
Defines functions interp2 interp1 interp interpolate augment.ycevo

Documented in augment.ycevo

#' @md
#' @importFrom generics augment
#' @export
#' @seealso [augment.ycevo()]

#' Augment data with predicted discount function and yield curve
#' @details
#' If `newdata` is not provided, returns the discount function and yield curve
#' values at points specified for the estimation in [ycevo()].
#' If `newdata` is provided, the discount function at the time-to-maturities
#' specified in `newdata` will be generated from loess smoothing (see
#' [stats::loess()]), then interpolated to produce the discount function at the
#' quotation date specified in `newdata`.
#' @md
#' @param x A [ycevo] object
#' @param newdata A data frame containing time-to-maturity in years `tau` and
#'   the quotation date at which the discount function and the yield curve is to
#'   be predicted. The quotation date is to be named the same as the quotation
#'   date column in `x`, depending on the name of the quotation date column when
#'   it was first provided to the `data` argument [ycevo()].The default is
#'   `qdate`.
#' @param loess Logical. Whether the returned discount function and yield curve
#'   are loess smoothed.
#' @param ... Additional arguments required for generic consistency. Currently
#'   not used. Warning: A misspelled argument will not raise an error. The
#'   misspelled argument will be either disregarded, or the default value will
#'   be applied if one exists.
#' @returns `newdata` augmented with `.discount` and `.yield` for the discount
#'   function and the yield curve respectively.
#' @seealso [ycevo()]
#' @examples
#' # Simulating bond data
#' bonds <- ycevo_data(n = 10)
#' \donttest{
#' # Estimation can take up to 30 seconds
#' res <- ycevo(bonds, x = lubridate::ymd("2023-03-01"))
#' # Augmentation
#' augment(res)
#' }
#' @export
augment.ycevo <- function(
    newdata = NULL,
    loess = TRUE, ...){
  df_flat <- unnest(x, ".est")

  cols <- attr(x, "cols")
  qdate_label <- "qdate"
  if(!is.null(cols)) qdate_label <- vapply(as.list(cols)[-1], as.character, character(1))[qdate_label]

  if(is.null(newdata)) {
    newdata <- df_flat

  # newdata <- tibble(qdatetime, tupq, tau)
  if(!loess) {
    norow <- dplyr::anti_join(newdata, df_flat, by = c("tau", qdate_label))
    if(nrow(norow)>0) {
      stop("If loess = FALSE, newdata should be a subset of the xgrid and tau used to fit ycevo (e.g. the default).")

  if(any(newdata$tau> max(df_flat$tau)) || any(newdata$tau < min(df_flat$tau)))
    warning("tau in newdata outside of the original range of tau used to fit the model are extrapolated from loess.")
  newdata <- select(newdata, !any_of(c(".discount", ".yield")))
  interpolate(x, newdata, qdate_label)

interpolate <- function(object, newdata, qdate_label){
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ycevo"))

  # the names of covariates apart from time
  xnames <- setdiff(colnames(object), c(".est", qdate_label))
  # all names including time
  ax <- c(qdate_label, xnames)
  # all names with "_near." suffix
  near. <- "_near."
  ax. <- paste0(ax, near.)

  # Check new data has all the covariates
  ncl <- xnames[!xnames %in% colnames(newdata)]
    stop(paste(ncl, collapse = ", "), " not found in newdata")

  object <- arrange(object, across(all_of(xnames)))

  # Fit a loess for every group
  df_loess <- object %>%
    mutate(loess = lapply(.data$.est, function(data)
      stats::loess(.discount ~ tau,
                   # interpolate on the log of discount to avoid negative values
                   data = mutate(data, .discount = log(.data$.discount)),
                   control = stats::loess.control(surface = "direct")))) %>%

  # list of unique values of covariates (including time)
  ls_x <- object %>%
    select(all_of(ax)) %>%

  # a function that finds the closest values in a covariate of a group
  # if the value in the newdata matches a value in the original estimation,
  # or the new value is outside of the boundary,
  # return only that one value or one boundary value
  find_near <- function(x){
    # x <- seq(ymd("2023-02-01"), ymd("2023-07-01"), by = "1 month")
    # browser()
    target <- getElement(ls_x, dplyr::cur_column())
    l <- length(target)

    int <- match(x, target)

    nomatch <- is.na(int)
    int_nomatch <- findInterval(x[nomatch], target)

    int <- as.list(int)
    int[nomatch] <- lapply(int_nomatch, function(i) unique(pmin(pmax(c(i, i+1), 1), l)))
    lapply(int, function(i) target[i])

  # Find the nearest groups of loess
  df_near <- newdata %>%
    select(all_of(c(qdate_label, xnames, "tau"))) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    mutate(across(all_of(c(qdate_label, xnames)), find_near, .names = paste0("{.col}", near.)))

  if(length(ax) >1) {
    df_near <- df_near %>%
      # expand grid so every combination of covariates are covered
      mutate(near. = mapply(function(...) {
        expand.grid(list(...)) %>%
      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
      select(!all_of(ax.)) %>%
  } else {
    df_near <- unnest(df_near, ax.)

  df_predict <- df_near %>%
    # nest by loess to speed up prediction
    tidyr::nest(.by = ends_with(near.)) %>%
    # rename back to match loess name
    rename_with(function(x) gsub(near.,"", x),  ends_with(near.)) %>%
    # match loess
    left_join(df_loess, by = c(qdate_label, xnames)) %>%
    # predict discount rate
    mutate(.discount = mapply(function(data, loess){
      stats::predict(loess, data$tau)
    }, data = .data$data, loess = .data$loess, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)) %>%
    # drop loess
    select(!"loess") %>%
    # rename to separate
    rename_with(function(x) paste0(x, near.), .cols = all_of(c(qdate_label, xnames))) %>%
    # unnest
    unnest(c("data", ".discount"), names_repair = "minimal")

  df_temp <- df_predict %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c(ax, "tau"))) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(.discount = interp(list(!!!syms(ax.)),
                                        lapply(list(!!!syms(ax)), unique)),
                     .groups = "drop") %>%
    # the interpolation was done on the log of discount
    # to prevent negative values
    mutate(.discount = exp(.data$.discount)) %>%
    mutate(.yield = discount2yield(.data$.discount, .data$tau))
  left_join(newdata, df_temp, by = c(qdate_label, xnames, "tau"))

# interpolate
# x and xout can be a list of multiple xs to interpolate
interp <- function(x, y, xout) {
         "1" = interp1(x, y, xout),
         "2" = interp2(x, y, xout),
         stop("Currently only supports one extra predictor (interest rate)"))
interp1 <- function(x, y, xout) {
  if(length(y) == 1) return(y)
  stats::approx(x = x[[1L]], y = y, xout = xout[[1]], rule = 2)$y
interp2 <- function(x, y, xout) {
  # if there is just one y, return y
  if(length(y) == 1) return(y)

  # check if the number of elements match in x and y
  lx <- unique(vapply(x, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L)))
  stopifnot(length(lx) == 1)
  stopifnot(lx == length(y))

  # number of covariates
  ld <- length(x)
  # unique value of covariates
  ux <- lapply(x, unique)
  # number of unique value of each covariate
  lux <- vapply(ux, length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1L))

  # construct an array for all the values
  # each dimension is one covariate
  # the values in the array are values of y corresponding to the covariates
  g <- array(dim = lux, dimnames = ux)
  idx <- do.call(cbind, x)
  idx[] <- as.character(idx)
  g[idx] <- y

  # index of dimensions in reverse order
  # interpolate by the largest dimension and work inwards
  # only tested against two covariates
  ds <- seq(ld, 1L, by = -1L)
  for(d in ds) {
    if(is.vector(g)) g <- t(g)
    # skip when there is only one value for that dimension
    if(dim(g)[[ds[[d]]]] == 1) next
    g <- apply(g, d, function(y) stats::approx(x = ux[[ds[[d]]]], y = y, xout = xout[[ds[[d]]]], rule = 2)$y)
FinYang/ycevo documentation built on April 10, 2024, 8:17 a.m.