
Defines functions parse_f7

Documented in parse_f7

#' Parse an OPTA f7 Files
#' An OPTA f7 file is an xml file with various information about a match such as
#' lineups, goals, cards, kits used and more. This function takes the file location
#' and parses the XML file into a dataframes which are stored in a list.
#' @param f7.xml Path to the input file
#' @param MatchID The ID number of the game to be parsed
#' @return A list of dataframes containing match information
#' @export

parse_f7 <- function(f7.xml, MatchID){
  #//------ Load XML --------------------------------------------------------//
  pbpParse <- xmlInternalTreeParse(f7.xml)
  #//------ Player DB ------------------------------------------------------//
  xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "TeamData", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  player_data <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "PlayerLineUp/MatchPlayer", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)

  player_data.catch <- data.frame(Formation_Place = character(), PlayerRef = character(), Position = character(), ShirtNumber = character(), Status = character(), stringsAsFactors = F)
  player_data_list <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchPlayer", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  Players <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Player", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlValue)
  Players <- t(Players)
  ## establish the total playing time
  tempx <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchData/Stat", sep=""), xmlValue)) , stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(tempx) <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchData/Stat", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  TotalMatchTime <- as.numeric(as.character(tempx$match_time))
  lineup.catch <- data.frame(Formation_Place = character(), PlayerRef = character(), Position = character(), ShirtNumber = character(), Status = character(), stringsAsFactors = F)
  lineup <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchPlayer", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  for (l in 1:length(lineup)) {
    temp <- as.data.frame(t(unlist(lineup[l])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    temp$PlayerRef <- ifelse(length(temp$PlayerRef) > 0, temp$PlayerRef, temp$SubPosition)
    temp <- if(NCOL(temp) >5){temp[c("Formation_Place", "PlayerRef", "Position", "ShirtNumber", "Status")]}else(temp)
    lineup.catch <- rbind(lineup.catch, temp)
  lineup.catch$PlayerRef <- gsub("p","",lineup.catch$PlayerRef) ## remove P from the player ID
  colnames(lineup.catch)[2] <- "player_id"
  team_break_finder <- ifelse( lag(lineup.catch$Formation_Place, 1) == 0 & lineup.catch$Formation_Place != 0, 1, 0 )
  lineup.catch$team_HA <- unlist(lapply(team_break_finder,function(x) replace(x,is.na(x),0)))
  lineup.catch$team_HA <- cumsum(lineup.catch$team_HA)
  lineup.catch$team_HA <- abs(lineup.catch$team_HA - 1)
  FirstName <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Player/PersonName/First", sep=""), xmlValue)
  LastName <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Player/PersonName/Last", sep=""), xmlValue)
  FullName <- paste0(FirstName, " ", LastName)
  PID <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Player", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  PID <- PID[2,]
  ID_DB <- data.frame(player_id = gsub("p","",PID), FirstName, LastName, FullName, stringsAsFactors = F)
  ID_DB <- merge(ID_DB, lineup.catch, by = "player_id")
  subs <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Substitution", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  subs <- t(subs)
  subs <- as.data.frame(subs[,c("Time", "SubOff", "SubOn")], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  subs$SubOff <- gsub("p", "", subs$SubOff)
  subs$SubOn <- gsub("p", "", subs$SubOn)
  ID_DB$TimeOn <- ifelse(ID_DB$Status == "Start", 0, NA)
  ID_DB$TimeOff <- ifelse(ID_DB$Status == "Start", TotalMatchTime, NA)
  for (p in 1:nrow(ID_DB)) {
    player.2.test <- ID_DB[p,]
      time.subbed.on <- if(player.2.test$player_id %in% subs$SubOn){subs %>% filter(player.2.test$player_id == subs$SubOn) %>% select(Time)}else{player.2.test$TimeOn}
      subbed.back.off <- if(player.2.test$player_id %in% subs$SubOff){subs %>% filter(SubOff == player.2.test$player_id) %>% select(Time)}else{NA}
      ID_DB$TimeOff[p] <- ifelse(is.na(time.subbed.on) == FALSE & is.na(subbed.back.off), TotalMatchTime, subbed.back.off)
      ID_DB$TimeOn[p] <- time.subbed.on
  } ## end of for loop
  for (p in 1:nrow(ID_DB)) {
    player.2.test <- ID_DB[p,]
      ID_DB$TimeOff[p] <- if(player.2.test$player_id %in% subs$SubOff){subs %>% filter(SubOff == player.2.test$player_id) %>% select(Time)}else{player.2.test$TimeOff}
  } ## end of for loop
  ID_DB$TimeOff <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(ID_DB$TimeOff)))
  ID_DB$TimeOn <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(ID_DB$TimeOn)))
  ID_DB$Mins.Played <- ID_DB$TimeOff - ID_DB$TimeOn
  ID_DB$MatchID <- MatchID
  colnames(ID_DB)[7] <- "JerseyNo"
  #//------ GameInfo ------------------------------------------------------//
  GameData <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "TeamData", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)),stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(GameData) <- c("Formation", "Score", "team_HA", "team_id")
  GameData$team_id <- gsub("t","", GameData$team_id)
  GameData$team_HA <- ifelse(GameData$team_HA == "Home", 1, 0)
  GameData$team_name <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Name", sep=""), xmlValue)
  GameData$MatchID <- MatchID
  Round <- as.numeric(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Competition/Round", sep=""), xmlValue))
  GameData$Round <- ifelse(length(Round) > 0, Round, NA)
  tempx <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchData/Stat", sep=""), xmlValue)) , stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(tempx) <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchData/Stat", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  GameData$TotalMatchTime <- tempx$match_time
  x <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchInfo/Stat", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)
  Matchdf <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "MatchInfo/Stat", sep=""), xmlValue)) , stringsAsFactors = F)
  colnames(Matchdf) <- x
  League <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Competition/Name", sep=""), xmlValue)
  Country <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Competition/Country", sep=""), xmlValue)
  Stat.temp <- xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Competition/Stat", sep=""), xmlValue)
  GameData$season_id <- Stat.temp[1]
  GameData$season_name <- Stat.temp[2]
  GameData$symid <- Stat.temp[3]
  GameData$matchday <- Stat.temp[4]
  GameData$Competition <- League
  GameData$Country <- Country
  #//------ GameInfo ------------------------------------------------------//
  Goals <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "TeamData/Goal", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)),stringsAsFactors = F)
  Goals$MatchID <- MatchID
  Bookings <- as.data.frame(t(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "TeamData/Booking", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)),stringsAsFactors = F)
  Bookings$MatchID <- MatchID
  #KitsH <- as.data.frame(t(unlist(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Kit", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)[1])), stringsAsFactors = F)
  #KitsH$team_HA <- 1
  #KitsA <- as.data.frame(t(unlist(xpathSApply(pbpParse, paste("//", "Team/Kit", "[@*]", sep=""), xmlAttrs)[2])), stringsAsFactors = F)
  #KitsA$team_HA <- 0
  #Kits <- bind_rows(KitsH, KitsA)
  #colnames(Kits) <- c("id", "colour1", "colour2", "type", "team_HA")
  GameCentreTemp <- list(PlayersDB = ID_DB, GameData = GameData, Goals = Goals, Bookings = Bookings)
} # end of function
FCrSTATS/fc.rstats documentation built on July 18, 2019, 5:08 a.m.