
Defines functions smooth.profile

Documented in smooth.profile

#' Smooth existing profiles
#' Smooths existing profiles by refitting bad estimates. To this end, \code{smooth.profile} checks for neighbouring points that have an unusual large difference in log-likelihood and spikes, i.e. points that have higher values than both of the neighbouring points
#' @param which.par A vector containing the names of all parameters for which the respective profiles should be smoothed. Alternatively, supplying "all.par" smooths all existing profiles.
#' @param fit.fn A cost function. Has to take the complete parameter vector as an input (needs to be names \code{parms}) and must return the corresponding negative log-likelihood (-2LL, see Burnham and Anderson 2002).
#' @param threshold A numeric value determining the minimal difference between two neighbouring points that leads to refitting. Alternatively, threshold can be set to "auto" (default), which chooses a minimal difference automatically (this is calculated by dividing the difference between maximal and minimal values by the number of profile points).
#' @param spike.min A numeric value determining the minimal difference for detecting spikes. Default to 0.01.
#' @param do.not.fit The names of the parameter that are not to be fitted. Can only be supplied if a single profile is smoothed
#' @param homedir The directory to which the results should be saved to. Default to \code{\link{getwd}}().
#' @param optim.runs The number of times that each model will be fitted by \code{\link{optim}}. Default to 5.
#' @param random.borders The ranges from which the random initial parameter conditions for all \code{optim.runs} larger than one are sampled. Can be either given as a vector containing the relative deviations for all parameters or as a matrix containing in its first column the lower and in its second column the upper border values. Parameters are uniformly sampled based on \code{\link{runif}}. Default to 1 (100\% deviation of all parameters). Alternatively, functions such as \code{\link{rnorm}}, \code{\link{rchisq}}, etc. can be used if the additional arguments are passed along as well.
#' @param con.tol The absolute convergence tolerance of each fitting run (see Details). Default is set to 0.1.
#' @param control.optim Control parameters passed along to \code{optim}. For more details, see \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param parscale.pars Logical. If TRUE (default), the \code{parscale} option will be used when fitting with \code{\link{optim}}. This is helpful, if the parameter values are on different scales.
#' @param save.rel.diff A numeric value indicating a relative threshold when to overwrite a pre-existing result. Default to 0, which means that results get overwritten if an improvement is made.
#' @param future.off Logical. If TRUE, \code{\link{future}} will not be used to calculate the results. Default to FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional parameters that can be passed along to \code{\link{future}} or \code{fit.fn}.
#' @return NULL. Saves the refitted profiles in the folder "Profiles-Result/Tables/".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #create data with standard deviation of 1
#' x.values <- 1:7
#' y.values <-  9 * x.values^2 - exp(2 * x.values)
#' sd.y.values <- rep(1,7)
#' #define initial parameter values
#' inits <- c(p1 = 3, p2 = 4, p3 = -2, p4 = 2, p5 = 0)
#' #define cost function that returns the negative log-likelihood
#' cost_function <- function(parms, x.vals, y.vals, sd.y){
#'   # restrict the search range to -5 to +5
#'   if(max(abs(parms)) > 5){
#'     return(NA)
#'   }
#'   with(as.list(c(parms)), {
#'     res <- p1*4 + p2*x.vals + p3^2*x.vals^2 + p4*sin(x.vals)  - exp(p5*x.vals)
#'     diff <- sum((res - y.vals)^2/sd.y)
#'   })
#' }
#' #create profiles
#' res <- create.profile(which.par = "p1",
#'                       par.names = inits,
#'                       range = list(seq(0, 2, 0.2)),
#'                       fit.fn = cost_function,
#'                       homedir = getwd(),
#'                       delete.old = TRUE,
#'                       x.vals = x.values,
#'                       y.vals = y.values,
#'                       sd.y = sd.y.values)
#' #add noise to profile
#' res[,1] <-  res[,1] + runif(n = nrow(res), min = 0, max = 5)
#' saveRDS(res, paste0(getwd(), "/Profile-Results/Tables/p1.rds"))
#' #smooth profile
#' smooth.profile(which.par = "p1",
#'                fit.fn = cost_function,
#'                homedir = getwd(),
#'                optim.runs = 1,
#'                x.vals = x.values,
#'                y.vals = y.values,
#'                sd.y = sd.y.values)

smooth.profile <- function(which.par, fit.fn, threshold = "auto", spike.min = 0.01, do.not.fit = NULL, homedir = getwd(), optim.runs = 5, random.borders = 1, con.tol = 0.1, control.optim = list(maxit = 1000), parscale.pars = TRUE, save.rel.diff = 0, future.off = F, ...){

  if( (length(which.par) > 1 || which.par[1] == "all.par") && is.null(do.not.fit) == FALSE){
    stop("Use 'do.not.fit' only with a single entry of 'which.par'!")

  if(which.par[1] == "all.par"){
    filenames <- list.files(paste0(homedir,"/Profile-Results/Tables"), pattern="*.rds", full.names=FALSE)
    which.par <- as.vector(gsub(".rds", "", filenames))

  #set graphical parameters
  old.par <- graphics::par("mfrow")
  on.exit(graphics::par(mfrow = old.par))

  nrows = round(sqrt(length(which.par)))
  ncols = ifelse(length(which.par) == 1, 1, ceiling(sqrt(length(which.par))))
  graphics::par(mfrow = c(nrows, ncols))

  #storage parameters
  save.data <- list()

  #plot the unsmoothed profiles
  for(s in 1:length(which.par)){
    if(file.exists(paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Tables/", which.par[s], ".rds")) == FALSE){
      stop(paste0("The results table for parameter ", which.par[s], " is missing."))
    save.data[[s]] <- readRDS(paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Tables/", which.par[s], ".rds"))

    #plot data

    graphics::plot(save.data[[s]][, which.par[s]],
                   type = "l",
                   lwd = 3,
                   xlab = which.par[s],
                   ylab = "-2LL",
                   main = paste0("Unsmoothed profile of parameter ", which.par[s]))
    graphics::abline(h = min(save.data[[s]][,1]) + 3.84, lwd = 3, lty = 2, col = "red")

  #set iteration index
  iteration <- 1
  improvement <- rep(1, length(which.par))
  which.improved <- list(rep(1, nrow(save.data[[1]])))
  if(length(which.par) > 1){
    for(s in 2:length(which.par)){
      which.improved[[s]] <- rep(1, nrow(save.data[[s]]))
  save.steepcliff <- list()
  save.col.pl <- list()

  while(any(improvement != 0)){
    future.list <- list()
    cat(paste0("\n\nITERATION ", iteration))
    for(s in which(improvement != 0)){
      #get parameter range
      cat(paste0("\nAnalysing profile table for parameter ", which.par[s]))
      data <- save.data[[s]]
      col.pl <- which(names(data)[2:ncol(data)] == which.par[s])
      range <- data[, col.pl + 1]
      if(is.null(do.not.fit) == FALSE){
        col.pl <- c(col.pl, which(names(data)[2:ncol(data)] %in% do.not.fit))
      save.col.pl[[s]] <- col.pl
      par.range <- 2:ncol(data)
      par.range <- par.range[-c(col.pl-1)]

      if(threshold == "auto"){
        cliff.min <- (max(data[,1]) - min(data[,1]))/nrow(data)
        cliff.min <- threshold
      #run until refitting of cliffs does not yield any improvement and no more spikes are present
      #find steep cliffs and specify the type: 1 - cliff to the left, 2- cliff to the right, 12 - spiked value
      sel.steepcliff <- rep(0, length(range))
      #cycle through generated profile
      for(i in 1:length(range)){
        #check left border
          if((data[i,1] - data[i+1,1]) > cliff.min){
            sel.steepcliff[i] <- 2
        }else if(i==length(range)){#check right border
          if((data[i,1] - data[i-1,1]) > cliff.min){
            sel.steepcliff[i] <- 1
        }else{#check all values inbetween
          if((data[i,1] - max(data[c(i-1,i+1),1])) > spike.min){#if value is a spike
            sel.steepcliff[i] <- 12
          }else if ((data[i,1] - data[i-1,1]) > cliff.min){#if cliff is to the left
            sel.steepcliff[i] <- 1
          }else if ((data[i,1] - data[i+1,1]) > cliff.min){#if cliff is to the right
            sel.steepcliff[i] <- 2


      #get problematic entries
      steepcliff <- which(sel.steepcliff > 0)
      which.improved[[s]][-steepcliff] <- 0

      for(k in steepcliff){
        if(k == 1){
          slct <- c(1,2)
        }else if(k == nrow(save.data[[s]])){
          slct <- c(k-1, k)
          slct <- c(k-1, k, k +1)

        if(sum(which.improved[[s]][slct]) == 0){
          steepcliff <- steepcliff[-which(steepcliff == k)]

      save.steepcliff[[s]] <- steepcliff
      which.improved[[s]][-steepcliff] <- 0

      cat(paste0("\nFound the following ", length(steepcliff)," unsuitable value(s) in the profile (spike or difference to neighbouring points larger than ", format(cliff.min, digits = 2), "):\n"))
      if(length(steepcliff) > 0){
      cat(data[steepcliff, col.pl + 1])
      #fit only if cliffs are present

        #cycle through cliffs
        for(i in 1:length(steepcliff)){
          k <- steepcliff[i]
          cliff <- sel.steepcliff[k]
          fixed.par <- data[k, col.pl + 1]
          names(fixed.par) <- names(data)[col.pl + 1]
          #set seed for random fitting

          #use the parameter values of the better side of the cliff
          if(cliff == 1){
            params.test <- as.numeric(data[k - 1,-1])
            names(params.test) <- names(data[k - 1,-1])
          }else if(cliff == 2){
            params.test <- as.numeric(data[k + 1,-1])
            names(params.test) <- names(data[k + 1,-1])
          }else{#cliff == 12
            params.test <- as.numeric(data[k - 1,-1])
            names(params.test) <- names(data[k - 1,-1])

            params.test2 <- as.numeric(data[k + 1,-1])
            names(params.test2) <- names(data[k + 1,-1])

          if(future.off == TRUE){
            point.profile(no.fit = fixed.par,
                          parms = params.test,
                          fit.fn = fit.fn,
                          homedir = homedir,
                          optim.runs = optim.runs,
                          random.borders = random.borders,
                          con.tol = con.tol,
                          control.optim = control.optim,
                          parscale.parameters = parscale.pars,
                          save.rel.diff = save.rel.diff,
            if(cliff == 12){
              point.profile(no.fit = fixed.par,
                            parms = params.test2,
                            fit.fn = fit.fn,
                            homedir = homedir,
                            optim.runs = optim.runs,
                            random.borders = random.borders,
                            con.tol = con.tol,
                            control.optim = control.optim,
                            parscale.parameters = parscale.pars,
                            save.rel.diff = save.rel.diff,
            if(cliff == 12){
              future.list <- c(future.list,
                                 {point.profile(no.fit = fixed.par,
                                                parms = params.test,
                                                fit.fn = fit.fn,
                                                homedir = homedir,
                                                optim.runs = optim.runs,
                                                random.borders = random.borders,
                                                con.tol = con.tol,
                                                control.optim = control.optim,
                                                parscale.parameters = parscale.pars,
                                                save.rel.diff = save.rel.diff,
                                   point.profile(no.fit = fixed.par,
                                                 parms = params.test2,
                                                 fit.fn = fit.fn,
                                                 homedir = homedir,
                                                 optim.runs = optim.runs,
                                                 random.borders = random.borders,
                                                 con.tol = con.tol,
                                                 control.optim = control.optim,
                                                 parscale.parameters = parscale.pars,
                                                 save.rel.diff = save.rel.diff,
                                 label = paste0(which.par[s], "_", fixed.par[1]),
              future.list <- c(future.list,
                               list(future::future(point.profile(no.fit = fixed.par,
                                                                 parms = params.test,
                                                                 fit.fn = fit.fn,
                                                                 homedir = homedir,
                                                                 optim.runs = optim.runs,
                                                                 random.borders = random.borders,
                                                                 con.tol = con.tol,
                                                                 control.optim = control.optim,
                                                                 parscale.parameters = parscale.pars,
                                                                 save.rel.diff = save.rel.diff,
                                                   label = paste0(which.par[s], "_", fixed.par[1]),

    if(length(future.list) > 0){
      #check if futures are done
      for(wff in 1:length(future.list)){
        print.wait <- TRUE
            cat(paste0("\nWaiting for future ", future.list[[wff]]$label, " ..."))
            print.wait <- FALSE

      #check if all files exist
      for(fex in 1:length(future.list)){
        if(!file.exists(paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Fits/", future.list[[wff]]$label, ".rds"))){
          #print error message
          if(class(try(future::value(future.list[[wff]]))) == "try-error"){

          stop(paste0("Future is done but no output file was generated. The corresponding error message of job ",
                      " is shown above. If no output is shown, use 'future.off = TRUE' to debug."))

    #read in data####
    for(k in which(improvement != 0)){
      #define improvement variable
      improvement[k] <- 0
      if(length(save.steepcliff[[k]]) > 1){
        for(j in 1:length(save.steepcliff[[k]])){
          res <- readRDS(paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Fits/", which.par[k],"_", save.data[[k]][save.steepcliff[[k]][j], save.col.pl[[k]] + 1], ".rds"))
          if(res[1] < save.data[[k]][save.steepcliff[[k]][j], 1]){
            save.data[[k]][save.steepcliff[[k]][j], ] <- res
            improvement[k] <- improvement[k] + 1
            if(save.steepcliff[[k]][j] == 1){
              slct <- c(1,2)
            }else if(save.steepcliff[[k]][j] == nrow(save.data[[k]])){
              slct <- c(save.steepcliff[[k]][j]-1, save.steepcliff[[k]][j])
              slct <- c(save.steepcliff[[k]][j]-1, save.steepcliff[[k]][j], save.steepcliff[[k]][j] +1)
            which.improved[[k]][slct] <- 1
            which.improved[[k]][save.steepcliff[[k]][j]] <- 0

      if(improvement[k] > 0){
        cat(paste0("\nImproved ",
                     " out of ",
                     " profile values for parameter ",
        saveRDS(save.data[[k]], paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Tables/", which.par[k], ".rds"))
        cat(paste0("\nImproved ",
                     " out of ",
                     " profile values for parameter ",
                     ". Smoothing terminated for this parameter."))


    graphics::par(mfrow = c(nrows, ncols))
    for(s in 1:length(which.par)){
      graphics::plot(save.data[[s]][, which.par[s]],
                     type = "l",
                     lwd = 3,
                     xlab = which.par[s],
                     ylab = "-2LL",
                     main = paste0("Smoothed profile, iteration ", iteration))
      graphics::abline(h = min(save.data[[s]][,1]) + 3.84, lwd = 3, lty = 2, col = "red")

    grDevices::pdf(file = paste0(homedir, "/Profile-Results/Figures/Profiles", ".pdf"),
                   width  = 4*ncols,
                   height = 4*nrows,
                   useDingbats = F)
    graphics::par(mfrow = c(nrows, ncols))
    for(s in 1:length(which.par)){
      graphics::plot(save.data[[s]][, which.par[s]],
                     type = "l",
                     lwd = 3,
                     xlab = which.par[s],
                     ylab = "-2LL",
                     main = paste0("Smoothed profile, iteration ", iteration))
      graphics::abline(h = min(save.data[[s]][,1]) + 3.84, lwd = 3, lty = 2, col = "red")

    iteration <- iteration + 1

    if(any(improvement > 0) == FALSE && length(which.par) > 1){
      cat("\nNo further improvement in any profiles was achieved. Terminating.")
GabelHub/ProfileIroning documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:49 p.m.