

scopes = list("All", "Public", "Private")

#' Get all datasets
#' This list does not contain rejected datasets, only valid, usable datasets.
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @param scope Filters the datasets by their scope. Possible Values are: 'All': return all datasets, 'Private': Only your personal datasets, 'Public': Only public datasets
#' @return A FGResponse object
#' @export

#' @examples
#' connection <- fastgenomicsRclient::connect("https://fastgenomics.org/", "Beaer ey...")
#' datasets <- fastgenomicsRclient::get_datasets(connection)
#' print(datasets@content) # all datasets available to you
get_datasets <- function(connection, scope="All"){
  url <-  paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets", sep = "")
  result <- get_data_list(connection, scope, url, "dataset", queries = list(includeHateoas = "true" ))


#' Get a specific dataset
#' Gets information about a specific dataset. This can also be used to obtain information about a failed dataset upload
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @param dataset_id The id of the dataset, usually starting with dts_*****
#' @return A FGResponse object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' connection <- fastgenomicsRclient::connect("https://fastgenomics.org/", "Beaer ey...")
#' datasets <- fastgenomicsRclient::get_dataset(connection, "dts_abc")
#' print(datasets@content) # the dataset
get_dataset <- function(connection, dataset_id){
  url <- paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets/", dataset_id, sep = "")
  result <- get_data(connection, dataset_id, url, "dataset")

#' Downloads the whole dataset content as a zip file to the specified folder
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @param dataset_id The id of the dataset, usually starting with dts_*****
#' @param folder_path Where to store the dataset? Must exist and be writeable
#' @return None, see the folder for the content
#' @export
#' @examples
#' connection <- fastgenomicsRclient::connect("https://fastgenomics.org/", "Beaer ey...")
#' fastgenomicsRclient::download_dataset(connection, "dts_abc", "/temp/")
download_dataset <- function(connection, dataset_id, folder_path){
  if (!dir.exists(folder_path))
    msg = stringr::str_interp("The folder '${folder_path}' does not exist, please create it")

  dataset <- get_dataset(connection, dataset_id)
  download_link <- ""
  for (lnk in dataset@content[["links"]]) {
    rel <- lnk[["rel"]]

    if (rel == "download-dataset-complete-zip")
       download_link <- lnk[["href"]]

  if (download_link == "")
    msg = stringr::str_interp("No download link found, something is wrong. Please contact us.")

 url <- paste(substr(connection$base_url, 1, nchar(connection$base_url) - 1), download_link, sep = "")
 headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
 headers["output"] = httr::write_disk(
                               file.path(folder_path, stringr::str_interp("${dataset_id}.zip")),
                               overwrite = TRUE
 headers <- c(headers, httr::progress())
 response <- httr::GET(url, headers)


#' Creates a new dataset on fastgenomics
#' This call will create the dataset, but the validation on the server
#' can take a long time. The dataset cannot be used before the
#' validation is complete. Use
#' \code{\link{poll_dataset_until_validated}} to query the server for
#' the validation status.  For details on what data formats are
#' supported by FASTGenomics refer to the documentation
#' \href{https://github.com/FASTGenomics/fastgenomics-docs/blob/master/doc/api/dataset_api.md}{here}.
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call
#'     \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @param title The Title of the dataset
#' @param description A description of the dataset, ca be Markdown
#' @param organism_id The NCBI Taxonomy ID of your dataset, passed as
#'     an integer. Currently supported IDs are 9606 (Homo Sapiens) and
#'     10090 (Mouse)
#' @param matrix The path to your datafile in a supported
#'     \href{https://github.com/FASTGenomics/fastgenomics-docs/blob/master/doc/api/dataset_api.md}{format}
#'     OR a dataframe.  If it's a data frame it will be saved in a
#'     temporary location on your hard drive and uploaded as a file.
#' @param matrix_format The
#'     \href{https://github.com/FASTGenomics/fastgenomics-docs/blob/master/doc/api/dataset_api.md#upload-file-structure}{format}
#'     of your matrix.
#' @param gene_nomenclature The gene nomenclature to be used, call
#'     \code{\link{get_valid_gene_nomenclatures}} to get a list of
#'     supported formats
#' @param optional_parameters Further parameters to be used, eg. gene
#'     metadata or cell metadata files. Use
#'     \code{\link{FGDatasetUploadParameters}} to define these
#'     parameters.
#' @return FGResponse in case of success, FGErrorResponse if the validation failed for any reason.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' connection <- fastgenomicsRclient::connect("https://fastgenomics.org/", "Beaer ey...")
#' optional <- fastgenomicsRclient::FGDatasetUploadParameters(
#'                                         license ="MIT",
#'                                         technology = "Smart-Seq",
#'                                         web_link="https://example.com",
#'                                         notes="This is a TEST",
#'                                         citation="FG et al",
#'                                         current_normalization_status="Counts",
#'                                         cell_metadata="./cell_metadata.tsv", # you can also use a dataframe directly
#'                                         gene_metadata="./gene_metadata.tsv"  ) # you can also use a dataframe directly
#'  result <- fastgenomicsRclient::create_dataset(connection,
#'                            "R client test",
#'                            "description",
#'                            9606,
#'                            "./matrix.tsv" , # you can also use a dataframe directly
#'                            "sparse_cell_gene_expression",
#'                            "Entrez",
#'                            optional )
#'  status <- fastgenomicsRclient::poll_dataset_until_validated(connection, result, 1 ) # validation messages are shown as messages
#'  print(status) # should be TRUE
create_dataset <- function(connection, title, description, organism_id, matrix , matrix_format, gene_nomenclature, optional_parameters=NULL)

  gene_nomenclatures <- get_valid_gene_nomenclatures(connection)
  if (!gene_nomenclature %in% gene_nomenclatures)
    str = paste(as.character(gene_nomenclatures), collapse = ", ")
    stop(stringr::str_interp("The Gene Nomenclature '${gene_nomenclature} is unknown. Choose one of: ${str}' "))

  if (!is.numeric(organism_id))
    stop(stringr::str_interp("The organism id '${organism_id}' is not an integer. Valid NCBI Ids are integers, e.g. Homo Sapiens: 9606 Mouse: 10090, 0: unknown organism"))

  matrix_formats <- get_valid_matrix_formats(connection)
  if (!matrix_format %in% matrix_formats)
    str = paste(as.character(matrix_formats), collapse = ", ")
    stop(stringr::str_interp("The Matrix format '${matrix_format}' is unknown. Choose one of: ${str}' "))

  matrix_path <- ""
  if (is.character(matrix)) {
    matrix_path <- matrix
  else if (is.data.frame(matrix))
    matrix_path <- get_df_as_file(matrix, "matrix.csv")
    stop("the given matrix is neither a file path nor a dataframe!")

  if (!file.exists(matrix_path))
      stop(stringr::str_interp("The file '${matrix_path}' does not exist. Please provide a valid file!. See https://github.com/FASTGenomics/fastgenomics-docs/blob/master/doc/api/dataset_api.md for valid file formats "))

  optional_data <- list()

  if (!is.null(optional_parameters))
    if (!is(optional_parameters, "FGDatasetUploadParameters"))
      stop("the optional_parameters need to be either NULL or a FGDatasetUploadParameters object. Call new('FGDatasetUploadParameters', ..) to obtain such an object.")
    optional_data <- get_data_from_FGDatasetUploadParameters(optional_parameters, connection)

  headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
  headers <- c(headers, httr::progress("up")) # adds a nice progress bar
  url <-  paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets", sep = "")

  body = list(
    expression_data = httr::upload_file(matrix_path),
                          title = title,
                          description = description,
                          organism_id = organism_id,
                          matrix_format = matrix_format,
                          gene_nomenclature = gene_nomenclature)

  body = c(body, optional_data)

  response <- httr::POST(url, headers, body = body )
  return(parse_response(response, "dataset"))

#' Waits for the validation of the dataset to complete.
#' Messages and errors are used to show messages. If you need all messages, use \code{\link{get_dataset}} with the id of this dataset
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @param dataset_id The id of the dataset, usually starting with dts_***** OR a FGResponse object
#' @param poll_intervall The time to wait for a new status update in seconds
#' @return TRUE if the validation succeeded, otherweise FALSE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' See create_dataset example
poll_dataset_until_validated <- function(connection, dataset_id, poll_intervall=10){
  if (is(dataset_id, "FGResponse"))
    dtype <- dataset_id@DataType
    if (!dtype == "dataset") {
      stop(stringr::str_interp("Only FgResponse with a DataType of 'dataset' can be polled! This is a ${dtype}"))
    dataset_id <- dataset_id@Id

  if (!is.character(dataset_id))
    stop(stringr::str_interp("dataset_id can be either a character vector or a FgResponse object."))

  headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
  url <-  paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets/", dataset_id, "/validationmessages", sep = "")
  last_check <- lubridate::ymd("2010/03/17") # something old
  while (TRUE) {
    response <- httr::GET(url, headers)

    parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(response, "text"), simplifyVector = FALSE)

    for (msg in parsed) {
      msg_time <- lubridate::as_datetime(msg[["timestamp"]], tz = "UTC")
      if (msg_time > last_check) {
        status <- msg[["status"]]
        file_name <- msg[["file_name"]]
        msg_text <- msg[["msg"]]

        if (status == "Error") {
          warning(stringr::str_interp("${msg_time} | ${status} | ${file_name} | ${msg_text}"))
          message(stringr::str_interp("${msg_time} | ${status} | ${file_name} | ${msg_text}"))


    newest_message <- parsed[[length(parsed)]]
    if (newest_message[["status"]] == "Ready")
      # success!

    if (newest_message[["status"]] == "Rejected")
      # error!
      warning(stringr::str_interp("There where upload errors. Call get_dataset with the id of this dataset to obtain more information."))

    last_check <- lubridate::now(tz="UTC")


#' Get a list of all supported gene nomenclatures
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @return a list of the valid gene nomenclatures
#' @export
#' @examples
#' None
get_valid_gene_nomenclatures = function(connection){
  result <- get_known_defaults(connection)
  result <- result[["known_gene_nomenclatures"]]
  data = lapply(result, function(x){ return(x[["key"]])})

#' Get a list of all supported matrix formats
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @return a list of the valid matrix formats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' None
get_valid_matrix_formats = function(connection){
  result <- get_known_defaults(connection)
  result <- result[["known_csv_matrix_formats"]]
  data = lapply(result, function(x){ return(x[["key"]])})

#' Get a list of all supported technologies
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @return a list of the valid technologies
#' @export
#' @examples
#' None
get_valid_technologies = function(connection){
  result <- get_known_defaults(connection)
  result <- result[["known_technologies"]]
  data = lapply(result, function(x){ return(x[["key"]])})

#' Get a list of all known defaults
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain one.
#' @return a list of the known defaults
#' @export
#' @examples
#' None
get_known_defaults <- function(connection){

  headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
  url <- paste(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/knowndefaults", sep = "")
  response <- httr::GET(url, headers)
  parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(response, "text"), simplifyVector = FALSE)

get_df_as_file <- function(df, file_name){
  column_names <- names(df)

  rand_folder <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(n = 1, length = 20)[[1]]
  message(stringr::str_interp("Saving dataframe for '${file_name}' to disk"))
  tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), rand_folder)
  tmp_file <- file.path(tmp_dir, file_name)
  write.csv(df, tmp_file, row.names = FALSE)

  message(stringr::str_interp("compressing file '${tmp_file}', this may take a while"))
  file.zip = zip_file(tmp_file)

  message(stringr::str_interp("Compressing ${tmp_file}' finished"))

#' Deletes a single data set.
#' @param connection The connection to be used, call \code{\link{connect}} to obtain
#'     one.
#' @param dataset_id Id of the data set to be deleted. To get data set ids call
#'     \code{\link{get_datasets}} and parse the results.
#' @export
delete_dataset <- function(connection, dataset_id){
    url <-  paste0(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets/", dataset_id)
    headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
    response <- httr::DELETE(url, headers)

#' Modify the data set metadata
#' Modifies the data set metadata.  The keyword arguments are one of \code{organism_id},
#' \code{organism_id}, \code{current_normalization_status}, \code{contact},
#' \code{contact_name}, \code{description}, \code{title}, \code{license},
#' \code{short_description}, \code{web_link}, \code{notes}, \code{citation},
#' \code{technology}.
#' @param connection The connection to be used, see \code{\link{connect}}.
#' @param dataset_id Id of the data set to be deleted. To get data set ids call
#'     \code{\link{get_datasets}} and parse the results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # modify a title and description of the data set
#' modify_dataset(connection, dataset_id, title="A new title", description="A new description")
modify_dataset <- function(connection, dataset_id, ...){
    url <-  paste0(connection$base_url, "dataset/api/v4/datasets/", dataset_id)
    headers <- get_default_headers(connection)
    body <- list(...)
    allowed_keys <- list("organism_id", "organism_id", "current_normalization_status", "contact", "contact_name", "description", "title", "license", "short_description", "web_link", "notes", "citation", "technology")
    unknown_keys <- setdiff(names(body), allowed_keys)
    if (length(unknown_keys)>0){
        stop(stringr::str_interp("Unrecognized keys ${unknown_keys}.  Only the following keys are allowed: ${allowed_keys}"))
    response <- httr::PUT(url, headers, body=body, encode="json")
FASTGenomics/r_client documentation built on June 25, 2019, 12:12 a.m.