
Defines functions prov.clear.detail prov.get.detail prov.set.detail .ddg.insert.ddg.loop.annotate .ddg.insert.ddg.forloop .ddg.add.block.start.finish .ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval .ddg.is.call.to.ddg.function .ddg.annotate.simple.block .ddg.annotate.loop.statement .ddg.annotate.if.statement .ddg.wrap.with.ddg.eval .ddg.wrap.last.line .ddg.wrap.all.return.parameters .ddg.wrap.return.parameters .ddg.insert.ddg.function .ddg.add.conditional.statement .ddg.create.function.block .ddg.add.function.annotations .ddg.add.ddg.source .ddg.add.annotations .ddg.save.annotated.script .ddg.finish .ddg.start .ddg.eval .ddg.details.omitted .ddg.annotate.inside .ddg.find.ddg.return.value.caller.frame.number .ddg.function

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

###################### Annotation.R ########################

# This file contains functions that are called within annotations
# that are added to collect provenance within functions and 
# control constructs.
# It also contains helper functions that are used only for
# annotations internal to functions and control constructs.

#--------------------USER FUNCTIONS-----------------------#

#' .ddg.function creates a procedure node of type Operation for
#' procedures implemented as functions in the original R script.
#' The function name and input parameters are obtained automatically
#' from the calling environment. The outs parameters may be used
#' optionally to create output data nodes. These MUST be passed as
#' a list of strings, not names, unless the value is a file name.
#' Users can right-click on the procedure node in DDG Explorer to
#' see the code for the function in the original script. For more
#' details on outs parameters, see .ddg.create.output.nodes.
#' The outs parameters should be a list of names of data nodes to be created as
#' outputs to this procedure node. These MUST be passed as
#' a list of strings, not names, unless the value is a file name
#' (internal use only)
#' @param outs.graphic (optional) the name of a snapshot node to be used as a
#'    file name.  A graphical snapshot is simply a captured image
#'    of the graphic device active at the time of the call to
#'    .ddg.function or .ddg.procedure.
#' @param outs.data (optional) a list of names of data nodes.
#' @param outs.exception (optional) a list of names of exception nodes.
#' @param outs.url (optional) a list of names of url nodes.
#' @param outs.file (optional) a list of names of file nodes. Supported file
#'   extensions include: .csv, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, and .txt.
#' @param graphic.fext (optional) the file extension for a graphics file, defaults to jpeg.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.function <- function(outs.graphic=NULL, outs.data=NULL, 
                         outs.exception=NULL, outs.url=NULL, outs.file=NULL, 
                         graphic.fext="jpeg") {
  #print("In .ddg.function")
  if (!.ddg.is.init()) return(invisible())
  pname <- NULL
  # Look up input parameters from calling environment.
  call <- sys.call(-1)
  # Try to find the full call so that we can bind the parameters
  # by name in the DDG.  In the case that the function being executed
  # has been passed as a parameter to another function and is being
  # called from the context (for example, with lapply and other higher-order
  # functions), the match.call will fail.  In that case, we will use the
  # call as it appears in side the higher-order function.
  full.call <- tryCatch (match.call(sys.function(-1), call=call),
      error = function(e) call)
  # Create start node for the calling statement if one is not already created.
  .ddg.create.start.for.cur.cmd (call)
  .ddg.create.function.nodes(pname, call, full.call, outs.graphic, outs.data, 
                          outs.exception, outs.url, outs.file, graphic.fext,
                          env = sys.frame(.ddg.get.frame.number(sys.calls())))

#' .ddg.return.value creates a data node for a function's return value. If
#' the function is called from a console command and console mode is
#' enabled, a data flow edge will be created linking this node to
#' the console command that uses the value. .ddg.return.value returns the
#' same value as the function (expr) and can be used in place of the
#' function's normal return statement(s) if it is the last statement
#' in the function.  Otherwise, it should be a parameter to return,
#' as in return(.ddg.return.value(expr)). If expr is an assignment, nodes
#' and edges are created for the assignment (internal use only)
#' @param expr the value returned by the function.
#' @param cmd.func the DDGStatement object for the return statement
#' @return the value that the function whose return value we are capturing 
#'    returns
#' @noRd

.ddg.return.value <- function (expr=NULL, cmd.func=NULL) {
  if (!.ddg.is.init()) return(expr)
  #print("In .ddg.return.value")
  parsed.stmt <- NULL
  if (!is.null(cmd.func)) {
    parsed.stmt <- cmd.func()
  # If expr is an assignment, create nodes and edges for the assignment.
  orig.expr <- substitute(expr)
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: expr =", paste(deparse(orig.expr), 
  #            collapse="\n")))
  frame.num <- .ddg.get.frame.number(sys.calls())
  env <- sys.frame(frame.num)
  orig.return <- paste("return(", deparse(orig.expr), ")", sep="")
  pname <- NULL
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: pname =", pname))
  # If this is a recursive call to .ddg.return.value, find
  # the caller of the first .ddg.return.value
  if (grepl("^ddg|^.ddg|^prov", pname)) {
    #print(".ddg.return.value: Found a recursive call")
    caller.frame <- .ddg.find.ddg.return.value.caller.frame.number ()
    pname <- as.character(sys.call(caller.frame)[[1]])
    #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: updated pname =", pname))
  else {
    #print(".ddg.return.value: NOT a recursive call")
    caller.frame <- -1
  # Prints the call & arguments.
  # expr forces evaluation of the function early.  I think that
  # causes some examples to work with debugging on but not off.
  # Checking.  (6/26/2015 - Barb).
  # Yes, ReturnTest.R fails on the recursive f5 function
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value:", sys.call(caller.frame))) #, "returns", 
  #            expr))
  # If this is not a recursive call to .ddg.return.value and
  # .ddg.function was not called, create the function nodes that
  # it would have created.
  call <- sys.call(caller.frame)
  if (!.ddg.proc.node.exists(pname)) {
    #print(".ddg.return.value creating function nodes")
    full.call <- match.call(sys.function(caller.frame), call=call)
    .ddg.create.function.nodes(pname, call, full.call, 
                               env = sys.frame(.ddg.get.frame.number(sys.calls()))
  else {
    #print(".ddg.return.value decrementing func.depth")
    .ddg.dec ("ddg.func.depth")
  if (is.null(cmd.func)) {
    #print(".ddg.return.value constructing DDG statement for the return call")
    return.stmt <- .ddg.construct.DDGStatement (parse(text=orig.return), 
                                                pos=NA, script.num=NA)
  else {
    #print(".ddg.return.value using existing DDG statement for the return call")
    return.stmt <- cmd.func()
  # Create a data node for the return value. We want the scope of
  # the function that called the function that called ddg.return.
  call.text <- gsub(" ", "", deparse(call, nlines=1))
  return.node.name <- paste(call.text, "return")
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: sys.nframe =", sys.nframe()))
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: caller.frame =", caller.frame))
  return.node.scope <-
      environmentName (if (sys.nframe() == 2) .GlobalEnv
              else parent.env(sys.frame(caller.frame)))
  #print(paste(".ddg.return.value: return.node.scope =", return.node.scope))
  .ddg.save.data(return.node.name, expr, scope=return.node.scope)
  # Check if there is a return call within this call to ddg.return.
  if (.ddg.has.call.to(parsed.stmt, "return")) {
    .ddg.proc.node("Operation", return.stmt@abbrev, return.stmt@abbrev, cmd=return.stmt)
    # Create control flow edge from preceding procedure node.
    # Create an edge from the return statement to its return value.
    .ddg.proc2data(return.stmt@abbrev, return.node.name, return.node.scope, 
  else {
    .ddg.lastproc2data(return.node.name, dscope=return.node.scope)
  .ddg.add.to.return.values (call.text)
  # If it does not have return, then its parameter was a call to .ddg.eval
  # and this stuff has been done already.
  if (.ddg.has.call.to(parsed.stmt, "return")) {
    # Create edges from variables used in the return statement
    vars.used <- return.stmt@vars.used
    for (var in vars.used) {
      # Make sure there is a node we could connect to.
      scope <- .ddg.get.scope(var)
      if (.ddg.data.node.exists(var, scope)) {
        .ddg.data2proc(var, scope, return.stmt@abbrev)
    for (var in return.stmt@vars.set)
      if (var != "")
        # Create output data node.
        dvalue <- eval(as.symbol(var), envir=env)
        # Check for non-local assignment
        if ( .ddg.is.nonlocal.assign(return.stmt@parsed[[1]]) )
          env <- .ddg.where(var, env = parent.env(parent.frame()), warning = FALSE)
          if ( identical(env, "undefined") )
            env <- globalenv()
        dscope <- .ddg.get.scope(var, env=env)
        .ddg.save.data(var, dvalue, scope=dscope)
        # Create an edge from procedure node to data node.
        .ddg.proc2data(return.stmt@abbrev, var, dscope=dscope, return.value=FALSE)
    # Create nodes and edges dealing with reading and writing files
    .ddg.create.file.write.nodes.and.edges ()
    .ddg.create.graphics.nodes.and.edges ()
  # Create the finish node for the function
  #print(".ddg.return.value: creating finish node")
  #print(paste (".ddg.return.value: returning", expr))

#' .ddg.find.ddg.return.value.caller.frame.number returns the frame
#' number of the first caller to .ddg.return.value.  If .ddg.return.value
#' is called recursively, this will give us the position of the
#' earliest one called.
#' @return the frame number of the user function that called .ddg.return.value 
#' @noRd

.ddg.find.ddg.return.value.caller.frame.number <- function() {
  # Get the stack
  calls <- sys.calls()
  # Find the calls to .ddg.return.value
  ddg.funcs <- unlist(lapply (calls, 
    function (call) return (grepl("^ddg|^.ddg|^prov", deparse(call)[[1]]))))
  calls.to.ddg.return.value <- unlist(lapply(calls, 
    function (call) 
      return(.ddg.is.call.to(call, as.name(".ddg.return.value")))))
  non.ddg.calls.to.ddg.return.value <- !(ddg.funcs[1:length(ddg.funcs)-1]) & 
  which.frame <- Position (function (call) return (call), 
                           non.ddg.calls.to.ddg.return.value, right=TRUE)
  # Return the frame number of the caller to .ddg.return.value
  return (which.frame)

#' .ddg.annotate.inside returns True if we should be annotating inside 
#' control constructs
#' @return true if annotating inside control constructs
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.inside <- function() {

#' .ddg.details.omitted inserts an operational node called "Details Omitted"
#' in cases where not all iterations of a loop are annotated.  This may
#' happen if the number of the first loop to be annotaed (first.loop) is
#' greater than 1 and/or if the total number of loops to be annotated is
#' less than the actual number of iterations.
#' It also sets a variable to remember that the last construct is incomplete
#' so that the right data nodes get created.
#' NOTE:  This might be useful outside of the context of loops, but is
#' currently only used within loops (internal use only)
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.details.omitted <- function() {
  pnode.name <- "Details Omitted"
  .ddg.proc.node("Incomplete", pnode.name, pnode.name)
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) {
    print("Adding Details Omitted node")

#' .ddg.should.run.annotated returns True if we should run the annotated
#' version of a function (internal use only)
#' @param func.name name of function
#' @return True if we should run annotated version
#' @noRd

.ddg.should.run.annotated <- function (func.name) {
  # Check if we are in a loop and loop annotations are off
  if (!.ddg.loop.annotate() && .ddg.inside.loop() > 0) return (FALSE)
  # Make sure this specific function has not been disabled
  if (!is.null(.ddg.annotate.off()) & func.name %in% .ddg.annotate.off()) return(FALSE)
  # Not annotating functions in general
  # Check if this specific function should be annotated
  if (!is.null(.ddg.annotate.on()) & func.name %in% .ddg.annotate.on()) return(TRUE)
  # If we do not know anything specific about this function, follow the 
  # general rule
  return (.ddg.annotate.inside()) 

#' .ddg.eval evaluates a statement and creates data flow edges from
#' variable and function return nodes that are used in the
#' statement. If the statement is an assignment statement, it also
#' creates a data node for the variable assigned and a corresponding
#' data flow edge. If .ddg.eval is called from inside a function, cmd.func
#' is a function that returns the corresponding DDGStatement object.
#' If .ddg.eval is called from inside a control block, cmd.func is an
#' integer that points to the corresponding DDGStatement object stored
#' in the list .ddg.statements (internal use only)
#' @param statement a string version of the statement to evaluate.
#' @param cmd.func the corresponding DDGStatement if inside a function,
#'    or an integer identifying the position of the statement in a list
#'    if inside a control construct
#' @noRd

.ddg.eval <- function(statement, cmd.func=NULL) {
  # Statement at top level.
  if (is.null(cmd.func)) {
    parsed.statement <- parse(text=statement)
    cmd <- NULL
  # Statement inside control block.
  else if (is.numeric(cmd.func)) {
    num <- cmd.func
    cmd <- .ddg.statement(num)
    parsed.statement <- cmd@parsed
  # Statement inside function.
  else {
    cmd <- cmd.func()
    parsed.statement <- cmd@parsed
  if (.ddg.debug.lib()) print (paste(".ddg.eval: statement =", statement))
  frame.num <- .ddg.get.frame.number(sys.calls())
  env <- sys.frame(frame.num)
  if (!.ddg.is.init()) {
    return(eval(parsed.statement, env))
  # If break statement, create procedure node and close open start nodes.
  if (!is.null(cmd) && cmd@text == "break") {
  # If next statement, create procedure node and close open start nodes.
  if (!is.null(cmd) && cmd@text == "next") {
  return.value <- .ddg.parse.commands(parsed.statement, environ=env, 
                                      run.commands = TRUE, 
  if (.ddg.get("ddg.func.depth")) {
    if (!is.null(cmd)) {
  return (return.value)

#' .ddg.start creates a procedure node of type Start called pname.
#' In DDG Explorer, the section of the provenance graph between
#' matching Start and Finish nodes can be expanded and collapsed. 
#' Users can also right-click on a Start or Finish node to see the 
#' intervening code in the original script.
#' @param pname the label for the node.  This can be passed as
#' a string or as a name.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.start <- function(pname=NULL) {
  if (!.ddg.is.init()) return(invisible())
  # Check for NULL.
  if (is.null(pname)) {
    msg <- "Cannot call .ddg.start with NULL value from top-level."
  # Create start node for the calling statement if one is not already created.
  frame.number <- .ddg.get.frame.number(sys.calls())
  env <- sys.frame(frame.number)
  .ddg.create.start.for.cur.cmd (env)
  # Create start non-operational step.
  .ddg.proc.node("Start", pname, pname)
  # Create control flow edge from preceding procedure node.

#' .ddg.finish creates a procedure node of type Finish called pname.
#' In DDG Explorer, the section of the provenance graph between
#' matching Start and Finish nodes can be expanded and collapsed. 
#' Users can also right-click on a Start or Finish node to see the 
#' intervening code in the original script.
#' @param pname the label for the node. This can be passed as
#' a string or as a name.
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.finish <- function(pname=NULL) {
  if (!.ddg.is.init()) return(invisible())
  # Check for NULL.
  if (is.null(pname)) {
    msg <- "Cannot call .ddg.finish with NULL value from top-level."
    .ddg.insert.error.message (msg)
  # Create finish non-operational step.
  .ddg.proc.node("Finish", pname, pname)
  # Create control flow edge from preceding procedure node.
  # .ddg.finish is added to the end of blocks.  We want the block to
  # return the value of the last R statement.
  return(.ddg.get ("ddg.last.R.value"))

#' Controlling Provenance Detail
#' prov.annotate.on enables provenance collection for specific functions.
#' To allow provenance to be collected inside functions initially, the
#' user calls prov.init or prov.run with TRUE for the annotate.inside.functions
#' parameter.  This results in provenance being collected inside all functions.
#' To get finer control over which functions are annotated, the user can 
#' call prov.annotate.on and prov.annotate.off.  In prov.annotate.on, the user passes in 
#' a list of function names that should be annotated.  Functions not listed
#' are not annotated.  If the user passes in NULL, all functions are annotated.
#' prov.annotate.on can be called multiple times.  Each call adds more names
#' to the list of annotated functions, continuing to annotate the previous
#' functions in the list. 
#' In prov.annotate.off, the user passes in 
#' a list of function names that should not be annotated.  Functions not listed
#' are not annotated.  If the user passes in NULL, all functions are annotated.
#' prov.annotate.off can be called multiple times.  Each call adds more names
#' to the list of unannotated functions. 
#' The level of detail of provenance can be set using the annotate.inside.functions,
#' max.loops and snapshot.size parameters of prov.run and prov.init.
#' It can also be set using prov.set.detail, which will impact the
#' future executions of prov.run and prov.init.  The detail level can
#' take on the following values:\cr
#' 0 = no internal provenance, no snapshots (the prov.init and prov.run defaults).\cr
#' 1 = provenance inside functions and if-statements and 1 iteration of each loop, snapshots limited to 10k each.\cr
#' 2 = provenance inside functions and if-statements and up to 10 iterations of each loop, snapshots limited to 100k each.\cr
#' 3 = provenance inside functions and if-statements and all iterations of each loop, complete snapshots.
#' @param fnames.on a list of one or more function names passed in as strings.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.annotate.on

prov.annotate.on <- function (fnames.on=NULL){
  if (is.null(fnames.on)) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.off", vector())
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", TRUE)
  # Add to the on list
  on.list <- .ddg.get("ddg.annotate.on")
  on.list <- union (on.list, fnames.on)
  .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.on", on.list)
  # Remove from the off list
  off.list <- .ddg.annotate.off()
  off.list <- Filter (function(off) !(off %in% fnames.on), off.list)
  .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.off", off.list) 

#' prov.annotate.off
#' prov.annotate.off disables provenance collection for specified functions.
#' @param fnames.off a list of one or more function names passed in as strings.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.annotate.on
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.init}} and \code{\link{prov.run}}
#' @examples
#' prov.set.detail(1)
#' prov.init()
#' prov.annotate.on("f")
#' prov.annotate.off("g")
#' f <- function (x) {
#'   if (x < 0) return (0)
#'   else return (x - 1)
#' }
#' g <- function (x) {
#'   return (x - 1)
#' }
#' f (3)
#' g (-3)
#' prov.quit()

prov.annotate.off <- function (fnames.off=NULL) {
  if (is.null(fnames.off)) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.on", vector())
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", FALSE)
  # Add to the off list
  off.list <- .ddg.annotate.off()
  off.list <- union (off.list, fnames.off)
  .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.off", off.list)
  # Remove from the on list
  on.list <- .ddg.annotate.on()
  on.list <- Filter (function(on) !(on %in% fnames.off), on.list)
  .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.on", on.list) 

#' .ddg.save.annotated.script saves a copy of the annotated script to
#' the debug directory.
#' @param cmds set of parsed commands
#' @param script.name name of script
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd

.ddg.save.annotated.script <- function(cmds, script.name) {
  for (i in 1:length(cmds)) {
    expr <- cmds[[i]]@annotated
    for (j in 1:length(expr)) {
      line <- deparse(expr[[j]])
      if (i == 1 && j == 1) script <- line else script <- append(script, line)
  fileout <- file(paste(.ddg.path.debug(), "/", "annotated-", script.name, sep=""))
  write(script, fileout)

#' .ddg.add.annotations accepts a DDGStatement and returns an expression.
#' The returned expression is annotated as needed.
#' @param command a DDGStatement
#' @return an expression with annotations
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.annotations <- function(command) {
  #print("In .ddg.add.annotations")
  #print(paste("command@text =", command@text))
  parsed.command <- command@parsed[[1]]
  # Return if statement is empty.
  if (length(parsed.command) == 0) return(command@parsed)
  # Replace source with .ddg.source.
  if (is.call(parsed.command) && parsed.command[[1]] == "source") {
    return(.ddg.add.ddg.source(parsed.command, command))
  # Annotate user-defined functions.
  # Note that this will not annotate anonymous functions, like ones that might 
  # be passed to lapply, for example.  Is that what we want?
  if (.ddg.is.assign(parsed.command) && .ddg.is.functiondecl(parsed.command[[3]])) {
  statement.type <- .ddg.get.statement.type(parsed.command)
  loop.types <- list("for", "while", "repeat")
  # Move into funcs below && .ddg.max.loops() > 0) {
  if (length(statement.type > 0) && !is.null(statement.type)) { 
    # Annotate if statement.
    if (statement.type == "if"){
    # Annotate for, while, repeat statement.
    else if (statement.type %in% loop.types) {
      return(.ddg.annotate.loop.statement(command, statement.type))
    # Annotate simple block.
    else if (statement.type == "{") {
  # Not a function or control construct.  No annotation required.

#' .ddg.add.ddg.source replaces source with .ddg.source.
#' @param parsed.command a parsed expression that is a call to the source function.
#' @param command the DDGStatement object for the source call
#' @return a parsed expression with source replaced by .ddg.source
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.ddg.source <- function(parsed.command, cmd) {
  script.name <- deparse(parsed.command[[2]])
  parsed.command.txt <- paste(".ddg.source(", script.name, 
                              ", calling.script =", cmd@script.num, 
                              ", startLine=", cmd@pos@startLine,
                              ", startCol=", cmd@pos@startCol, 
                              ", endLine=", cmd@pos@endLine, 
                              ",endCol=", cmd@pos@endCol, ")", sep="")

#' .ddg.add.function.annotations is passed a command that corresponds
#' to a function declaration.  It returns a parsed command corresponding
#' to the same function declaration but with calls to .ddg.function,
#' .ddg.eval and .ddg.return.value inserted if they are not already present.
#' The functions prov.annotate.on and prov.annotate.off may be used to provide
#' a list of functions to annotate or not to annotate, respectively.
#' @param function.decl a command that contains an assignment statement where the value
#' being bound is a function declaration
#' @return a parsed command with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.function.annotations <- function(function.decl) {
  #print("In .ddg.add.function.annotations")
  parsed.function.decl <- function.decl@parsed[[1]]
  # Get function name.
  func.name <- toString(parsed.function.decl[[2]])
  #print(paste("Annotating", func.name))
  # Get function definition.
  func.definition <- parsed.function.decl[[3]]
  # Create function block if necessary.
  if (func.definition[[3]][[1]] != "{") {
    func.definition <- .ddg.create.function.block(func.definition)
  # Create new function body with an if-then statement for annotations.
  func.definition <- .ddg.add.conditional.statement(func.definition, func.name)
  # Insert call to .ddg.function if not already added.
  if (!.ddg.has.call.to(func.definition[[3]], ".ddg.function")) {
    func.definition <- .ddg.insert.ddg.function(func.definition)
  # Insert calls to .ddg.return.value if not already added.
  if (!.ddg.has.call.to(func.definition[[3]], ".ddg.return.value")) {
    func.definition <- .ddg.wrap.all.return.parameters(func.definition, 
  # Wrap last statement with .ddg.return.value if not already added
  # and if last statement is not a simple return or a ddg function.
  last.statement <- .ddg.find.last.statement(func.definition)
  if (!.ddg.is.call.to(last.statement, ".ddg.return.value") & 
      !.ddg.is.call.to(last.statement, "return") & 
      !.ddg.is.call.to.ddg.function(last.statement)) {
    func.definition <- .ddg.wrap.last.line(func.definition, function.decl@contained)
  # Wrap statements with .ddg.eval if not already added and if
  # statements are not calls to a ddg function and do not contain
  # .ddg.return.value.
  if (!.ddg.has.call.to(func.definition, ".ddg.eval")) {
    func.definition <- .ddg.wrap.with.ddg.eval(func.definition, function.decl@contained)
  # Reassemble parsed.command.
  #print(paste("Done annotating", func.name))
  return (as.expression (call ("<-", as.name(func.name), func.definition)))

#' .ddg.create.function.block creates a function block.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @return a parse tree for the same function declaration but with
#' the function statements inside a block.
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.function.block <- function(func.definition) {
  # Get the function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Add block and reconstruct the call.
  new.func.body <- call("{", func.body)
  return(call("function", func.params, as.call(new.func.body)))

#' .ddg.add.conditional.statement creates a new function definition
#' containing an if-then statement used to control annotation.
#' @param func.definition the original function definition.
#' @return the function definition with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.conditional.statement <- function(func.definition, func.name) {
  # Get the function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  pos <- length(func.body)
  # Create new function definition containing if-then statement.
  # This will prevent us from collecting provenance inside
  # functions that are inside control structures when we 
  # are not collecting provenance in control structures.
  new.func.body.txt <-
      c(paste("if (.ddg.should.run.annotated(\"", func.name, "\")) {", sep=""),
          paste("} else {", sep=""),
          paste("}", sep=""))
  new.func.expr <- parse(text=new.func.body.txt)
  new.func.body <- new.func.expr[[1]]
  return(call("function", func.params, call("{", new.func.body)))

#' .ddg.insert.ddg.function inserts .ddg.function before the first line
#' in the annotated block of a function body.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @return a parse tree for the same function declaration but with
#' a call to .ddg.function as the first statement.
#' @noRd

.ddg.insert.ddg.function <- function(func.definition) {
  # Get the function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Get annotated block.
  block <- func.body[[2]][[3]]
  pos <- length(block)
  # Insert .ddg.function.
  inserted.statement <- call(".ddg.function")
  new.statements.txt <- c(as.list("{"), inserted.statement, 
                          as.list(block[2:pos]), as.list("}"))
  block <- parse(text=new.statements.txt)[[1]]
  func.body[[2]][[3]] <- block
  return(call("function", func.params, as.call(func.body)))

#' .ddg.wrap.return.parameters wraps parameters of return functions
#' with .ddg.return.value in the annotated block of a function body.
#' @param block the parse tree corresponding to the statements within
#'   the annotated block of a function
#' @param parsed.stmts the list of DDGStatement objects contained in the
#'   function
#' @return a parse tree for the same function body but with
#' a call to .ddg.return.value wrapped around all expressions that are
#' returned.
#' @noRd

.ddg.wrap.return.parameters <- function(block, parsed.stmts) {
  # Check each statement in the annotated block to see if it
  # contains a return.
  pos <- length(block)
  #print(paste(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: pos =", pos))
  for (i in 1:pos) {
    statement <- block[[i]]
    #print(paste("statement", i, "=", deparse(statement)))
    #print(paste("parsed.stmts", i, "=", parsed.stmts[[i]]@abbrev))
    if (.ddg.has.call.to(statement, "return")) {
      #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: found return call")
      # If statement is a return, wrap parameters with .ddg.return.value.
      if (.ddg.is.call.to(statement, "return")) {
        #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters:  IS a return call")
        # Need to handle empty parameter separately.
        if (length(statement) == 1) {
          ret.params <- ""
        } else {
          ret.params <- statement[[2]]
        #print(paste(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: ret.params =", ret.params))
        #for (i in 1:length(parsed.stmts)) {
        #  print(paste(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmts =", 
        #              parsed.stmts[[i]]@abbrev))
        if (is.list(parsed.stmts)) {
          #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmts is a list")
          #print(paste("str(parsed.stmts) =", str(parsed.stmts)))
          parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts[[i-2]]
        else {
          #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmts is NOT a list")
          #print(paste("str(parsed.stmts) =", str(parsed.stmts)))
          parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts
        #print(paste(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmt =", parsed.stmt@abbrev))
        # If parameters contain a return, recurse on parameters.
        if (.ddg.has.call.to(ret.params, "return")) {
          ret.params <- .ddg.wrap.return.parameters(ret.params, parsed.stmt)
        new.ret.params <- .ddg.create.ddg.return.call(ret.params, parsed.stmt)
        new.statement <- call("return", new.ret.params)
        block[[i]] <- new.statement
        # If statement contains a return, recurse on statement.
      } else {
        #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters:  CONTAINS a return call")
        if (is.list(parsed.stmts)) {
          #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmts is a list")
          #print(paste("str(parsed.stmts) =", str(parsed.stmts)))
          #print(paste("@contained[[1]] =", parsed.stmts[[1]]@contained[[1]]@text))
          parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts[[i-2]]
        else {
          #print(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: parsed.stmts is NOT a list")
          #parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts@contained[[i-2]]
          parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts
        #print(paste("Passing for parsed.stmt:", str(parsed.stmt)))
        block[[i]] <- .ddg.wrap.return.parameters(statement, parsed.stmt)
        #print("Returned from recursion")
    #print(paste(".ddg.wrap.return.parameters: after annotation, block[[", i, 
    #            "]] =", paste(deparse(block[[i]]), collapse="\n")))

#' .ddg.wrap.all.return.parameters wraps parameters of all return
#' functions with .ddg.return.value in the annotated block of a function
#' definition.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @param parsed.stmts the list of DDGStatement objects contained in the
#'   function
#' @return a parse tree for the same function declaration but with
#' a call to .ddg.return.value wrapped around all expressions that are
#' returned.
#' @noRd

.ddg.wrap.all.return.parameters <- function(func.definition, parsed.stmts) {
  # Get function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Get annotated block.
  block <- func.body[[2]][[3]]
  # Wrap individual return functions.
  block <- .ddg.wrap.return.parameters(block, parsed.stmts)
  # Get new function body
  func.body[[2]][[3]] <- block
  # Reconstruct function.
  return(call("function", func.params, as.call(func.body)))

#' .ddg.find.last.statement finds the last statement in the annotated
#' block of a function.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @return the parse tree corresponding to the last statement in the
#' function definition.
#' @noRd

.ddg.find.last.statement <- function (func.definition) {
  # Get function body.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Get annotated block.
  block <- func.body[[2]][[3]]
  pos <- length(block)
  # Return final statement in block.

#' .ddg.wrap.last.line wraps the last line of the annotated block of a
#' function with .ddg.return.value.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @param parsed.stmts the list of DDGStatement objects contained in the
#'   function
#' @return a parse tree for the same function declaration but with
#' a call to .ddg.return.value wrapped around the last line in the body.
#' @noRd

.ddg.wrap.last.line <- function(func.definition, parsed.stmts) {
  # Get function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Get annotated block.
  block <- func.body[[2]][[3]]
  pos <- length(block)
  last.statement <- block[[pos]]
  parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts[[length(parsed.stmts)]]
  wrapped.statement <- .ddg.create.ddg.return.call(last.statement, parsed.stmt)
  func.body[[2]][[3]][[pos]] <- wrapped.statement
  return(call("function", func.params, as.call(func.body)))

#' Creates a call to .ddg.return.value using a closure so that we
#' will be able to refer to the correct DDGStatement object when the
#' return call is executed.
#' @param last.statement the parse tree for the expression being returned
#' @param parsed.stmt the DDGStatement object corresponding to the last statement
#' @return a parse tree with a call to .ddg.return.value.  The arguments to
#' .ddg.return.value are the parsed statement and the DDGStatement object.
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.ddg.return.call <- function (last.statement, parsed.stmt) {
  # We need to force the evaluation of parsed.stmt for the closure to
  # return the value that parsed.stmt has at the time the .ddg.eval
  # call is created.
  #print(paste(".ddg.create.ddg.return.call: parsed.stmt =", parsed.stmt@abbrev))
  #print(paste(".ddg.create.ddg.return.call: last.statement =", last.statement))
  if (.ddg.has.call.to(last.statement, "return")) {
    #print(".ddg.create.ddg.return.call: has call to return")
    return (call (".ddg.return.value", last.statement, function() parsed.stmt))
  else {
    #print(".ddg.create.ddg.return.call: NO call to return")
    # If there is no return call, we will use .ddg.eval to execute the
    # statement and then .ddg.return.value to create the necessary return
    # structure.  We cannot use this technique if there is a return call
    # because we if tried to eval a return call, we would end up returning
    # from some code inside RDT, instead of the user's function.
    new.statement <- .ddg.create.ddg.eval.call(last.statement, parsed.stmt)
    return (call (".ddg.return.value", new.statement, function() parsed.stmt))

#' .ddg.wrap.with.ddg.eval wraps each statement in the annotated block
#' of a function body with .ddg.eval if the statement is not a call to a ddg
#' function and does not contain a call to .ddg.return.value. The statement
#' is enclosed in quotation marks.
#' @param func.definition a parsed expression for a function declaration (not
#'   the full assignment statement in which it is declared)
#' @param parsed.stmts the list of DDGStatement objects contained in the
#'   function
#' @return a parse tree for the same function declaration but with
#' the calls to .ddg.eval inserted.
#' @noRd

.ddg.wrap.with.ddg.eval <- function(func.definition, parsed.stmts) {
  # Get the function parameters.
  func.params <- func.definition[[2]]
  # Get the body of the function.
  func.body <- func.definition[[3]]
  # Get annotated block.
  block <- func.body[[2]][[3]]
  pos <- length(block)
  # Process each statement in block.
  for (i in 2:pos) {
    # Wrap with .ddg.eval if statement is not a call to a ddg function and
    # does not contain a call to .ddg.return.value. Enclose statement in
    # quotation marks.
    statement <- block[[i]]
    if (!grepl("^ddg", statement[1]) && !grepl("^.ddg", statement[1]) 
      && !grepl("^prov", statement[1]) 
      && !.ddg.has.call.to(statement, ".ddg.return.value")) {
        parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts[[i-2]]
        new.statement <- .ddg.create.ddg.eval.call(statement, parsed.stmt)
        func.body[[2]][[3]][[i]] <- new.statement
  return(call("function", func.params, as.call(func.body)))

#' .ddg.annotate.if.statement adds annotations to if statements.
#' @param command original parsed command
#' @return parsed command with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.if.statement <- function(command) {
  #print(paste(".ddg.annotate.if.statement annotating", command@text))
  if (.ddg.max.loops() == 0) {
    parsed.command.txt <- deparse(command@parsed[[1]])
  else  {
    # Get parsed command & contained statements
    parsed.command <- command@parsed[[1]]
    parsed.stmts <- command@contained
    # Set initial values.
    bnum <- 1
    ptr <- 0
    parent <- parsed.command
    parsed.command.txt <- vector()
    # If & else if blocks.
    while (!is.symbol(parent) && parent[[1]] == "if") {
      # Get block
      block <- parent[[3]]
      block <- .ddg.ensure.in.block(block)
      # Get statements for this block.
      block.stmts<- list ()
      for (i in 1:(length(block)-1)) {
        block.stmts <- c(block.stmts, parsed.stmts[[i+ptr]])
      # Advance pointer for next block.
      ptr <- ptr + length(block) - 1
      # Wrap each statement with .ddg.eval.
      block <- .ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval(block, block.stmts)
      # Add start and finish nodes.
      block <- .ddg.add.block.start.finish(block, "if")
      # Reconstruct original statement.
      cond <- paste(deparse(parent[[2]]), collapse="")
      if (bnum == 1) {
        statement.txt <- paste(c(paste("if (", cond, ")", sep=""), 
                                 deparse(block), collapse="\n"))
      } else {
        statement.txt <- paste(c(paste("} else if (", cond, ")", sep=""), 
                                 deparse(block), collapse="\n"))
      # Remove final brace & new line.
      if (bnum > 1) {
        last <- length(parsed.command.txt) - 2
        parsed.command.txt <- parsed.command.txt[c(1:last)]
      parsed.command.txt <- append(parsed.command.txt, statement.txt)
      # Check for possible final else.
      if (length(parent) == 4) {
        final.else <- TRUE
      } else {
        final.else <- FALSE
      # Get next parent
      bnum <- bnum + 1
      parent <- parent[[(length(parent))]]
    # Final else block (if any).
    if (final.else) {
      # Get block.
      block <- parent
      block <- .ddg.ensure.in.block(block)
      # Get statements for this block
      block.stmts <- list()
      for (i in 1:(length(block)-1)) {
        block.stmts <- c(block.stmts, parsed.stmts[[i+ptr]])
      # Wrap each statement with .ddg.eval.
      block <- .ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval(block, block.stmts)
      # Add start and finish nodes.
      block <- .ddg.add.block.start.finish(block, "if")
      # Reconstruct original statement
      statement.txt <- paste(c(paste("} else", sep=""), deparse(block), collapse=""))
      # Remove final brace.
      last <- length(parsed.command.txt) - 2
      parsed.command.txt <- parsed.command.txt[c(1:last)]
      parsed.command.txt <- append(parsed.command.txt, statement.txt)
  parsed.command.txt <- 
      append(parsed.command.txt, ".ddg.set.inside.loop()", after = 0)
  parsed.command.txt <-
      append(parsed.command.txt, ".ddg.not.inside.loop()")
  #print(paste(".ddg.annotate.if.statement annotated version:", parsed.command.txt))

#' .ddg.annotate.loop.statement adds annotations to for, while and repeat
#' statements. Provenance is collected for the number of iterations
#' specified in the parameter max.loops, beginning with the iteration
#' specified in the parameter first.loop. A Details Omitted node may be
#' added before and after the annotated section, as needed.
#' @param command original parsed command
#' @param loop.type loop type (for, while, repeat)
#' @return parsed command with annotationa added
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.loop.statement <- function(command, loop.type) {
  if (.ddg.max.loops() == 0) {
    # Note that I can't just use command@text because it does not separate 
    # statements with newlines
    parsed.command.txt <- deparse(command@parsed[[1]])
  else  {
    # Get parsed command
    parsed.command <- command@parsed[[1]]
    # Add new loop & get loop number.
    ddg.loop.num <- .ddg.add.loop()
    # Get statements in block.
    if (loop.type == "for") {
      block <- parsed.command[[4]]
    else if (loop.type == "while") {
      block <- parsed.command[[3]]
    else {  # repeat
      block <- parsed.command[[2]]
    # Add braces if necessary.
    block <- .ddg.ensure.in.block(block)
    # Wrap each statement with .ddg.eval.
    annotated.block <- .ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval(block, command@contained)
    # Insert .ddg.forloop statement.
    if (loop.type == "for") {
      index.var <- parsed.command[[2]]
      annotated.block <- .ddg.insert.ddg.forloop(annotated.block, index.var)
    # Add start and finish nodes.
    annotated.block <- .ddg.add.block.start.finish(annotated.block, 
                                                   paste(loop.type, "loop"))
    # Insert ddg.loop.annotate statements.
    block <- .ddg.insert.ddg.loop.annotate(block, "off")
    # Reconstruct for statement.
    block.txt <- deparse(block)
    annotated.block.txt <- deparse(annotated.block)
    # Calculate the control line of the annotated code
    if (loop.type == "for") {
      firstLine <- paste("for (", deparse(parsed.command[[2]]), " in ", 
                         deparse(parsed.command[[3]]), ") {", sep="")
    else if (loop.type == "while") {
      firstLine <- paste("while (", deparse(parsed.command[[2]]), ") {", sep="")
    else {  # repeat
      firstLine <- paste("repeat {", sep="")
    parsed.command.txt <- paste(c(firstLine,
            paste("if (.ddg.loop.count.inc(", ddg.loop.num, 
                  ") >= .ddg.first.loop() && .ddg.loop.count(", ddg.loop.num, 
                  ") <= .ddg.first.loop() + .ddg.max.loops() - 1)", sep=""),
            paste("else", sep = ""),
            paste("}", sep=""),
            paste("if (.ddg.loop.count(", ddg.loop.num, 
                  ") > .ddg.first.loop() + .ddg.max.loops() - 1)",
                  " .ddg.details.omitted()", sep=""),
            paste(".ddg.reset.loop.count(", ddg.loop.num, ")", sep=""),
            # Turn loop annotations back on in case we reached the max.
            paste("if (.ddg.max.loops() != 0) .ddg.loop.annotate.on()"),  
  parsed.command.txt <- 
      append(parsed.command.txt, ".ddg.set.inside.loop()", after = 0)
  parsed.command.txt <-
      append(parsed.command.txt, ".ddg.not.inside.loop()")

#' .ddg.annotate.simple.block adds annotations to simple blocks.
#' @param command original parsed command
#' @return parsed command with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.annotate.simple.block <- function(command) {
  # Get parsed command
  parsed.command <- command@parsed[[1]]
  # Get statements in block.
  block <- parsed.command
  # Wrap each statement with .ddg.eval.
  block <- .ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval(block, command@contained)
  # Add start and finish nodes.
  block <- .ddg.add.block.start.finish(block, "block")
  # Reconstruct block.
  block.txt <- deparse(block)

#' .ddg.is.call.to.ddg.function returns TRUE if the parsed expression
#' passed in is a call to a ddg function.
#' @param parsed.expr a parse tree
#' @return True if a call to a ddg function
#' @noRd

.ddg.is.call.to.ddg.function <- function(parsed.expr) {
  # Check if a function call.
  if (is.call(parsed.expr)) {
    # Check if the function called is a ddg function.
    if (grepl("^ddg|^.ddg|^prov", parsed.expr[1])) {
      return (TRUE)
  return (FALSE)

#' Creates a call to .ddg.eval using a closure so that we
#' will be able to refer to the correct DDGStatement object when the
#' return call is executed.
#' @param statement the parse tree for the expression being returned
#' @param parsed.stmt the DDGStatement object corresponding to the last statement
#' @return a parse tree with a call to .ddg.eval.  The arguments to
#' .ddg.eval are the original statement and the DDGStatement object.
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.ddg.eval.call <- function (statement, parsed.stmt) {
  # We need to force the evaluation of parsed.stmt for the closure to
  # return the value that parsed.stmt has at the time the .ddg.eval
  # call is created.
  return (call(".ddg.eval", paste(deparse(statement), collapse=""), 
               function() parsed.stmt))

#' Creates a call to .ddg.eval using the number of the DDGStatement
#' stored in the list ddg.statements in the ddg environment.
#' @param statement the parse tree for the expression being returned and
#' @param parsed.stmt the corresponding DDGStatement object.
#' @return a parse tree with a call to .ddg.eval.  The arguments to
#' .ddg.eval are the original statement and the number of the DDGStatement object.
#' @noRd

.ddg.create.block.ddg.eval.call <- function (statement, parsed.stmt) {
  # Get the next DDGStatement number and store parsed.stmt at this location.
  num <- .ddg.statement.num()
  return (call(".ddg.eval", paste(deparse(statement), collapse=""), num))

#'.ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval wraps each statement in a block with
#' .ddg.eval unless the statement is a ddg function or contains a call
#' to .ddg.return.value.
#' @param block original block
#' @param parsed.stmts parsed statements in block
#' @return block with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.wrap.block.with.ddg.eval <- function(block, parsed.stmts) {
  # Ignore initial brace.
  for (i in 2:length(block)) {
    # Enclose statement in quotation marks and wrap with .ddg.eval.
    statement <- block[[i]]
    if (!grepl("^ddg", statement) && !grepl("^.ddg", statement) 
      && !grepl("^prov", statement) 
      && !.ddg.has.call.to(statement, ".ddg.return.value")) {
        parsed.stmt <- parsed.stmts[[i-1]]
        # print(statement)
        # print(parsed.stmt@text)
        new.statement <- .ddg.create.block.ddg.eval.call(statement, parsed.stmt)
        block[[i]] <- new.statement

#' .ddg.add.block.start.finish adds start and finish nodes to blocks in control
#' statements.
#' @param block original block
#' @param pname label for start and finish nodes
#' @return block with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.add.block.start.finish <- function(block, pname) {
  # Create .ddg.start & .ddg.finish statements.
  start.statement <- deparse(call(".ddg.start", pname))
  finish.statement <- deparse(call(".ddg.finish", pname))
  # Get internal statements.
  pos <- length(block)
  statements <- deparse(block[[2]])
  if (pos > 2) {
    for (i in 3:pos) {
      statements <- append(statements, deparse(block[[i]]))
  # Create new block.
  block.txt <- paste(c("{", start.statement, statements, finish.statement, "}"), 
  block.parsed <- parse(text=block.txt)

#' .ddg.insert.ddg.forloop inserts a .ddg.forloop statement at the top of a block.
#' @param block original block
#' @param index.var index variable
#' @return block with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.insert.ddg.forloop <- function(block, index.var) {
  pos <- length(block)
  inserted.statement <- call(".ddg.forloop", index.var)
  # Block with single statement.
  if (pos == 2) {
    new.statements <- c(as.list(block[[1]]),  inserted.statement, 
  # Block with multiple statements.
  else {
    new.statements <- c(as.list(block[[1]]), inserted.statement,

#' .ddg.insert.ddg.loop.annotate inserts a .ddg.loop.annotate.on or
#' .ddg.loop.annotate.off statement at the beginning of a block.
#' @param block original block
#' @param var whether loop annotation is on or off
#' @return block with annotations added
#' @noRd

.ddg.insert.ddg.loop.annotate <- function(block, var) {
  pos <- length(block)
  if (var == "on") inserted.statement <- call(".ddg.loop.annotate.on")
  else if (var == "off") inserted.statement <- call(".ddg.loop.annotate.off")
  # Block with single statement.
  if (pos == 2) {
    new.statements <- c(as.list(block[[1]]),  inserted.statement, 
  # Block with multiple statements.
  else {
    new.statements <- c(as.list(block[[1]]), inserted.statement, 

#' prov.set.detail
#' prov.set.detail sets the level of detail for the provenance to be 
#' collected. 
#' @param detail.level level of detail to set (0-3)
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.annotate.on

prov.set.detail <- function(detail.level) {
  # If argument is missing, display help message.
  if (missing(detail.level)) detail.level <- 4

  if (detail.level == 0) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", FALSE)
    .ddg.set("ddg.max.loops", 0)
    .ddg.set("ddg.snapshot.size", 0)
    .ddg.set("ddg.detail", 0)
  } else if (detail.level == 1) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", TRUE)
    .ddg.set("ddg.max.loops", 1)
    .ddg.set("ddg.snapshot.size", 10)
    .ddg.set("ddg.detail", 1)
  } else if (detail.level == 2) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", TRUE)
    .ddg.set("ddg.max.loops", 10)
    .ddg.set("ddg.snapshot.size", 100)
    .ddg.set("ddg.detail", 2)
  } else if (detail.level == 3) {
    .ddg.set("ddg.annotate.inside", TRUE)
    .ddg.set("ddg.max.loops", 10^10)
    .ddg.set("ddg.snapshot.size", Inf)
    .ddg.set("ddg.detail", 3)
  } else {
    print("Please enter one of the following values:")
    print("0 = no internal annotation, no snapshots")
    print("1 = 1 loop, snapshots < 10k")
    print("2 = 10 loops, snapshots < 100k")
    print("3 = all loops, all snapshots")

#' prov.get.detail
#' prov.get.detail returns the current level of provenance detail.
#' @return prov.get.detail returns the current level of provenance 
#' detail (0-3).  Returns NULL if prov.set.detail was not previously
#' called, or has been cleared.
#' @export 
#' @rdname prov.annotate.on

prov.get.detail <- function() {
  if (!.ddg.is.set("ddg.detail")) .ddg.set("ddg.detail", NULL)

#' prov.clear.detail
#' prov.clear.detail clears the current value of provenance detail.
#' The level of detail is then determined by parameters of prov.run
#' or prov.init.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.annotate.on

prov.clear.detail <- function() {
  .ddg.set("ddg.detail", NULL)
End-to-end-provenance/RDataTracker documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 6:47 p.m.