
Defines functions indeed_scraping

Documented in indeed_scraping

#' @title Indeed web scraping
#' @description Create a data frame with indeed jobs based on the categories selected.
#' ATTENTION : Run to update the dataframe containing the information about the jobs listed at Indeed.
#' Include more or less categories depending on computing power of your computer (Four categories takes about 45 minutes)
#'Category possibilities: "marketing", "economics", "data", "Business", "consulting", "HR", "management",
#'"communication", "business".
#' @param category {character vector} with inputed values of the job categories you would like to scrape
#' @param category {integer} to select the amount of pages to be scraped "
#' @return A  \code Data Frame containing the following attributes:
#' \describe{
#'      \item{7 variables linked to job offers from indeed}
#' @examples
#'indeed_scraping(category = c("data", "finance", "business"))
#' @export
indeed_scraping <- function( category = c("data", "finance", "business"), number_of_pages = 2){

category <- category
#test category object
if (length(category) == 1 | length(category) == 0 | class(category) != "character"){
  stop("Please ensure that you select at least two job categories and write them with brackets, separated by commas in a c()")
number_of_pages <- number_of_pages
#test number of pages object
if (number_of_pages == 1 | length(number_of_pages) == 0 | class(number_of_pages) != "numeric" |  number_of_pages %% 1 != 0){
  stop("Please ensure that you select at least two pages and that it is an integer")
page_results <- seq(from = 0 , to = number_of_pages*10, by = 10)
indices <- seq(from=0, to=16*length(page_results), by=16)

url <- "https://www.indeed.ch/jobs?q="
url <- c(paste(url, category, sep=""))
url <- c(paste(url, "&l=Switzerland&start=", sep=""))

# Scrapping based on data available for each domain page of Indeed
## Preparing the vectors
job_title <- vector("character", length = 16 * length(page_results))
companies <- vector("character", length = 16 * length(page_results))
locations <- vector("character", length = 16 * length(page_results))
link <- vector("character", length = 16 * length(page_results))
job_description <- vector("character", length = 16 * length(page_results))

job_titles <- matrix("character", nrow = length(page_results)*16, ncol = length(category))
company <- matrix("character", nrow = length(page_results)*16, ncol = length(category))
location <- matrix("character", nrow = length(page_results)*16, ncol = length(category))
links <- matrix("character", nrow = length(page_results)*16, ncol = length(category))

for (y in seq_along(url)){

  for(i in seq_along(page_results)) {
    url2 <- param_set(url[y], key = "start", value = page_results[i])
    page <- xml2::read_html(url2)

    # Scrap the job title
    jobs <- page %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("div") %>%
      rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//a[@data-tn-element = "jobTitle"]') %>%
    job_title[indices[i]:(indices[i+1]-1)] <- jobs

    # Scrap the company names
    comp <- page %>%
      html_nodes(".company") %>%
    companies[indices[i]:(indices[i+1]-1)] <- comp

    # Scrap the location
    loc <- page %>%
      html_nodes(".accessible-contrast-color-location") %>%
    locations[indices[i]:(indices[i+1]-1)] <- loc

    # Scrap the links
    lin <- page %>%
      rvest::html_nodes("div") %>%
      rvest::html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@data-tn-element="jobTitle"]') %>%
    link[indices[i]:(indices[i+1]-1)] <- lin

  job_titles[ ,y] <- job_title
  company[ ,y] <- companies
  location[ ,y] <- locations
  links[ ,y] <- link

# Cleaning job_titles
colnames(job_titles) <- category
job_titles <- job_titles[1:(nrow(job_titles) - 1), ]
job_titles_vector <- unlist(as.list(job_titles), use.names = FALSE)

# Cleaning company
colnames(company) <- category
company <- company[1:(nrow(company) - 1), ]
company <- gsub("\n\n", "", company)
company <- gsub("\n", "", company)
company_vector <- unlist(as.list(company))

# Cleaning location
colnames(location) <- category
location <- location[1:(nrow(location) - 1), ]
location_vector <- unlist(as.list(location), use.names = FALSE)
city <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(location_vector),', '), "[", 1)
canton <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(location_vector),', '), "[", 2)

# Cleaning categories
categories <- matrix("character", nrow = nrow(job_titles), ncol = ncol(job_titles))
for (i in 1:length(category)){
  categories[ , i] <- category[i]
category_vector <- unlist(as.list(categories), use.names = FALSE)

# Cleaning link
links <- links[1:nrow(links)-1, ]
link_vector <- unlist(as.factor(links))
link_vector <- paste("https://www.indeed.ch",link_vector, sep="")

# Scrapping job description using each link specific for the job listing
job_description <- vector("character", length = length(link_vector))

for(i in seq_along(link_vector)) {

    job_description[i] <- read_html(link_vector[i]) %>%
    html_nodes("#jobDescriptionText") %>%
job_description <- as.character(job_description)

#combine into a dataframe
indeed_data <- data.frame(job_title = job_titles_vector,
                      company = company_vector,
                      city = city,
                      canton = canton,
                      category = category_vector,
                      job_description = job_description,
                      link = link_vector)

#remove duplicates if categories overlap between each other
no_duplicate_cols <- c("job_title","company", "city", "category")
indeed_data <- indeed_data[!duplicated(indeed_data[, no_duplicate_cols]), ]

#label categories more understandable
rename_var <- function(indeed_data){

  final_indeed_data <- indeed_data

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"controlling", "Accounting/Finance")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"data", "Data Science")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"consulting", "Consulting")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"economics", "Economics")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"communication", "Communication")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"management", "Management")

  final_indeed_data$category <- str_replace_all(final_indeed_data$category,"finance", "Finance")

#apply function to the data frame to rename all the variables correctly
final_indeed_data <- rename_var(indeed_data)
#save as RDS file
saveRDS(object = final_indeed_data, file = "final_indeed_data.rds")
Ferdi28/group6project documentation built on Dec. 23, 2019, 10:16 p.m.