
Defines functions courseraCheck retry get_courseid getCreds getChallenge challengeResponse submitSolution

#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
courseraCheck <- function(e){
  modtype <- attr(e$les, "type")
  lesson_name <- gsub(" ", "_", attr(e$les, "lesson_name"))
  if(is.null(modtype) || modtype != "Coursera")return()
  # allow use of Coursera partner sites (school.coursera.org)
  partner <- attr(e$les, "partner")
  partner <- ifelse(is.null(partner), "class", partner)
  baseurl <- paste0("http://", partner, ".coursera.org/")

  tt <- c(rep(letters, 3), seq(100))
  swirl_out("Are you currently enrolled in the Coursera course associated with this lesson?")
  yn <- select.list(c("Yes","No"), graphics=FALSE)
  ss <- lapply(1:2, function(i) {
    paste0(sample(tt, sample(seq(400), 1), replace=TRUE), collapse="")
  swirl_out("Would you like me to notify Coursera that you've completed this lesson?",
            "If so, I'll need to get some more info from you.")
  choice <- select.list(c("Yes","No","Maybe later"), graphics=FALSE)
  if(choice=="No") return()
  # Begin submission loop
  ok <- FALSE
  while(!ok) {
    # Get submission credentials
    r <- getCreds(e)
    email <- r["email"]
    passwd <- r["passwd"]
    course_name <- r["courseid"]
    output <- paste0(ss[[1]], substr(e$coursera, 1, 16), ss[[2]],
    # Name output file
    output_filename <- paste0(course_name,"_",lesson_name,".txt")
    # Write output to text file
    writeLines(output, output_filename)
    # If going straight to manual submission, then exit loop.
    if(choice=="Maybe later") ok <- TRUE
    # If doing automatic submission, then give it a try.
      swirl_out("I'll try to tell Coursera you've completed this lesson now.")
      challenge.url <- paste(baseurl, course_name,
                             "assignment/challenge", sep = "/")
      submit.url <- paste(baseurl, course_name,
                          "assignment/submit", sep = "/")
      ch <- try(getChallenge(email, challenge.url), silent=TRUE)
      # Check if url is valid, i.e. challenge received
      ch_ok <- is.list(ch) && exists("ch.key", ch) && !is.na(ch$ch.key)
      if(!is(ch, "try-error") && ch_ok) {
        ch.resp <- challengeResponse(passwd, ch$ch.key)
        # If submit.url is invalid, submitSolution should return a try-error.
        # However, that is not the only way it can fail; see below.
        results <- submitSolution(email, submit.url, ch.resp, 
        # If incorrect, empty string will be returned
        if(!length(results)) {
          swirl_out("You skipped too many questions! You'll need to complete",
                    "this lesson again if you'd like to receive credit. Please",
                    "don't skip more than one question next time.")
        if(!is(results, "try-error")){
          # TODO: It would be best to detect success here, rather than
          # failure, but as of Feb 23 2014, submit.url may not throw
          # an error indicating failure but instead return an HTML
          # notification beginning with the word, "Exception".
          # Here we detect failure by the presence of this word.
          # Server-side behavior could easily change and could easily
          # be course dependent, so some standard handshake will have
          # to be set up eventually.
          if(!str_detect(results, "[Ee]xception")){
            swirl_out(paste0("I've notified Coursera that you have completed ",
                             course_name, ", ", lesson_name,"."))
            # Remove manual submission text file
            # Exit loop since submission successful
          swirl_out("I'm sorry, something went wrong with automatic submission.")
          # Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
          ok <- !retry()
        } else {
          swirl_out("I'm sorry, something went wrong with automatic submission.")
          # Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
          ok <- !retry()
      } else {
        swirl_out("I'm sorry, something went wrong with establishing connection.")
        # Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
        ok <- !retry()
    } # end of yes branch
  } # end of while loop
  swirl_out("To notify Coursera that you have completed this lesson,",
            "please upload", sQuote(output_filename),
            "to Coursera manually. You may do so by visiting the Programming",
            "Assignments page on your course website and selecting the Submit",
            "button next to the appropriate swirl lesson.",
            "I've placed the file in the following directory:",
  message(getwd(), "\n")

# Returns TRUE if user would like to retry, FALSE if not
retry <- function() {
  swirl_out("Would you like to retry automatic submission or just submit manually?")
  ans <- select.list(c("Retry automatic submission", "Submit manually"), graphics=FALSE)
  # Return TRUE if user would like to retry
  return(ans == "Retry automatic submission")

get_courseid <- function() {
  swirl_out("The first item I need is your Course ID. For example, if the",
            "homepage for your Coursera course was",
            "then your course ID would be 'rprog-001' (without the quotes).",
  repeat {
    courseid <- readline("Course ID: ")
    # Remove quotes if there are any
    courseid <- gsub("\'|\"", "", courseid)
    # Set up test cases
    is_url <- str_detect(courseid, "www[.]|http:|https:")
    is_numbers <- str_detect(courseid, "^[0-9]+$")
    is_example <- str_detect(courseid, fixed("rprog-001"))
    # Check if courseid is none of the bad things
    if(!any(is_url, is_numbers, is_example)){
    # courseid is one of the bad things
    } else {
      # Check if courseid is a url
      if(is_url) {
        swirl_out("It looks like you entered a web address, which is not what I'm",
                  "looking for.")
      # Check if courseid is all numbers
      if(is_numbers) {
        swirl_out("It looks like you entered a numeric ID, which is not what I'm",
                  "looking for.")
      # Check if the user stole the example courseid
      if(is_example) {
        swirl_out("It looks like you entered the Course ID that I used as an",
                  "example, which is not what I'm looking for.")
    swirl_out("Instead, I need your Course ID, which is the last",
              "part of the web address for your Coursera course.",
              "For example, if the homepage for your Coursera course was",
              "then your course ID would be 'rprog-001' (without the quotes).",

getCreds <- function(e) {
  cn <- make_pathname(attr(e$les, "course_name"))
  credfile <- file.path(e$udat, paste0(cn, ".txt"))
  e$coursera <- digest(paste0("complete", paste0(
    rep("_", ifelse(is.null(e$skips), 0, e$skips)), collapse="")),
    algo="sha1", serialize = FALSE)
  confirmed <- FALSE 
  need2fix <- FALSE
  while(!confirmed) {
    if(!file.exists(credfile) || need2fix) {
      courseid <- get_courseid()
      email <- readline("Submission login (email): ")
      passwd <- readline("Submission password: ")
      writeLines(c(courseid, email, passwd), credfile)
      r <- c(courseid = courseid, email = email, passwd = passwd)
    } else {
      r <- readLines(credfile, warn=FALSE)
      names(r) <- c("courseid", "email", "passwd")
    swirl_out("Is the following information correct?", skip_after=TRUE)
    message("Course ID: ", r['courseid'],
            "\nSubmission login (email): ", r['email'], 
            "\nSubmission password: ", r['passwd'])
    yn <- c("Yes, go ahead!", 
            "No, I need to change something.")
    confirmed <- identical(select.list(yn, graphics=FALSE), yn[1])
    if(!confirmed) need2fix <- TRUE

#' @importFrom RCurl getForm
getChallenge <- function(email, challenge.url) {
  params <- list(email_address = email, response_encoding = "delim")
  result <- getForm(challenge.url, .params = params)
  s <- strsplit(result, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  list(ch.key = s[5], state = s[7])

#' @importFrom digest digest
challengeResponse <- function(password, ch.key) {
  x <- paste(ch.key, password, sep = "")
  digest(x, algo = "sha1", serialize = FALSE)

#' @importFrom RCurl postForm base64
submitSolution <- function(email, submit.url, ch.resp, sid, output, 
                           signature, src = "",http.version = NULL) {
  output <- as.character(base64(output))
  src <- as.character(base64(src))
  params <- list(assignment_part_sid = sid,
                 email_address = email,
                 submission = output,
                 submission_aux = src,
                 challenge_response = ch.resp,
                 state = signature)
  params <- lapply(params, URLencode)
  result <- try(postForm(submit.url, .params = params), silent=TRUE)
  } else {
    s <- strsplit(result, "\\r\\n")[[1]]
    return(tail(s, 1))
HJ08003/socraticswirl-RStudioServer documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:10 a.m.