
#' Separate a dataframe by influence area
#' This function separate any dataframe by influence area according to a sireno
#' port variable available in the dataframe.
#' @param df is the data frame to split. It's imperative that contain a variable
#' with a sireno port code or with a locode port code.
#' @param cod_port_column is the variable with the port code. It can be a SIRENO
#' port code (4 digits) or a LOCODE (5 uppercase character) code.
#' @return a list of data frames for each influence area in the dataframe to
#' separate.
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
separateDataframeByInfluenceArea <- function (df, cod_port_column){

  #check if package dplyr is installed:
  if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("dplyr package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call = FALSE)

  #check the correction of the data frame
  if (!is.data.frame(df)){
    stop ("This doesn't like a dataframe")

  #check if the variable exists in data frame
  if(!cod_port_column %in% colnames(df)){
    stop( paste0(deparse(substitute(cod_port_column))), " does not exists.")

  #check if the variable contains any NA
  if( anyNA(df[cod_port_column])){
    stop( "Variable", paste0(deparse(substitute(cod_port_column))), " contains NA values.")

  type_code <- ""

  #check the correction of the cod_port_column
  if (all(grepl("^[A-Z]{5}$", df[[cod_port_column]])) ) {
    type_code <- "LOCODE"
  } else if (all(grepl("^\\d{4}$", df[[cod_port_column]]))) {
    type_code <- "COD_PUERTO"
  } else {
    stop ("LOCODE dosn't looks like a SIRENO code port or LOCODE. If code
          port column is a SIRENO code, it must be 4 digits. If it is a LOCODE
          port column, it must have five uppercase characters")


  areas_influencia <- areas_influencia[,c(type_code, "AREA_INF")]

  by_area <- merge(df, areas_influencia, by.x = cod_port_column, by.y = type_code, all.x = TRUE )

  by_area <- split(by_area, by_area$AREA_INF)


Eucrow/sapmuebase documentation built on April 17, 2024, 10:29 a.m.