
Defines functions renamecolumns sanitycheck lengthunique addregion addconversionfactorandprice filterworldeu28 extractprices extractconversionfactors changeflowmessage changecolumntype findduplicatedflows removeduplicatedflows swapreporterpartner addpartnerflow calculatediscrepancies joinpricecvfbounds estimatequantity choosereporterorpartner replacebypartnerquantity shaveprice addmissingmirrorflow clean cleanmonthly cleandbproduct

Documented in addconversionfactorandprice addmissingmirrorflow addpartnerflow addregion calculatediscrepancies changecolumntype changeflowmessage choosereporterorpartner clean cleandbproduct cleanmonthly estimatequantity extractconversionfactors extractprices filterworldeu28 findduplicatedflows joinpricecvfbounds lengthunique removeduplicatedflows renamecolumns replacebypartnerquantity sanitycheck shaveprice swapreporterpartner

#' Rename and select columns
#' Rename and select usefull columns for the
#' forest products trade flow database.
#' Renaming is based on a data frame called column_names
#' which is a matching table of column names for the different
#' databases.
#' Rename only columns names that are existing in both
#' sourcedb and destdb.
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param sourcedb source database, where the data was loaded
#' @param destdb destination database, where the data is going to
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' column_names
#' @export
renamecolumns <- function(dtf, sourcedb = "comtrade", destdb = "efi"){
    column_names <- dplyr::filter(tradeflows::column_names,
                                  !is.na(tradeflows::column_names[sourcedb]) &
                                      !is.na(tradeflows::column_names[destdb]) )
    for (n in column_names[sourcedb][[1]]){
        # TODO: Verify that columns from sourcedb are in the dtf
        names(dtf)[names(dtf)==n] <-
    destcolumns <- column_names[c(destdb)][[1]]
    dtf <- dplyr::select_(dtf, .dots = destcolumns)

#' Check various features of the trade flows data frame
#' "Import" and "Export" and used to add partner flow information.
#' Should these characters be different then the user should be warned.
#' "Import" and "Export" are hardcoded in the swapreporterpartner() function.
#' This should be changed to environement variables using options() and getOption().
#' @param dtf data frame of trade flows data
#' @export
sanitycheck <- function(dtf){
    # Check that flows are written with a firt uppercase later
    flow <- unique(dtf$flow)
    stopifnot(sum(grepl("Import",flow) + grepl("Export",flow)) ==

#' Return the length of unique combination of given column names
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{select_}()}
#' @examples
#' lengthunique(airquality)
#' lengthunique(airquality, "Month", "Day")
#' lengthunique(airquality, "Month")
#' lengthunique(airquality, "Day")
#' @export
lengthunique <- function(dtf, ...){
    dtf <- dtf %>%
        dtf <- dtf %>% distinct()

#' Add regionreporter and regionpartner
#' @param dtf data frame of trade flows
#' @param regioncolumn column containing region names
#' @export
addregion <- function(dtf, regioncolumn = "region"){
    dtf %>%
                     reportercode, regionreporter = region), all.x=TRUE) %>%
                     partnercode = reportercode, regionpartner=region), all.x=TRUE)

#' Add unit price and conversion factor to each flow
#' Calculate unit prices in current currency
#' Conversion factors in Quantity
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
addconversionfactorandprice <- function(dtf){
    dtf %>% mutate(conversion = weight / quantity,
                   price = tradevalue / quantity,
                   pricew = tradevalue / weight,
                   # To avoid "integer overflow - use sum(as.numeric(.))" error
                   # on sum of all values
                   tradevalue = as.numeric(tradevalue),
                   # To avoid Error in dtf$c(NA_integer_,  :
                   # invalid subscript type 'integer'
                   quantity = as.numeric(quantity))

#' Filter world and EU28
#' Remove EU28 reporter
#' Remove EU-28 and World partner
#' @param dtf data frame containing comtrade trade flows
#' @export
filterworldeu28 <- function(dtf, verbose = FALSE){
    if(!"reporter" %in% names(dtf)){
        if(verbose) message("Message from filterworldeu28(): ",
                            "the 'reporter' column is not present in the dataset.")
    } else {
        dtf %>%
            filter(!reporter %in% c("EU-28")) %>%
            filter(!partner %in%c("EU-28", "World"))

#' Extract median prices at a given geographical aggregation level
#' Group trade flows by the given geographical aggregation level
#' (region or subregion) and extract the median prices.
#' Prices depend on the quantity unit. For some products quantity unit changes
#' from litre to m3 along the years.
#' @param dtf a dataframe containing all trade flows for one product
#' and their individual prices
#' @param grouping a character vector specifying the grouping variables
#' @param includeqestimates logical TRUE when comtrade quantity estimates
#' can be included
#' @param lowercoef numeric multiplier of the first quartile to
#' obtain a lower bound on prices
#' @param uppercoef numeric multiplier of the third quartile to
#' obtain an upper bound on prices
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # tf a data frame of trade flows
#' price <-  tf %>% extractprices()
#' priceglobal <- tf %>%
#'     extractprices(grouping = c("flow", "year", "unit"))
#' }
#' @export
extractprices <- function(dtf,
                          grouping = c("flow", "regionreporter", "year", "unit"),
                          lowercoef= 0.5, uppercoef=2,
                          lowerquantile = 0.25, upperquantile = 0.75,
                          includeqestimates = TRUE){
    # Grouping variables should be present in the data frame
    stopifnot(grouping %in% names(dtf))
    # Price should be present in the data frame
    stopifnot("price" %in% names(dtf))
    if(identical(includeqestimates,FALSE)){ # Condition easier to understand for user of the function
        dtf <- dtf %>% filter(flag==0 |flag==4 )
    # replace infinite price values by NA for the mean price
    # calculation
    dtf$price[is.infinite(dtf$price)] <- NA

    # Comtrade specific
    if ("flow" %in% names(dtf)){
        dtf <- dtf %>%
            # Keep only import and export prices, no re-export
            filter(flow %in% c("Import", "Export") | flow %in% c(1,2)) %>%
            # Remove world and EU28 values
            filterworldeu28(verbose = TRUE)

    dtf %>%
        # Price should not be NA and not be infinite
        filter(!is.na(price) & !is.infinite(price)) %>%
        # Calculate yearly regional prices by unit and/or by other grouping variables
        group_by_(.dots = grouping) %>%
        summarise(lowerprice = lowercoef * quantile(price, lowerquantile, names=FALSE),
                  medianprice = median(price),
                  upperprice = uppercoef * quantile(price, upperquantile, names=FALSE),
                  # The average price often cannot be computed because there
                  # are infinite prices when quantity is = 0
                  averageprice = mean(price, na.rm=TRUE),
                  weightedaverageprice = sum(tradevalue)/ sum(quantity)
                  # Price weighted by the quantity, same value as above
                  # weightedaverageprice1 = sum(price * quantity, na.rm=TRUE)/
                  #  sum(quantity, na.rm=TRUE),
                  # Price weighted by the tradevalue
                  # Infinite prices are an issue to calculate
                  # sum(price * tradevalue, na.rm=TRUE)
                  # One could replace Inf by NA values
                  # weightedaverageprice2 = sum(price * tradevalue, na.rm=TRUE)/
                  #  sum(tradevalue, na.rm=TRUE),
                  ) %>%

#' Extract median conversion factor at a given geographical aggregation level
#' Group trade flows by the given geographical aggregation level and
#' extract the median conversion factors.
#' @param dtf a dataframe containing all trade flows for one product
#' and their individual conversion factors
#' @param  includeqwestimates logical TRUE when comtrade quantity and weight
#'          estimates can be included
#' @export
extractconversionfactors <- function(dtf,
                                     lowercoef = 1, uppercoef = 1,
                                     grouping = c("flow", "regionreporter", "year", "unit"),
        dtf <- dtf %>% filter(flag==0)
    # Comtrade specific
    if ("flow" %in% names(dtf)){
        dtf <- dtf %>%
            filter(flow %in% c("Import", "Export")) %>%
    dtf %>%
        # Remove missing, infinite and zero conversion factors
        filter(!is.na(conversion) & !is.infinite(conversion) &
                   !conversion == 0) %>%
        # Calculate yearly regional conversion factors for each combination of the grouping variable
        group_by_(.dots = grouping) %>%
        summarise(lowerconversion = lowercoef * quantile(conversion, 0.25, names=FALSE),
                  medianconversion = median(conversion),
                  upperconversion = uppercoef * quantile(conversion, 0.75, names=FALSE),
                  # The average conversion often cannot be computed because there
                  # are infinite conversions when quantity is = 0
                  averageconversion = mean(conversion, na.rm=TRUE),
                  weightedaverageconversion = sum(weight)/ sum(quantity))

#' A function to calculate the percentage change on world imports and exports
#' @param dtf0 a data frame of trade flows before the modification
#' @param dtf1 a data frame of modified trade flows
#' @param import code indicating import data, can be "Import" for Comtrade and
#' 1 for Comext
#' @param export code indicating export data, can be "Export" for Comtrade and
#' 2 for Comext
#' Note: Add a function changeflowmessage(dtf, dtfsplit) which will return a character
#' string about both trade flows. This function could be defined in the main scope
#' and reused in other parts of the workflow. Or maybe not because the quantity is
#' not empty for addpartner flow and shaveprice.
#' @export
changeflowmessage <- function(dtf0, dtf1,
                              import = "Import",
                              export = "Export",
                              variable = "quantity"){
    if (!import %in% head(dtf0$flow) &
        (1 %in% head(dtf0$flow) | 2 %in% head(dtf0$flow))){
        # In the case of Comext data, imported flow encoded as 1
        # and export flow encoded as 2
        import <- 1
        export <- 2
    sumflow <- function(flow){
        if (!flow %in% dtf0$flow) return(0)
        sum0 <- sum(dtf0[dtf0$flow == flow, variable], na.rm=TRUE)
        sum1 <- sum(dtf1[dtf1$flow == flow, variable], na.rm=TRUE)
        signif(((sum1 - sum0) / sum0) * 100, 2)
    sentence <- paste("changed world export ", variable, " by", sumflow(export),"%",
                      "and world import", variable, " by", sumflow(import), "%",
                      " (positive values imply an increase).")

#' Change some of the column types
#'  Change to factors for easy plotting
#'  Change to large int or to floating point for some computations
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @export
changecolumntype <- function(dtf){
    dtf$flag <- as.factor(dtf$flag)

#' Return a dataframe of duplicated flows
#' @param dtf a dataframe contiaining trade flows, the funciton
#'  tests for duplicated reportercode, partnercode, productcode, flow, period
#' @export
findduplicatedflows <- function(dtf){
    # Arrange by descending order of last change
    # So that the duplicates returned by this function are the old ones
    dtf <- dtf %>% arrange(desc(lastchanged))
    # This checks only the selected columns in dtf
    dtf$duplicate <- duplicated(select(dtf, reportercode, partnercode,
                                       productcode, flow, period))
    filter(dtf, duplicate)

#' Remove duplicated flows
#' Print the number of duplicated entries and remove them if needed.
#' The function tests for all duplicated columns
#' (contrary to findduplicatedflows() which looks only for some columns).
#' This might be an issue if 2 flows have duplicated
#' reportercode, partnercode, productcode, flow, period but
#' their quantity column is different.
#' @param dtf a dataframe contiaining trade flows,
#' @export
removeduplicatedflows <- function(dtf){
    duplicatedflows <- findduplicatedflows(dtf)
        message("There were duplicated lines for the following reporters:")
        # Remove duplicated columns in dtf
        return(anti_join(dtf, duplicatedflows,
                         by=c("reportercode", "partnercode", "productcode",
                              "flow", "period", "lastchanged")))

#' Rename reporter to partner and partner to reporter
#' @param dtf data frame containing trade flow data
#' @param column column names to select, NULL if all columns have to be selected
#' Selected column names should at least include the identity columns which will be used
#' used for the merge
#' @export
swapreporterpartner <- function(dtf, column=c("reportercode", "partnercode","productcode",
    swap <- dtf %>%
        rename(partnercode = reportercode,
               reportercode = partnercode,
               partner = reporter,
               reporter = partner,
               partneriso = reporteriso,
               reporteriso = partneriso) %>%
        mutate(flow = gsub("Import","aaaaaaa",flow),
               flow = gsub("Export","Import",flow),
               flow = gsub("aaaaaaa","Export",flow))
    if (!is.null(column)){
        swap <- swap %>%
            select_(.dots = column)

#' Add volume and value of the partner flow
#' For the same country, period, item, add the corresponding partner flow.
#'@param dtf data frame containing trade flow data.
#'   With column names following the efi convention.
addpartnerflow <- function(dtf){
    # Warning for duplicated entries
        stop("Remove duplicated entries before adding partner flows")
    swap <- dtf %>% swapreporterpartner()
    # Check that values in the dtf and swap tables are all there
    # and in the same order (remove NA values from the check)
    stopifnot(dtf$quantity[!is.na(dtf$quantity)] ==
    # Add quantity_partner and tradevalue_partner to existing flows
    dtf <- merge(dtf, swap, all.x=TRUE, suffixes = c("", "partner"),
                 by = c("reportercode", "partnercode",
                        "productcode", "flow", "period"))
    # For flows that are missing add
    dtf$quantityreporter <- dtf$quantity

#' Calculate discrepancies
#' The plan is to use this as needed before plotting
#' but not to store it in the enddata
#' as it is for plotting with ggplot,
#' it might work best on a reshaped data frame
#'@param dtf data frame reshaped in long format.
#'   containing trade flow data.
#'   With column names following the efi convention.
#' @export
calculatediscrepancies <- function(dtf){
    # Reshape data frame in long format before calculation
    # Reshape in wide format before returning output dtf
    #     ids <- names(dtf)[!names(dtf) %in%
    #                           c("weight", "quantity", "tradevalue",
    #                             "weightpartner", "quantitypartner",
    #                             "tradevaluepartner")]
    #     stopifnot(length(ids) + 6 == length(names(dtf)))
    dtf %>% #melt(dtf, id=ids)
        mutate(discrq = quantitypartner - quantity,
               discrv = tradevaluepartner - tradevalue,
               reldiscrq = signif((quantitypartner - quantity)/
                                            (quantity + quantitypartner),2),
               reldiscrv = signif((tradevalue - tradevaluepartner)/
                                            (tradevalue + tradevaluepartner),2))

#' Join price and conversion factor tables to the data frame
#' Merge a price table and a conversion factor table to the main dataframe.
#' The price table was generated by the extractprices function and
#' the conversion factor table was generated by the extractconversionfactors function.
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param price a data frame of unit prices which can be merge with dtf
#' @param conversionfactor a data frame of conversion factors which can be
#'      merged with dtf
#' @export
joinpricecvfbounds <- function(dtf, price, conversionfactor){
    ## Check common columns between dtf, price and conversionfactor
    # column columns will be used to merge these data frames.
    # check if the price data frame and dtf have at least 3 or 4 columns in common
    # 3 common columns for the merge with global prices
    # (flow, period, unit)
    stopifnot(sum(names(price) %in% names(dtf)) >= 3)
    # 4 common columns for the merge with regional prices
    # (flow, regionreporter, period, unit)
    if("regionreporter" %in% names(price)){
        stopifnot(sum(names(price) %in% names(dtf)) >= 4)
    # Check if the conversionfactor data frame and dtf have at least 3 columns in common
    # for the merge with conversionfactor (flow, period, unit)
    stopifnot(sum(names(conversionfactor) %in% names(dtf))>=3)

    ### Specify quantity unit
    if(nrow(price)>0) {
        # Extract the unit most present in the price data frame
        unitprefered <-  price %>% group_by(unit) %>% summarise(n=n())
        unitprefered <- unitprefered$unit[unitprefered$n==max(unitprefered$n)]
        # Replace unit "No Quantity" and unit NA by the most prefered unit
        # before merging price and conversion factor tables
        dtf$unit[dtf$unit=="No Quantity"] <- unitprefered
        dtf$unit[is.na(dtf$unit)] <- unitprefered
    } else {
        message("The price data frame is empty, ",
                "skiping the creation of a most prefered quantity unit.")
    message("Merging prices by the following columns: ",
            paste(intersect(names(conversionfactor), names(dtf)),collapse =", "))
    dtf <- merge(dtf, conversionfactor, all.x=TRUE)
    # Estimate quantity based on the trade value, using a unit price
    message("Merging conversion factors by the following columns: ",
            paste(intersect(names(price), names(dtf)),collapse =", "))
    dtf <- merge(dtf, price, all.x=TRUE)

#' Estimate quantity
#' The data frame should contain median prices added by the
#' joinpricecvfbounds function.
#' Estimate missing quantity
#' For each trade flow in the given data frame,
#' compute quantity_cf from the weight using a conversion factor and
#' comput quantity_up from the trade value using a unit price.
#' These columns will be available in the data frame output of this function,
#' but they will not be saved in the validated database.
#' Split the data frame between flows which have a quantity from those which don't
#' complete missing quantity from weight when available or from the
#' tradevalue when the weight is not available
#' Check upper and lower bounds on price against a table of reference unit prices
#' In general NA values should be avoided for the
#'  upper and lower bounds on prices
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @export
estimatequantity <- function(dtf){
    if(!"medianprice" %in% names(dtf)){
        stop("Price bounds are not present.
    First add prices and conversion factors with the
    joinpricecvfbounds() function")

    ### For all flows, calculate quantity estimates
    # quantity_cf and quantity_up will be used in this function below only
    # if the quantity is actually missing.
    # quantity_cf and quantity_up will be kept in the returned data frame
    # for potential later use in other functions.
    dtf <- dtf %>%
            # Keep raw quantity for further analysis
            quantityraw = quantity,
            # Estimate quantity based on the weight using a conversion factor
            quantity_cf = weight / medianconversion,
            # Estimate quantity based on the trade value, using a unit price
            quantity_up = tradevalue / medianprice,
            havequantity = !is.na(quantity))

    # Comext specific
    # if medianpricew (median of the unit price per weight) is present
    # it was added by the merge with the price dataframe
    # in an earlier function call.
    if("medianpricew" %in% names(dtf)){
        dtf <- dtf %>%
                # Estimate weight based on the trade value, using a unit price of weight
                weight_upw = tradevalue / medianpricew,
                # Estimate quantity based on the new weight
                quantity_cfupw = weight_upw / medianconversion)
        # Split flows which have a weight from those which don't
        dtfw <- dtf %>% filter(!is.na(weight))
        dtfnow <- dtf %>% filter(is.na(weight))
        stopifnot(identical(nrow(dtfw) + nrow(dtfnow), nrow(dtf)))
        # Replace weight by weight_upw
        dtfnow <- dtfnow %>% mutate(weight = weight_upw,
                                    flag = flag + 30)

    # Split flows which have a quantity from those which don't
    dtfq <- dtf %>% filter(!is.na(quantity))
    dtfnoqw <- dtf %>% filter(is.na(quantity) & !is.na(weight) &
                                  # If median conversion factor is NA,
                                  # then estimate quantity based on price
    dtfnoqnow <- dtf %>% filter(is.na(quantity) &
                                    (is.na(weight) | is.na(medianconversion)))
    # Replace quantity by quantity_cf or by quantity_up
    dtfnoqw <- dtfnoqw %>% mutate(quantity = quantity_cf,
                                  flag = flag + 10)
    dtfnoqnow <- dtfnoqnow %>% mutate(quantity = quantity_up,
                                      flag = flag + 20)
    stopifnot(nrow(dtf)==nrow(dtfq) + nrow(dtfnoqw) + nrow(dtfnoqnow))
    # Messages about the number of rows affected
    nrow(dtf) %>% message(" rows in the dataset")
    nrow(dtfnoqw) %>% message(" rows where quantity was not available but weight was available")
    message("Using a conversion factor to estimate quantity from weight ",
    nrow(dtfnoqnow) %>% message(" rows where neither quantity nor weight were available")
    message("Using a unit price to estimate quantity from the trade value",

    # Put data frames back together
    dtf <- rbind(dtfq, dtfnoqw, dtfnoqnow)

#' Compare reporter and partner flow
#' The data frame outcome of this function
#' will be use by replacebypartnerquantity()
#' to decide which of the reporter or partner flow to favor
#' NA values should not be present in prices.
#' If an NA value is present in one year,
#' it should be probagated to all other years.
#' That means do not use na.rm in the calculation of the
#' standard deviation of prices.
#' Because of missing values in more recent years, the presence of missing data towards the end
#' can be dealt with by choosing periodend 2 or 3 years before the last year available.
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param periodbegin change this to global parameter
#' @param periodend change this to global parameter
choosereporterorpartner <- function(dtf,
                                    periodbegin=2009, periodend=2013,
                                    sdratiolimit = 0.8,
                                    verbose = getOption("tradeflows.verbose",TRUE)){
        message(periodbegin, "and", periodend, "used for the begining and end period")
    choice <- dtf %>%
        filter(periodbegin <= period & period<= periodend) %>%
        mutate(pricereporter = tradevalue / quantityreporter,
               pricepartner = tradevaluepartner / quantitypartner) %>%
        group_by(flow, reportercode, partnercode,
                 reporter, partner) %>%
            ### Reporter quantity q and price p
            meanqreporter = mean(quantityreporter, na.rm=TRUE),
            meanpreporter = mean(pricereporter, na.rm=TRUE),
            sdpreporter = sd(pricereporter),
            ### Partner price p
            meanppartner = mean(pricepartner, na.rm=TRUE),
            sdppartner = sd(pricepartner),
            ### Ratio of the standard deviation on price
            sdratio = sdppartner / sdpreporter,
            favorpartner = sdratio < sdratiolimit)

#' Replace quantity by quantity partner when the price variation in
#' recent periods was greater than that of the partner country for the same flow
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param choice a data frame of choice between reporter and partner
replacebypartnerquantity <- function(dtf, choice, verbose = getOption("tradeflows.verbose",TRUE)){
    choice <- choice %>%
        select(reportercode, partnercode, favorpartner, flow)
    dtf <- merge(dtf, choice, all.x=TRUE) %>%
        # add again the partner data, because it can have been modified in between
        # remove these columns, they will be recreated by addpartnerflow
        select(-tradevaluepartner, -quantitypartner) %>%

    # cut the dataframe between the lines which favor partner and the others
    dtffavor <- dtf %>%
        filter(favorpartner & !is.na(quantitypartner)) %>%
        mutate(quantity = quantitypartner,
               flag = flag + 4000)
    dtfrest <- dtf %>% filter(!favorpartner | is.na(favorpartner) | is.na(quantitypartner))
    dtfresult <- rbind(dtffavor, dtfrest)
    stopifnot(nrow(dtf) == nrow(dtfresult))
        message(nrow(dtffavor), " rows where quantity reporter was replaced by quantity partner")
        message("Favouring the mirror flow ",

#' Change quantities when unit prices are too high or too low
#' Upper and lower bound on prices have to be
#' checked and quantity replaced accordingly
#' This function comes after joinpricecvfbounds(), estimatequantity()
#' and after addpartnerflow()
#' so that the input data frame contains information on the price bounds
#' check this order in the source of the clean() function.
#' Check unit price for all flows
#' recalculate unit price based on quantity estimate
#' Those which have been estimated from tradevalue will have correct prices
#' Those which have been estimated from weight might be changed as well
#' Split trade flows between those which are within the price bounds
#' and those which are out of the price bounds.
#' For trade flows outside the price bounds,
#' use the unit price to estimate the quantity
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @export
shaveprice <- function(dtf, verbose = getOption("tradeflows.verbose",TRUE)){
    # Split flows which have prices out of bounds from those which don't
    dtf <- dtf %>% mutate(rawprice = price,
                          price = tradevalue / quantity)
    # Deal with missing prices and missing price bounds
    dtfnoboundprice <- dtf %>%
        # These NA conditions on lowerprice and upperprice are problematic
        # In general NA values should be avoided for the
        # upper and lower bounds on prices
        # The price calculation should add
        # missing upper and lower bound from the world price bounds
        # And this dtfnoboundprice data frame should be empty
        filter((is.na(lowerprice)|is.na(upperprice)) & !is.na(price))
    dtfnoprice <- dtf %>%
    if (identical(nrow(data.frame()),0L)){
        # it is not possible to check this in the price calculation
        # because some NA values can come from the merge
        message(nrow(dtfnoboundprice), " rows where price bounds were not available")
    dtfinbound <- dtf %>%
        filter((lowerprice <= price & price <= upperprice))
    # This is where the modification took place
    dtfoutbound <- dtf %>%
        # Will contain also Inf prices
        filter(price < lowerprice | upperprice < price) %>%
        mutate(quantity = quantity_up,
               flag = flag + 300)
    dtfresult <- rbind(dtfinbound, dtfoutbound, dtfnoboundprice, dtfnoprice)
    stopifnot(nrow(dtf) == nrow(dtfresult))
    if (verbose){
        message(nrow(dtfoutbound), " rows had a price too high or too low")
        message("Readjusting quantities so that prices are within the lower and upper bounds",
                changeflowmessage(dtf, dtfresult))

#' Add the partner flow when quantity is missing
#' When a flow does not have a mirror flow.
#' @param dtf a data frame containing world trade flows for one product
#' @export
addmissingmirrorflow <- function(dtf){
    # Remove world and EU 28 as it doesn't make sense to
    # add a partner flow for these

    # Select only the id columns from dtf
    dtfid <- dtf %>%
        select(reportercode, partnercode,
               productcode, flow, period)
    # Swap all columns from dtf
    swap <- dtf %>%
    # keep those flows that do not have a mirror in dtf
    dtfantijoin <- anti_join(swap,dtfid,
                             by = c("period", "flow",
                                    "partnercode", "reportercode",
                                    "productcode")) %>%
        # Change flag to 5000
        mutate(flag = flag + 5000)
    # Add these to the original table
    dtfresult <- rbind(dtf, dtfantijoin)
    message(nrow(dtfantijoin), " rows didn't have a mirror flow.")
    message("Adding missing mirror flows ",
            changeflowmessage(dtf, dtfresult))
    # findduplicatedflows(dtfresult)

#' Combine cleaning functions
#' Use unit prices and conversion factors to complete missing quantity data.
#' Handle unit prices that are out of bound.
#' Add quantity estimates reported by the trade partner.
#' The outcome is returned as a data frame.
#' @param dtf data frame
#' @param replacebypartnerquantity, when TRUE call replacebypartnerquantity()
#' @param shaveprice when TRUE, call shaveprice()
#' @param deleteextracolumns when TRUE, keep only columns from
#' column_names$validated_flow
#' @param outputalltables when TRUE return a list of data frames
#' containing the cleaned dataset and all tables used to compute it
#' conversion factors, regional unit prices, choice between
#' reporter and partner flows
#' @return data frame with the same information as the original
#' data frame. With columnes added by the various clean functions.
#' @export
clean <- function(dtf,
                  replacebypartnerquantity = TRUE,
                  shaveprice = TRUE,
                  addmissingmirrorflow = TRUE,
                  outputalltables = FALSE,
                  includeqestimates = TRUE){

    ### Checks
    dtf %>% sanitycheck()

    ### Prepare the data frame
    dtf <- dtf %>%
        filterworldeu28()  %>%
        removeduplicatedflows() %>%
        addconversionfactorandprice() %>%

    ### Prepare conversion factors and prices
    price <- extractprices(dtf, includeqestimates)
    conversionfactor <- extractconversionfactors(dtf)

    ### Estimate quantity
    nrowbeforechange <- nrow(dtf)
    message("If the workflow is modified, ",
            "the `estimatequantity()` function might be called later ",
            "to take into account modifications to the weight performed based on ",
            "price bounds and conversion factors.")
    dtf <- dtf %>%
        joinpricecvfbounds(price, conversionfactor) %>%
        estimatequantity() %>%
    # Shave price has to be done before replacebypartnerquantity, if the flow is mirrored
    # the trade value is not relevant anymore because it represents the and not the
    if (shaveprice){
        # based on upper and lower prices added above
        # by the joinpricecvfbounds() function
        dtf <- dtf %>% shaveprice()
    if (replacebypartnerquantity){
        choice <- choosereporterorpartner(dtf,sdratiolimit = 1 )
        dtf <- dtf %>% replacebypartnerquantity(choice)
    # Check if the number of rows has changed (it shouldn't)
    # It might change if there are duplicated flows
    stopifnot(nrow(dtf) == nrowbeforechange)
    # Now the numer of rows will change
        dtf <- dtf %>% addmissingmirrorflow()

    ### Overwrite partner quantity with the new estimated quantity
    # so that reporterquantity and partnerquantity are consistent
    dtf <- dtf %>% select(-quantitypartner, -tradevaluepartner, -quantityreporter) %>%
        # Create a function suppresspartnerflow that would be the complement of addpartnerflow

    ### 2 different kinds of output
    # List output
        return(list(dtf = dtf,
                    price = price,
                    conversionfactor = conversionfactor,
                    choice = choosereporterorpartner(dtf))
    # Data frame output

#' Clean monthly trade flows
#' The function uses regional conversion factors
#' and unit prices generated from the yearly data frame.
#' @param dtfmonthly data frame of monthly trade flows
#' @export
cleanmonthly <- function(dtfmonthly,
                         replacebypartnerquantity = TRUE,
                         shaveprice = TRUE,
                         outputalltables = FALSE){

    ### Prepare yearly conversion factors and prices
    message("\nIn an ideal world conversion factors, prices and choice table would be placed
in a database table, and not recalculated each time from the raw_flow_yearly.
We sacrificed a few seconds of execution time for an easier implementation.\n")
    y <- clean(dtfyearly, outputalltables = TRUE)

    ### Prepare monthly data
    # Keep only columns usefull for R,
    # Those efi column names that are in config/column_names.csv
    columnsread <- names(dtfmonthly)[names(dtfmonthly) %in%
    dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
        select_(.dots= columnsread) %>%
        removeduplicatedflows %>%
        #     no quantity means no conversion factor and price
        #     addconversionfactorandprice %>%
    nrowbeforechange <- nrow(dtfmonthly)

    ### Estimate quantity
    # Replace "exports" and "import" by "export" and "import"
    dtfmonthly$flow <-gsub("ports", "port", dtfmonthly$flow)
    dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
        joinpricecvfbounds(y$price, y$conversionfactor) %>%
        estimatequantity() %>%
    if (replacebypartnerquantity){
        dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>% replacebypartnerquantity(y$choice)
    if (shaveprice){
        dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
            mutate(price = tradevalue / quantity) %>% # Recaculate  price
            shaveprice # based on yearly upper and lower prices added above

    # Check if the number of rows has changed (it shouldn't)
    # It might change if there are duplicated flows
    stopifnot(nrow(dtfmonthly) == nrowbeforechange)

    ### 2 different kinds of output
    # List output
        return(list(dtf = dtfmonthly,
                    price = y$price,
                    conversionfactor = y$conversionfactor,
                    choice = y$choice)
    # Data frame output

#' Write flows into the database table validated_flow
#' For one product (at the 6 digit level),
#' read and clean all trade flows, then
#' Write flows into the database table(s) validated_flow
#' updates will be done on a product basis,
#' The function will:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{Read all flows having the given productcode in tableread}
#'  \item{Delete all flows having the given productcode
#'  in tablewrite (between all reporter and partner countries in all years)}
#'  \item{Use  \code{\link{clean}()} to clean the data frame}
#'  \item{Write validated flows to tablewrite}
#' }
#' @return TRUE if write to db succesded, otherwise return FALSE
#' @param productcode code of the product trade flows to be validated
#' @param tableread name of the table to read from
#' @param tablewrite name of the table to write to (all rows for productcode
#' will be deleted in this table before writing)
#' @param ... further arguments passed to the clean function
#' @export
cleandbproduct <- function(productcode, tableread, tablewrite, ...){
    checkdbcolumns(c(tableread, tablewrite))
    dtf <- readdbproduct(productcode, tableread = tableread)

    ### Remove database specific columns keep only columns usefull for R
    # Those efi column names that are in config/column_names.csv
    columnsread <- names(dtf)[names(dtf) %in%
    dtf <- dtf %>% select_(.dots= columnsread)
    dtf <- removeduplicatedflows(dtf)
    dtf <- clean(dtf, ...)
    # Remove column names added by the merge with price and conversionfactor tables
    # Keep only column names in the final table validated_flow
    # This is usefull for database output
    columnswrite <- tradeflows::column_names$efi[column_names[,tablewrite]]
    # Add or remove colum names here if needed
    # Remove lastchanged because is in the database
    # raw_flow table but we want the database to compute it again
    # for the validated flow
    columnswrite <- columnswrite[!columnswrite == "lastchanged"]
    dtf <- dtf %>% select_(.dots = columnswrite)
    message("deleteting product code ", productcode, " from the table ", tablewrite)
    deletedbproduct(productcode, tablewrite)
    message(paste("writing", nrow(dtf), "flows to the database"))
    # Message concerning the database write
    dbmessage<- data.frame(result = c(TRUE, FALSE),
                           message =  c("Write to the database succeeded",
                                        "Write to the database failed"))
    result <- FALSE
    tryCatch(result <- writedbproduct(dtf, tablewrite),
             finally = message(dbmessage$message[dbmessage$result == result]))

    ### Clean from one database table, to another database table
    cleandbproduct(440799, "raw_flow_yearly", "validated_flow_yearly")

    ### clean from a file
    # All in the clean() function,
    # except for renamecolumns() because
    # it's specific to the development system
    # In the production system,
    # database columns will already have been renamed
    sawnwood <- dtf %>%
        renamecolumns() %>%
    save(sawnwood, file=file.path(tempdir(),"sawnwood.RData"))
    message("File saved to ",file.path(tempdir(),"sawnwood.RData"))
EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.