
Defines functions fixCuadriculaICES check_by_month_argument dbyToDmy replace_coma_with_dot remove_coma_in_category renameFileVariables formatVariableTypes getVariableTypes readHeaderFiles

Documented in formatVariableTypes getVariableTypes

# Function to import a file from SIRENO's reports. Valid with RIM and oab
# files. Apply format saved in
# formato_variables dataset.
importFileFromSireno <- function (x, file_type, path){


    path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", path)

    fullpath <- file.path(path, x)

    struct <- getVariableTypes(file_type, "class_variable_import")

    type <- struct[["class_variable_import"]]

    # For any reason, some files from SIRENO database need to be encoded
    # explicitly with Windows-1252 or ISO8859-1, but others doesn't. However,
    # the rest of files cant't be encoded in this way because return erroneous
    # characters.
    if ( file_type == "RIM_LENGTHS" ||
         file_type == "OAB_TRIPS_CECAF" ||
         # file_type == "OAB_HAULS_CECAF" ||
         file_type == "OAB_CATCHES" ||
         file_type == "OAB_CATCHES_CECAF" ||
         file_type == "OAB_LENGTHS" ||
         file_type == "OAB_LENGTHS_CECAF") {

      file_read <- read.table(fullpath, sep = ";",
                              header = TRUE,
                              quote = "",
                              colClasses = type,
                              fileEncoding =  "Windows-1252"
                              # fileEncoding =  "ISO8859-1"
    } else {
      file_read <- read.table(fullpath, sep = ";",
                              header = TRUE,
                              quote = "",
                              colClasses = type

    if (nrow(file_read) == 0) {
      warning(paste("File", x, "doesn't contain data."), call. = FALSE)


  }, error = function(err) {

    error_text <- paste("error in file", x, ": ", err)



# ---- Function to get the first line with variable names of a file
# TODO: I think this function is doesn't used anymore
readHeaderFiles <- function(file){

  header <- read.table(file, sep=";",
                       header = TRUE,
                       quote = "",
                       dec = ",",
                       nrows = 1,
                       fileEncoding = "windows-1252")
  header <- colnames(header)
  header_df <- data.frame("original_name_variable" = header)
  #header <- readLines(fullpath, n = 1)
  # header <- unlist(strsplit(header, ";"))
  # header <- data.frame(original_name_variable = header)


#' Get the variable types of the RIM and OAB files downloaded from SIRENO.
#' This function use the formato_variables dataset.
#' In that dataset there are two fields related to the type of variables: class_variable_import
#' and class_variable_final.
#' The import of the files require the use of the class variables contained in
#' class_variable_import. Then, some adjustments to certaing variables are made
#' (replace commas with dots in numeric fiedls...). And finally, the format of the
#' variables is changed with the class contained in class_variable_final.
#' Used in the import and format of the files.
#' @param file_type type of the file: "RIM_CATCHES",
#' @param status_class "class_variable_import" to get the classes of the variables in
#' the import proccess of a file; or "class_variable_final" to get final classes
#' which the variables must have.
#' @return dataframe with the name of the variable, status class and file type.
getVariableTypes <- function(file_type, status_class){

  if(status_class != "class_variable_import" & status_class != "class_variable_final"){
    stop("'status_class' variable must be 'class_variable_import' or 'class_variable_final'")

  #get only the variables for the file_type
  struct <-
      c("name_variable", status_class, file_type)]

  struct <- struct[order(struct[[file_type]]),]



#' Format the variables of a dataframe obtained by the RIM and OAB import
#' funcionts from this package.
#' In case of logical variables with spanish
#' format ('S'/'N'), convert it in TRUE/FALSE logical variables (empty
#' data is assumed as FALSE)
#' The variable types are stored in formato_variables dataset.
#' @param df dataframe to format.
#' @param file_type type of the file: "RIM_CATCHES",
formatVariableTypes <- function(df, file_type){

  df <- renameFileVariables(df, file_type)
  name_of_columns <- names(df)

  struct <- getVariableTypes(file_type, "class_variable_final")

  df <- lapply(seq_along(df), function(x, variables_name, type_variables){

    var_name <- variables_name

    new_var_type <- type_variables[type_variables[["name_variable"]] == var_name[x], "class_variable_final"]

    # convert logical variables from spanish (S/N) to TRUE/FALSE
      df[[x]] <- convertSNtoLogical(df[[x]])

    # Attention: df[x] is a list... but I don't know why...
    df[[x]] <- get(paste0("as.",new_var_type))(df[[x]])

  }, names(df), struct)

  df <- as.data.frame(df, col.names = name_of_columns, stringsAsFactors = F)



# Function to change the variables name of the imported file to the new names
# stored in formato_variables dataset
renameFileVariables <- function(df, file_type) {

  new_colnames <-
    formato_variables[ !is.na(formato_variables[[file_type]]), c("name_variable", file_type) ]

  new_colnames <- new_colnames[order(new_colnames[[file_type]]),"name_variable"]

  colnames(df) <- new_colnames



# function to remove comma in the category "Chicharros, jureles"
# return the dataframe corrected
remove_coma_in_category <- function(dataframe){
  dataframe[["CATEGORIA"]]<- gsub(",", "", dataframe[["CATEGORIA"]])

# function to change comma with a dot in a variable of a dataframe
# return the dataframe corrected
replace_coma_with_dot <- function(dataframe, variable){
  dataframe[[variable]]<- gsub(",", ".", dataframe[[variable]])

# function to add 'AÑO', 'MES', 'DIA' and 'TRIMESTRE'
# only useful in RIM files (because contain the column FECHA_MUE)
add_dates_variables <- function (dataframe){
  dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]] <- as.POSIXlt(dataframe$FECHA_MUE, format="%d/%m/%Y")
  dataframe[["DIA"]] <- dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]]$mday
  dataframe[["MES"]] <- dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]]$mon+1
  dataframe[["YEAR"]] <- dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]]$year+1900
  dataframe[["TRIMESTRE"]] <- quarters(dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]])

  #remove 'Q' in quarter:
  dataframe[["TRIMESTRE"]] <- substring(dataframe[["TRIMESTRE"]], 2)
  dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]] <- format(dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]], "%d/%m/%Y")

  #order columns
  dataframe <- dataframe %>%
    select(one_of(c("COD_ID", "FECHA_MUE", "DIA", "MES", "YEAR", "TRIMESTRE")), everything())


# function to filter by month all the dataframes of muestreos_up list
filter_by_month <- function (dataframe, month){
  # format the month:
  month <- sprintf("%02d", month)

  # filter:
  dataframe <- dataframe[format.Date(dataframe[["FECHA_MUE"]], "%m") == month,]

  #return dataframe:

# Change variable from 16-JUN-19 to 16/06/2019 format
dbyToDmy <- function(var){

  if(all(grepl("^\\d{2}-[A-Z]{3}-\\d{2}$", var))){
    # to avoid some problems with Spanish_Spain.1252 (or if you are using another
    # locale), change locale to Spanish_United States.1252:
    lct <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")

    Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME","Spanish_United States.1252")

    var <- format(as.Date(var, "%d-%b-%y"), "%d/%m/%Y")

    # and come back to the initial configuration of locale:
    Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", lct)

  } else{




# function to check variable by_month
# This function check that the by_month variable is a numeric between 1 to 12
# or FALSE
check_by_month_argument <- function(by_month) {
      if (is.numeric(by_month)){
        if(by_month < 1 | by_month > 12) {
          error_text <- paste0("by_month = ", by_month, "??? How many by_months has your culture?")
        } else {
      } else if ( is.logical(by_month) & by_month == FALSE) {
      } else {
        stop(paste0("by_month has to be a numeric between 1 to 12 or FALSE to select all the year"))
    error = function(err) {
      error_text <- paste0("C'mon boy... ", err)

# Remove the ' in the values of the CUADRICULA_ICES variable and convert to factor
# Only to use with aob files
fixCuadriculaICES <- function(df){

  if (!"CUADRICULA_ICES" %in% colnames(df)){
    stop("There aren't CUADRICULA_ICES variable in that dataframe")

  df[["CUADRICULA_ICES"]] <- sub("'", "", df[["CUADRICULA_ICES"]])

  df[["CUADRICULA_ICES"]] <- as.factor(df[["CUADRICULA_ICES"]])


Eucrow/sapmuebase documentation built on June 23, 2024, 7:21 p.m.