
# leqtar_create_genotype_boxplots ----------------------------
#' leqtar_create_genotype_boxplots
#' Using the output from leqtar_analysis this function will try to create genotype boxplots for the top x associations found by Matrix eQTL.
#' @param arguments the processed input arguments.
#' @importFrom "gtools" "mixedorder"
#' @importFrom "gtools" "mixedsort"
#' @import "ggplot2"
#' @importFrom "reshape2" "melt"
#' @importFrom "stringr" "str_split"
#' @export
leqtar_create_genotype_boxplots <- function(arguments) {

  message("[INFO] ----------#----------")
  message("[INFO] Creating genotype boxplots..")
  message("[INFO] ----------#----------")

  # Set paths.
  output_dir <- arguments$output
  output_data <- file.path( output_dir, "data", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
  output_img <- file.path( output_dir, "images", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
  output_tbl <- file.path( output_dir, "tables", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
  # Get files.
  output <- list.files( file.path( output_data ), pattern = "*.R[Dd]{1}ata" )

  # Get result files.
  result_set <- lapply(output, function(result_file) {

    # Load data.
    tmp_env <- new.env()
    load( file.path( output_data, output, fsep = .Platform$file.sep ), envir = tmp_env)
    f.data <- get( ls(tmp_env)[1], envir = tmp_env)

    # Extract all qtls.
    qtls <- f.data$all$eqtls

    # Get significant qtls.
    qtls.05 <- qtls[which(qtls$pvalue < 0.05),]
    message("[INFO] Total QTLs: ", dim(qtls)[1], "\n\\___   Significant QTLs (< 0.05): ", dim(qtls.05)[1], "..")
    message("[INFO] Preparing QTL tables..")
    qtls.05 <- prepare_df_qtls(qtls.05, arguments)

    # Iterate over df.
    ll <- apply(qtls.05, 1, function(qtl) {
      # Set each row as a dataframe instead of a vector
      qtl <- data.frame(t(qtl))

      ## Test, remove after
      # qtl <- f.data[1,]

      # Retrieve all genotypes from all samples for the specified snps.
      if ( arguments$genoToFreq == T ) {
        genotypes <- arguments$genotypeUnconvertedData
        nCols <- ncol(genotypes) - 1
        genotypes <- genotypes[which( rownames(genotypes) == as.character(qtl$snps) ), 1:nCols, drop = F]

      } else {
        genotypes <- arguments$genotypeData
        genotypes <- genotypes[which( rownames(genotypes) == as.character(qtl$snps) ),]

      # Transpose and to data frame.
      genotypes <- t(data.frame(genotypes))

      # Filter NA's.
      if (length( which(genotypes == "00") ) > 0) {
        genotypes[which(genotypes=="00")] <- NA
        samples.with.na <- which(is.na(genotypes)==T)
        genotypes = t(data.frame(genotypes[,-samples.with.na]))
      } else if ( length( which(is.na(genotypes) == T) ) > 0 ) {
        samples.with.na <- which(is.na(genotypes)==T)
        genotypes = t(data.frame(genotypes[,-samples.with.na]))
      # colnames(genotypes) = gsub(colnames(genotypes), pattern="\\.[0-9]+", replacement="")

      # Melt the transposed genotypes.
      genotypes.melt <- suppressMessages( melt( t(genotypes) ) )

      # Position current gene in the expression file.
      gene.expression <- arguments$phenotypeData
      gene.expression <- gene.expression[ which( rownames( gene.expression ) == qtl$gene ), ]

      # if ( f.type != "individual" ) {
      #   gene.expression <- ge.gencode[ which( qtl$gene == rownames( ge.gencode ) ), ]
      #   if ( length( names(genotypes) ) < 88 ) {
      #     gene.expression <- gene.expression[-samples.with.na]
      #   }
      # } else {
      #   times = list( t0=seq( 1, length( colnames(ge.gencode) ), 4 ),
      #                 t10=seq( 2, length( colnames(ge.gencode) ), 4 ),
      #                 t30=seq( 3, length( colnames(ge.gencode) ), 4 ),
      #                 t180=seq( 4, length( colnames(ge.gencode) ), 4 ) )
      #   gene.expression <- ge.gencode[ which( qtl$gene == rownames( ge.gencode ) ), times[qtl$t.interval][[1]] ]
      #   if ( length( colnames(genotypes) ) < 22 ) {
      #     gene.expression <- gene.expression[-samples.with.na]
      #   }
      # }

      # Add a column to the gene expression dataframe and fill it with time points for later use.
      df.ge <- data.frame(gene.expression)

      # if ( f.type != "individual" ) {
      #   df.ge <- cbind.data.frame(df.ge, time=c(0))
      #   df.ge[seq(1,length(gene.expression),4),2] <- "t0"
      #   df.ge[seq(2,length(gene.expression),4),2] <- "t10"
      #   df.ge[seq(3,length(gene.expression),4),2] <- "t30"
      #   df.ge[seq(4,length(gene.expression),4),2] <- "t180"
      # } else {
      #   df.ge <- cbind.data.frame(df.ge, time=qtl$t.interval)
      # }

      df.ge.melt <- suppressMessages(melt(df.ge))

      # Set sample names.
      df.ge.melt[,1] <- names(gene.expression)

      # Bind the dataframes together.
      df.melt <- cbind.data.frame(expression=df.ge.melt[,2],

      # Create an order for the timepoints.
      # timepoints.order <- c("t0","t10","t30","t180")

      # Order the factor levels for the timepoints.
      # df.melt$timepoints <- factor(df.melt$timepoints, levels=timepoints.order)

      # Create an order for the genotypes.
      if ( length( levels( df.melt$genotypes.value ) ) > 3 ) {
        df.melt[ which( df.melt$genotypes.value == levels(df.melt$genotypes.value)[[3]] ), "genotypes.value"] <- paste( rev( unlist( stringr::str_split( levels(df.melt$genotypes.value)[[3]], "") ) ), collapse = "" )
        df.melt$genotypes.value <- factor(df.melt$genotypes.value)
        genotype.levels <- levels(df.melt$genotypes.value)
      } else {
        genotype.levels <- levels(df.melt$genotypes.value)
      # print(genotype.levels)
      if ( !is.null(arguments$genotypeUnconvertedData) ) {
        major.allele = strsplit(as.character(qtl$alleles),"_")[[1]][2]
        genotype.order <- c()
        # print(major.allele)

        if ( length(genotype.levels) == 2 ) { # Only 2 levels for genotypes.

          one <- strsplit(genotype.levels,"")[[1]] # first level
          two <- strsplit(genotype.levels,"")[[2]] # second level

          if (major.allele == one[1] && major.allele == one[2]) { # first level is homozygous major allele.
            # print("one is major")
            major = genotype.levels[1]
          } else if (major.allele == one[1] && major.allele != one[2] | major.allele != one[1] && major.allele == one[2]) { # first level is heteryzygous
            # print("one is hetero")
            heter = genotype.levels[1]
            genotype.order <- c(genotype.order, one)
          } else {
            print("WARNING: Third genotype should not exists here.")

          if (major.allele == two[1] && major.allele == two[2]) { # first level is homozygous major allele.
            # print("two is major")
            major = genotype.levels[2]
          } else if (major.allele == two[1] && major.allele != two[2] | major.allele != two[1] && major.allele == two[2]) { # first level is heteryzygous
            # print("two is heter")
            heter = genotype.levels[2]
          } else {
            print("WARNING: Third genotype should not exists here.")

          genotype.order <- c(major, heter)

        } else { # 3 or 4 levels for genotypes.
          # print(genotype.levels)

          one <- strsplit(genotype.levels,"")[[1]] # first level
          two <- strsplit(genotype.levels,"")[[2]] # second level
          three <- strsplit(genotype.levels,"")[[3]] #third level
          if (major.allele == one[1] && major.allele == one[2]) { # first level is major allele.
            # print("one is major")
            major = genotype.levels[1]
          } else if (major.allele == one[1] && major.allele != one[2] | major.allele != one[1] && major.allele == one[2]) { # first level is heteryzygous
            # print("one is hetero")
            heter = genotype.levels[1]
            genotype.order <- c(genotype.order, one)
          } else {
            # print("one is minor")
            minor = genotype.levels[1]

          if (major.allele == two[1] && major.allele == two[2]) { # first level is homozygous major allele.
            # print("two is major")
            major = genotype.levels[2]
          } else if (major.allele == two[1] && major.allele != two[2] | major.allele != two[1] && major.allele == two[2]) { # first level is heteryzygous
            # print("two is heter")
            heter = genotype.levels[2]
          } else {
            minor = genotype.levels[2]

          if (major.allele == three[1] && major.allele == three[2]) { # first level is homozygous major allele.
            # print("three is major")
            major = genotype.levels[3]
          } else if (major.allele == three[1] && major.allele != three[2] | major.allele != three[1] && major.allele == three[2]) { # first level is heteryzygous
            # print("three is heter")
            heter = genotype.levels[3]
          } else {
            minor = genotype.levels[3]

          genotype.order <- c(major, heter, minor)

        # Order the factor levels for the genotypes.
        df.melt$genotypes.value <- factor(df.melt$genotypes.value, levels=genotype.order)

        # Order data on factor levels.
        # df.melt <- df.melt[order(df.melt$timepoints),]
        df.melt <- df.melt[order(df.melt$sample),]

        # Save ggplot in variable and plot.
        mi <- min( df.melt$expression ) - 1
        ma <- max(df.melt$expression ) + 1
        p <- ggplot(data=df.melt, aes(x=genotypes.value, y=expression, group=genotypes.value) ) +
          geom_boxplot(aes( fill=genotypes.value), outlier.shape=NA ) +
          geom_point( position=position_jitter(width=0.15),colour = "darkgrey") +
          coord_cartesian( ylim = c( mi,ma ) ) +
          ggtitle( paste(qtl$gene_name, " - ", qtl$snps, sep = ""),
                   subtitle = paste( "P-value: ", qtl$pvalue ) ) +
          theme( plot.title = element_text( size = rel(1.6), hjust = 0.5 ),
                 plot.subtitle = element_text(size = rel(1), hjust = 0.5 ) ) +
          xlab(paste("Genotypes",sep="")) + ylab("Norm. read count")
        # if ( f.type != "individual" ) {
        #   p + scale_fill_discrete( name="Genotypes",
        #                            labels=paste( names( table( df.melt$genotypes.value ) ),"(", table( df.melt$genotypes.value )/4, ")", sep ="") ) +
        #     facet_wrap( ~ timepoints, scales="free")
        # } else {
        p + scale_fill_discrete( name="Genotypes",
                                 labels=paste( names( table( df.melt$genotypes.value ) ),"(", table( df.melt$genotypes.value ), ")", sep ="") )
        # }

        suppressMessages(ggsave( filename=paste( output_img, "/genotype/", qtl$gene_name, "_", qtl$snps,".pdf", sep=""), plot=last_plot(), device = "pdf"))
      } else {
        stop("[STOP] This is not yet implemented..")


    # Save result tables.
    message("[INFO] Saving result tables..")
    write.table(qtls.05, file = paste(output_tbl, "/detected_qtls_0.05.tsv", sep = ""), sep="\t", quote = F, row.names = F)
    #write.table(qtls, file = paste(output_tbl, "/detected_qtls.tsv", sep = ""), sep="\t", quote = F, row.names = F)

    message("[INFO] ----------#----------")
    message("[INFO] Creating genotype boxplots.. OK")
    message("[INFO] ----------#----------")

  #   # Set name of file.
  #   f.name = sub(f, pattern=".*/", replacement="")
  #   f.name = sub(f.name, pattern="\\.Rdata", replacement="")
  #   ## Determine wether it's over all, interaction, or individual time points.
  #   if ( length( grep(f, pattern = "interaction" ) ) > 0 ) {
  #     f.type = 'interaction'
  #   } else if ( length( grep(f, pattern = "all" ) ) > 0 ) {
  #     f.type = "all"
  #   } else if ( length( grep(f, pattern = "individual" ) ) > 0 ) {
  #     f.type = "individual"
  #   } else {
  #     print("Unexpected: something is wrong!\nCheck your input files.")
  #   }
  #   if ( length( grep(f, pattern = "cis" ) ) > 0 )  {
  #     f.acting = "cis"
  #   } else {
  #     f.acting = "trans"
  #   }
  #   ## Determine wether the current file is specified with or without covariates.
  #   if ( length( grep(f, pattern="no_covs" ) ) > 0 ) {
  #     f.cov = "no_covs"
  #   } else {
  #     f.cov = "covs"
  #   }
  #   ## If sub directories do not yet exist, create them for the plots.
  #   image.base = file.path("~/Dropbox/Erik Schutte Internship 2016/Results/eQTLs/")
  #   if ( !dir.exists( file.path( paste( image.base, f.type, "/", f.acting, "/", f.cov, "/", sep="") ) ) ) {
  #     dir.create( file.path( paste( image.base, f.type, "/", f.acting, "/", f.cov, "/", sep="") ), recursive = TRUE )
  #   }
  #   ## Create table of written qtls.
  #   subset <- 1:10
  #   subsetName <- paste( "top_10_", f.name, sep="")
  #   write.table(f.data, file=paste( image.base, f.type, "/", f.acting, "/", subsetName, ".tsv", sep=""), quote=F, sep="\t")
  #   ## f.type determines sample size, 'all' and 'interaction' are based on 88 samples and 'individual' on 22 samples.
  # })

# prepare_df_qtls ----------------
#' prepare_df_qtls
#' prepares the matrix qtl output data.frame and transforms it slightly. Adding information
#' to easily create genotype plots.
#' @param qtl a single qtl from matrix qtl.
#' @param arguments the processed input arguments.
#' @importFrom "data.table" "as.data.table" "setkey"
prepare_df_qtls <- function(qtl, arguments) {
  #Set temp df.
  tmp.df <- NULL

  # Col order boolean
  colOrder <- c(0, 0, 0)
  # Data tables ------------
  # Convert to data.tables
  qtl <-  as.data.table(qtl)
  if ( !is.null(arguments$geneNames ) ) {
    geneNames <- as.data.table( arguments$geneNames )

  # Snp positions -------------
  if ( !is.null(arguments$genotypePositionData) ) {
    # If genotype.location file is given, add it to the table.
    genotype.loc <- as.data.table( arguments$genotypePositionData )

    # Create keys + merge
    setkey(qtl, snps)
    setkey(genotype.loc, snps)
    colNames <- colnames(qtl)
    qtl <- merge(qtl, genotype.loc, all.x=TRUE, by.x = "snps", by.y = "snps")
    colnames(qtl) <- c(colNames, "snps.chr", "snps.pos")
    # print("******* snps ********")
    # print(qtl)
    colOrder[1] <- 1

  # Gene IDs -------------
  if ( !is.null(arguments$phenotypePositionData) ) {
    # If phenotype.location file is given, add it to the table.
    phenotype.loc <- as.data.table( arguments$phenotypePositionData )

    # Create keys + merge
    setkey(qtl, gene)
    setkey(phenotype.loc, geneid)
    colNames <- colnames(qtl)
    qtl <- merge(qtl, phenotype.loc, all.x = TRUE, by.x = "gene", by.y = "geneid")
    colnames(qtl) <- c(colNames, "gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end")
    colnames(qtl)[1] <- "gene"
    colnames(qtl)[2] <- "snps"
    # print("************** genes IDs *************")
    # print(qtl)

    # Gene Names -------------
    setkey(qtl, gene)
    setkey(geneNames, gene_id)

    qtl <- merge(qtl, geneNames, all.x = TRUE, by.x = "gene", by.y = "gene_id")
    # print("************** genes names *************")
    # print(qtl)
    colnames(qtl)[length(colnames(qtl))] <- "gene.name"
    colOrder[2] <- 3

  # Minor alleles ------------
  if ( !is.null( arguments$genotypeUnconvertedData) ) {
    snps <- cbind.data.frame(snps=rownames(arguments$genotypeUnconvertedData), arguments$genotypeUnconvertedData)
    snps <- as.data.table( snps )
    cols <- c("snps", "MAF")
    snps <- snps[, cols, with=F]
    colnames(snps) <- c("snps", "alleles")

    # Set keys for qtls and for snps.
    setkey(qtl, snps)
    setkey(snps, snps)

    # Subset the snps data.frame before the join.
    qtl <- merge(qtl, snps, all.x=TRUE)
    # print("******* minor_alleles ********")
    # print(qtl)
    colOrder[3] <- 5
  # else {
  #   # Re order tmp df cols.
  #   tmp.df <- result[,c("gene","gene_name","gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end",
  #                       "snps", "snps.chr", "snps.pos", "statistic",
  #                       "FDR","beta", "pvalue")]
  # }

  if ( sum(colOrder) == 0) {
    stop("[STOP] Dev error, create an issue in github..")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 1 ) {
    # Re order tmp df cols.
    cols <- c("snps", "snps.chr", "snps.pos", "gene", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 3 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "gene", "gene.name", "gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 5 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "alleles", "gene", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 4 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "snps.chr", "snps.pos", "gene", "gene.name", "gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 6 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "snps.chr", "snps.pos", "alleles", "gene", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 8 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "alleles", "gene", "gene.name", "gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end",  "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  } else if ( sum(colOrder) == 9 ) {
    cols <- c("snps", "snps.chr", "snps.pos", "alleles", "gene", "gene.name", "gene.chr", "gene.start", "gene.end", "statistic", "pvalue", "FDR", "beta")
  tmp.df <- qtl[,cols, with=F]
  # Return tmp df -------------
ErikSchutte/leqtar documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m.