

get_gene_ids = function(spmat){spmat@Dimnames[[1]]}
get_cell_ids = function(spmat){spmat@Dimnames[[2]]}

matrix_to_file = function(spmat, dir){
    spmat = as(spmat, "dgTMatrix")
    file_name = file.path(dir, "expression_data.csv")
    df = data.frame(
        cellId = get_cell_ids(spmat)[spmat@j + 1],
        geneId = get_gene_ids(spmat)[spmat@i + 1],
        expression = spmat@x)
    message(stringr::str_interp("Saving expression matrix in a sparse format as '${file_name}'"))
    write.csv(df, file_name, row.names = FALSE)

gene_metadata_to_file = function(gene_metadata, dir){
    file_name = file.path(dir, "gene_metadata.csv")
    message(stringr::str_interp("Saving gene metadata as '${file_name}'"))
    write.csv(gene_metadata, file_name, row.names = FALSE)

cell_metadata_to_file = function(cell_metadata, dir){
    file_name = file.path(dir, "cell_metadata.csv")
    message(stringr::str_interp("Saving cell metadata as '${file_name}'"))
    write.csv(cell_metadata, file_name, row.names = FALSE)

create_tmp_files = function(matrix, cell_metadata, gene_metadata, tmpdir=NULL){
    if (is.null(tmpdir)) {
        tmpdir = file.path(tempdir(),
                           stringi::stri_rand_strings(n = 1, length = 20)[[1]])
    tmpdir = normalizePath(tmpdir)

    files = list(
        matrix_csv = matrix_to_file(matrix, tmpdir),
        gene_metadata = gene_metadata_to_file(gene_metadata, tmpdir),
        cell_metadata = cell_metadata_to_file(cell_metadata, tmpdir))


#' Submits a data set from a sparse matrix of dgTmatrix type and gene/cell metadata.
#' dgTMatrix has to have named dimensions, cell and gene metadata must have cellId and
#' geneId columns respectively.  The names of the dimensions in the matrix must be a
#' subset of the respective gene/cell metadata data frames.
#' @param connection FASTGenomics connection object
#' @param matrix sparseMatrix storing the expression table.  The first
#'     dimension is assumed to be genes and the second must be cell
#'     names.
#' @param cell_metadata dataframe with cell metadata, must have a
#'     cellId column.
#' @param gene_metadata dataframe with gene metadata, must have a
#'     geneId column.
#' @param organism_id One of 9606 (Mouse) and 10090 (Human)
#' @param title The title of the data set
#' @param description long description, Default: ""
#' @param zipfiles Weather to compress files before submitting,
#'     Default: TRUE
#' @param tmpdir The location of temporary files, Default: NULL
#' @param optional_parameters Object representing further optional
#'     parameters, see \code{\link{FGDatasetUploadParameters}},
#'     Default: NULL
#'     The properties batch_column, gene_metadata and cell_metadata of this object are always ignored
#' @return either of \code{\link{FGResponse}},
#'     \code{\link{FGErrorResponse}},
#'     \code{\link{FGErrorModelResponse}},
#'     \code{\link{FGValidationProblem}}.
#' @export
create_dataset_df <- function(connection, matrix, cell_metadata,
                              gene_metadata, gene_nomenclature,
                              organism_id, title, zipfiles=TRUE,
                              optional_parameters=FGDatasetUploadParameters() , tmpdir=NULL)

    match.arg(gene_nomenclature, c("Entrez", "GeneSymbol", "Ensembl"))

    if (!is.numeric(organism_id))
      stop(stringr::str_interp("The organism id '${organism_id}' is not an integer. Valid NCBI Ids are integers, e.g. Homo Sapiens: 9606 Mouse: 10090, 0: unknown organism"))

    ## check if the matrix is sparse
    if ( !is(matrix, "sparseMatrix") ) {
        stop("Unsupported matrix format, expected a \"sparseMatrix\".")
    if ( !is(cell_metadata, "data.frame")) {
        stop("cell_metadata must be a data frame.")
    if ( !is(gene_metadata, "data.frame")) {
        stop("gene_metadata must be a data frame.")
    if ( !'cellId' %in% colnames(cell_metadata) ) {
        stop("cell_metadata must have a cellId column.")
    if ( !'geneId' %in% colnames(gene_metadata) ) {
        stop("gene_metadata must have a geneId column.")
    if ( length(intersect(get_cell_ids(matrix), cell_metadata$cellId)) == 0 ) {
        stop("No common cell names found in matrix and cell_metadata.")
    if ( length(intersect(get_gene_ids(matrix), gene_metadata$geneId)) == 0 ) {
        stop("No common gene names found in matrix and gene_metadata.")
    if ( nchar(title) < 5 && nchar(title) <= 200 ) {
        stop("Title has to be a string with length between 5 and 200.")

    # adds a nice progress bar
    headers <- c(get_default_headers(connection), httr::progress("up"))
    url <- paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets", sep = "")

    files = create_tmp_files(matrix, cell_metadata, gene_metadata, tmpdir = tmpdir)
    if (zipfiles)
        files = lapply(files, zip_file)

    body = list(
        expression_data = httr::upload_file(files[["matrix_csv"]]),
        title = title,
        description = description,
        organism_id = organism_id,
        matrix_format = "sparse_cell_gene_expression",
        gene_nomenclature = gene_nomenclature)

        if (!is.null(optional_parameters))
            if (!is(optional_parameters, "FGDatasetUploadParameters"))
                stop("the optional_parameters need to be either NULL or a FGDatasetUploadParameters object. Call new('FGDatasetUploadParameters', ..) to obtain such an object.")
                if (optional_parameters@gene_metadata != "")
                    message("Warning, replacing gene_metadata with a table inferred from the Seurat object")

                if (optional_parameters@cell_metadata != "")
                    message("Warning, replacing cell_metadata with a table inferred from the Seurat object")

                optional_parameters@gene_metadata = files[["gene_metadata"]]
                optional_parameters@cell_metadata = files[["cell_metadata"]]

                body <- c(get_data_from_FGDatasetUploadParameters(
                    optional_parameters, connection), body)

        response <- httr::POST(url, headers, body = body)},
        error = stop,
        finally = {lapply(files, file.remove)}
    return(parse_response(response, "dataset"))

#' Uploads a seurat dataset.
#' Runs \code{\link{create_dataset_df}} with matrix, cell_metadata and gene_metadata
#' inferred from the seurat object.
#' @param connection FASTGenomics connection object
#' @param seurat_obj Seurat object to submitted
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \code{\link{create_dataset_df}}
#' @export
create_dataset_from_seurat <- function(connection, seurat_obj, ...){
    matrix = as(seurat_obj@data, "dgTMatrix")
    cell_metadata = seurat_obj@meta.data
    cell_metadata = cbind(cellId = rownames(cell_metadata), cell_metadata)
    gene_metadata = data.frame(geneId = seurat_obj@data@Dimnames[[1]])

                      matrix = matrix,
                      cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
                      gene_metadata = gene_metadata,
                      title = seurat_obj@project.name,
FASTGenomics/r_client documentation built on June 25, 2019, 12:12 a.m.