
##### polarQtree ####

#' @title Quad-tree segmentation in a polar space.
#' @description The quad-tree segmentation algorithm is a top-down process that
#'   makes recursive divisions in four equal parts until a condition is
#'   satisfied and then stops locally. The usual implementation of the quad-tree
#'   algorithm is based on the raster structure and this is why the result are
#'   squares of different sizes. This method implements the quad-tree
#'   segmentation in a polar space.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{Raster}}. The raster to be processed. Single or
#'   multi-layer.
#' @param z \code{\linkS4class{ZenithImage}}.  Should match the lens geometry of
#'   the picture linked with \code{x}.
#' @param a \code{\linkS4class{AzimuthImage}}.
#' @param scaleParameter one-length numeric. It is part of the stopping
#'   condition (see Detalis).
#' @param divisions numeric. See details
#' @param mnSize numeric.  This is an additional stopping criterion to avoid
#'   errors in segments closed to zenith.
#' @param parallel logical. Go parallel.
#' @param freeThreads numeric. The number of threads that remain free for other
#'   tasks. Defaul \code{2} avoid the computer comes to a standstill until the R
#'   task has finished. Using \code{1} could be a good idea. Use \code{0} at
#'   your own risk. If you run out of memory, increase \code{freeThreads}.
#' @param memoryUseFactor numeric. Increase to use less memory when
#'   \code{parallel} is set to TRUE.
#' @details
#'   Argument division could be 1, 2, 3 or 4 and it controls segment resolution.
#'   value / resolution (degrees)
#'   1 / 30, 15, 7.5, 3.75 or 1.875.
#'   2 / 15, 7.5, 3.75 or 1.875.
#'   3 / 15, 7.5 or 3.75.
#'   4 / 7.5 or 3.75.
#'   The algorithm starts with segments of a given resolution depending
#'   on \code{divisions}. Next, it selects one segment and splits it into four
#'   segments of equal angular resolution. Then, it uses the standard deviation
#'   of \code{x} as homogeneous criterion. To that end, it calculates the standard
#'   deviation for the entire segment and for each four segments. To stop the
#'   process locally, the algorithm evaluates if the sum of the standard
#'   deviation of the subsegments minus the standard deviation of the segment
#'   (delta) is less or equal than the \code{scaleParameter}. If x is multilayer delta
#'   is calculated separately and delta mean is used to evaluate the
#'   stopping condition.
#' @references Diaz, G.M., Lencinas, J.D., 2015. Enhanced Gap Fraction
#' Extraction From Hemispherical Photography. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.
#' 12, 1784-1789.
#' @return \linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeZimage}}, \code{\link{makeAimage}}.
#' @example /inst/examples/doPolarQtreeExample.R
setGeneric("doPolarQtree", function(x, z, a = makeAimage(z),
                                    scaleParameter, divisions = 1, mnSize = 1000, parallel = FALSE,
                                    freeThreads = 2)
#' @export doPolarQtree

#' @rdname doPolarQtree
          signature(x = "Raster"),
          function (x, z, a, scaleParameter, divisions, mnSize, parallel,
                    freeThreads) {
            print("doPolarQtree: please wait... use parallel = TRUE to increase speed.")
            #    Using parallel = TRUE you could increase speed by roughly 2 times

            stopifnot(length(divisions) == 1)
            stopifnot(any(divisions == 1, divisions == 2,
                          divisions == 3, divisions == 4))

            stopifnot(class(z)[[1]] == "ZenithImage")
            stopifnot(class(a)[[1]] == "AzimuthImage")

            if (x@fisheye@fullframe) x <- expandFullframe(x, z)

            if (!raster::compareRaster(x, z, stopiffalse = FALSE))
              stop("Maybe you not declare your hemispherical photo as a fullframe. To do it, use fisheye(x) <- newFishEye(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), for example.")

            raster::compareRaster(z, a)

            cropFun <- function(x, cropped) {
              x <- raster::crop(x, cropped) * cropped
              x[cropped == 0] <- NA

            recursiveSegmentation <- function(g) {
              segments <- levels(as.factor(g))[[1]][, 1]

              goRecursively <- function(x, z, a, segment, scaleParameter) {
                cropped <- g[g == segment, drop = FALSE]
                cropped <- !is.na(cropped)

                x <- cropFun(x, cropped)
                z <- cropFun(z, cropped)
                a <- cropFun(a, cropped)

                angleResolution <- (getMax(z) - getMin(z) + getMax(a) - getMin(a)) / 2

                if (angleResolution > min(angle.wds)) {

                  angle.wd <- angle.wds[which.min(abs(angle.wds - rep(angleResolution / 2,
                  angle.wd <- asAngle(angle.wd)

                  g2 <- makePolarGrid(as(z, "ZenithImage"),
                                      as(a, "AzimuthImage"), angle.wd)

                  segments2 <- levels(g2)[[1]][, 1]

                  if (length(segments2) > 4) stop("Please, report error code qt01")
                  if (length(segments2) < 4) {
                    delta <- scaleParameter - 1
                  } else {


                    hfun <- function(x) stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)

                    if (any(class(x)[1] == "RasterStack", class(x)[1] == "RasterBrick")) {
                      delta <- c()
                      for (l in 1:nlayers(x)) {
                        sdIfSplit <- sum(extractFeatures(raster::subset(x, l), g2, hfun))
                        sdNow <- hfun(values(raster::subset(x, l)))
                        delta[l] <- sdIfSplit - sdNow

                      delta <- sum(delta) / nlayers(x)

                    } else {
                      sdIfSplit <- sum(extractFeatures(x, g2, hfun))
                      sdNow <- hfun(values(x))
                      delta <- sdIfSplit - sdNow


                  if (delta > scaleParameter) {

                    if (all(nrow(levels(g2)[[1]]) == 4, raster::ncell(g2) > mnSize)) {

                      segments <- 1:4 + getMax(g)
                      df <- data.frame(levels(g2), 1:4)
                      g2 <- raster::subs(g2, df)
                      index <- !is.na(values(g2))
                      g[g == segment] <<- values(g2)[index] + getMax(g)

                      segments <- Map(function(x) x, segments)
                      baz <- function(segment) goRecursively(x, z, a, segment, scaleParameter)

                      lapply(segments, baz)


              segments <- Map(function(x) x, segments)
              baz <- function(segment) goRecursively(x, z, a, segment, scaleParameter)

              lapply(segments, baz)



            angle.wds <- list(
              c(15, 7.5, 3.75, 1.875),
              c(7.5, 3.75, 1.875),
              c(7.5, 3.75),
            angle.wds <- angle.wds[[divisions]]

            g <- makePolarGrid(z, a, asAngle(max(angle.wds) * 2))

            if (parallel) {
              # Calculate the number of threads
              no_threads <- parallel::detectCores() - freeThreads

              padlock <- !raster::canProcessInMemory(g, no_threads * 2)

              if (padlock) {

                rings <- makeRings(z, asAngle(30))
                sectors <- makePolarSectors(a, asAngle(60))
                polarGrid <- as.factor(sectors * 1000 + rings)

                segments <- levels(polarGrid)[[1]][, 1]
                segments <- Map(function(x) x, segments)
                # go parallel
                ## Initiate cluster
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_threads)
                ges <- parallel::parLapply(cl, segments,
                                           function(x) g[polarGrid == x, drop = FALSE]
                ## finish
              } else {
                segments <- levels(g)[[1]][, 1]
                groupSize <- round(length(segments) / no_threads)
                starGroup <- seq(1, length(segments), groupSize)
                endGroup <- c(starGroup[-1] - 1, length(segments))

                forSubs <- Map(function(x,y) seq(x, y, 1), starGroup, endGroup)
                forSubs <- Map(function(x) data.frame(segments[x], rep(1, length(x))), forSubs)

                # go parallel
                ## Initiate cluster
                cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_threads)
                ges <- parallel::parLapply(cl, forSubs,
                                           function(x) {
                                             cropped <- raster::subs(g, x) * g
                                             cropped <- cropped[!is.na(cropped), drop = FALSE]
                ## finish

              # go parallel
              ## Initiate cluster
              cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_threads)
              ges <- parallel::parLapply(cl, ges, function(g) recursiveSegmentation(g))

              ## finish

              # to avoid segments with same id
              maxOfGes <- unlist(Map(getMax, ges))

              for (i in 2:length(maxOfGes)) {
                maxOfGes[i] <- maxOfGes[i] + maxOfGes[i - 1]
              maxOfGes[1] <- 0
              ges <- Map(function(x, y) x + y, ges, maxOfGes )

              # merge
              # ges <- Map(function(x) extend(x, g), ges)
              g[] <- NA

              for (i in 1:(length(ges))) {
                g <- cover(g, extend(ges[[i]], g))

              g <- as(g, "PolarSegmentation")

            } else {
              # I repeat myself because environment
              goRecursively <- function(x, z, a, segment, scaleParameter) {
                cropped <- g[g == segment, drop = FALSE]
                cropped <- !is.na(cropped)

                x <- cropFun(x, cropped)
                z <- cropFun(z, cropped)
                a <- cropFun(a, cropped)

                angleResolution <- (getMax(z) - getMin(z) + getMax(a) - getMin(a)) / 2

                if (angleResolution > min(angle.wds)) {

                  angle.wd <- angle.wds[which.min(abs(angle.wds - rep(angleResolution / 2,
                  angle.wd <- asAngle(angle.wd)

                  g2 <- makePolarGrid(as(z, "ZenithImage"),
                                      as(a, "AzimuthImage"), angle.wd)

                  segments2 <- levels(g2)[[1]][, 1]

                  if (length(segments2) > 4) stop("Please, report error code qt01")
                  if (length(segments2) < 4) {
                    delta <- scaleParameter - 1
                  } else {


                    hfun <- function(x) stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)

                    if (any(class(x)[1] == "RasterStack", class(x)[1] == "RasterBrick")) {
                      delta <- c()
                      for (l in 1:nlayers(x)) {
                        sdIfSplit <- sum(extractFeatures(raster::subset(x, l), g2, hfun))
                        sdNow <- hfun(values(raster::subset(x, l)))
                        delta[l] <- sdIfSplit - sdNow

                      delta <- sum(delta) / nlayers(x)

                    } else {
                      sdIfSplit <- sum(extractFeatures(x, g2, hfun))
                      sdNow <- hfun(values(x))
                      delta <- sdIfSplit - sdNow


                  if (delta > scaleParameter) {

                    if (all(nrow(levels(g2)[[1]]) == 4, raster::ncell(g2) > mnSize)) {

                      segments <- 1:4 + getMax(g)
                      df <- data.frame(levels(g2), 1:4)
                      g2 <- raster::subs(g2, df)
                      index <- !is.na(values(g2))
                      g[g == segment] <<- values(g2)[index] + getMax(g)

                      segments <- Map(function(x) x, segments)
                      baz <- function(segment) goRecursively(x, z, a, segment, scaleParameter)

                      lapply(segments, baz)


              segments <- levels(g)[[1]][, 1]
              pb <- raster::pbCreate(length(segments), "text")
              for (i in 1:length(segments)) {
                raster::pbStep(pb, i)
                goRecursively(x, z, a, segments[i], scaleParameter)


            #g@angleWidth <- asAngle(0)
            g@scaleParameter <- scaleParameter
            rtitle(g) <- "Polar Quadtree"
            g <- as.factor(g)

#### makeRings ####
#' @title Make rings.
#' @description Make rings by dividing the zenith angle from \code{0} to
#'   \code{90} in equals intervals.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{ZenithImage}}.
#' @param angleWidth \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. It must divide 0-90
#'   into a whole number of segments.
#' @param angleMean logical. If \code{FALSE}, all the pixels that belong to a ring are
#'   labeled with an ID number. Otherwise, the angle mean of the ring is
#'   assigned to the pixels.

#' @details  The intervals are closed on the right and open on the left. The
#'   first ring never contains \code{0} because the zenith point is always in between
#'   two pixels (see \code{\link{makeZimage}}).
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeZimage}}, \code{\link{makePolarSectors}}, \code{\link{makePolarGrid}}.
#' @example /inst/examples/makeRingsExample.R
setGeneric("makeRings", function(x, angleWidth, angleMean = FALSE)
#' @export makeRings

#' @rdname makeRings
  signature(x = "ZenithImage"),
  function (x, angleWidth, angleMean) {

    if (!angleWidth@degrees) angleWidth <- switchUnit(angleWidth)

    stopifnot(length(angleWidth@values) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(angleWidth@values) < 90)

    tmp <- 90/angleWidth@values
    if (round(tmp) != tmp)
      stop("angleWidth must divide 0-90 into a whole number of segments.")

    intervals <- seq(0, 90, angleWidth@values)
    c1 <- intervals[1:(length(intervals) - 1)]
    c2  <- intervals[2:length(intervals)]

    if (angleMean) {
      c3 <- (c1 + c2) / 2
    } else {
      c3 <- 1:(length(intervals) - 1)
    rcl <- matrix(c(c1, c2, c3), ncol = 3)
    x <- reclassify(x, rcl)

    x <- as(x, "PolarSegmentation")
    x@angleWidth <- angleWidth
    rtitle(x) <- "Polar rings"
    x <- as.factor(x)

#### makePolarSectors ####
#' @title Slice the polar space in sectors
#' @description Make sectors by slicing the azimuth angle from \code{0} to
#'   \code{360} in equals intervals.
#' @param x \code{\linkS4class{AzimuthImage}}.
#' @param angleWidth \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. It must divides \code{0:360}
#'   into a whole number of segments.
#' @param angleMean logical. If \code{FALSE}, all the pixels that belong to a sector
#'   are labeled with an ID number. Otherwise, the angle mean of the sector are
#'   assigned to the pixels.
#' @details The intervals are closed on the right and open on the left. The
#'   first sector never contains \code{0} because the zenith point is always in
#'   between two pixels (see \code{\link{makeZimage}}).
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeAimage}}, \code{\link{makeRings}}, \code{\link{makePolarGrid}}.
#' @example /inst/examples/makePolarSectorsExample.R
setGeneric("makePolarSectors", function(x, angleWidth, angleMean = FALSE)
#' @export makePolarSectors

#' @rdname makePolarSectors
  signature(x = "AzimuthImage"),
  function (x, angleWidth, angleMean) {

    if (!angleWidth@degrees) angleWidth <- switchUnit(angleWidth)

    stopifnot(length(angleWidth@values) == 1)
    stopifnot(length(angleWidth@values) <= 360)

    tmp <- 360/angleWidth@values
    if (round(tmp) != tmp)
      stop("angleWidth must divide 0-360 into a whole number of segments.")

    intervals <- seq(0, 360, angleWidth@values)
    c1 <- intervals[1:(length(intervals) - 1)]
    c2  <- intervals[2:length(intervals)]
    if (angleMean) {
      c3 <- (c1 + c2) / 2
    } else {
      c3 <- 1:(length(intervals) - 1)

    rcl <- matrix(c(c1, c2, c3), ncol = 3)
    x <- reclassify(x, rcl)

    x <- as(x, "PolarSegmentation")
    x@angleWidth <- angleWidth
    rtitle(x) <- "Polar sectors"
    x <- as.factor(x)


#### makePolarGrid ####
#' @title Make a grid of segments.
#' @description Partitioning the hemisphere into segments of equal angular
#'   resolution for both zenith and azimuth angles.
#' @param z \code{\linkS4class{ZenithImage}}.
#' @param a \code{\linkS4class{AzimuthImage}}.
#' @param angleWidth \code{\linkS4class{Angle}}. It must be 30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6,
#'   5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1 or 0.5 degrees. This values could divide both
#'   0-360 and 0-90 into a whole number of segments.
#' @param sequential logical. If it is \code{TRUE} the segments are labeled with
#'   sequential numbers. By default (\code{FALSE}), labeling numbers are not
#'   sequential (see Details).
#' @details Intersecting rings with sectors makes a grid in which each segment
#' is a portion of the hemisphere. Each pixel of the grid is labeled with an ID
#' that codify both ring and sector ID. For example, a grid with a regular
#' interval of 1 degree has segment from 1001 to 360090. This numbers are
#' calculated with: \code{sectorID x 1000 + ringsID}, where \code{sectorID} is
#' the ID number of the sector and \code{ringsID} is the ID number of the ring.
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{PolarSegmentation}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeZimage}}, \code{\link{makeAimage}}, \code{\link{makePolarSectors}}, \code{\link{makeRings}}.
#' @example /inst/examples/makePolarGridExample.R
setGeneric("makePolarGrid", function(z, a = makeAimage(z),
                angleWidth = asAngle(1), sequential = FALSE)
#' @export makePolarGrid

#' @rdname makePolarGrid
  signature(z = "ZenithImage"),
  function (z, a, angleWidth, sequential) {

    stopifnot(class(a)[[1]] == "AzimuthImage")

    if(!angleWidth@degrees) angleWidth <- switchUnit(angleWidth)

    stopifnot(length(angleWidth@values) == 1)

    if(!max(angleWidth@values == c(30,15,10,7.5,6,5,3.75,3,2.5,1.875,1,0.5)))
      stop("angle.wd must be 30, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3.75, 3, 2.5, 1.875, 1 or 0.5 degrees.")

    fun <- function(s, r) s * 1000 + r

    g <- overlay(
                  makePolarSectors(a, angleWidth),
                  makeRings(z, angleWidth),
                  fun = fun

    if (sequential) {
      df <- levels(as.factor(g))[[1]]
      df <- cbind(df, 1:nrow(df))
      g <- raster::subs(g, df)

    g <- as(g, "PolarSegmentation")
    g@angleWidth <- angleWidth
    rtitle(g) <- "Polar grid"
    g <- as.factor(g)

GastonMauroDiaz/caiman documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 4:43 a.m.