
#' Process the functions used for matching data
#' Input one or two data sets, process them with a list of containing functions,
#' column names, and function parameters, and return a list of matrices by
#' function.
#' @param dat1 An input linelist
#' @param dat2 An optional extra linelist
#' @param funlist A list containing lists containing:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item d1vars - variable names for dataset 1
#'  \item d2vars - variable names for dataset 2
#'  \item fun - function name to process on these variables
#'  \item extraparams - extra parameters that need to be applied with the function.
#'  \item weights - a weight vector to scale each matrix (not used in processFunctionList).
#' }
#' @return a list of distance matrices scaled by weight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Loading Data
#' indata <- system.file("files", package = "epimatch")
#' indata <- dir(indata, full.names = TRUE)
#' x <- lapply(indata, read.csv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' names(x) <- basename(indata)
#' # We will use one data set from the case information and lab results
#' case <- x[["CaseInformationForm.csv"]]
#' lab <- x[["LaboratoryResultsForm7.csv"]]
#' # This will get all of the indices that match the ID and Names with a
#' # threshold of 0.25
#' res <- processFunctionList(dat1 = case,
#'                            dat2 = lab,
#'                            funlist = list(
#'                            list(d1vars = "ID",
#'                                 d2vars = "ID",
#'                                 fun = "nameDists",
#'                                 extraparams = NULL,
#'                                 weight = 1),
#'                            list(d1vars = c("Surname", "OtherNames"),
#'                                 d2vars = c("SurnameLab", "OtherNameLab"),
#'                                 fun = "nameDists",
#'                                 extraparams = NULL,
#'                                 weight = 0.5)
#'                            ))
#' res # distance matrices
processFunctionList <- function(dat1, dat2 = NULL, funlist = list()){
  if (length(funlist) == 0){
    stop("Please provide a list for the funlist parameter")
  if (!is.data.frame(dat1)){
    stop("input datasets must be data frames")
  funs <- vapply(funlist, function(i) i$fun, "FUN!")
  if ("" %in% funs){
    badfun <- which(funs == "")
    s <- if (length(badfun) > 1) "s:" else ":"
    badfunmsg <- paste("Please specify the variable type in",
                       paste0("row", s), paste0(badfun, collapse = ", "))
    stop(badfunmsg, call. = FALSE)
  null_d1 <- vapply(funlist, function(i) is.null(i$d1vars), TRUE)
  if (any(null_d1)){
    s <- if (sum(null_d1) > 1) "s:" else ":"
    msg <- paste("For data set 1, please fill out the missing",
                 paste0("variable", s), "in the following", paste0("row", s),
                 "\n", paste(which(null_d1), collapse = ", "))
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(dat2)){
    null_d2 <- vapply(funlist, function(i) is.null(i$d2vars), TRUE)
    if (any(null_d2)){
      s <- if (sum(null_d2) > 1) "s" else ""
    msg <- paste("For data set 2, please fill out the missing",
                 paste0("variable", s), "in the following", paste0("row", s),
                 "\n", paste(which(null_d2), collapse = ", "))
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  out_matrices <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(funlist))
  for (i in seq(funlist)){
    paramlist <- funlist[[i]]
    fun       <- paramlist$fun
    d1 <- dat1[, paramlist$d1vars, drop = FALSE]
    d2 <- if (!is.null(dat2)) dat2[, paramlist$d2vars, drop = FALSE] else NULL
    out_matrices[[i]] <- do.call(fun, c(list(d1, d2), paramlist$extraparams))
  if (!is.null(names(funlist))){
    names(out_matrices) <- names(funlist)
Hackout3/epimatch documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:48 p.m.