
Defines functions cromwell_workflow_process cromwell_workflow_http cromwell_workflow

Documented in cromwell_workflow

#' Pull metadata for a specific Cromwell workflow job
#' Retrieve and process all labels, submission and workflow level metadata for
#' a specific workflow.
#' @export
#' @template workflowid
#' @template serverdeets
#' @author Amy Paguirigan
#' @inheritSection workflow_options Important
#' @return a tibble of metadata on a workflow. if no results a
#' zero row tibble
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ## Request what jobs have been submitted to your Cromwell instance in the
#' ## past 7 days.
#' recentJobs <- cromwell_jobs(days = 7)
#' ## Request workflow metadata for a specific job that was run in your
#' ## Cromwell instance.
#' thisWorkflowID <- recentJobs$workflow_id[1]
#' workflowMeta <- cromwell_workflow(workflow_id = thisWorkflowID)
#' }
cromwell_workflow <- function(workflow_id, url = cw_url(), token = NULL) {
  crom_mssg(glue("Querying for metadata for workflow id: {workflow_id}"))
  meta <- cromwell_workflow_http(workflow_id, url, token)
  cromwell_workflow_process(meta, workflow_id)

cromwell_workflow_http <- function(workflow_id, url, token) {
    url = make_url(url, "api/workflows/v1", workflow_id, "metadata"),
    query = list(expandSubWorkflows = "false", excludeKey = "calls"),
    as = "parsed",
    token = token

cromwell_workflow_process <- function(meta, workflow_id) {
  if (!is.list(meta)) {
      "Likely the API timed out, please resubmit your request",
      " or check your Cromwell server."
  if (meta$status == "fail") {
    # this is when a workflow itself fails to start
    return(dplyr::tibble("workflow_id" = meta$message))
  } else {
    if (!"id" %in% names(meta)) {

    # if a workflow starts then the id will be there
    # if a workflow has a list of labels
    if (is.list(meta$labels)) {
      drag <- purrr::pluck(meta, "labels")
      drag <- dplyr::as_tibble(purrr::flatten(drag))
      drag$workflow_id <- gsub("cromwell-", "", drag$`cromwell-workflow-id`)
      drag$`cromwell-workflow-id` <- NULL
    } else {
      drag <- dplyr::tibble("workflow_id" = workflow_id)
    # Get submission data
    submit <- dplyr::as_tibble(purrr::flatten(purrr::pluck(
    submit$labels <- NULL # why do they have labels here TOO!!?!
    submit$workflow_id <- workflow_id
    # Get remaining workflow level data
    remainder <- dplyr::as_tibble(purrr::discard(meta, is.list))
    remainder <- dplyr::rename(remainder, "workflow_id" = "id")
    # Get workflow failure data if it exists
    if (meta$status == "Failed") {
      failure_data <-
          purrr::pluck(meta, "failures", .default = NA),
          .default = NA
      if (!is.na(failure_data)) {
        failures <- dplyr::as_tibble(failure_data[failure_data != ""])
        failures$workflow_id <- workflow_id
        resultdf <- purrr::reduce(list(remainder, drag, submit, failures),
          by = "workflow_id"
      } # if failures is na, then keep going
      resultdf <- purrr::reduce(list(remainder, drag, submit),
        by = "workflow_id"
    } else {
      resultdf <- purrr::reduce(list(remainder, drag, submit),
        by = "workflow_id"
    resultdf$submission <-
        tzone = pkg_env$tzone
    if ("start" %in% colnames(resultdf)) {
      resultdf$start <-
          tzone = pkg_env$tzone
    } else {
      # If the workflow hasn't started, then create the column but set to NA
      resultdf$start <- NA
    if ("end" %in% colnames(resultdf)) {
      resultdf$end <- lubridate::with_tz(lubridate::ymd_hms(resultdf$end),
        tzone = pkg_env$tzone
      resultdf$workflowDuration <-
        round(difftime(resultdf$end, resultdf$start, units = "mins"), 3)
    } else {
      # if end doesn't exist or it is already NA (???), make it and
      # workflowDuration but set to NA
      resultdf$end <- NA
      if (!is.na(resultdf$start)) {
        resultdf$workflowDuration <-
          round(difftime(Sys.time(), resultdf$start, units = "mins"), 3)
      } else {
        resultdf$workflowDuration <- 0
    resultdf <- dplyr::mutate_all(resultdf, as.character)
    resultdf$workflowDuration <- as.numeric(resultdf$workflowDuration)
FredHutch/fh.wdlR documentation built on March 26, 2024, 8:40 p.m.