##' Apply a function across space
##' Apply a function across the spatial dimension of a \code{"pField"} or
##' \code{"pTs"} object by using \code{apply} on the rows of the object. The
##' result of this gives a \code{"pTs"} vector object, i.e. a single time
##' series.
##' Input columns which only contain NA values are stripped befor applying the
##' function. If only one non-NA column is present, this column is returned
##' unchanged with a warning.
##' @param data a \code{"pField"} or \code{"pTs"} object.
##' @param FUN the function to be applied.
##' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{FUN}.
##' @return a single \code{"pTs"} time series with the results of the function
##' applied.
##' @source Function copied from "basis.R" in paleolibary/src/.
##' @author Thomas Laepple
##' @examples
##' x <- pField(data = array(rnorm(10 * 10 * 100), dim = c(10, 10, 100)),
##' time = 1 : 100, lat = 1 : 10, lon = 1 : 10)
##' ApplySpace(x, sd)
##' x <- x[, 1 : 15]
##' ApplySpace(x, sd)
##' @aliases applyspace ApplySpace
##' @export applyspace ApplySpace
ApplySpace <- function(data, FUN, ...) {
# Input error checking
if (!is.pField(data) & !is.pTs(data)) {
stop("Input is whether pField nor pTs object.")
if (is.null(dim(data))) {
stop("Input is not a matrix.")
if (ncol(data) == 1) {
stop("Cannot apply across space: input has only one spatial dimension.")
# Checking number of non-NA columns
index <- which(!is.na(colSums(data)))
if (length(index) == 0) {
stop("No non-NA columns in input to apply FUN on.")
if (length(index) == 1) {
warning("Only 1 non-NA column in input; ",
"returning original data from there.")
return(data[, index])
# Parse history attribute
arg <- deparse(match.call()[-c(1, 2)])
nam <- trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", paste(arg, collapse = "")))
hist <- sprintf("ApplySpace: %s", nam)
# Apply across space
ts <- apply(data[, index], 1, FUN, ...)
attr(ts, "history") <- GetHistory(data)
res <- pTs(data = ts, time = stats::time(data),
name = GetName(data), history = hist)
applyspace <- function(...) {
warning("applyspace is deprecated and replaced with ApplySpace
to comply with ECUS R style guide.")
##' Apply a function across time
##' Apply a function across the temporal dimension of a \code{"pField"} or
##' \code{"pTs"} object by using \code{apply} on the columns of the
##' object. Depending on the output of the applied function, this gives a
##' \code{"pField"} or \code{"pTs"} object with only one, or with several time
##' steps.
##' @param data a \code{"pField"} or \code{"pTs"} object.
##' @param FUN the function to be applied.
##' @param newtime the observation time point(s) of the result. For \code{NULL}
##' (the default), the average of the time points in \code{data} is used,
##' if the applied function yields an aggregated result (i.e. one time step),
##' and the original time points in \code{data} if the result has as many time
##' steps as the input data. For other cases, you need to provide the
##' respective new time axis here.
##' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{FUN}.
##' @return a \code{"pField"} or \code{"pTs"} object with the results of the
##' function applied.
##' @source Function copied from "basis.R" in paleolibary/src/.
##' @author Thomas Laepple
##' @examples
##' x <- pField(data = array(rnorm(10 * 10 * 100), dim = c(10, 10, 100)),
##' time = 1 : 100, lat = 1 : 10, lon = 1 : 10)
##' y <- ApplyTime(x, mean)
##' # subset incompletely to create a pTs object
##' x.pts <- x[, 1 : 15]
##' y.pts <- ApplyTime(x.pts, mean) # is the same as y[, 1 : 15]
##' # you need to supply a new time axis e.g. for use cases such as
##' y <- ApplyTime(x, range, newtime = c(1, 2))
##' @aliases applytime ApplyTime
##' @export applytime ApplyTime
ApplyTime <- function(data, FUN, newtime = NULL, ...) {
# Input error checking
if (!is.pField(data) & !is.pTs(data)) {
stop("Input is whether pField nor pTs object.")
if (is.null(dim(data))) {
stop("Input is not a matrix.")
if (nrow(data) == 1) {
stop("Cannot apply across time: input has only one temporal dimension.")
# Parse history attribute
if (is.null(newtime)) {argpos <- 1 : 2} else {argpos <- c(1, 2, 4)}
arg <- deparse(match.call()[-argpos])
nam <- trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", paste(arg, collapse = "")))
hist <- sprintf("ApplyTime: %s", nam)
# Apply across time
field <- apply(data, 2, FUN, ...)
attr(field, "history") <- GetHistory(data)
# Set output time step
nt <- ifelse(is.null(dim(field)), 1, nrow(field))
if (is.null(newtime)) {
if (nt == 1) {
newtime <- mean(stats::time(data))
} else if (nt == nrow(data)) {
newtime <- stats::time(data)
} else {
stop("Need to provide a new time axis for result of apply operation.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (length(newtime) != nt) {
stop("Provided time axis does not match result of apply operation.",
call. = FALSE)
# Shape into field
if (is.pField(data)) {
res <- pField(data = t(field), time = newtime,
lat = GetLat(data), lon = GetLon(data),
name = GetName(data), history = hist)
} else {
if (length(newtime) == 1) {
dim(field) <- c(1, ncol(data))
res <- pTs(data = field, time = newtime,
lat = GetLat(data), lon = GetLon(data),
name = GetName(data), history = hist)
applytime <- function(...) {
warning("applytime is deprecated and replaced with ApplyTime
to comply with ECUS R style guide.")
##' Apply function on two fields
##' Apply a function, which expects two arguments, row-wise, i.e. across space,
##' on two \code{"pField"} objects. The result of this gives a \code{"pField"}
##' object with only one time step.
##' Note that the currect implementation expects both fields to have the exact
##' same time basis, latitudes and longitudes; any differences will result in an
##' error.
##' @param fld1 a \code{"pField"} object.
##' @param fld2 a \code{"pField"} object.
##' @param FUN the function to be applied on \code{fld1} and \code{fld2}.
##' @param newtime Specify the observation time point corresponding to the
##' resulting \code{"pField"} object. For \code{NULL} (the default), the average
##' of the time points in \code{fld1} is used.
##' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{FUN}.
##' @return a \code{"pField"} object with the results of the function applied.
##' @author Thomas Münch
##' @examples
##' x <- pField(data = array(rnorm(10 * 10 * 100), dim = c(10, 10, 100)),
##' time = 1 : 100, lat = 1 : 10, lon = 1 : 10)
##' y <- pField(data = array(rnorm(10 * 10 * 100), dim = c(10, 10, 100)),
##' time = 1 : 100, lat = 1 : 10, lon = 1 : 10)
##' z <- ApplyFields(x, y, cor)
##' @export
ApplyFields <- function(fld1, fld2, FUN, newtime = NULL, ...) {
# Validate input
if (!is.pField(fld1) | !is.pField(fld2)) {
stop("Input fields must be pField objects.")
# Check dimensions of input objects
if (sum(dim(fld1)) != sum(dim(fld2))) {
stop("Supplied fields have different dimensions.")
# Check fields for same time and Lat-Lon basis
if (max(abs(c(stats::time(fld1)) - c(stats::time(fld2)))) != 0) {
stop("Supplied fields have different observation times.")
if (max(abs(GetLat(fld1) - GetLat(fld2))) != 0) {
stop("Supplied fields have different latitudes.")
if (max(abs(GetLon(fld1) - GetLon(fld2))) != 0) {
stop("Supplied fields have different longitudes.")
if (is.null(newtime)) {
newtime <- mean(stats::time(fld1))
# Convert to data frames for use in mapply
x <- as.data.frame(fld1)
y <- as.data.frame(fld2)
# Apply FUN
more.args <- list(...)
if (length(more.args) == 0) more.args <- NULL
field <- mapply(FUN, x, y, MoreArgs = more.args,
attr(field, "history") <- c(
sprintf("A (%s):", GetName(fld1)), GetHistory(fld1),
sprintf("B (%s):", GetName(fld2)), GetHistory(fld2))
res <- pField(data = field, time = newtime,
lat = GetLat(fld1), lon = GetLon(fld1),
name = paste(GetName(fld1), GetName(fld2), sep = ", "),
history = paste0(as.character(substitute(FUN)), "(",
GetName(fld1), ", ", GetName(fld2), ")"))
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