Man pages for GHLCLab/phexpo
Bidirectional enrichment analysis of phenotypes and chemicals

checkChemicalCheck chemicals are supported for analysis
checkHPOCheck HPO terms are supported for analysis
chem2geneChemical and gene interactions
perfFishTestChemMultipleEnriched HPO terms for multiple chemicals
perfFishTestChemSingleEnriched HPO terms for a single chemical's associated gene...
perfFishTestHPOMultipleChemical enrichment for multiple phenotype terms
perfFishTestHPOSingleEnriched chemicals for a single phenotype term's associated...
pheno2genePhenotype and gene association
pipePipe operator
sym_tblChemical vocabulary
visEnrichEnrichment visualisation
GHLCLab/phexpo documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 12:10 a.m.