$dataset$coverage$taxonomicCoverage$taxonomicClassification))) {
eml_L0$dataset$coverage$taxonomicCoverage$taxonomicClassification <- c(
} else {
eml_L0$dataset$coverage$taxonomicCoverage$taxonomicClassification <- c(
# Update <contact> ----------------------------------------------------------
# Add ecocomDP creator to list of contacts
message(" <contact>")
eml_L0$dataset$contact <- c(
individualName = list(
givenName = contact$givenName,
surName = contact$surName),
organizationName = contact$organizationName,
electronicMailAddress = contact$electronicMailAddress)),
# Update <methods> ----------------------------------------------------------
# Update parent methods with ecocomDP creation process and provenance
# metadata to provide the user with a full understanding of how these data
# were created
message(" <methods>")
# Parse components to be reordered and combined for the L1
methods_L1 <- eml_L1$dataset$methods$methodStep
# Get provenance metadata
r <- suppressMessages(
package.id = source_id,
environment = environment))
xml2::xml_set_attrs(xml2::xml_find_all(r, ".//*[@id]"), c(id = NULL)) # Remove attributes to prevent id clashing and schema invalidation
r <- EML::read_eml(r)
provenance_L1 <- list(
dataSource = r$dataSource,
description = r$description)
# Remove any provenance nodes from the L0 metadata, otherwise they will be
# transferred to the L1 metadata, which would be an inaccurate representation
# of the provenance chain.
method_steps <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_L0, "./dataset/methods/methodStep")
prov <- unlist(lapply(method_steps, is_prov))
eml_L0$dataset$methods$methodStep <- eml_L0$dataset$methods$methodStep[!prov]
# Combine L1 methods, L0 methods, and L0 provenance
eml_L0$dataset$methods$methodStep <- c(
# Update <dataTable> --------------------------------------------------------
message(" <dataTable>")
eml_L0$dataset$dataTable <- eml_L1$dataset$dataTable
# Update <otherEntity> ------------------------------------------------------
message(" <otherEntity>")
eml_L0$dataset$otherEntity <- eml_L1$dataset$otherEntity
# Update <annotations> ------------------------------------------------------
message(" <annotations>")
eml_L0$annotations <- eml_L1$annotations
# Write EML -----------------------------------------------------------------
message("Writing EML")
paste0(path, "/", derived_id, ".xml"))
# Validate EML --------------------------------------------------------------
message("Validating EML")
r <- EML::eml_validate(eml_L0)
if (isTRUE(r)) {
message(" Validation passed :)")
} else {
message(" Validation failed :(")
# Return --------------------------------------------------------------------
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