
enm.proast61 <-
    #dataset:= list of 2 objects - 
    #datasetURI:= character sring, code name of dataset
    #dataEntry:= data.frame with 2 columns, 
    #1st:name of compound,2nd:data.frame with values (colnames are feature names)
    #predictionFeature:= character string specifying which is the prediction feature in dataEntry, 
    #parameters:= list with parameter values-- here awaits a list with four elemnts: 
    #nTrials (a numeric value indicating number of trials suggested, if 0 then an estimated number is suggested),
    #criterion (a character value to indicate which optimal deisgn to apply. Possible values are  'D', 'A', 'I'. Default is 'D'),
    #form (a string indicating the formula of the deisgn- 'linear','quad','cubic','cubicS')),
    #r2.threshold (numeric value indicating the r2 threshold value. If the data supplied provides r2 value greater 
    #than the threshold value, a stop message is returned.).
    dat<- dataset$dataEntry[,2]# data table
    ind.dat<- colnames(dat)
    dat1.yname<- predictionFeature# dat1$predictionFeature #string to indicate dependent variable
    depend.indx<- which(colnames(dat) %in% dat1.yname)
    dat1.xname<- parameters$indiVariable# name
    indi.indx<- which(colnames(dat) %in% dat1.xname) 
    #load('.trial1.RData')# includes ans.all
    #load('.changeV.rda')# inlcudes changeV data.frame with names of the variables in ans.all that need to change
#data(sysdata, envir=environment())

    ans.all.new<- ans.all
    names.ans.all<- names(ans.all)
    pos.ans.all<- which(names(ans.all) %in% changeV[,1])
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[1]]]<- indi.indx #xans index
    names(ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[1]]])<- dat1.xname #xans name
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[2]]]<- depend.indx #yans index
    names(ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[2]]])<- dat1.yname #yans name
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[3]]]<- getwd() #working dir
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[4]]]<-  dataset$datasetURI #data.name
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[5]]]<- dat #odt - dataset
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[6]]]<- ncol(dat) #number of columns (i.e. variables) in data set
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[7]]]<- colnames(dat) #varnames
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[8]]]<- dat1.xname #x name
    ans.all.new[[pos.ans.all[9]]]<- dat1.yname #y name
    # PREPEI NA ALLAKSW KAI TA BOOTS gia bootstrap options - sta parameters
    if(range(dat[,depend.indx])[1]<=0){ans.all.new$auto.detlim<- TRUE}#ans.all.new$detlim<- 0.001}# to avoid question for detection limit
    ans.all.new$cont <- TRUE #; ans.all<- TRUE
    #res0<- f.quick.con(ans.all.new,validate=T)#
    #.ypos <- 95
    devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)	
options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
    # run proast & save print out in file
    assign(".ypos", 95, envir = .GlobalEnv)

    #devAskNewPage(ask = FALSE)	
    res1<- f.quick.con(ans.all.new,validate=T)#

    #read print out
    rfs<- readLines("report_from_screen.txt")
    rfs[which(rfs=="")]<- "\n"
    #save, read and resave garphs 
    g.num<- as.numeric(dev.cur()[1])
    c.fig<- as.data.frame(t(character(g.num-1)))
    colnames(c.fig)<- c('FittedValues','NestedHillModels','NestedExponentialModels')#paste('figure',1:(g.num-1),sep='')
    #cur.dir<- paste(getwd(),'/plots',sep='')
    w<- 0
    for(i in g.num:2){

            num1<- g.num-i+1
            labeli<- paste('graph',num1,'.png',sep='')
            x<- recordPlot()
            #num1<- g.num-i+1
            #labeli<- paste('graph',num1,'.png',sep='')
            #x<- recordPlot()
            #x<- recordPlot() 
            png1<- file(labeli,'rb')#open for reading in binary mode
            N<- 1e6
            pngfilecontents <- readBin(png1, what="raw", n=N)
            c.fig[num1]<- fromJSON(toJSON(pngfilecontents))#base64(pngfilecontents)
            ### NOTE: fromJSON(toJSON( is a round-about since base64 doesn't work with JSON
            ### and to JSON is doing base64 internally
    #x<- dev.cur()
    if(dev.cur()>1){for(j in 1:(dev.cur()-1)){dev.off()}}#graphics.off()}
    liks.mat<- rbind(res1$logliks,res1$EXP$logliks,res1$HILL$logliks)
    thres.mat<- c(which(liks.mat[,1]=='--'),dim(liks.mat)[1]+1)
    n1.mat<- c('LR',res1$model.sublist)
    n2.mat<- character(dim(liks.mat)[1])
    w<- 2
        n2.mat[thres.mat[w-1]:(thres.mat[w]-1)]<- rep(n1.mat[w-1],thres.mat[w]-thres.mat[w-1])
        #n2.len<- thres.mat[w]-thres.mat[w-1]
        #n2.mat[thres.mat[w-1]:(thres.mat[w]-1)]<- paste(n2.mat[thres.mat[w-1]:(thres.mat[w]-1)],1:n2.len,sep='')
        w<- w+1
    n3.mat<- paste(n2.mat,liks.mat[,1])
    liks.mat.s<- liks.mat
    liks.mat.s1<- as.matrix(liks.mat.s)
    colnames(liks.mat.s1)<- NULL
    x1<- as.list(as.data.frame(t(liks.mat.s1)))
    names(x1)<- n3.mat
    calc5<- list(colNames=colnames(liks.mat.s),values=x1)
    l1<- list(logLik=calc5)
    outP<- list(singleCalculations=list(reportFromScreen=unbox(paste(rfs,collapse=' '))),
GTsiliki/IntPROAST documentation built on June 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.