## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----example_bwqs, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# fix the seed
# Sample sizes
N = 1000
# Mean & SD of variables
mu = c(0,0,0,1,3)
sd = c(1,1,1,3,1)
sd2 = sd %*% t(sd)
# Correlation Matrix
rho = 0.65
corMat = cbind(c(1,rho,rho^2,rho^2,rho^2),
c(rho,1,rho^2, rho^2, rho^2),
c(rho^2,rho^2,rho^2,1, rho),
# Covariance Matrix
Sigma = sd2*corMat
# Simulating five correlated exposure variables (Metals)
X = as.data.frame(mvrnorm(N, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, empirical = TRUE))
colnames(X) = c('Al','As','Cd','Pb','V')
# Quantile trasformation
Xq = as.matrix(quantile_split(X, mix_name = colnames(X), q=4))
# Intercept coefficient
beta0 = -2
# Overall effect
beta1 = -0.8
# Weights
W = c(0.5,0.20,0.2,0.05,0.05)
# sigma of the model
sigma = 1
# Simulate covariates
D = cbind(rnorm(N,1.3,1), rnorm(N,0.5,0.5))
colnames(D) = c("cov1","cov2")
# coefficient of covariates
delta = c(0.5, 1.1)
# Outcome simulation (continuos)
y = rnorm(N, beta0 + beta1*(Xq %*% W) + D %*% delta, sd = sigma)
# Aggregate data in a data.frame
Data = as.data.frame(cbind(y,X,D))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# we run the model ans save results in "fit_bwqs" variable
fit_bwqs = bwqs(y ~ cov1 + cov2, mix_name = c('Al','As','Cd','Pb','V'),
data = Data, q = 4, family = "gaussian")
## ----tables-------------------------------------------------------------------
fit_bwqs$summary_fit %>%
kbl() %>%
kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
## ----plots--------------------------------------------------------------------
# bwqs_plot(fit_bwqs, parms = "W", size = 2)
## ----plots1-------------------------------------------------------------------
# bwqs_plot(fit_bwqs, parms = c("beta0","beta1",'delta',"sigma"), size = 2)
## ----waic---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----hbwqs_dataset, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------
N = c(250,150,100,100,200)
C = 4
names_ch = paste0("Ch_",1:C)
# Mean and variance of each chemical
mu <- rnorm(C)
sd <- runif(C,0,0.2)
sd2 <- sd %*% t(sd)
# Correlation Matrix
corMat = rcorrmatrix(C,alphad=1)
# Simulating three correlated exposure varMatrix
Sigma <- sd2*corMat
X <- as.data.frame(mvrnorm(sum(N), mu=mu, Sigma = Sigma, empirical=TRUE))
# Quantile transformation
Xq = matrix(NA,sum(N),C)
for(i in 1:C) Xq[,i] = ecdf(X[[names_ch[i]]])(X[[names_ch[i]]])*4
beta0_1 = 0.65 # intercept 1st cohort
beta1_1 = (-1.7) # slope 1st cohort
beta0_2 = -0.38 # intercept 2nd cohort
beta1_2 = -0.94 # slope 2nd cohort
beta0_3 = 0.15 # intercept 3rd cohort
beta1_3 = -0.11 # slope 3rd cohort
beta0_4 = (-0.98) # intercept 4th cohort
beta1_4 = -1.45 # slope 4th cohort
beta0_5 = 1.13 # intercept 5th cohort
beta1_5 = -1.88 # slope 5th cohort
W = c(0.1,0.4,0.3,0.2) # weights
sigma = 1 # sigma
K = cbind(runif(sum(N),20,40),
rbinom(sum(N),1,prob = 0.5),
colnames(K) = c("m_age","sex","education")
d = c(-0.4,0.5,0.2)
Nh = cumsum(N)
y1 = rnorm(N[1], beta0_1 + beta1_1 * (Xq %*% W)[1:Nh[1]] + (K %*% d)[1:Nh[1]],sigma)
y2 = rnorm(N[2], beta0_2 + beta1_2 * (Xq %*% W)[(Nh[1]+1):Nh[2]] + (K %*% d)[(Nh[1]+1):Nh[2]],sigma)
y3 = rnorm(N[3], beta0_3 + beta1_3 * (Xq %*% W)[(Nh[2]+1):Nh[3]] + (K %*% d)[(Nh[2]+1):Nh[3]],sigma)
y4 = rnorm(N[4], beta0_4 + beta1_4 * (Xq %*% W)[(Nh[3]+1):Nh[4]] + (K %*% d)[(Nh[3]+1):Nh[4]],sigma)
y5 = rnorm(N[5], beta0_5 + beta1_5 * (Xq %*% W)[(Nh[4]+1):Nh[5]] + (K %*% d)[(Nh[4]+1):Nh[5]],sigma)
dt = data.frame(y = c(y1,y2,y3,y4,y5), K, X,
cohort = rep(c(1,2,3,4,5),N))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# we run the model ans save results in "fit_hbwqs" variable
fit_hbwqs = bwqs_r(y ~ m_age + sex + education,
mix_name = c("Ch_1","Ch_2","Ch_3","Ch_4"),
cluster_name = "cohort", Dalp = rep(1,4),
iter = 10000, thin = 3, data = dt,
q = 4, family = "gaussian")
## ----hbwqs_results------------------------------------------------------------
fit_hbwqs$summary_fit %>%
kbl() %>%
kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
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