
Defines functions bootstrap cor_df BB weighted.cor BLB.1d BLB.multi BLB.adapt

Documented in BB BLB.1d BLB.adapt BLB.multi bootstrap cor_df weighted.cor

# libraries

### Bootstrap
#' Bootstrap
#' @param data the original sample, as a vector, matrix or dataframe
#' @param  data is a vector, matrix or data-frame
#' @param FUN a function to calculate an estimate of the parameter of interest. FUN must act on a vector in 1-dim case, or a matrix or data-frame in N-dim case. It must also return a single number.
#' @param B the number of bootstrap replications
#' @return a list consisting of
#' \item{replicates}{a matrix containing an estimate for the parameter of interest of each bootstrap replicate}
#' \item{se}{the standard error of the parameter estimates}
bootstrap <- function(data, FUN, ..., B=1000) {
  T_boot <- numeric(B)

  # when data is a vector
  if (is.null(nrow(data))) {
    n <- length(data)

    for (b in 1:B) {
      X_star <- sample(data, n, replace=TRUE)
      T_boot[b] <- FUN(X_star, ...)

  # when data is a matrix or dataframe.
  else {
    n <- nrow(data)

    for (b in 1:B) {
      index <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
      X_star <- data[index,]
      T_boot[b] <- FUN(X_star, ...)

  se <- sd(T_boot)
  return(list(se=se, replicates=T_boot))

# correlation function on a data-frame or matrix

#' Pearson's correlation coefficient of bivariate data
#' @param bivar_data A data-frame or matrix, the first two columns of which contain the two vectors for which the correlation coefficient is required
#' @return the Pearson correlation coefficient of bivar_data[,1] and bivar_data[,2]
#' @examples
#' A <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10, mean=2))
#' cor_df(A)
cor_df <- function(bivar_data) {
  cor(bivar_data[,1], bivar_data[,2])

### Bayesian Bootstrap

# takes a dataset (either vector, matrix or dataframe),
# a function which takes data and weights and returns the statistic of interest,
# and the number of bootstrap samples.
# returns a dataframe with the statistic of interest for each bootstrap sample
# and the standard errors of those statistics
#' Bayesian bootstrap
#' @param data the original sample, as a vector, matrix or dataframe
#' @param FUN a function to calculate an estimate of the parameter of interest
#' @param B the number of bootstrap replications
#' @return a list consisting of
#' \item{replicates}{a matrix containing an estimate for the parameter of interest of each bootstrap replicate}
#' \item{se}{the standard error(s) of the parameter estimates}
#' @examples
#' X <- rnorm(100, 4, 2)
#' BB_mean <- BB(X, weighted.mean, B=10000)
#' BB_mean$se
BB <- function(data, FUN, ..., B=1000) {

  # find number of original samples
  # if data is a vector
  if (is.null(nrow(data))) n <- length(data)

  # if data is a matrix or dataframe
  else n <- nrow(data)

  # find dim of FUN output and set up storage space (which will allow plotting)
  init_weights <- rep(1/n, n)
  dims <- dim(FUN(data, init_weights, ...))
  T_boot <- matrix(0, B, prod(dims))

  # generate bootstrap replicates
  for (b in 1:B) {
    # generate weights from uniform Dirichlet
    u <- runif(n-1)
    g <- diff(c(0, sort(u), 1))

    # calculate the statistic, using above weights
    T_boot[b,] <- FUN(data, g, ...)

  # T_boot_df allows for plotting of the bootstrap replicates using ggplot2
  T_boot_df <- as.data.frame(T_boot)
  return(list(se=apply(T_boot,2,sd), replicates=T_boot_df))

#' takes bivarate data and weights (g) and returns a weighted correlation
#' @title Weighted correlation
#' @param data a matrix or dataframe in which the first two columns contain the two vectors for which the weighted correlation is sought
#' @param g a vector of weights
#' @return the weighted correlation
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(norm = rnorm(10), unif = runif(10))
#' weights <- rep(1/10, 10)
#' weighted.cor(df, weights)
weighted.cor <- function(data, g) {
  # check dimensions
  if (length(g) != nrow(data)) stop("length(g) must equal nrow(data)")

  y <- data[,1]
  z <- data[,2]
  wc_num <- sum(g*y*z)-(sum(g*y))*(sum(g*z))
  wc_den <- (sum(g*y^2)-(sum(g*y))^2)*(sum(g*z^2)-(sum(g*z))^2)

#' Implements Bag of Little Bootstraps on a 1-d data vector, with a generic function for the estimator
#' @title Bag of Little Bootstraps in 1d
#' @param data a vector of the original sample
#' @param gamma controls the size of the subsamples - ideally in [0.5, 1]
#' @param FUN a function to calculate the estimator of the parameter of interest
#' @param s the number of subsamples
#' @param r the number of bootstrap replications (resamples) per subsample
#' @return the mean across the s subsamples of the standard errors of the parameter estimates
#' @examples
#' X <- rnorm(5000)
#' BLB.1d(X, mean, gamma=0.5)
BLB.1d <- function(data, gamma, FUN, ..., s=20, r=100) {
  n <- length(data)
  b <- round(n^gamma)
  xis <- numeric(s)

  subsamp_mat <- matrix(0, s, b)
  subsamp <- numeric(b)
  resample_mat <- matrix(0, r, n)

  for (i in 1:s) {
    subsamp <- sample(data, b)
    resample_mat <- matrix(sample(subsamp, r*n, replace = TRUE), r, n)
    theta <- apply(resample_mat, 1, FUN, ...)
    xis[i] <- sd(theta)


#' BLB function that computes the (1-alpha)\% CI and the standard errors of the parameter estimate components
#' @title BLB for multivariate data
#' @param data a matrix or dataframe
#' @param s number of subsamples
#' @param r number of resamples per subsample
#' @param gamma specifies the size of the subsample by b=n^gamma
#' @param lambda is the penalty in L2 norm for the ridge regression
#' @param alpha the level of the confidence for CI, respecified to 0.05
#' @return a list consisting of
#' \item{output_CI}{average confidence intervals for the parameter estimate components}
#' \item{output_se}{average standard errors for the parameter estimates components}
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' d <- 5
#' X <- mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, d) ,Sigma <- diag(d))
#' epsilon <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(10))
#' t_theta <- as.matrix(rep(1, d))
#' Y <- X %*% t_theta + epsilon
#' data <- cbind(X, Y)
#' my_result <- BLB.multi(data, 0.7, 15, 100, 10^(-5))
BLB.multi <- function(data, gamma=0.7, s=20, r=100, lambda=10^(-5), alpha=0.05) {

  # set up storage
  n <- nrow(data)
  d <- ncol(data)-1
  b <- round(n^gamma)
  samp_ind <- 0
  subsamp <- matrix(0, b, d+1)
  resamp_ind <- 0
  resamp <- array(0, dim = c(n, d+1, r))
  re_theta <- matrix(0, d, r)
  theta <- matrix(0, d, s)
  sd_theta <- matrix(0, d, s)

  # storage for confidence intervals (CI) we create an array and a matrix for standard errors(se)
  xis <- array(0, dim=c(d, 2, s))
  output_CI <- matrix(0, d, 2)
  output_se <- matrix(0, d, 1)

  # subsample from the original data
  for (i in 1:s) {
    samp_ind <- sample(1:n, b, replace=FALSE)
    subsamp <- data[samp_ind, ]

    #resample from the subsample and compute the parameter estimate
    for (j in 1:r) {
      resamp_ind <- sample(1:b, n, replace=TRUE)
      resamp[,,j] <- subsamp[resamp_ind, ]
      Y <- resamp[, d+1, j]
      X <- resamp[, 1:d, j]
      re_theta[,j] <- as.matrix(lm.ridge(Y~X, lambda = lambda)$coef)

    #compute the se of the parameter estimates for each subsample which is used in both CI and se
    sd_theta[,i] <- apply(re_theta, 1, sd)

    # compute CI for each subsample
    theta[,i] <- rowMeans(re_theta)
    xis[,,i] <- cbind(theta[,i], theta[,i]) + cbind(qnorm(alpha/2) * sd_theta[,i], qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sd_theta[,i])

  # average CI across subsamples
  output_CI <- apply(xis, c(1,2), mean)
  CI_width <- output_CI[,2] - output_CI[,1]

  # average se across subsample
  output_se <- apply(sd_theta, 1, mean)

  return(list(CI=output_CI, CI_width=CI_width, se=output_se))

#' BLB function which returns the average (across dimensions) confidence interal width or the average standard error of the parameter and the values of
#' r and s which were chosen adaptively within the function
#' @title BLB with adaptive selection on r and s
#' @param data a matrix or dataframe
#' @param gamma specifies the subsample size by b=n^gamma
#' @param w_s window size for the adaptive selection of s
#' @param w_r window size for the adaptive selection of r
#' @param lambda specifies the L2 penalty in Ridge regression
#' @param err relative error for the convergence criterion in adaptive selection
#' @param alpha the level of the confidence which is set to 0.05
#' @return a list consisting of
#' \item{s}{the total number of subsamples from the original dataset}
#' \item{r}{the number of resamples for each subsample}
#' \item{final_CI}{the final confidence interval for all the components of the parameter estimate }
#' \item{CI_widths}{the widths of the final confidence interval for all the components of the parameter estimate }
#' \item{mean_width}{mean_width the average marginal width of the confidence intervals across dimensions}
#' \item{final_se}{the final standard error for all the componennts of the parameter estimate}
#' \item{mean_se}{mean_se the average standard error across the parameter dimensions}
#' @examples X <- mvrnorm(100, mu = rep(0,2), Sigma <- diag(2))
#' epsilon <- rnorm(100, mean=0, sd=sqrt(10))
#' t_theta <- as.matrix(rep(1, 2))
#' Y <- X %*% t_theta + epsilon
#' my_data <- cbind(X, Y)
#' my_result <- BLB.adapt(my_data, gamma=0.7, w_s=3, w_r=20, lambda=10^(-5), epsilon=0.05, alpha=0.05)
BLB.adapt <- function(data, gamma=0.7, w_s=3, w_r=20, lambda=10^(-5), epsilon=0.05, alpha=0.05) {
  # convert data to matrix, if not already
  if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
  # initialise storage
  n <- nrow( data )
  d <- ncol( data ) - 1
  r_max <- 500  # maximum number of resamples of each subsampe (to be found)
  s_max <- 50 # maximum number of subsamples (to be found)
  b <- round( n^gamma )
  samp_ind <- 0
  subsamp <- matrix(0, b, d+1)
  resamp_ind <- 0 # indictor
  resamp <- array(0, dim = c(n, d+1, r_max)) # all the resamples from subsample
  re_theta <- matrix(0, d, r_max) # theta on resamples
  re_theta_sd <- matrix(0, d, r_max) # matrix that stores the sd of the thetas in each resample
  differ_r <- numeric(d)
  differ_s <- numeric(d)
  theta <- matrix(0, d, s_max)
  sd_theta <- width <- final_sd_theta <- matrix(0, d, s_max) # final sd of each component
  xis <- array(0, dim = c(d, 2, s_max)) # final confidence intervals
  diff_vec_r <- numeric(w_r) # vector for checking convergence
  diff_vec_s <- numeric(w_s)
  out_s <- numeric(w_s) # vectors used in the convergence testing
  out_r <- numeric(w_r) # vectors used in the convergence testing
  vec_of_r <- numeric(s_max) # vector to store number of resamples for each subsamples
  final_standard_dev <- numeric(d)
  mean_width <- mean_se <- 0
  s <- 0 # initialise number of subsamples
  #adaptive selection of s
  while( STATUS_S == FALSE ) {
    s <- s+1
    #subsample from the original dataset
    samp_ind <- sample(1:n, b, replace = FALSE)
    subsamp <- data[samp_ind ,]
    r <- 0
    # adaptive selection of r
    # for that subsample resample data of size n until the parameter estimate converges
    while( STATUS_R == FALSE ) {
      r <- r+1
      resamp_ind <- sample(1:b, n, replace = TRUE )
      resamp[,,r] <- subsamp[resamp_ind,]
      Y <- resamp[ ,d+1 ,r ]
      X <- resamp[ ,1:d ,r ]
      re_theta[ ,r ] <- as.matrix(lm.ridge( Y~X, lambda = lambda)$coef )
      if (r > 1)  {re_theta_sd[ ,(r-1) ] <- apply(re_theta[,1:r],1,sd)}
      #beyond the window value test the convegence condition
      if (r > w_r) {
        #for the past w values we test the value of the relative error
        for ( k in 1:w_r ) {
          differ_r <- re_theta_sd[ ,(r-1) ] - re_theta_sd[ ,( r-1-k )]
          diff_vec_r[ k ] <- sum( abs( differ_r ) / abs( re_theta_sd[ ,(r-1) ] ) ) / d
          # to chec whether the condition for all the w values is satisfied
          #store 1 if yes and 0 if not
          if ((diff_vec_r[ k ] < epsilon )| (diff_vec_r[ k ] == epsilon ))
        #terminate the loop if all the values of the relative error are less than epsilon
        if (sum( out_r ) == w_r)
          STATUS_R <-TRUE
    # vector that stores the values of r selected adaptively for each subsample
    vec_of_r[ s ] <- r
    # store the parameter estimates for each subsample
    theta[ ,s ] <- rowMeans( re_theta[ ,1:r ] )
    sd_theta[ ,s ] <- apply( re_theta[ ,1:r ] ,1 ,sd )
    xis[ , ,s ] <- cbind(theta[ ,s ] ,theta[ ,s ] ) + cbind( -qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sd_theta[ ,s ], qnorm(1-alpha/2) * sd_theta[ ,s ])
    #width[ ,s ] <- 2 * 1.959964 * sd_theta[ ,s ]
    # store values of z which are the se's of the components of parameter estimate for that subsample
    if ( s == 1 ) {
    if ( s > 1 ) {
      final_sd_theta[,s]<-apply(sd_theta[,1:s], 1, mean)
    #beyond the window value check the convergence condition
    if (s > w_s) {
      out <- numeric(w_s)
      for (l in 1:w_s)  {
        differ_s <- final_sd_theta[ ,s ] - final_sd_theta[ ,(s-l) ]
        diff_vec_s[ l ] <- sum(abs(differ_s)/abs(final_sd_theta[ ,s ]))/d
        if ( (diff_vec_s[ l ] < epsilon ) | (diff_vec_s[ l ] == epsilon ))
          out_s[ l ] <- 1
      #terminate the loop if all the values of the relative error are less than epsilon
      if ( sum( out_s ) == w_s)
        STATUS_S <-TRUE
  #store the final (average) se of the parameter estimates
  final_standard_dev <- final_sd_theta[ ,s ]
  #compute the CI for the parameter estimates across dimensions
  final_xi <- apply(xis[ , ,1:s ] ,c(1,2) ,mean )
  #compute the width of the CIs
  widths <- final_xi[ ,2 ] - final_xi[ ,1 ]
  #return the final number of subsamples, resamples or each subsample and average CI width
  return( list(s = s, r = vec_of_r[ 1:s ], final_CI = final_xi, CI_widths=widths, mean_width = mean(widths), final_se = final_standard_dev, mean_se=mean(final_standard_dev)))
EllaKaye/Module1 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:25 p.m.