
Defines functions getFit testCP

Documented in testCP

#' Test RACVM change point
#' Identifies appropriate models on either side of a change point
#' @param Z location
#' @param T time of data
#' @param cp change point
#' @param start beginning time of segment to analyze
#' @param end end time of segment to analyze
#' @param modelset set of models to compare (combination of UCVM, ACVM, RCVM, RACVM, or \code{all}, which includes all of them)
#' @param spline whether or not to use the spline approximation for the final estimate. 
#' @param criterion selection criterion - either BIC or AIC (can be upper- or lowercased)
#' @param ... further params to \code{getFit} internal function
#' @example ./demo/testCP_example.R
#' @export
testCP <- function(Z, T, cp, start, end, modelset = "all", spline = FALSE, criterion = "BIC", ...){
  if(identical(modelset, "all")) modelset <- c("UCVM", "ACVM", "RCVM", "RACVM")
  i1 <- which(T >= start & T <= cp)
  i2 <- which(T >= cp & T <= end)
  iboth <- min(i1):max(i2)
  Z1 <- Z[i1]
  Z2 <- Z[i2]
  Zboth <- Z[iboth]
  T1 <- T[i1]
  T2 <- T[i2]
  Tboth <- T[iboth]
  fit1 <- getFit(Z1, T1, modelset = modelset, criterion, spline, ...)
  fit2 <- getFit(Z2, T2, modelset = modelset,criterion, spline, ...)
  fitboth <- getFit(Zboth, Tboth, modelset = modelset, criterion, spline, ...)
  #  Which (if any) of the parameters in the most complex SHARED model are significantly different
  r1 <- fit1$results %>% subset(select = -1) # -eta removed:  Non-standard Eval not working
  r2 <- fit2$results %>% subset(select = -1) # -eta removed:  Non-standard Eval not working
  r1r2 <- smartbind(r1, r2)
  r1 <- subset(r1r2, grepl("1:", row.names(r1r2)))
  r2 <- subset(r1r2, grepl("2:", row.names(r1r2)))
  differences <- names(r1)[(r1[1,] < r2[2,] | r1[1,] > r2[3,]) | 
                           (r2[1,] < r1[2,] | r2[1,] > r1[3,])] %>% na.omit
  if(fit1$model != fit2$model) differences <- c(differences, "model")
  testtable <- data.frame(
    AIC = c(-2*(fit1$LL + fit2$LL) + 2*(fit1$k+fit2$k+1), 
            -2*fitboth$LL + 2 * fitboth$k),
    BIC = c(-2*(fit1$LL + fit2$LL) + log(length(Zboth))*(fit1$k+fit2$k+1), 
            -2*fitboth$LL + log(length(Zboth)) * fitboth$k),
    K = c(Changepoint = fit1$k + fit2$k + 1, 
          NoChangepoint = fitboth$k),
    differences = c(paste(differences, collapse = ", "), NA))
  models <- data.frame(M1 = fit1$model, M2 = fit2$model, Mboth = fitboth$model)
  return(list(testtable=testtable, models = models))

getFit <- function(z, t, modelset, criterion = "BIC", spline = FALSE){
  fit <- estimateRACVM(Z = z, T = t, model = "UCVM", modelset = modelset, compare.models = TRUE, spline = spline)
  ct <- fit$CompareTable
  if(criterion %in% c("bic", "BIC")) bestmodel <- row.names(ct)[which.min(ct$deltaBIC)] else
    if(criterion %in% c("aic", "AIC")) bestmodel <- row.names(ct)[which.min(ct$deltaAIC)] else stop("Criterion should be one of `AIC' or `BIC'.")
  if(bestmodel != "UCVM")
    fit <- estimateRACVM(Z = z, T = t, 
                         model = bestmodel, modelset = modelset, 
                         compare.models = TRUE, spline = FALSE)
  fit$model <- bestmodel
  fit$k <- fit$CompareTable[bestmodel,"k"]
EliGurarie/smoove documentation built on Aug. 2, 2022, 10:26 p.m.