#' Rds data generator
#' Creates training batches from rds files. Rds files must contain a
#' list of length 2 (input/target) or of length 1 (for language model).
#' If \code{target_len} is not NULL will take the last \code{target_len} entries of
#' the first list element as targets and the rest as input.
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_header_csv
#' @param rds_folder Path to input files.
#' @param target_len Number of target nucleotides for language model.
#' @param delete_used_files Whether to delete file once used. Only applies for rds files.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' # create 3 rds files
#' rds_folder <- tempfile()
#' dir.create(rds_folder)
#' batch_size <- 7
#' maxlen <- 11
#' voc_len <- 4
#' for (i in 1:3) {
#' x <- sample(0:(voc_len-1), maxlen*batch_size, replace = TRUE)
#' x <- keras::to_categorical(x, num_classes = voc_len)
#' x <- array(x, dim = c(batch_size, maxlen, voc_len))
#' y <- sample(0:2, batch_size ,replace = TRUE)
#' y <- keras::to_categorical(y, num_classes = 3)
#' xy_list <- list(x, y)
#' file_name <- paste0(rds_folder, "/file_", i, ".rds")
#' saveRDS(xy_list, file_name)
#' }
#' # create generator
#' gen <- generator_rds(rds_folder, batch_size = 2)
#' z <- gen()
#' x <- z[[1]]
#' y <- z[[2]]
#' x[1, , ]
#' y[1, ]
#' @returns A generator function.
#' @export
generator_rds <- function(rds_folder, batch_size, path_file_log = NULL,
max_samples = NULL,
proportion_per_seq = NULL,
target_len = NULL,
seed = NULL, delete_used_files = FALSE,
reverse_complement = FALSE,
sample_by_file_size = FALSE,
n_gram = NULL, n_gram_stride = 1,
reverse_complement_encoding = FALSE,
add_noise = NULL,
reshape_xy = NULL) {
if (!is.null(reshape_xy)) {
reshape_xy_bool <- TRUE
reshape_x_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$x), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_x_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$x)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$x needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
reshape_y_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$y), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_y_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$y)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$y needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
reshape_sw_bool <- ifelse(is.null(reshape_xy$sw), FALSE, TRUE)
if (reshape_sw_bool && !all(c('x', 'y') %in% names(formals(reshape_xy$sw)))) {
stop("function reshape_xy$sw needs to have arguments named x, y and sw")
} else {
reshape_xy_bool <- FALSE
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
is_lm <- !is.null(target_len)
if (!is.null(n_gram) & is_lm && (target_len < n_gram)) {
stop("target_len needs to be at least as big as n_gram.")
rds_files <- list_fasta_files(rds_folder, format = "rds", file_filter = NULL)
num_files <- length(rds_files)
read_success <- FALSE
while (!read_success) {
expr = {
if (sample_by_file_size) {
file_prob <- file.info(rds_files)$size/sum(file.info(rds_files)$size)
file_index <- sample(1:num_files, size = 1, prob = file_prob)
} else {
file_prob <- NULL
rds_files <- sample(rds_files)
file_index <- 1
rds_file <- readRDS(rds_files[file_index])
read_success <- TRUE
error = function(e){
if (delete_used_files) file.remove(rds_files[file_index])
if (is.list(rds_file)) {
x_complete <- rds_file[[1]]
include_sw <- ifelse(length(rds_file) == 3, TRUE, FALSE)
} else {
x_complete <- rds_file
include_sw <- FALSE
if (!is_lm) y_complete <- rds_file[[2]]
# TODO: adjust for different input format (input mix of 3D and 1D etc.)
multi_input <- ifelse(is.list(x_complete), TRUE, FALSE)
multi_output <- ifelse(length(rds_file) > 1 && is.list(rds_file[[2]]), TRUE, FALSE)
if (multi_input) {
x_dim_list <- list()
size_splits_in <- list()
for (i in 1:length(x_complete)) {
x_dim_list[[i]] <- dim(x_complete[[i]])
size_splits_in[[i]] <- x_dim_list[[i]][length(x_dim_list[[i]])]
if (i > 1) {
if (length(x_dim_list[[i]]) != length(x_dim_list[[i-1]])) {
stop("rds generator only works if separate inputs have same dimension size")
x_complete <- tensorflow::tf$concat(x_complete,
axis = as.integer(length(x_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
x_dim_start <- dim(x_complete)
if (!is_lm) {
if (multi_output) {
y_dim_list <- list()
size_splits_out <- list()
for (i in 1:length(y_complete)) {
y_dim_list[[i]] <- dim(y_complete[[i]])
size_splits_out[[i]] <- y_dim_list[[i]][length(y_dim_list[[i]])]
if (i > 1) {
if (length(y_dim_list[[i]]) != length(y_dim_list[[i-1]])) {
stop("rds generator only works if separate outputs have same dimension size")
y_complete <- tensorflow::tf$concat(y_complete,
axis = as.integer(length(y_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
y_dim_start <- dim(y_complete)
if (is.null(y_dim_start)) y_dim_start <- length(y_complete)
if (x_dim_start[1] != y_dim_start[1]) {
stop("Different number of samples for input and target")
if (include_sw) {
sw_complete <- rds_file[[3]]
multi_sw <- is.list(sw_complete)
if (multi_sw) {
# TODO: have temporal/non-temporal in same batch
sw_temporal <- ifelse(dim(sw_complete[[1]])[2] == 1, FALSE, TRUE)
sw_dim <- lapply(sw_complete,dim)
sw_dim_list <- list()
size_splits_sw <- list()
for (i in 1:length(sw_complete)) {
sw_dim_list[[i]] <- dim(sw_complete[[i]])
size_splits_sw[[i]] <- sw_dim_list[[i]][length(sw_dim_list[[i]])]
sw_complete <- tensorflow::tf$concat(sw_complete,
axis = as.integer(length(sw_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
} else {
sw_temporal <- ifelse(dim(sw_complete)[2] == 1, FALSE, TRUE)
sw_dim <- dim(sw_complete)
sw_dim_start <- dim(sw_complete)
sample_index <- 1:x_dim_start[1]
if (!is.null(proportion_per_seq)) {
sample_index <- sample(sample_index, min(length(sample_index), length(sample_index) * proportion_per_seq))
if (!is.null(max_samples)) {
sample_index <- sample(sample_index, min(length(sample_index), max_samples))
if (!is.null(path_file_log)) {
utils::write.table(x = rds_files[1], file = path_file_log, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
x_dim <- x_dim_start
if (!is_lm) y_dim <- y_dim_start
if (include_sw) sw_dim <- sw_dim_start
function() {
# TODO: adjust for multi input/output
x_index <- 1
x <- array(0, c(batch_size, x_dim[-1]))
if (is_lm) {
y <- vector("list", target_len)
} else {
y <- array(0, c(batch_size, y_dim[2]))
if (include_sw) {
sw <- array(0, c(batch_size, sw_dim[2]))
while (x_index <= batch_size) {
# go to next file if sample index empty
if (length(sample_index) == 0) {
if (num_files == 1) {
sample_index <<- 1:x_dim[1]
if (delete_used_files) {
read_success <- FALSE
while (!read_success) {
expr = {
if (sample_by_file_size) {
file_index <<- sample(1:num_files, size = 1, prob = file_prob)
} else {
file_index <<- file_index + 1
if (file_index > num_files) {
file_index <<- 1
rds_files <<- sample(rds_files)
rds_file <<- readRDS(rds_files[file_index])
read_success <- TRUE
error = function(e){
} else {
if (delete_used_files) file.remove(rds_files[file_index])
read_success <- FALSE
while (!read_success) {
expr = {
if (sample_by_file_size) {
file_index <<- sample(1:num_files, size = 1, prob = file_prob)
} else {
file_index <<- file_index + 1
if (file_index > num_files) {
file_index <<- 1
rds_files <<- sample(rds_files)
rds_file <<- readRDS(rds_files[file_index])
read_success <- TRUE
error = function(e){
if (multi_input) {
# combine inputs in one tensor
x_complete <<- tensorflow::tf$concat(rds_file[[1]],
axis = as.integer(length(x_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
} else {
x_complete <<- rds_file[[1]]
x_dim <<- dim(x_complete)
if (include_sw) {
if (multi_sw) {
sw_complete <- tensorflow::tf$concat(rds_file[[3]],
axis = as.integer(length(sw_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
} else {
sw_complete <<- rds_file[[3]]
if (!is_lm) {
if (multi_output) {
y_complete <- tensorflow::tf$concat(rds_file[[2]],
axis = as.integer(length(y_dim_list[[1]]) - 1)) %>% as.array()
} else {
y_complete <<- rds_file[[2]]
y_dim <<- dim(y_complete)
#if (is.null(y_dim)) y_dim <<- length(y_complete)
if (!is_lm && (x_dim[1] != y_dim[1])) {
stop("Different number of samples for input and target")
sample_index <<- 1:x_dim[1]
if (!is.null(proportion_per_seq)) {
if (length(sample_index) > 1) {
sample_index <<- sample(sample_index, min(length(sample_index), max(1, floor(length(sample_index) * proportion_per_seq))))
if (!is.null(max_samples)) {
if (length(sample_index) > 1) {
sample_index <<- sample(sample_index, min(length(sample_index), max_samples))
# log file
if (!is.null(path_file_log)) {
utils::write.table(x = rds_files[file_index], file = path_file_log, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (length(sample_index) == 0) next
if (length(sample_index) == 1) {
index <- sample_index
} else {
index <- sample(sample_index, min(batch_size - x_index + 1, length(sample_index)))
subset_index <- x_index:(x_index + length(index) - 1)
if (length(x_dim) == 4) {
x[subset_index, , , ] <- x_complete[index, , , ]
if (length(x_dim) == 3) {
x[subset_index, , ] <- x_complete[index, , ]
if (length(x_dim) == 2) {
x[subset_index, ] <- x_complete[index, ]
if (!is_lm) {
y[subset_index, ] <- y_complete[index, ]
if (include_sw) {
sw[subset_index, ] <- sw_complete[index, ]
x_index <- x_index + length(index)
sample_index <<- setdiff(sample_index, index)
if (is_lm) {
for (m in 1:target_len) {
if (batch_size == 1) {
y[[m]] <- matrix(x[ , x_dim[2] - target_len + m, ], nrow = 1)
} else {
y[[m]] <- x[ , x_dim[2] - target_len + m, ]
x <- x[ , 1:(x_dim[2] - target_len), ]
if (batch_size == 1) {
dim(x) <- c(1, dim(x))
if (!is.null(n_gram) & is_lm) {
y <- do.call(rbind, y)
y_list <- list()
for (i in 1:batch_size) {
index <- (i-1) + (1 + (0:(target_len-1)) * batch_size)
n_gram_matrix <- n_gram_of_matrix(input_matrix = y[index, ], n = n_gram)
y_list[[i]] <- n_gram_matrix
y_tensor <- keras::k_stack(y_list, axis = 1L) %>% keras::k_eval()
y <- vector("list", dim(y_tensor)[2])
for (i in 1:dim(y_tensor)[2]) {
y_subset <- y_tensor[ , i, ]
if (batch_size == 1) y_subset <- matrix(y_subset, nrow = 1)
y[[i]] <- y_subset
if (is.list(y) & length(y) == 1) {
y <- y[[1]]
if (n_gram_stride > 1 & is.list(y)) {
stride_index <- 0:(length(y)-1) %% n_gram_stride == 0
y <- y[stride_index]
if (!is.null(add_noise)) {
noise_args <- c(add_noise, list(x = x))
x <- do.call(add_noise_tensor, noise_args)
if (reverse_complement_encoding){
x_1 <- x
x_2 <- array(x_1[ , (dim(x)[2]):1, 4:1], dim = dim(x))
x <- list(x_1, x_2)
if (multi_input) {
x <- tensorflow::tf$split(x, num_or_size_splits = size_splits_in, axis = as.integer(length(x_dim)-1))
if (multi_output) {
y <- tensorflow::tf$split(y, num_or_size_splits = size_splits_out, axis = as.integer(length(y_dim)-1))
if (include_sw && multi_sw) {
sw <- tensorflow::tf$split(sw, num_or_size_splits = size_splits_sw, axis = as.integer(length(sw_dim)-1))
if (include_sw) {
if (reshape_xy_bool) {
l <- f_reshape(x = x, y = y,
reshape_xy = reshape_xy,
reshape_x_bool = reshape_x_bool,
reshape_y_bool = reshape_y_bool,
reshape_sw_bool = reshape_sw_bool,
sw = sw)
return(list(x, y, sw))
} else {
if (reshape_xy_bool) {
l <- f_reshape(x = x, y = y,
reshape_xy = reshape_xy,
reshape_x_bool = reshape_x_bool,
reshape_y_bool = reshape_y_bool,
reshape_sw_bool = reshape_sw_bool, sw = NULL)
return(list(x, y))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.