#' Create a phyloseq object from a \code{TreeSummarizedExperiment} object
#' @inheritParams convertFromBIOM
#' @param x a
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:TreeSummarizedExperiment-class]{TreeSummarizedExperiment}}
#' object
#' @param assay.type \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of assay
#' used. (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @param assay_name Deprecated. Use \code{assay.type} instead.
#' @param tree.name \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the
#' tree to be included in the phyloseq object that is created,
#' (Default: \code{"phylo"})
#' @param tree_name Deprecated. Use \code{tree.name} instead.
#' @details
#' \code{convertToPhyloseq} creates a phyloseq object from a
#' \code{\link[TreeSummarizedExperiment:TreeSummarizedExperiment-class]{TreeSummarizedExperiment}}
#' object. By using \code{assay.type}, it is possible to specify which table
#' from \code{assay} is added to the phyloseq object.
#' @return
#' \code{convertToPhyloseq} returns an object of class
#' \code{\link[phyloseq:phyloseq-class]{phyloseq}}
#' @rdname convertFromPhyloseq
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ### Coerce a TreeSE object to a phyloseq object
#' # Get tse object
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' tse <- GlobalPatterns
#' # Create a phyloseq object from it
#' phy <- convertToPhyloseq(tse)
#' phy
#' # By default the chosen table is counts, but if there are other tables,
#' # they can be chosen with assay.type.
#' # Counts relative abundances table
#' tse <- transformAssay(tse, method = "relabundance")
#' phy2 <- convertToPhyloseq(tse, assay.type = "relabundance")
#' phy2
#' @export
setGeneric("convertToPhyloseq", signature = c("x"),
function(x, ...)
#' @rdname convertFromPhyloseq
#' @export
signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, assay.type = "counts", assay_name = NULL, ...){
# Input check
# Check that tse do not have zero rows
if(!all(dim(x) > 0)){
stop("'x' contains zero rows. 'x' can not be converted
to a phyloseq object.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(assay_name)) {
.Deprecated(old="assay_name", new="assay.type", "Now assay_name is deprecated. Use assay.type instead.")
# Check assay.type
.check_assay_present(assay.type, x)
# phyloseq object requires nonduplicated rownames. If there are
# duplicated rownames, they are converted so that they are unique
if( any(duplicated(rownames(x))) ){
rownames(x) <- getTaxonomyLabels(x)
# List of arguments
args = list()
# Gets the abundance data from assay, and converts it to otu_table
otu_table <- as.matrix(assay(x, assay.type))
otu_table <- phyloseq::otu_table(otu_table, taxa_are_rows = TRUE)
# Adds to the list
args[["otu_table"]] <- otu_table
# If rowData includes information
if(!( length(rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x)]) == 0 ||
is.null((rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x)])) )){
# Converts taxonomy table to characters if it's not already
rowData(x) <- DataFrame(lapply(rowData(x), as.character))
# Gets the taxonomic data from rowData, and converts it to tax_table
tax_table <- as.matrix(rowData(x)[,taxonomyRanks(x),drop=FALSE])
tax_table <- phyloseq::tax_table(tax_table)
# Adds to the list
args[["tax_table"]] <- tax_table
# If colData includes information
if(!( length(colData(x)) == 0 || is.null(ncol(colData(x))) )){
# Gets the feature_data from colData and converts it to sample_data
sample_data <- as.data.frame(colData(x))
sample_data <- phyloseq::sample_data(sample_data)
# Adds to the list
args[["sample_data"]] <- sample_data
# Creates a phyloseq object
phyloseq <- do.call(phyloseq::phyloseq, args)
#' @rdname convertFromPhyloseq
#' @export
signature = c(x = "TreeSummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, tree.name = tree_name, tree_name = "phylo", ...){
# If rowTrees exist, check tree.name
if( length(x@rowTree) > 0 ){
.check_rowTree_present(tree.name, x)
# Subset the data based on the tree
x <- x[ rowLinks(x)$whichTree == tree.name, ]
add_phy_tree <- TRUE
} else{
add_phy_tree <- FALSE
# phyloseq and tree objects require nonduplicated rownames. If there are
# duplicated rownames, they are converted so that they are unique
if( any(duplicated(rownames(x))) ){
rownames(x) <- getTaxonomyLabels(x)
# Gets otu_table object from the function above this, if tse contains
# only abundance table.
# Otherwise, gets a phyloseq object with otu_table, and tax_table
# and/or sample_data
obj <- callNextMethod()
# List of arguments
args = list()
# Adds to the list of arguments, if 'obj' is not a phyloseq object
# i.e. is an otu_table
# Adds otu_table to the list
args[["otu_table"]] <- obj
# Add phylogenetic tree
if( add_phy_tree ){
phy_tree <- .get_rowTree_for_phyloseq(x, tree.name)
# If the object is a phyloseq object, adds phy_tree to it
phyloseq::phy_tree(obj) <- phy_tree
} else{
# Adds to the list
args[["phy_tree"]] <- phy_tree
# If referenceSeq has information, stores it to refseq and converts is
# to phyloseq's refseq.
if( !is.null(referenceSeq(x)) ){
# Get referenceSeqs
refseq <- .get_referenceSeq_for_phyloseq(x, ...)
# IF refSeq passed the test, add it
if( !is.null(refseq) ){
# Convert it to phyloseq object
refseq <- phyloseq::refseq(refseq)
# If the object is a phyloseq object, adds refseq to it
obj <- phyloseq::merge_phyloseq(obj, refseq)
} else{
# Adds to the list
args[["refseq"]] <- refseq
# If 'obj' is not a phyloseq object, creates one.
# Creates a phyloseq object
phyloseq <- do.call(phyloseq::phyloseq, args)
} else{
phyloseq <- obj
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS ################################
# If tips do not match with rownames, prune the tree
.get_x_with_pruned_tree <- function(x, tree.name){
# Get rowLinks
row_links <- rowLinks(x)
# Gets node labels
node_labs <- row_links[ , "nodeLab"]
# Prunes the tree
tree_pruned <- ape::keep.tip(rowTree(x), node_labs)
# Replace tip labels with corresponding rownames
tree_pruned$tip.label <- rownames(x)
# Assigns the pruned tree back to TSE object
rowTree(x) <- tree_pruned
warning("Tips of rowTree are renamed to match rownames.", call. = FALSE)
# In phyloseq, tips and rownames must match
.get_rowTree_for_phyloseq <- function(x, tree.name){
# Check if the rowTree's tips match with rownames:
# tips labels are found from rownames
if( any(!( rowTree(x, tree.name)$tip.label) %in% rownames(x)) ){
# If rowtree do not match, tree is pruned
x <- .get_x_with_pruned_tree(x, tree.name)
# Get rowTree
phy_tree <- rowTree(x, tree.name)
# Convert rowTree to phyloseq object
phy_tree <- phyloseq::phy_tree(phy_tree)
.get_referenceSeq_for_phyloseq <- function(x, referenceSeq = 1, ...){
# Get reference seqs
refSeqs <- referenceSeq(x)
# Is referenceSeq a list / does it contain multiple DNA sets
is_list <- is(refSeqs, "DNAStringSetList")
# Take only one set, if it is a list
if( is_list ){
# Check referenceSeq
if( !( (.is_non_empty_string(referenceSeq) && referenceSeq %in% names(refSeqs)) ||
(.is_an_integer(referenceSeq) && (referenceSeq>0 && referenceSeq<=length(refSeqs))) )
stop("'referenceSeq' must be a non-empty single character value or an integer ",
"specifying the DNAStringSet from DNAStringSetList.",
call. = FALSE)
# Get specified referenceSeq
refSeqs <- refSeqs[[referenceSeq]]
warning("Use 'referenceSeq' to specify DNA set from DNAStringSetList. ",
"Current choice is '", referenceSeq, "'.",
call. = FALSE)
# Check if all rownames have referenceSeqs
if( !(all(rownames(x) %in% names(refSeqs)) &&
all(names(refSeqs) %in% rownames(x) )) ){
warning("referenceSeq does not match with rownames so they are discarded.",
call. = FALSE)
refSeqs <- NULL
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