
#' polya urn function, call with polya()    # Creating app
#' @param idk
#' @return value
#' @export

polya = function(){
  library(shinydashboard)      # Load shiny dashboard
  library(shiny)               # Load shiny
  library(ggplot2)             # Load ggplot2
  library(plotrix)             # For easter egg
  ui <- dashboardPage( skin = 'green',                                                                  # creat UI
                       dashboardHeader(title = 'Tracing Memory Traces',titleWidth = 230),               # set main title and size
                           menuItem('Introduction' , tabName = 'nul', icon = icon('handshake-o')),     # creat side menus with names, call names, and icons
                           menuItem('Standard Model' , tabName = 'een', icon = icon('info-circle')),
                           menuItem('Positive Feedback', tabName = 'twee',icon = icon('info-circle')),
                           menuItem('Critical Moments', tabName = 'drie',icon = icon('info-circle')),
                           menuItem('Life Events', tabName = 'vier',icon = icon('info-circle')),
                           menuItem('Decay', tabName = 'vijf',icon = icon('info-circle')),
                           menuItem('Testing', tabName = 'zes',icon = icon('gamepad')),
                           menuItem('Closing', tabName = 'zeven', icon = icon('hand-spock-o'))
                           # tab 0 Introduction
                           tabItem(tabName = 'nul', fluidRow( h1('Welcome to this simulation'),         # provide title of the first page
                                                              htmlOutput('summary0')                    # set variable name for summary0 text box
                           # tab 1 Standard Model
                           tabItem(tabName = 'een', fluidRow(
                             box(sliderInput("urn_size", "Starting Urn Size:", min = 2, max = 100, value = 2)),               # Initialize parameters (urn size, n_picks & n_experiments) with their range
                             box(sliderInput("n_picks", "Amount of Picks:", min = 2, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_experiments", "Amount of Experiments:", min = 1, max = 300,value = 100)),
                               tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary1'),br(),                                                        # create summary tab and set variable name for summary1 text box and a break
                                        box(selectInput('test1', 'Do you think that the outcome distribution is normal distributed?',  # create multiple choise test
                                                        c('-Please select answer-' = 0,
                                                          'Yes' = 1,
                                                          'No' = 2))),
                                        box(actionButton("check1", "Check")),             # create validation check button
                                        textOutput('feedback1'),                          # create variable feedback text output
                                        htmlOutput('room')),                              # create empty room in order to fully be able to see all the answers from drop menu
                               tabPanel("Plot",plotOutput('plot1'),"",plotOutput('hist1')))    # create plot tab with figure and histogram      ## Most of this will be repeated in code
                           # tab 2 Positive Feedback
                           tabItem(tabName = 'twee', fluidRow(                                                              # Initialize parameters
                             box(sliderInput("urn_size2", "Starting Urn Size:", min = 2, max = 100, value = 2)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_picks2", "Amount of Picks:", min = 2, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_experiments2", "Amount of Experiments:", min = 1, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(numericInput("extra_balls", "Amount of Extra Balls: (1-10)", min = 1, max = 10,value = 1)),
                               tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary2'),br(),                                             # create summary tab
                                        box(selectInput('test2', 'By adding the maximum amount of extra blue balls (create a very strong positive feedback), do you think the starting urn size will influence the outcome proportion more?', # create multiple choise test ##
                                                        c('-Please select answer-' = 0,
                                                          'Yes' = 1,
                                                          'No' = 2))),
                                        box(actionButton("check2", "Check")),                  # set validation button, feedback text and room for dropdown menu
                               tabPanel("Plot",plotOutput('plot2'),"",plotOutput('hist2')))    # create plot tab with figure and histogram
                           # tab 3 Critical Moments
                           tabItem(tabName = 'drie', fluidRow(                                                      # Initialize parameters
                             box(sliderInput("urn_size3", "Starting Urn Size:", min = 2, max = 100, value = 2)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_picks3", "Amount of Picks:", min = 2, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_experiments3", "Amount of Experiments:", min = 1, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(numericInput("streak", "When will it be an Effective Streak? (2-10)", min = 2, max = 10,value = 5)),
                             box(numericInput("extra_balls3", "How many Extra Balls? (0-10)", min = 0, max = 10,value = 0)),
                               tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary3'),br(),                                     # create summary tab
                                        box(selectInput('test3', 'Do you think its possible to get around 50/50 proportion of blue and red balls when you have a streak at 2 with a high amount of extra balls?',
                                                        c('-Please select answer-' = 0,
                                                          'Yes' = 1,
                                                          'No' = 2))),
                                        box(actionButton("check3", "Check")),                                       # set validation button, feedback text and room for dropdown menu
                               tabPanel("Plot",plotOutput('plot3'),"",plotOutput('hist3')))                         # create plot tab with figure and histogram
                           # tab 4 Life Events
                           tabItem(tabName = 'vier', fluidRow(                                                      # Initialize parameters
                             box(sliderInput("urn_size4", "Starting Urn Size:", min = 2, max = 100, value = 2)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_picks4", "Amount of Picks:", min = 2, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_experiments4", "Amount of Experiments:", min = 1, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("occ_trauma", "When did the Trauma occured?", min = 2, max = 300,value = 50)),
                             box(selectInput("drastic_trauma", "How Drastic was the Trauma?",
                                             c('Minor (lose last 25% experiences)' = 25,
                                               'Intermediate (lose last 50% experiences)' = 50,
                                               'Major (lose last 75% experiences)' = 75))),
                               tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary4'),br(),                                     # create summary tab
                                        box(selectInput('test4', 'When does the onset of the trauma could have the biggest effect?',
                                                        c('-Please select answer-' = 0,
                                                          'Early on' = 1,
                                                          'Around the middle' = 2,
                                                          'In the end' = 3))),
                                        box(actionButton("check4", "Check")),                                       # set validation button, feedback text and room for dropdown menu
                               tabPanel("Plot",plotOutput('plot4'),"",plotOutput('hist4')))                         # create plot tab with figure and histogram
                           # tab 5 Decay
                           tabItem(tabName = 'vijf', fluidRow(                                                      # Initialize parameters
                             box(sliderInput("urn_size5", "Starting Urn Size:", min = 2, max = 100, value = 2)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_picks5", "Amount of Picks:", min = 2, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(sliderInput("n_experiments5", "Amount of Experiments:", min = 1, max = 300,value = 100)),
                             box(numericInput("many_picks", "After how many Picks... (2-50)", min = 2, max = 50,value = 20)),
                             box(numericInput("much_decay", "How much Decay? (1-20)", min = 1, max = 20,value = 5)),
                               tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary5'),br(),                                     # create summary tab
                                        box(selectInput('test5', 'Do you think that memories in this model are resilient?',
                                                        c('-Please select answer-' = 0,
                                                          'Yes' = 1,
                                                          'No' = 2))),
                                        box(actionButton("check5", "Check")),                                       # set validation button, feedback text and room for dropdown menu
                               tabPanel("Plot",plotOutput('plot5'),"",plotOutput('hist5')))                         # create plot tab with figure and histogra
                           # tab 6 Testin
                           tabItem(tabName = 'zes', fluidRow(
                             box(actionButton("start", "Generate!")),                                  # creat generate button
                             tabPanel("Summary", htmlOutput('summary6')),                              # set text for this tab
                             tabPanel("Plot",'',plotOutput('plot6'),                                   # give output plot (2x breaks)
                                      box(selectInput("model", "What scenario could this represent?",  # set question with choises
                                                      c('-choose a scenario-' = 1,
                                                        'Positive feedback' = 2,
                                                        'Critical moments' = 3,
                                                        'Life events' = 4,
                                                        'The standard model' = 5))),
                                      box(actionButton("check", "Check")),                             # set validation button, feedback text and room for dropdown me
                                      tabPanel("feedback", htmlOutput('feedback')),
                           tabItem(tabName = 'zeven', fluidRow( h1('Thank you for playing'),br(),br(),         # provide title of the final page and easteregg hint
                                                                htmlOutput('summary7')                    # set variable name for summary0 text box
  server <- function(input, output){           # create server
    ################################## Create plots and check questions ##################################################
    # Plot for standard model
    fraction_blue = reactive({                                # create reactive function responsive to users input
      df_fractions = data.frame()                             # initialize dataframe for collecting proportions blue balls per experiment
      for( j in 1:input$n_experiments){                       # loop over the amount of experiments
        urn = rep(c('blue', 'red'), each = input$urn_size/2)  # initialize the urn with eaual amount of balls
        fraction_blue_ = vector()                             # initialize vector of proportion blue balls
        for (i in 1:input$n_picks){                           # loop over the amount of picks
          pick = sample(urn,1)                                # pick a random ball
          urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                           # add this ball to urn
          fraction_blue_[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn)  # calculate fraction blue and store
        df_fractions[1:length(fraction_blue_),j] = fraction_blue_ # put proportion balls per experiment in each colomn of the dataframe
      return(df_fractions)                                      # return dataframe of all proportions over all experiments to plot later
    observeEvent(input$check1, {           # Check question 1
      if (input$test1 == 2){
        output$feedback1 = renderText({paste('Correct! Test this for yourself by pressing on the plot tab next to this summary. Try do fiddle with the parameters until you understand what they do and represent. If you are lost, you can read this summary tab again.')})
      }else if (input$test1 == 1){
        output$feedback1 = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
        output$feedback1 = renderText({paste('Please select answer')})
    # Plot for learning model
    fraction_blue2 = reactive({                              # create reactive function responsive to users input
      df_fractions = data.frame()
      for( j in 1:input$n_experiments2){
        urn = rep(c('blue', 'red'), each = input$urn_size2/2)
        fraction_blue_ = vector()
        for (i in 1:input$n_picks2){
          pick = sample(urn,1)                               # pick a random ball
          if (pick == 'blue'){                               # if pick is blue:
            urn[length(urn)+1:input$extra_balls] = pick      # add 1 + input amount of balls
          }else{                                             # if pick is red:
            urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                        # add 1
          fraction_blue_[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn) # calculate fraction blue and store
        df_fractions[1:length(fraction_blue_),j] = fraction_blue_
      return(df_fractions)                                   # return dataframe of all proportions over all experiments to plot later
    observeEvent(input$check2, {           # Check question 2
      if (input$test2 == 2){
        output$feedback2 = renderText({paste('Correct! Try looking at the differences between the plots when changing the starting urn size.')})
      }else if (input$test2 == 1){
        output$feedback2 = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
        output$feedback2 = renderText({paste('Please select answer')})
    # Plot for streak model
    fraction_blue3 = reactive({                               # create reactive function responsive to users input
      df_fractions = data.frame()
      for( j in 1:input$n_experiments3){
        urn = sample(rep(c('blue', 'red'), each = input$urn_size3/2))
        fraction_blue_ = vector()
        for (i in 1:input$n_picks3){
          pick = sample(urn,1)                                                # pick a random ball
          urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                                           # add this ball to urn
          if (identical(tail(urn,input$streak),rep(pick, input$streak))){     # if last [N input] picks are equal = put in [N input] extra
            urn[length(urn)+1:input$extra_balls3] = pick
          fraction_blue_[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn)                  # calculate fraction blue and store
        df_fractions[1:length(fraction_blue_),j] = fraction_blue_
      return(df_fractions)                                                    # return dataframe of all proportions over all experiments to plot later
    observeEvent(input$check3, {           # Check question 3
      if (input$test3 == 1){
        output$feedback3 = renderText({paste('Correct! Try this with the maximum amount of experiments.')})
      }else if (input$test3 == 2){
        output$feedback3 = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
        output$feedback3 = renderText({paste('Please select answer')})
    # Plot for life event model
    fraction_blue4 = reactive({
      df_fractions = data.frame()
      drastic_trauma = as.numeric(input$drastic_trauma)                      # set input as numeric value
      for( j in 1:input$n_experiments4){
        urn = sample(rep(c('blue', 'red'), each = input$urn_size4/2))
        fraction_blue_ = vector()
        for (i in 1:input$n_picks4){
          pick = sample(urn,1)                                               # pick a random ball
          urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                                          # add this ball to urn
          fraction_blue_[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn)                 # calculate fraction blue and store
          if (i == input$occ_trauma){
            urn = urn[1:(length(urn) - (length(urn)/100)*drastic_trauma)]    # delete [input] percentage from urn
            sample(urn)                                                      # shuffle urn
        df_fractions[1:length(fraction_blue_),j] = fraction_blue_
      return(df_fractions)                                                   # return dataframe of all proportions over all experiments to plot later
    observeEvent(input$check4, {           # Check question 4
      if (input$test4 == 0){
        output$feedback4 = renderText({paste('Please select answer')})
      }else if (input$test4 == 1){
        output$feedback4 = renderText({paste('Correct! Try looking at a major trauma with an very early onset.')})
        output$feedback4 = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
    # Plot for decay model
    fraction_blue5 = reactive({
      df_fractions = data.frame()
      for( j in 1:input$n_experiments5){
        urn = rep(c('blue', 'red'), each = input$urn_size5/2)
        fraction_blue_ = vector()
        for (i in 1:input$n_picks5){
          pick = sample(urn,1)                                # pick a random ball
          urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                           # add this ball to urn
          if (i %% input$many_picks == 0){                    # after each [imput] picks
            urn[-sample(length(urn),(input$much_decay))]      # delete [imput] random elements form urn
          fraction_blue_[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn)  # calculate fraction red and store
        df_fractions[1:length(fraction_blue_),j] = fraction_blue_
      return(df_fractions)                                    # return dataframe of all proportions over all experiments to plot later
    observeEvent(input$check5, {           # Check question 5
      if (input$test5 == 1){
        output$feedback5 = renderText({paste('Correct!')})
      }else if (input$test5 == 2){
        output$feedback5 = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
        output$feedback5 = renderText({paste('Please select answer')})
    # Plot for testing page                   ##########  I unfortunately didnt had enough time to generate a different models on each click. SO now it plots the previous set models
    observeEvent(input$start, {
      X = sample(c(2:5),1)                      # generate random number between 2 and 5 to generate previous models, plot model based on number
      if (X == 2){
        output$plot6 = renderPlot({
          matplot(fraction_blue2(),ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1),type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
      }else if (X == 3){
        output$plot6 = renderPlot({
          matplot(fraction_blue3(),ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1),type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
      }else if (X == 4){
        output$plot6 = renderPlot({
          matplot(fraction_blue4(),ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1),type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
      }else if (X == 5){
        output$plot6 = renderPlot({
          matplot(fraction_blue(),ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1),type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
      observeEvent(input$check, {           # Check if input model corresponds with the generated model and give feedback
        if (X == input$model){
          output$feedback = renderText({paste('Correct!')})
          output$feedback = renderText({paste('Wrong! Try again.')})
    ################################### Create all output ##################################################################
    ###################### Output 0 ######################
    output$summary0 = renderText({       # Summary introduction
      paste('In this application we are trying to simulate a model known as the Polya urn model. In this model, objects of real interest (such as atoms, people, cars, etc.) are represented as coloured balls in an urn or other container. This urn contains x red and y blue balls; one ball is drawn randomly from the urn and its colour observed; it is then returned in the urn, and an additional ball of the same colour is added to the urn, and the selection process is repeated. Thus, every time a ball is observed, an additional ball of the same colour is added to the urn. Hence, the number of total marbles in the urn grows. Questions of interest are the evolution of the urn population and the sequence of colours of the balls drawn out.','<br>', '<br>',
            'This model has many applications. Here, the balls represent previous memories and how they influence learning behaviour. For instance, imagine learning to play the piano. When you start learning a song, you might have two failing attempts then you take a lesson and you learn how to play your song for the first time. Now you have a total of three memories of playing the song; two incorrect experiences and one correct. In our model the balls represent these experiences in the form of memory traces. All the blue balls represent correct previous experiences and the red balls incorrect ones. Now you want to play this song for the fourth time, to do this correctly you have to sample from your earlier experiences and hope retrieve the experience when you correctly played the song (grab a blue ball). ','<br>','<br>',
            'Based on this simple learning scheme, how does your skill develop? On the long term, will you be able to learn to play the song and, what factors will influence this development. That is exactly what we will try to figure out with this simulation. If you head over to the next tab on the left (Standard Model) the standard Polya urn model will be shown, based on this process.','<br>', '<br>', 'Enjoy!'
    ###################### Output 1 ######################
    output$plot1 = renderPlot({                                                       # Plot the return value, the dataframe
      if (input$urn_size == 11 & input$n_picks == 8 & input$n_experiments == 92){     # statements for the easter egg
        candle = function(pos)                                                        # create the candles
          x=pos[1]                                                                    # positions of the flames
          rect(x,y,x+.2,y+2,col="red")                                                # create rectangles
          polygon(c(x-.2,x+.4,x+.1,x-.2), c(y+2,y+2,y+2.4,y+2),col="orange")             
          polygon(c(x+.05,x-.1,x+.1,x+.3,x+.15,x+0.05), c(y+2,y+2.3,y+2.6,y+2.3,y+2,y+2),col="orange")
        plot(c(0,10), c(0,10),type="n", bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main="Happy Birthday!", xlab="",ylab="") # set up plot and title
        draw.ellipse(5,2,col=cake_colour,a=4.4,b=1.7,border=1)                        # Draw ellipses
        rect(1,2,9,5,col=cake_colour,border=cake_colour)                              # Draw rectangles
        candle(c(2.5,4.5))                                                            # set candles
      }else{                                                                        # or else plot fraction blue outcome
        matplot(fraction_blue(), main = 'Proportion of blue balls after picks:',ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    output$hist1 = renderPlot({         # Plot the density
      hist(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue(),1)),main = 'Final density over the proportion of blue balls:',xlab="Proportion of blue balls",freq = F, xlim = c(0,1))
      lines(density(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue(),1))), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    })                                  # summary first tab
    output$summary1 = renderText({paste('Here we will discover the standard Polya urn model. As you can see, there are three parameters to adjust:','<br>','<br>',
                                        '- Starting urn size.','<br>','In this simulation you always start with an equal amount of red and blue balls in the urn, with a minimum of one each. This represents the amount of initial experiences.','<br>', '<br>',
                                        '- Amount of picks.','<br>','As the name implies, this parameter influences how many times a ball is picked from the urn and put back with a ball of the same colour. As you might infer from reading the introduction, this represents how many experiences someone will have','<br>', '<br>',
                                        '- Amount of experiments. ','<br>', 'Experiment refers to separate individuals who are partaking in this model. As you will discover, this model does not have a fixed outcome and may vary each time this experiment will run. In the plot tab (next to Amount of experiments), you will see different coloured lines representing each experiment.','<br>', '<br>',
                                        'In the plot tab you are able to see the outcome of the simulation dependent on your given parameters. The figure plots the proportion of blue balls inside of the urn over the course of each pick per experiment. Thus this represents how well someone has learned a certain skill. Beneath this plot, there is also a density plot (only if amount of experiments > 1). Representing the final outcome of the blue balls. That is, the outcome distribution per experiment.' ,'<br>', '<br>',
                                        'To test your knowledge, try to awnser the question below. Click on Check to check your answer. Then try to play around wit the parameters and understand how they influence the model (by looking at the plot tab).')})
    output$room = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')})         # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 2 ######################
    output$plot2 = renderPlot({                                                       # Plot the return value, the dataframe
      if (input$urn_size2 == 11 & input$n_picks2 == 8 & input$n_experiments2 == 92){  # statements for the easter egg
        candle = function(pos)                                                        # create the candles
          x=pos[1]                                                                    # positions of the flames
          rect(x,y,x+.2,y+2,col="red")                                                # create rectangles
          polygon(c(x-.2,x+.4,x+.1,x-.2), c(y+2,y+2,y+2.4,y+2),col="orange")             
          polygon(c(x+.05,x-.1,x+.1,x+.3,x+.15,x+0.05), c(y+2,y+2.3,y+2.6,y+2.3,y+2,y+2),col="orange")
        plot(c(0,10), c(0,10),type="n", bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main="Happy Birthday!", xlab="",ylab="") # set up plot and title
        draw.ellipse(5,2,col=cake_colour,a=4.4,b=1.7,border=1)                        # Draw ellipses
        rect(1,2,9,5,col=cake_colour,border=cake_colour)                              # Draw rectangles
        candle(c(2.5,4.5))                                                            # set candles
      }else{                                                                          # or else plot fraction blue outcome
        matplot(fraction_blue2(), main = 'Proportion of blue balls after picks:',ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    output$hist2 = renderPlot({
      hist(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue2(),1)),main = 'Final density over the proportion of blue balls:',xlab="Proportion of blue balls",freq = F, xlim = c(0,1))
      lines(density(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue2(),1))), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    output$summary2 = renderText({paste('As you might discovered, the outcome of each experiment fluctuates greatly between each other. Even the density plot has no real consistent outcome. It seems that this standard model is very stochastic, unable to predict a certain outcome. This does not seem intuitively reflect learning behaviour. Lets improve this model.', '<br>', '<br>',
                                        'Here we are adding a positive feedback parameter called, amount of extra balls. What this does is, when you had a successful experience (e.g. grabbed a blue ball), you will not add only one extra blue ball, but more then one. You could think of this as positive feedback; once you had a good experience, this will be stronger remembered compared to a bad experience. So to make it more easily to retrieve this memory, you could increase the chance of retrieving this memory again. By adding more blue balls during correct experiences, you are able to do this. Lets see how this parameter influences our model.','<br>',
                                        'But first, try to answer this next question.')})
    output$room2 = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')})        # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 3 ######################
    output$plot3 = renderPlot({                                                       # Plot the return value, the dataframe
      if (input$urn_size3 == 11 & input$n_picks3 == 8 & input$n_experiments3 == 92){  # statements for the easter egg
        candle = function(pos)                                                        # create the candles
          x=pos[1]                                                                    # positions of the flames
          rect(x,y,x+.2,y+2,col="red")                                                # create rectangles
          polygon(c(x-.2,x+.4,x+.1,x-.2), c(y+2,y+2,y+2.4,y+2),col="orange")             
          polygon(c(x+.05,x-.1,x+.1,x+.3,x+.15,x+0.05), c(y+2,y+2.3,y+2.6,y+2.3,y+2,y+2),col="orange")
        plot(c(0,10), c(0,10),type="n", bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main="Happy Birthday!", xlab="",ylab="") # set up plot and title
        draw.ellipse(5,2,col=cake_colour,a=4.4,b=1.7,border=1)                        # Draw ellipses
        rect(1,2,9,5,col=cake_colour,border=cake_colour)                              # Draw rectangles
        candle(c(2.5,4.5))                                                            # set candles
      }else{                                                                          # or else plot fraction blue outcome
        matplot(fraction_blue3(), main = 'Proportion of blue balls after picks:',ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    output$hist3 = renderPlot({
      hist(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue3(),1)),main = 'Final density over the proportion of blue balls:',xlab="Proportion of blue balls",freq = F, xlim = c(0,1))
      lines(density(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue3(),1))), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    output$summary3 = renderText({paste('All right, that already looked a lot better. Now, it could be possible that if you had a certain few experiences in a row, they would amplify each other. For instance, having multiple good practice experiences in a row would be more beneficial than these experiences in separation. However, experiencing multiple failures in a row could also be harmful, perhaps demotivating someone or creating a stressful situation. These critical moments could potentially influence development greatly.','<br>', '<br>',
                                        'Lets call these -same type of experiences in a row- a streak. Where you could have a streak of correct and incorrect experiences. With these following parameters you are able to decide when it counts as a streak and how many extra balls will be added afterwards, representing the effectiveness of the streak.','<br>',
                                        'But first, try to answer this next question.'
    output$room3 = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')})        # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 4 ######################
    output$plot4 = renderPlot({                                                       # Plot the return value, the dataframe
      if (input$urn_size4 == 11 & input$n_picks4 == 8 & input$n_experiments4 == 92){  # statements for the easter egg
        candle = function(pos)                                                        # create the candles
          x=pos[1]                                                                    # positions of the flames
          rect(x,y,x+.2,y+2,col="red")                                                # create rectangles
          polygon(c(x-.2,x+.4,x+.1,x-.2), c(y+2,y+2,y+2.4,y+2),col="orange")             
          polygon(c(x+.05,x-.1,x+.1,x+.3,x+.15,x+0.05), c(y+2,y+2.3,y+2.6,y+2.3,y+2,y+2),col="orange")
        plot(c(0,10), c(0,10),type="n", bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main="Happy Birthday!", xlab="",ylab="") # set up plot and title
        draw.ellipse(5,2,col=cake_colour,a=4.4,b=1.7,border=1)                        # Draw ellipses
        rect(1,2,9,5,col=cake_colour,border=cake_colour)                              # Draw rectangles
        candle(c(2.5,4.5))                                                            # set candles
      }else{                                                                          # or else plot fraction blue outcome
        matplot(fraction_blue4(), main = 'Proportion of blue balls after picks:',ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    output$hist4 = renderPlot({
      hist(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue4(),1)),main = 'Final density over the proportion of blue balls:',xlab="Proportion of blue balls",freq = F, xlim = c(0,1))
      lines(density(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue4(),1))), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    output$summary4 = renderText({paste('Time to get a bit dramatic. What if you were unlucky and suffered from a head trauma and you would lose a few past experiences (retrograde amnesia)? How resilient are memories based on this model? These kind of major live events could have a big influence on development.','<br>', '<br>',
                                        'Lets figure this out with these new parameters. First you are able to indicate the time of the trauma. After how many picks did the trauma occurred? Secondly, how drastic was the trauma. That is, how many previous experiences did you lose.','<br>', 'Try to answer this next question.')})
    output$room4 = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')})        # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 5 ######################
    output$plot5 = renderPlot({                                                       # Plot the return value, the dataframe
      if (input$urn_size5 == 11 & input$n_picks5 == 8 & input$n_experiments5 == 92){  # statements for the easter egg
        candle = function(pos)                                                        # create the candles
          x=pos[1]                                                                    # positions of the flames
          rect(x,y,x+.2,y+2,col="red")                                                # create rectangles
          polygon(c(x-.2,x+.4,x+.1,x-.2), c(y+2,y+2,y+2.4,y+2),col="orange")             
          polygon(c(x+.05,x-.1,x+.1,x+.3,x+.15,x+0.05), c(y+2,y+2.3,y+2.6,y+2.3,y+2,y+2),col="orange")
        plot(c(0,10), c(0,10),type="n", bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n", main="Happy Birthday!", xlab="",ylab="") # set up plot and title
        draw.ellipse(5,2,col=cake_colour,a=4.4,b=1.7,border=1)                        # Draw ellipses
        rect(1,2,9,5,col=cake_colour,border=cake_colour)                              # Draw rectangles
        candle(c(2.5,4.5))                                                            # set candles
      }else{                                                                          # or else plot fraction blue outcome
        matplot(fraction_blue5(), main = 'Proportion of blue balls after picks:',ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks', ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',lty = 1, lwd = 2)
    output$hist5 = renderPlot({
      hist(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue5(),1)),main = 'Final density over the proportion of blue balls:',xlab="Proportion of blue balls",freq = F, xlim = c(0,1))
      lines(density(as.numeric(tail(fraction_blue5(),1))), xlab="", ylab="", main="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
    output$summary5 = renderText({paste('There is one more obvious parameter we could incorporate inside our model, decay. As we know memories fade over time. Does this mean that our learned behaviour fades as well?', '<br>', '<br>',
                                        'Here you are able to choose after how many picks, how many (random) balls will be removed from the urn. It stands to reason that some people are more forgetful then others. Before we will look how this will influence the model, try to anwer the next question.')})
    output$room5 = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')})        # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 6 ######################
    output$summary6 = renderText({paste('Now to put our knowledge to the test... Lets generate a random model and try to estimate which scenario it represents. Press the generate button to start...')})
    output$room6 = renderText({paste('.','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','<br>','.')}) # needed in order to create room for the drop out box
    ###################### Output 7 ######################
    output$summary7 = renderText({                       # Some nice rickrollin' text and long statements for the easter egg if all 5 scenarios are correct
      if (input$urn_size & input$urn_size2 &input$urn_size3 &input$urn_size4 & input$urn_size5 == 11 & input$n_picks & input$n_picks2 & input$n_picks3 & input$n_picks4 & input$n_picks5 == 8 & input$n_experiments & input$n_experiments2 & input$n_experiments3 & input$n_experiments4 & input$n_experiments5 == 92){
        paste('Were no strangers to love','<br>','
              You know the rules and so do I','<br>','
              A full commitments what Im thinking of','<br>','
              You wouldnt get this from any other guy','<br>','
              I just wanna tell you how Im feeling','<br>','
              Gotta make you understand','<br>','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry','<br>','
              Never gonna say goodbye','<br>','
              Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you','<br>','<br>','
              Weve known each other for so long','<br>','
              Your hearts been aching but youre too shy to say it','<br>','
              Inside we both know whats been going on','<br>','
              We know the game and were gonna play it','<br>','
              And if you ask me how Im feeling','<br>','
              Dont tell me youre too blind to see','<br>','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry','<br>','
              Never gonna say goodbye','<br>','
              Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry','<br>','
              Never gonna say goodbye','<br>','
              Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you','<br>','<br>','
              Never gonna give, never gonna give','<br>','
              (Give you up)','<br>','
              (Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give','<br>','
              (Give you up)','<br>','<br>','
              Weve known each other for so long','<br>','
              Your hearts been aching but youre too shy to say it','<br>','
              Inside we both know whats been going on','<br>','
              We know the game and were gonna play it','<br>','<br>','
              I just wanna tell you how Im feeling','<br>','
              Gotta make you understand','<br>','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry','<br>','
              Never gonna say goodbye','<br>','
              Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry','<br>','
              Never gonna say goodbye','<br>','
              Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you','<br>','
              Never gonna give you up','<br>','
              Never gonna let you down','<br>','
              Never gonna run around and desert you','<br>','
              Never gonna make you cry')} else {
                paste('This ending could be better...')        # Standard ending text
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) #start app
FlorisRoelofs/polya documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 p.m.