# @describeIn map_neon_data_to_ecocomDP This method will retrieve count data for HERPTILE taxa from neon.data.product.id DP1.10022.001 from the NEON data portal and map to the ecocomDP format
# mapping function for HERPS
map_neon.ecocomdp.10022.001.002 <- function(
neon.data.product.id = "DP1.10022.001",
#NEON target taxon group is HERPS
neon_method_id <- "neon.ecocomdp.10022.001.002"
# make sure neon.data.list matches the method
neon.data.product.id %>% gsub("^DP1\\.","",.) %>% gsub("\\.001$","",.),
names(neon.data.list)))) stop(
"This dataset does not appeaer to be sourced from NEON ",
" and cannot be mapped using method ",
### Get the Data
bycatch_raw <- neon.data.list
### Wrangle Field Data
# 1. Get the fielddata table that contains metadata for all sampling events.
# 1. Clean up the trappingDays, which is a metric of catch per unit effort
# 1. Clean eventID that provides the unique key for the events.
# 1. Select the important variables and toss the rest.
# 1. Calculate trappingDays as the length of time a pitfall trap was set
tidy_fielddata <- tidyr::as_tibble(bycatch_raw$bet_fielddata) # get field data
tidy_fielddata <- tidy_fielddata %>%
dplyr::select(namedLocation, # select needed variables
domainID, siteID, plotID, plotType, trapID, nlcdClass,
decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude,
geodeticDatum, coordinateUncertainty,
elevation, elevationUncertainty,
setDate, collectDate, eventID, trappingDays,
sampleCollected, sampleID, sampleCondition,
samplingImpractical, remarksFielddata = remarks,
release, publicationDate) %>%
dplyr::mutate(eventID_raw = eventID,
eventID = stringr::str_remove_all(eventID, "[.]")) %>% # remove periods from eventID's (cleans an inconsistency)
dplyr::mutate(trappingDays = # add sampling effort in days (trappingdays)
lubridate::ymd(collectDate)) %/%
# 1. Make object with cleaned up serial bouts
# There are some traps that have multiple bouts for the same setDate. This is
# indicated by having the same setDate but different collectDates for a trap.
# This indicates that the traps were reset to being open and sampling after a bout.
# This serial sampling can also be seen by having unique eventIDs for each of these
# serial bouts. To remedy this situation, trapping days should be calculated from
# the previous collectDate, not the recorded setDate. To do this:
adjTrappingDays <- tidy_fielddata %>%
dplyr::select(namedLocation, trapID, setDate, collectDate, trappingDays, eventID) %>%
dplyr::group_by(namedLocation, trapID, setDate) %>%
dplyr::filter(dplyr::n_distinct(collectDate) > 1) %>% # filter those with more than one collectDate
dplyr::mutate(totalSerialBouts = dplyr::n_distinct(collectDate))
if(nrow(adjTrappingDays) > 0){
#1. take the difference and use this as the new trapping days
adjTrappingDays <- adjTrappingDays %>%
dplyr::mutate(diffTrappingDays = # as long as there are only 2 bouts this works
trappingDays - min(trappingDays)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(adjTrappingDays = # if the difference is 0 then trappingDays
dplyr::case_when(diffTrappingDays == 0 ~ trappingDays,
TRUE ~ diffTrappingDays)) # otherwise use the difference
# 1. Drop some columns from adjTrappingDays
adjTrappingDays <- adjTrappingDays %>% # drop some columns
dplyr::select(-c(trappingDays, diffTrappingDays, totalSerialBouts))
# 1. Join trapping days to adjTrappingDays
tidy_fielddata <- dplyr::left_join(tidy_fielddata, adjTrappingDays)
tidy_fielddata$adjTrappingDays <- NA_real_
#1. Adjust the trapping days
tidy_fielddata <- tidy_fielddata %>%
dplyr::mutate(trappingDays =
dplyr::case_when(!is.na(adjTrappingDays) ~ adjTrappingDays, # use adjTrappingDays
TRUE ~ trappingDays # otherwise just use trappingDays
)) %>% dplyr::select(-adjTrappingDays) # clean up the variables
# 1. Change collectDate to the date that majority of traps were collected on
Mode <- function(x) { # calculate mode of a column/vector
ux <- unique(x)
ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]
tidy_fielddata <- tidy_fielddata %>%
dplyr::group_by(eventID) %>%
dplyr::mutate(collectDate = Mode(collectDate)) %>%
# 1. Create a boutID that identifies all trap collection events at a site
# in the same bout (replacing eventID).
# there are some sites for which all traps were set and collect on the
# same date, but have multiple eventID's
# we want to consider that as all one bout so we create a new ID based on
# the site and collectDate
tidy_fielddata <- tidyr::unite(tidy_fielddata, boutID, siteID,
collectDate, remove = FALSE) #%>%
#dplyr::select(-eventID) # beetles dropped the eventID, here I keep it
### Wrangle the Sorting data ###
# 1. join with bet_sorting that has the bycatch in each sample
tidy_sorting <- bycatch_raw$bet_sorting %>% # select the variables that make the most sense to keep
dplyr::select(uid, sampleID, subsampleID, sampleType, taxonID, scientificName,
taxonRank, identificationReferences, individualCount,
nativeStatusCode, remarksSorting = remarks) %>%
### Produce the Full Data Set ###
# 1. perform full_join on fielddata and sorting to make sure to get all the sampleIDs and remove missing sampleIDs
data_herp_bycatch <- tidy_fielddata %>%
dplyr::full_join(tidy_sorting) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(sampleID)) # remove all of the sampleIDs that are NAs
# 1. Clean up the data_herp_bycatch so that it is focused on vert bycatch herp
# sampleType provides the categories
data_herp_bycatch <- data_herp_bycatch %>%
dplyr::mutate(sampleType =
dplyr::case_when(is.na(sampleType) ~ "no data collected", # add a level for the missing sorting data
TRUE ~ sampleType)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(sampleCondition =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ sampleCondition)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(samplingImpractical =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ samplingImpractical)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(remarksFielddata =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ remarksFielddata)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(subsampleID =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ subsampleID)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(taxonID =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ taxonID)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(taxonRank =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ taxonRank)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(scientificName =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ scientificName)) %>%
# mutate(identificationQualifier =
# case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
# TRUE ~ identificationQualifier)) %>%
# mutate(morphospeciesID =
# case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
# TRUE ~ morphospeciesID)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(identificationReferences =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ identificationReferences)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(nativeStatusCode =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ nativeStatusCode)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(remarksSorting =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType!="vert bycatch herp" ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ remarksSorting))
# 1. Decide if you don't care about any of the other sampleTypes
# browser()
# if(group_nonherps) { # group all nonherps
data_herp_bycatch <- data_herp_bycatch %>%
dplyr::mutate(sampleType =
dplyr::case_when(sampleType != "vert bycatch herp" ~ "not herp", # add a level for the missing sorting data
TRUE ~ sampleType)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(sampleID, sampleType, scientificName) %>%
dplyr::mutate(individualCount_sum = sum(individualCount, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% # sum up all of the not herps
dplyr::mutate(individualCount_sum = dplyr::na_if(individualCount_sum, 0)) %>% # put NA back in the fielddata with missing sorting data
dplyr::mutate(individualCount = individualCount_sum) %>% # replace with the new cout
dplyr::select(-individualCount_sum) %>% # clean up
dplyr::ungroup() # clean up
# }
# 1. Remove the redundant rows
data_herp_bycatch <- dplyr::distinct(data_herp_bycatch)
# #1. Only want samples with herps
data_herp_bycatch <- dplyr::filter(data_herp_bycatch, sampleType == "vert bycatch herp",
(is.na(sampleCondition) | sampleCondition == "OK")) %>%
# -boutID, # just siteID and colectDate
-sampleCollected, # all Y
# -sampleID,
-sampleCondition, -samplingImpractical,
-eventID_raw, -subsampleID,
-sampleType # all "vert bycatch herp"
#location ----
table_location_raw <- data_herp_bycatch %>%
dplyr::select(domainID, siteID, namedLocation,
plotID, plotType,
decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, elevation,
nlcdClass, geodeticDatum) %>%
table_location <- make_neon_location_table(
loc_info = table_location_raw,
loc_col_names = c("domainID", "siteID", "plotID", "namedLocation"))
table_location_ancillary <- make_neon_ancillary_location_table(
loc_info = table_location_raw,
loc_col_names = c("domainID", "siteID", "plotID", "namedLocation"),
ancillary_var_names = c("namedLocation", "plotType", "nlcdClass", "geodeticDatum"))
# taxon ----
my_dots <- list(...)
if("token" %in% names(my_dots)){
my_token <- my_dots$token
my_token <- NA
# get HERP taxon table from NEON
neon_taxon_table <- neonUtilities::getTaxonTable(
taxonType = "HERPETOLOGY", token = my_token) %>%
dplyr::filter(taxonID %in% data_herp_bycatch$taxonID)
table_taxon <- neon_taxon_table %>%
dplyr::select(taxonID, taxonRank, scientificName, nameAccordingToID) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(taxonID)) %>%
dplyr::rename(taxon_id = taxonID,
taxon_rank = taxonRank,
taxon_name = scientificName,
authority_system = nameAccordingToID) %>%
# observation ----
my_package_id <- paste0(neon_method_id, ".", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
table_observation_wide_all <- data_herp_bycatch %>%
# dplyr::rename(location_id, plotID, trapID) %>%
dplyr::rename(location_id = namedLocation) %>%
# package id
package_id = my_package_id,
# neon_trap_id = trapID
) %>%
dplyr:: rename(
observation_id = uid,
datetime = setDate,
taxon_id = taxonID,
value = individualCount/trappingDays) %>%
# event_id = observation_id,
variable_name = "abundance",
unit = "count per trap day") %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
event_id = sampleID
# neon_event_id = paste0(location_id, "_", neon_trap_id, "_", gsub("^(?i)[a-z]{4}_","",boutID))
) %>%
table_observation <- table_observation_wide_all %>%
unit) %>%
table_observation_ancillary <- make_neon_ancillary_observation_table(
obs_wide = table_observation_wide_all,
ancillary_var_names = c(
# data summary ----
# make dataset_summary -- required table
years_in_data <- table_observation$datetime %>% lubridate::year()
# years_in_data %>% ordered()
table_dataset_summary <- data.frame(
package_id = table_observation$package_id[1],
original_package_id = neon.data.product.id,
length_of_survey_years = max(years_in_data) - min(years_in_data) + 1,
number_of_years_sampled = years_in_data %>% unique() %>% length(),
std_dev_interval_betw_years = years_in_data %>%
unique() %>% sort() %>% diff() %>% stats::sd(),
max_num_taxa = table_taxon$taxon_id %>% unique() %>% length()
# return tables ----
out_list <- list(
location = table_location,
location_ancillary = table_location_ancillary,
taxon = table_taxon,
observation = table_observation,
observation_ancillary = table_observation_ancillary,
dataset_summary = table_dataset_summary)
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