## Methods for the classes
setMethod("pedigree", "missing", function(...){
## Methods for FAData objects.
## validate the FAData object. Checks if the pedigree and age fit/match.
validateFAData <- function(object){
Complaints <- character()
## check the number of columns and column names.
## check the columns...
value <- object@pedigree
if(is.null(noColNames(value)) & ncol(value) == length(CN)){
colnames(Value) <- CN
## check if all expected colnames are there:
if(all(CN %in% colnames(value))){
## all fine, just drop additional columns
value <- value[, CN]
## Missing one or more colnames!!!
missingCN <- CN[!(CN %in% colnames(value))]
Complaints <- c(Complaints, paste0("Required columns ",
paste(missingCN, collapse=", "),
" not present in pedigree!"))
object@pedigree$sex <- sanitizeSex(object@pedigree$sex)
## Check that we have a non-NA in id, father, mother
Complaints <- c(Complaints, "No NAs in column 'id' allowed!")
FatherId <- as.character(object@pedigree$father)
if(!(all(FatherId[!is.na(FatherId)] %in%
Complaints <- c(
paste0("Some of the father IDs are not present",
" in the pedigree! All IDs in column 'father'",
" have to be either present in the pedigree, or",
" have to be <NA>."))
MotherId <- as.character(object@pedigree$mother)
if(!(all(MotherId[!is.na(MotherId)] %in%
Complaints <- c(
paste0("Some of the mother IDs are not present",
" in the pedigree! All IDs in column 'mother'",
" have to be either present in the pedigree, or",
" have to be <NA>."))
## has to be a named numeric vector!
Complaints <- c(Complaints,
"\nAge has to be a named numeric vector!")
## check the trait:
if(length(object@.trait) > 0){
## trait has to have the same length than the pedigree has rows.
if(length(object@.trait) != nrow(object@pedigree))
Complaints <- c(
"\nlength of trait has to match the number of rows of pedigree!")
setValidity("FAData", validateFAData)
setMethod("initialize", "FAData", function(.Object,...){
OK <- validateFAData(.Object)
callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
setMethod("show", "FAData", function(object){
cat(paste0(class(object), " object with:\n"))
cat(paste0(" * Pedigree of length ", nrow(object@pedigree), ".\n"))
if(length(object@pedigree) > 0 & nrow(object@pedigree) > 0){
## Number of individuals.
UnIds <- unique(object@pedigree[, "id"])
cat(paste0(" * Number of unique individuals: ", length(UnIds), ".\n"))
## Number of families.
famTab <- table(pedigree(object)[, "family"])
cat(paste0(" * Number of families: ", length(famTab), ".\n"))
## Number of individuals in largest family.
famTab <- sort(famTab)
cat(paste0(" * Number of individuals in largest family: ",
famTab[length(famTab)], ".\n"))
## Number of individuals in the smallest family.
cat(paste0(" * Number of individuals in smallest family: ",
famTab[1], ".\n"))
## Average number of individuals per family.
if(length(age(object)) > 0){
## check for how many individuals we have a defined age...
ages <- age(object)
if (any(!is.na(ages)))
cat(paste0(" * Number of individuals with known age: ",
sum(!is.na(ages)), ".\n"))
if(length(object@.trait) > 0){
cat("Information on an unnamed trait\n")
cat("Information on trait '", object@traitname, "'\n", sep = "")
cat(paste0(" * Number of non-NA values: ",
length(trait(object, na.rm=TRUE)),
cat(paste0(" * Number of non-zero values: ",
sum(trait(object, na.rm=TRUE)!=0),
## getter/setter for pedigree.
setMethod("pedigree", "FAData", function(object, return.type="data.frame"){
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("data.frame", "pedigree"))
ped <- object@pedigree
stop("pedigree has more columns than expected!")
colnames(ped) <- CN
ped$sex <- sanitizeSex(ped$sex)
## should we add the trait information?
if(length(object@.trait) > 0){
tr <- trait(object)
ped <- cbind(ped, affected=tr)
if(any(colnames(ped) == "affected")){
ped <- kinship2::pedigree(famid=ped[, "family"],
id=ped[, "id"],
dadid=ped[, "father"],
momid=ped[, "mother"],
sex=ped[, "sex"],
affected=ped[, "affected"])
ped <- kinship2::pedigree(famid=ped[, "family"],
id=ped[, "id"],
dadid=ped[, "father"],
momid=ped[, "mother"],
sex=ped[, "sex"])
## pedigree<- internally checks validity of the submitted value.
setReplaceMethod("pedigree", "FAData", function(object, value) {
if (is.data.frame(value)) {
if (!noColNames(value)) {
## check the colnames
if (sum(CN %in% colnames(value)) != length(CN)) {
stop(paste0("pedigree is expected to have column names ",
paste(CN, collapse=", "), "."))
value <- value[, CN]
} else {
## no col names, thus assuming they fit what we expect.
if (ncol(value)!=length(CN))
stop(paste0("pedigree is expected to have ", length(CN),
" columns but I got ", ncol(value), "!"))
colnames(value) <- CN
## check and sanitize the sex...
value[, "sex"] <- sanitizeSex(value$sex)
if (length(unique(value$id)) != nrow(value))
stop("IDs for individuals have to be unique, even for individuals",
" in different families!")
rownames(value) <- as.character(value$id)
} else if (is(value, "pedigree") | is(value, "pedigreeList")) {
value <- ped2df(value)
} else {
stop("pedigree has to be a data.frame, a pedigree or a pedigreeList ",
## Remove trailing and leading white spaces
for (theCol in c("id", "family", "father", "mother")) {
tmp <- value[, theCol]
M <- mode(tmp)
tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "^(\\s)*", replacement = "")
tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "(\\s)*$", replacement = "")
mode(tmp) <- M
value[, theCol] <- tmp
if (is.factor(value$id))
value$id <- as.character(value$id)
rownames(value) <- value$id
## Fix father/mother column. We're using NA for not present!
if (is.factor(value$father))
value$father <- as.character(value$father)
if (is.factor(value$mother))
value$mother <- as.character(value$mother)
if (is.character(value$father))
value$father[value$father == ""] <- NA
if (is.character(value$father))
value$father[value$father == "0"] <- NA
if (is.numeric(value$father))
value$father[value$father == 0] <- NA
if (is.character(value$mother))
value$mother[value$mother == ""] <- NA
if (is.character(value$mother))
value$mother[value$mother == "0"] <- NA
if (is.numeric(value$mother))
value$mother[value$mother == 0] <- NA
object@pedigree <- value
## save the kinship matrix
message("Generating the kinship matrix...", appendLF=FALSE)
object@.kinship <- kinship2::kinship(pedigree(object,
return.type = "pedigree"))
## get pedigree size
setMethod("pedigreeSize", "FAData", function(object){
## accessor for columns in pedigree...
setMethod("$", "FAData", function(x, name){
tn <- x@traitname
if(length(tn) == 0)
tn <- ""
if(name == "trait" | name == tn){
vals <- eval(substitute(pedigree(x)$NAME_ARG, list(NAME_ARG=name)))
if(length(vals) > 0){
## if we're accessing the id let's transform that to character
if(name == "id")
vals <- as.character(vals)
ids <- pedigree(x)$id
names(vals) <- ids
## get the ids of all affected individuals in the trait
setMethod("affectedIndividuals", "FAData", function(object){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0){
warning("No trait information available")
tr <- trait(object, na.rm=TRUE)
## get the ids of all phenotyped individuals in the trait
setMethod("phenotypedIndividuals", "FAData", function(object){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0){
warning("No trait information available")
tr <- trait(object, na.rm=TRUE)
## getter/setter for age.
setMethod("age", "FAData", function(object){
## we do have a pedigree, so we make sure we return ages in the same
## order than ids in the pedigree!
if(length(object@pedigree) > 0){
ped <- pedigree(object, return.type="data.frame")
ages <- rep(NA, nrow(ped))
names(ages) <- ped[, "id"]
if(length(object@age) > 0){
ageids <- intersect(names(ages), names(object@age))
ages[ageids] <- object@age[ageids]
## we don't have any pedigree, so just return ages:
setReplaceMethod("age", "FAData", function(object, value){
if(!is.numeric(value) | is.null(names(value)))
stop("value has to be a named numeric vector.")
object@age <- value
## check if the object is (still) valid
## get the trait information.
setMethod("trait", "FAData", function(object, na.rm=FALSE){
tr <- object@.trait
## trait will be matched to the ids in the pedigree of object.
setReplaceMethod("trait", "FAData", function(object, value) {
if (is.logical(value))
value <- value + 0L
if (is.numeric(value)) {
## check that trait is 0, 1, NA
if (!all(unique(value) %in% c(0, 1, NA)))
stop(paste0("trait should be a named logical vector or numeric",
" vector with values 0, 1 and NA!"))
} else {
stop("trait has to be either a named logical or numerical vector!")
if (all(is.na(value)))
stop("Can not use a 'trait' with only NA values (i.e. without ",
"phenotyped individuals)")
if (is.null(names(value)))
stop(paste0("trait has to be a named vector with the names",
" corresponding to the IDs used in the pedigree"))
Pedigree <- pedigree(object)
traitInPed <- names(value) %in% Pedigree$id
## subsetting trait to those...
if (!any(traitInPed))
stop(paste0("None of the ids in trait (i.e. names of the input",
" argument trait) can be matched to ids in the pedigree!"))
value <- value[traitInPed]
message(paste0(sum(traitInPed), " of in total ", length(traitInPed),
" trait values can be matched to IDs in the pedigree."))
trait <- as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(Pedigree)))
names(trait) <- Pedigree$id
## filling with values...
trait[match(names(value), names(trait))] <- value
object@.trait <- trait
## getter for kinship. if not present in the .kinship slot it will be
## generated and saved.
setMethod("kinship", "FAData", function(id, ...){
kin <- kinship2::kinship(pedigree(id, return.type="pedigree"))
kin <- id@.kinship
return(kin[as.character(id$id), as.character(id$id)])
## get the family given an id or a family id.
function(object, id=NULL, family=NULL, return.type="data.frame"){
id <- NULL
family <- NULL
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("data.frame", "pedigree"))
if(is.null(id) & is.null(family))
stop("Either id or family has to be specified!")
## check first if we have id specified...
ped <- pedigree(object)
## get the ids of all families for these id(s)
family <- as.character(
ped[as.character(ped$id) %in% as.character(id), "family"]
if(!is.null(family) & length(family) > 0){
ped <- ped[as.character(ped$family) %in% family, ]
ped <- pedigree(id=ped$id, dadid=ped$father,
momid=ped$mother, sex=ped$sex,
famid=ped$family, affected=ped$affected)
ped <- pedigree(id=ped$id, dadid=ped$father,
momid=ped$mother, sex=ped$sex,
setMethod("buildPed", "FAData",
function(object, id = NULL, family = NULL, max.generations.up = 3,
max.generations.down = 16,
prune = FALSE, ...){
ped <- pedigree(object)
if(is.null(id) & is.null(family))
if (!is.null(family)) {
family <- as.character(family)
if (length(family) > 1)
stop("'family' should be the ID of a single family!")
have_fams <- as.character(unique(object$family))
if (!any(have_fams == family))
stop("'family' ", family, " not found in pedigree!")
id <- as.character(object$id)[object$family == family]
id <- as.character(id)
notThere <- !(id %in% ped$id)
if (any(notThere)) {
id <- id[!notThere]
warning("Removed ", sum(notThere),
" ids since they are not in the pedigree!")
if (length(id) == 0)
stop("No id available!")
if ((length(id) == 1) & prune) {
prune <- FALSE
warning("Setting prune=FALSE since there is only a single id!")
if (prune) {
## restrict to the smalles pedigree including the ids
return(subPedigree(ped, id = id))
## else grow the full pedigree
## first get all ancestors:
ancs <- doGetAncestors(ped, id = id,
maxlevel = max.generations.up)
## add eventual missing mates for the ancestors:
mismate <- doGetMissingMate(ped, id = ancs)
allids <- unique(c(ancs, id, mismate))
## next get all children:
chlds <- doGetChildren(ped, id = allids,
maxlevel = max.generations.down)
## Get eventually missing parents for the children: special case
## for one CHRIS pedigree
allids <- unique(c(allids, chlds, doGetParents(ped, chlds)))
## Get all missing mates:
allids <- unique(c(allids, doGetMissingMate(ped, allids)))
ped <- ped[as.character(allids), , drop = FALSE]
## fixfounders:
## set all mothers and fathers that are not in id to 0
ped[!(ped$mother %in% ped$id), "mother"] <- NA
ped[!(ped$father %in% ped$id), "father"] <- NA
ped <- removeSingletons(ped)
## [ subsetting.
.bracketSubset <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop){
stop("Subsetting by columns ('j') is not supported")
haveRows <- nrow(pedigree(x))
if(length(haveRows) == 0){
warning("Can not subset an empty object.")
i <- 1:haveRows
## check i:
i <- .checkRowindex(i, pedigree(x))
## don't use the accessor here!
pedSub <- x@pedigree[i, , drop=FALSE]
ageSub <- numeric()
if(length(x@age) > 0){
## subsetting age.
ageSub <- x@age[names(x@age) %in% rownames(pedSub)]
## In order to have a valid pedigree object, I have to set all father and
## mother IDs which are not in column $id to NA.
pedSub[!(pedSub$father %in% pedSub$id), "father"] <- NA
pedSub[!(pedSub$mother %in% pedSub$id), "mother"] <- NA
## have to use character colnames here.
kinSub <- kinship(x)[as.character(pedSub$id), as.character(pedSub$id),
newX <- new("FAData", pedigree=pedSub, age=ageSub, .kinship=kinSub)
## subsetting trait...
if(length(x@.trait) > 0){
subTrait <- trait(x)[i]
trait(newX) <- subTrait
newX@traitname <- x@traitname
setMethod("[", "FAData", .bracketSubset)
## i can be a numeric, character or logical vector which is supposed to be used
## for subsetting data.
## data is a data.frame or matrix with rownames.
## the function checks if i is valid to subset data and returns a numeric vector
## that can be used for subsetting.
.checkRowindex <- function(i, data){
haveRows <- nrow(data)
if(!is.logical(i) & !is.numeric(i) & !is.character(i))
stop("'i' has to be either a logical, numeric or character vector!")
## i can be boolean -> has to be the same length than haveRows
if(length(i) != haveRows)
stop("If 'i' is a logical vector its length has to match",
" the number individuals in the pedigree!")
## transform to numeric
i <- which(i)
## character -> have to match rownames of pedigree.
iLen <- length(i)
i <- match(i, rownames(data))
stop("None of the elements in 'i' matches an id of an",
" individual (i.e. rownames of pedigree)!")
warning(sum(is.na(i)), " elements in 'i' can not be",
" matched to ids of individuals and were thus discarded.")
i <- i[!is.na(i)]
## numeric -> indices have to be within haveRows
iLen <- length(i)
i <- i[i >=1 & i <=haveRows]
stop("'i' has to be a numeric between 1 and ", haveRows, "!")
if(iLen != length(i))
warning("Some of the values in 'i' are outside of the",
" allowed range [1,",haveRows, "] and were thus discarded")
## have it.
## kinship test.
## based partially on code from Daniel Taliun.
setMethod("kinshipGroupTest", "FAData",
function(object, trait, nsim=50000, traitName, strata=NULL, ...){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
OrigTrait <- trait
## building the result data object
## object <- as(object, "FATrait")
object <- as(object, "FAKinGroupResults")
trait(object) <- trait
object@traitname <- traitName
## run the simulation: calls the runSimulation method for the
## FAKinshipResult class.
object <- runSimulation(object, nsim=nsim, strata=strata, ...)
## kinship clustering test.
setMethod("kinshipSumTest", "FAData",
function(object, trait, nsim=50000, traitName, strata=NULL, ...){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
## object <- as(object, "FAResult")
object <- as(object, "FAKinSumResults")
trait(object) <- trait
object@traitname <- traitName
## run the simulation.
object <- runSimulation(object, nsim=nsim, strata=strata, ...)
## genealogical index
setMethod("genealogicalIndexTest", "FAData",
function(object, trait, nsim=50000, traitName,
perFamilyTest=FALSE, controlSetMethod="getAll",
rm.singletons=TRUE, strata=NULL, ...){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
## building the result data object
## object <- as(object, "FAResult")
object <- as(object, "FAGenIndexResults")
trait(object) <- trait
object@traitname <- traitName
## run the simulation: calls the runSimulation method for the
## FAProbResult cla ss.
runSimulation(object, nsim=nsim,
strata=strata, ...)
## familial incidence rate as described in Kerber
setMethod("familialIncidenceRate", "FAData",
function(object, trait=NULL, timeAtRisk=NULL){
## .FR is defined in Methods-FAIncidenceRatio.R
FR <- .FR(ped=pedigree(object), kin=kinship(object), trait=trait,
timeAtRisk=timeAtRisk, perFamilyTest=FALSE)
Res <- rep(NA, length(object$id))
names(Res) <- object$id
FR <- FR[[1]]
Res[names(FR)] <- FR
## familialIncidenceRateTest method.
setMethod("familialIncidenceRateTest", "FAData",
function(object, trait=NULL, nsim=50000, traitName=NULL,
timeAtRisk=NULL, strata=NULL, ...){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
object <- as(object, "FAIncidenceRateResults")
trait(object) <- trait
object@traitname <- traitName
## run the simulation
object <- runSimulation(object, nsim=nsim, timeAtRisk=timeAtRisk,
strata=strata, ...)
## fsir method.
## familial standardized incidence rate as described in Kerber
setMethod("fsir", "FAData", function(object, trait=NULL, lambda=NULL,
## First we need to do a lot of checking and testing.
## check internal trait...
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
## Check lambda
stop("lambda missing!")
stop(paste0("lambda has to be a named vector with the names",
"corresponding to the strata names!"))
## Check timeInStrata
stop("timeInStrata missing!")
if (!is.matrix(timeInStrata))
stop("timeInStrata has to be a matrix!")
if(nrow(timeInStrata) != length(object$id))
stop(paste0("timeInStrata has to have the same number of rows as",
" there are individuals in the pedigree!"))
stop("length of lambda has to match the number of columns of timeInStrata!")
if(!all(colnames(timeInStrata) %in% names(lambda)))
stop("Names of lambda does not match the colnames of timeInStrata!")
lambda <- lambda[colnames(timeInStrata)]
## Done.
trait(object) <- trait
trait <- trait(object) # that way we ensure that we have the same ordering.
kin <- kinship(object)
## Just to be on the save side... ensure that the ordering of id/Trait
## matches the kin
kin <- kin[names(trait), names(trait)]
diag(kin) <- 0
## Now start subsetting the data:
message("Cleaning data set (got in total ", nrow(kin), " individuals):")
message(" * not phenotyped individuals...", appendLF=FALSE)
## * NA in trait
nas <- is.na(trait)
trait <- trait[!nas]
kin <- kin[!nas, !nas]
timeInStrata <- timeInStrata[!nas, , drop=FALSE]
message(" ", sum(nas), " removed.")
message(" none present.")
## * NA in timeInStrata.
nas <- apply(timeInStrata, MARGIN=1, function(z){
message(" * individuals with missing time in strata...", appendLF=FALSE)
trait <- trait[!nas]
kin <- kin[!nas, !nas]
timeInStrata <- timeInStrata[!nas, , drop=FALSE]
message(" ", sum(nas), " removed.")
message(" none present.")
## Anyway removing singletons here, since they result in NA values!
message(" * singletons (also caused by previous subsetting)...",
## * Not related, i.e. individuals with a kinship sum of 0
nas <- colSums(kin) == 0
trait <- trait[!nas]
kin <- kin[!nas, !nas]
timeInStrata <- timeInStrata[!nas, , drop=FALSE]
message(" ", sum(nas), " removed.")
message(" none present.")
## Well done. Now let's do the test:
fsirs <- doFsir(affected=trait, kin=kin, lambda=lambda,
## Prepare the results vector.
allIds <- object$id
allFsirs <- rep(NA, length(allIds))
names(allFsirs) <- allIds
allFsirs[names(trait)] <- as.numeric(fsirs)
## fsirTest method.
setMethod("fsirTest", "FAData",
function(object, trait=NULL, nsim=50000, traitName=NULL, lambda=NULL,
timeInStrata=NULL, strata=NULL, ...){
if(length(object@.trait) == 0)
stop("trait is missing!")
trait <- trait(object)
object <- as(object, "FAStdIncidenceRateResults")
trait(object) <- trait
object@traitname <- traitName
## run the simulation
object <- runSimulation(object, nsim=nsim, lambda=lambda,
strata=strata, ...)
.checkLabels <- function(label, fam){
if(length(label) == nrow(fam)){
names(label) <- fam$id
## do we have names?
warning("Label vector does not have names and was thus discarded!")
## check and match by names.
subset <- names(label) %in% fam$id
if(sum(subset) == 0){
warning(paste0("None of the names of label match to ids in the",
" pedigree! Argument label was thus discarded!"))
label <- label[subset]
NAs <- is.na(label)
label <- format(label, digits=2)
label[NAs] <- ""
realLabel <- rep(NA, nrow(fam))
names(realLabel) <- fam$id
realLabel[names(label)] <- label
## Plotting
## plotting method...
## if family not NULL: plot the pedigree for the FULL family.
## if id is not NULL: build the pedigree around that id and plot that.
## highlight.ids: character vector of ids or named list with character vector(s)
setMethod("plotPed", "FAData",
function(object, id = NULL, family = NULL, filename = NULL,
device = "plot", symbol.related = NA, proband.id = NULL,
highlight.ids = NULL, only.phenotyped = FALSE,
label1 = age(object), label2 = NULL, label3 = NULL, ...) {
## if id was defined build the pedigree for that individual,
## otherwise plot the full family.
Args <- list(...)
if (!is.null(id)) {
## only extract arguments we might need for buildPed:
max.generations.up <- 3
max.generations.down <- 16
prune <- FALSE
if (any(names(Args) == "max.generations.up"))
max.generations.up <- Args$max.generations.up
if (any(names(Args) == "max.generations.down"))
max.generations.down <- Args$max.generations.down
if (any(names(Args) == "prune"))
prune <- Args$prune
fam <- buildPed(object, id = id,
max.generations.up = max.generations.up,
max.generations.down = max.generations.down,
prune = prune)
} else {
fam <- family(object, id = id, family = family)
if (nrow(fam) == 0)
stop("No data left for plotting after sub-setting.")
## Ensure that the pedigree has the same order...
fam <- fam[order(match(fam$id, pedigree(object)$id)), ]
## check if we've got affected
if (any(colnames(fam) == "affected")) {
affected <- fam[, "affected"]
haveAffected <- TRUE
} else {
affected <- rep(NA, nrow(fam))
names(affected) <- as.character(fam$id)
haveAffected <- FALSE
if (is.null(symbol.related))
symbol.related <- NA
## checking labels.
label1 <- .checkLabels(label1, fam)
label2 <- .checkLabels(label2, fam)
label3 <- .checkLabels(label3, fam)
## do not have affected... obviously...
is.proband <- rep(FALSE, nrow(fam))
names(is.proband) <- as.character(fam$id)
if (!missing(proband.id)) {
proband.id <- as.character(proband.id)
is.proband[names(is.proband) %in% proband.id] <- TRUE
if (sum(is.proband) != length(proband.id))
warning("Not all probands specified in proband.id are ",
"in the pedigree!")
text.inside.symbol <- rep("", nrow(fam))
names(text.inside.symbol) <- as.character(fam$id)
if (!is.null(id)) {
## get individuals that share kinship
related <- shareKinship(object, id = id)
related <- related[related %in% fam$id]
## could also use shareKinship(object, id), but that's not
## that efficient!
related <- related[related %in% names(text.inside.symbol)]
text.inside.symbol[related] <- symbol.related
text2.below.symbol = NULL
text3.below.symbol = NULL
text4.below.symbol = NULL
if (!is.null(highlight.ids)) {
if (is.character(highlight.ids)) {
highlight.ids <- list(`*`=highlight.ids)
if (is.list(highlight.ids)) {
## support at max 3 highlight lines.
for (i in 1:min(c(3, length(highlight.ids)))) {
if (is.null(names(highlight.ids)[i])) {
symb <- "*"
} else {
symb <- names(highlight.ids)[i]
texts <- rep("", nrow(fam))
names(texts) <- as.character(fam$id)
texts[names(texts) %in% highlight.ids[[i]]] <- symb
if (i == 1)
text2.below.symbol <- texts
if (i == 2)
text3.below.symbol <- texts
if (i == 3)
text4.below.symbol <- texts
} else {
warning("Discarding argument highlight.ids. It",
" should be a character vector of ids or a",
" (named) list of character vectors with ids.")
## Note that label1 to label3 has precedence to any other argument!
if (!is.null(label2))
text2.below.symbol <- label2
if (!is.null(label3))
text3.below.symbol <- label3
## If we want to plot only phenotyped individuals...
if (only.phenotyped & haveAffected){
## use the buildPed...
keepIds <- fam[!is.na(fam[, "affected"]), "id"]
subped <- subPedigree(fam, id=as.character(keepIds), all=FALSE)
plotMe <- as.character(fam$id) %in% as.character(subped$id)
} else {
plotMe <- rep(TRUE, nrow(fam))
## OK, now plot!!!
res <- doPlotPed(family = fam$family[plotMe],
individual = fam$id[plotMe],
father = fam$father[plotMe],
mother = fam$mother[plotMe],
gender = fam$sex[plotMe],
is.proband = is.proband[plotMe],
text1.below.symbol = label1[plotMe],
text2.below.symbol = text2.below.symbol[plotMe],
text3.below.symbol = text3.below.symbol[plotMe],
text4.below.symbol = text4.below.symbol[plotMe],
text.inside.symbol = text.inside.symbol[plotMe],
affected = affected[plotMe],
filename = filename, device = device, ...)
## Pedigree utilities
setMethod("countGenerations", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, direction="down", ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doCountGenerations(pedigree(object), id=id, direction=direction)
setMethod("estimateGenerations", "FAData",
function(object, family=NULL, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doEstimateGenerationsFor2(pedigree(object), family=family)
setMethod("findFounders", "FAData",
function(object, family = NULL, id = NULL, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doFindFounders(pedigree(object), family = family, id = id)
setMethod("generationsFrom", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doGetGenerationFrom2(pedigree(object), id=id, ...)
setMethod("getAncestors", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, max.generations=3, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doGetAncestors(pedigree(object), id=id,
maxlevel=max.generations, ...)
setMethod("getChildren", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, max.generations=16, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doGetChildren(pedigree(object), id=id,
maxlevel=max.generations, ...)
setMethod("getMissingMate", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doGetMissingMate(pedigree(object), id=id, ...)
setMethod("getSiblings", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, ...){
if(nrow(pedigree(object)) == 0)
stop("No pedigree available!")
doGetSiblings(pedigree(object), id=id, ...)
setMethod("shareKinship", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, rmKinship=0){
stop("id has to be specified!")
doShareKinship(kin=kinship(object), id=id, rmKinship=rmKinship)
setMethod("getCommonAncestor", "FAData",
function(object, id, method="min.dist"){
doGetCommonAncestor(pedigree(object), id=id, method=method)
## Methods to get ids from the pedigree that could be used as controls
## for the given list of ids.
## getAll
setMethod("getAll", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, ...){
doGetAll(pedigree(object), id=id, ...)
setMethod("getExternalMatched", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, match.using, ...){
doGetExternalMatched(pedigree(object), id=id, match.using, ...)
setMethod("getGenerationMatched", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, include.anc=0, include.off=0, ...){
doGetGenerationMatched(pedigree(object), id=id,
include.off=include.off, ...)
setMethod("getGenerationSexMatched", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, include.anc=0, include.off=0, ...){
doGetGenerationSexMatched(pedigree(object), id=id,
include.off=include.off, ...)
setMethod("getSexMatched", "FAData",
function(object, id=NULL, ...){
getSexMatched(pedigree(object), id=id, ...)
## export
## Export the pedigree information.
setMethod("export", "FAData", function(object, con, format="ped", ...){
stop("The file name has to be specified!")
stop("The format has to be specified (either 'ped' or 'fam')!")
format <- match.arg(format, c("ped", "fam"))
ped <- pedigree(object)
if(format == "ped" | format == "fam"){
ped <- doProcessDf2Ped(ped)
write.table(ped, file=con, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE,
## getFounders
## return the ids of the founders in the pedigree
setMethod("getFounders", "FAData", function(object, ...){
## getSingletons
## return the id of the childless founders.
setMethod("getSingletons", "FAData", function(object, ...){
## removeSingletons
setMethod("removeSingletons", "FAData", function(object, ...) {
ped <- removeSingletons(pedigree(object))
if (nrow(ped) == nrow(pedigree(object)))
## In addition to replace the pedigree, we have also to replace
if (length(object@.trait) > 0) {
the_trait <- object@.trait
object@.trait <- numeric()
} else
the_trait <- numeric()
pedigree(object) <- ped
## the trait
if (length(the_trait) > 0)
trait(object) <- the_trait[rownames(ped)]
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.