
Defines functions doyToDate scaleMat rtPalette checkGDAL getProv setBib depthList

Documented in checkGDAL doyToDate getProv rtPalette scaleMat setBib

#' Translate 'day of the year' to a date
#' @param year [\code{integerish(1)}]\cr a year value as part of the date.
#' @param doy [\code{integerish(1)}]\cr the day of the year for which you want
#'   the date
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{POSIXct}}.
#' @examples
#' aDate <- doyToDate(year = 2000, doy = 055)
#' @export

doyToDate <- function(year, doy){

  if(!is.numeric(year)) year <- as.numeric(year)
  if(!is.numeric(doy)) doy <- as.numeric(doy)
  if(length(year) != length(doy)) year <- rep_len(year, length(doy))

  leap_year <- seq(from = 1904, to = 2196, by = 4)
  theMonths <- NULL
  theDays <- NULL

  for(i in seq_along(doy)){
    if(year[i] %in% leap_year){
      daysPerMonth <- c(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
    } else{
      daysPerMonth <- c(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
    days <- c(0, cumsum(daysPerMonth))

    month <- max(which(doy[i] > days))
    theMonths <- c(theMonths, month)

    day <- doy[i] - days[month]
    theDays <- c(theDays, day)

  return(ISOdate(year, theMonths, theDays, hour = 0, tz = "GMT"))

#' Scale values
#' Scale the values of a matrix to a specific range
#' @param mat [\code{matrix(1)}]\cr the matrix, in which values shall be scaled
#'   to \code{range}.
#' @param range [\code{integerish(2)}]\cr the range, to which values in
#'   \code{mat} should be scaled to.
#' @return a matrix of scaled values.
#' @export

scaleMat <- function(mat, range = NULL){
  assertNumeric(range, any.missing = FALSE, len = 2)
  # scale to range
  out <- scaleMatrixC(mat, range)


#' Create non-linear palettes
#' A wrapper around \code{colorRampPalette} to create palettes where the number
#' of interpolated colours is not linear, i.e. there may be a different number
#' of colour values between the colors that shall be interpolated.
#' @param colors [\code{character(.)}]\cr colours to interpolate. must be a valid
#'   argument to \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}}.
#' @param steps [\code{integerish(.)}]\cr the number of colours between each of
#'   \code{'colors'}.
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{colorRampPalette}.
#' @examples
#' myColours <- terrain.colors(5)
#' linearPalette <- rtPalette(colors = myColours)
#' pie(x = rep(1, 50), col = linearPalette(50), labels = NA)
#' nonlinearPalette <- rtPalette(colors = myColours, steps = c(20, 20, 2, 2))
#' pie(x = rep(1, 50), col = nonlinearPalette(50), labels = NA)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette col2rgb rgb
#' @export

rtPalette <- function(colors, steps = NULL, ...){
  # found at https://menugget.blogspot.com/2011/11/define-color-steps-for-colorramppalette.html
  if(is.null(steps)) steps <- rep(0, (length(colors)-1))
  if(length(steps) != length(colors)-1) stop("Must have one less 'steps' value than 'colors'")
  fillValues <- cumsum(rep(1, length(colors)) + c(0, steps))
  RGB <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = fillValues[length(fillValues)])
  RGB[,fillValues] <- col2rgb(colors)
  for(i in which(steps > 0)){
    col.start = RGB[,fillValues[i]]
    col.end = RGB[,fillValues[i+1]]
    for(j in seq(3)){
      vals <- seq(col.start[j], col.end[j], length.out = steps[i] + 2)[2:(2+steps[i] - 1)]  
      RGB[j,(fillValues[i] + 1):(fillValues[i + 1] - 1)] <- vals
  newValues <- rgb(RGB[1,], RGB[2,], RGB[3,], maxColorValue = 255)
  pal <- colorRampPalette(newValues, ...)

#' Check GDAL status
#' This function collects meta data in relation to GDAL.
#' @param x [\code{RasterLayer} | \code{character(1)}]\cr object for which to
#'   check the gdal status.
#' @return list with properties \code{isRaster}, \code{isGDAL} and \code{path} of \code{x}.
#' @family meta data tools
#' @importFrom checkmate testClass testTRUE assertFile
#' @export

checkGDAL <- function(x = NULL){
    isRaster <- isGDAL <- FALSE
    path <- NULL
  } else {
    isRaster <- testClass(x = x, classes = "RasterLayer")
      isGDAL <- testTRUE(x = x@file@driver == "gdal")
      path <- x@file@name
    } else {
      assertFile(x = x, access = "r")
      path <- x
      isGDAL <- TRUE
  out <- list(isRaster = isRaster, isGDAL = isGDAL, path = path)

#' Get provenance information
#' @param x [\code{RasterLayer} | \code{character(1)}]\cr object for which to
#'   put together the provenance.
#' @param desc [\code{character(1)}]\cr a single character string to overwrite
#'   the text that should be added to the history. By default this is the path
#'   from which the object has been loaded.
#' @return list with the previous steps taken to derive the object.
#' @family meta data tools
#' @importFrom checkmate testClass assertFile
#' @export

getProv <- function(x = NULL, desc = NULL){
    history <- NULL
  } else {
    isRaster <- testClass(x = x, classes = "RasterLayer")
      if(x@file@name == ""){
        origin <- "memory"
      } else {
        origin <- paste0("'", x@file@name, "'")
        desc = paste0("the object was loaded from ", origin, ".")
      if(length(x@history) == 0){
        history <- list(desc)
      } else{
        history <- x@history
    } else {  
      assertFile(x = x, access = "r")
        desc = paste0("the object was loaded from '", x, "'.")
      history <- list(desc)

#' Set bibliography
#' @param bib [\code{bibentry}]\cr list of bibliography items that should be
#'   appended to the current bibliography.
#' @family meta data tools
#' @importFrom checkmate assertClass
#' @export

setBib <- function(bib = NULL){
  assertClass(x = bib, classes = "bibentry")
    options(bibliography = bib)
  } else{
    currentBib <- getOption("bibliography")
    if(!bib %in% currentBib){
      options(bibliography = c(currentBib, bib))

# Determine depth of a list
# @param list [\code{list(.)}] list to test.
# x <- list(int = c(1:5),
#         char = list(lower = c(letters[1:5]),
#                       upper = c(LETTERS[1:5])))
# depthList(x)
# depthList(x[[1]])
depthList <- function(list) {
  ifelse(is.list(list), 1L + max(sapply(list, depthList)), 0L)

listArgs <- function (){
      definition = sys.function( -1 ),
      call = sys.call( -1 )
EhrmannS/rasterTools documentation built on Sept. 4, 2019, 10:34 a.m.