# function for download geodata
getgeodataApp <- function() {
geopath <- base::readline("path to dep6:")
main_folders <- lapply(
X = list.dirs(
path = paste(geopath, "GeoData", "data", sep = "/"),
recursive = F,
full.names = F
FUN = function(x){
gsub("\\./", "", x)
sub_folders <- lapply(main_folders, function(x) {
subs <- gsub("\\./",
path = file.path(paste(geopath, "GeoData", "data", sep = "/"), x),
recursive = FALSE,
full.names = FALSE
# Filter out unwanted subfolders (e.g., _archive)
subfolders <- subs[!subs %in% c("_archive")]
names(sub_folders) <- main_folders
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::titlePanel("Show And Download Geodata"),
shiny::selectInput("mainfolder", "Select Mainfolder:",
choices = c(None='.', main_folders), width = "100%"),
shinyFiles::shinyDirButton("directory", "Choose Directory and Download", "Please select a directory")
shiny::uiOutput("iframeOutput") # Dynamic iframe
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Update subfolder choices based on selected mainfolder
observeEvent(input$mainfolder, {
shiny::subfolders <- sub_folders[[input$mainfolder]] # Access subfolder list by mainfolder name
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, "subfolder",
choices = c(None='.', subfolders))
# Render the subfolder selectInput dynamically based on the selected mainfolder
output$subfolderUI <- renderUI({
shiny::selectInput("subfolder", "Select Subfolder:",
choices = NULL) # Initially empty; will be updated based on mainfolder
shinyFiles::shinyDirChoose(input, "directory", roots = c(home = getwd()), session = session)
selected_dir <- shiny::reactive({
shinyFiles::parseDirPath(c(home = getwd()), input$directory)
full_path <- shiny::reactive({
file.path(paste(geopath, "GeoData", "data", sep = "/"), paste(input$mainfolder,input$subfolder, # selected_dir()
sep = "/"))
shiny::observeEvent(input$directory, {
req(full_path(), selected_dir())
# Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
base::dir.create(path = selected_dir(), showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
# Get the size of the file for progress tracking (if it's a single file)
file_size <- sum(sapply(list.files(full_path(), full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE), file.size))
files_to_copy <- list.files(full_path(), full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE)
# Show a progress bar that updates based on real copy time
shiny::withProgress(message = 'Copying files...', value = 0, {
num_files <- length(files_to_copy)
if (num_files == 0) {
shiny::showNotification("No files to copy!", type = "warning")
# Copy each file and update the progress
for (i in seq_along(files_to_copy)) {
file.copy(from = files_to_copy[i], to = selected_dir(), overwrite = TRUE)
# Update the progress bar
shiny::incProgress(1 / num_files, detail = paste("Copying file", i, "of", num_files))
# Notify user that the folder has been copied
shiny::showNotification(paste("Folder copied to:", selected_dir()), type = "message")
# Render the iframe dynamically based on the selected mainfolder and subfolder
output$iframeOutput <- shiny::renderUI({
if (!is.null(input$subfolder)) {
url <- paste0("https://ecodynizw.github.io/posts_geodata/", input$subfolder)
src = url,
style = "width:100%;height:600px;border:none;"
} else {
tags$p("No subfolder selected.")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.