

test_that("estimateDominance", {

    test_internal_estimateDominance <- function(tse){

        # Check that every index is calculated by checking the column names from
        # colData.
        # Check that the order of indices is right / the same as the order
        # in the input vector.

        #Calculates all indices.
        tse_idx <- estimateDominance(tse)

        #Checks that the type of output is the same as the type of input.
        expect_true(typeof(tse_idx) == typeof(tse))
        #Checks that every index is calculated by checking the column names from
        #Checks also, that the order of indices is right / the same as the order
        #in the input vector.
        expect_named(colData(tse_idx), c("absolute", "dbp", "core_abundance", "gini", 
                                         "dmn", "relative", "simpson_lambda"))

        #Rounded because, without it gave an error (average difference was
        #about 1E-08). The accuracy is sufficient to test if working correctly
        expect_equal(round(as.vector(mia:::.calc_core_dominance(tse_idx)), 7),
                     round(c(0.9605911, 0.8980392, 0.9086758)), 7)

        #Rounded because, without it gave an error (average difference was
        #about 1E-08). The accuracy is sufficient to test if working correctly
                                                     ntaxa = 1,
                                                     aggregate = TRUE)),
                     c(52, 42, 124))

                                                           ntaxa = 1,
                                                           aggregate = TRUE)), 7),
                     round(c(0.2561576, 0.1647059, 0.5662100), 7))

                                                           ntaxa = 1,
                                                           aggregate = TRUE)), 7),
                     round(c(0.2561576, 0.1647059, 0.5662100)), 7)

                                                           ntaxa = 1,
                                                           aggregate = TRUE)), 7),
                     round(c(0.5024631, 0.3254902, 0.6484018)), 7)

        expect_equal(unname(round(mia:::.simpson_lambda(assays(tse_idx)$counts), 3)),
                     c(0.169, 0.097, 0.334))

        #reldist package needed. If it is not installed, skips tests tat require
        #Tests function with vector that has value 1 1000 times, output should
        #be 0.
        x <- c(rep(1,1000))
        expect_equal(mia:::.gini_dominance(x), reldist:::gini(x))
        #Tests function with vector that has value 9 one time and value 0 999
        #times, output should be 0.999.
        x <- c(9,rep(0,999))
        expect_equal(mia:::.gini_dominance(x), reldist:::gini(x))
        #Tests function with vector that has value 1 500 times and value 0 500
        #times, output should be 0.5.
        x <- c(rep(0,500),rep(1,500))
        expect_equal(mia:::.gini_dominance(x), reldist:::gini(x))
        #Tests function with vector that has values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, output
        #should be 0.2962963.
        x <- c(1:9)
        expect_equal(mia:::.gini_dominance(x), reldist:::gini(x))
        #Tests function with vector that has values
        #1,0,6,1000,2,4739,26,16,10,35,5,28, output should be 0.8738355.
        x <- c(1,0,6,1000,2,4739,26,16,10,35,5,28)
        expect_equal(mia:::.gini_dominance(x), reldist:::gini(x))

    # TSE object
    data(esophagus, package="mia")
    tse <- esophagus

    tse <- esophagus
    assay(tse,"counts") <- DelayedArray(assay(tse,"counts"))
FelixErnst/mia documentation built on May 25, 2024, 11:07 a.m.