
Defines functions select_TOP_samples extract_tf_cell_combos extract_TOP_coef_samples extract_TOP_mean_coef combine_TOP_samples

Documented in combine_TOP_samples extract_tf_cell_combos extract_TOP_coef_samples extract_TOP_mean_coef

#' @title Combines and takes the average of TOP posterior samples from all partitions
#' @description Combines and takes the average of TOP posterior samples
#' from all partitions.
#' @param TOP_samples_files Files of TOP posterior samples from all partitions.
#' @param thin Thinning rate of extract the posterior samples,
#' must be a positive integer (default = 1, no thinning performed).
#' @param n_samples Keeps \code{n} posterior samples (randomly choose),
#' when the number of posterior samples is greater than \code{n}.
#' @return A data frame of combined and averaged posterior samples.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Randomly selects 1000 posterior samples from each partition.
#' # Then, combines and takes the average of the posterior samples from all partitions.
#' TOP_samples <- combine_TOP_samples(TOP_samples_files, n_samples = 1000)
#' }
combine_TOP_samples <- function(TOP_samples_files,
                                thin = 1,
                                n_samples = 1000) {
    stop('Files not available:\n', TOP_samples_files[!file.exists(TOP_samples_files)])
  N <- length(TOP_samples_files)
  cat('Loading samples from partition 1 ...\n')
  TOP_samples <- readRDS(TOP_samples_files[1])
  combined_TOP_samples <- select_TOP_samples(TOP_samples, thin, n_samples)
  if(N > 1) {
    for(i in 2:N) {
      cat('Loading samples from partition', i, '...\n')
      TOP_samples <- readRDS(TOP_samples_files[i])
      combined_TOP_samples <- combined_TOP_samples + select_TOP_samples(TOP_samples, thin, n_samples)
    combined_TOP_samples <- combined_TOP_samples / N

#' @title Extracts the posterior mean of regression coefficients for each level of TOP model
#' @description Extracts regression coefficients from TOP posterior samples,
#' and returns the posterior mean of coefficients for each level of TOP model.
#' @param TOP_samples TOP samples combined from all partitions using the
#' \code{combine_TOP_samples()} function.
#' @param tf_cell_combos A table with the indices and names of TF and cell type
#' combinations from the assembled training data. If missing,
#' will create the table usi9ng \code{assembled_training_data}.
#' @param assembled_training_data Assembled training data as in the
#' \code{assemble_training_data} function.
#' @param n_bins Number of DNase or ATAC bins in TOP model (default = 5)
#' @return A list of posterior mean regression coefficients for each level of TOP model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' TOP_mean_coef <- extract_TOP_mean_coef(TOP_samples,
#'                                        assembled_training_data = assembled_training_data)
#' # or
#' tf_cell_combos <- extract_tf_cell_combos(assembled_training_data)
#' TOP_mean_coef <- extract_TOP_mean_coef(TOP_samples,
#'                                        tf_cell_combos = tf_cell_combos)
#' }
extract_TOP_mean_coef <- function(TOP_samples,
                                  n_bins = 5){

  # Extracts the indices and names of TF and cell type combos
      tf_cell_combos <- extract_tf_cell_combos(assembled_training_data)
      stop('Please provide tf_cell_combos or assembled_training_data!')

  # Extracts bottom level posterior mean coefficients for all TF x cell type combos
  bottom_level_mean_coef <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(tf_cell_combos), ncol = 2+n_bins)
  for( i in 1:nrow(tf_cell_combos)){
    bottom_level_coef_samples <- extract_TOP_coef_samples(TOP_samples,
                                                          tf_name = tf_cell_combos[i, 'tf_name'],
                                                          cell_type = tf_cell_combos[i, 'cell_type'],
                                                          n_bins = n_bins,
                                                          level = 'bottom')
    bottom_level_mean_coef[i, ] <- colMeans(bottom_level_coef_samples)
  rownames(bottom_level_mean_coef) <- paste(tf_cell_combos$tf_name, tf_cell_combos$cell_type, sep = '.')
  colnames(bottom_level_mean_coef) <- c('Intercept', 'PWM', paste0('Bin', 1:n_bins))

  # Extracts middle level posterior mean coefficients for all TFs
  tf_name_list <- unique(as.character(tf_cell_combos$tf_name))
  middle_level_mean_coef <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(tf_name_list), ncol = 2+n_bins)
  for( i in 1:length(tf_name_list)){
    middle_level_coef_samples <- extract_TOP_coef_samples(TOP_samples,
                                                          tf_name = tf_name_list[i],
                                                          n_bins = n_bins,
                                                          level = 'middle')
    middle_level_mean_coef[i, ] <- colMeans(middle_level_coef_samples)
  rownames(middle_level_mean_coef) <- tf_name_list
  colnames(middle_level_mean_coef) <- c('Intercept', 'PWM', paste0('Bin', 1:n_bins))

  # Extracts top level posterior mean coefficients
  top_level_coef_samples <- extract_TOP_coef_samples(TOP_samples,
                                                     n_bins = n_bins,
                                                     level = 'top')
  top_level_mean_coef <- colMeans(top_level_coef_samples)
  names(top_level_mean_coef) <- c('Intercept', 'PWM', paste0('Bin', 1:n_bins))

  # Combines posterior mean coefficients for all three levels
  TOP_mean_coef <- list(top = top_level_mean_coef,
                        middle = middle_level_mean_coef,
                        bottom = bottom_level_mean_coef)


#' @title Extracts regression coefficients from TOP posterior samples
#' @param TOP_samples TOP samples combined from all partitions using the
#' \code{combine_TOP_samples()} function.
#' @param tf_cell_combos A table with the indices and names of TF and cell type
#' combinations from the assembled training data. If missing,
#' will create the table using \code{assembled_training_data}.
#' @param assembled_training_data Assembled training data as in the
#' \code{assemble_training_data()} function.
#' @param tf_name TF name.
#' @param cell_type Cell type.
#' @param n_bins Number of DNase or ATAC bins in TOP model (default = 5).
#' @param level The level in the TOP model (options: \sQuote{bottom}, \sQuote{middle}, or \sQuote{top}).
#' \sQuote{bottom} level: TF- and cell-type- specific;
#' \sQuote{middle} level: TF-specific, cell-type generic;
#' \sQuote{top} level: TF-generic
#' @return A data frame of posterior samples for TOP's regression coefficients.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' TOP_coef_samples <- extract_TOP_coef_samples(TOP_samples,
#'                                              assembled_training_data = assembled_training_data)
#' # or
#' tf_cell_combos <- extract_tf_cell_combos(assembled_training_data)
#' TOP_coef_samples <- extract_TOP_coef_samples(TOP_samples,
#'                                              tf_cell_combos = tf_cell_combos)
#' }
extract_TOP_coef_samples <- function(TOP_samples,
                                     n_bins = 5,
                                     level = c('bottom', 'middle', 'top')){

  level <- match.arg(level)

      tf_cell_combos <- extract_tf_cell_combos(assembled_training_data)
      stop('Please provide tf_cell_combos or assembled_training_data!')

  TOP_samples <- as.data.frame(TOP_samples)

  if(level == 'bottom' && !missing(tf_name) && !missing(cell_type)){
    tf_cell_combo <- tf_cell_combos[tf_cell_combos$tf_name == tf_name & tf_cell_combos$cell_type == cell_type,]
    tf_id <- tf_cell_combo$tf_id[1]
    cell_id <- tf_cell_combo$cell_id[1]

    # alpha's and beta's are TF- and cell-type-specific model coefficients
    # specific for each TF and cell type combination
    data_id <- sprintf('[%s,%s]', tf_id, cell_id)
    coef_names <- c(paste0('alpha', data_id), paste0('beta', 1:(1+n_bins), data_id))
    TOP_coef_samples <- TOP_samples[, coef_names]

  }else if( level == 'middle' && !missing(tf_name) ){
    tf_id <- tf_cell_combos$tf_id[tf_cell_combos$tf_name == tf_name][1]

    # Alpha and Beta's are TF specific, cell-type-generic model coefficients
    data_id <- sprintf('[%s]', tf_id)
    coef_names <- c(paste0('Alpha', data_id), paste0('Beta', 1:(1+n_bins), data_id))
    TOP_coef_samples <- TOP_samples[, coef_names]

  }else if(level == 'top'){
    # A and B's are TF-generic model coefficients
    coef_names <- c('A', paste0('B', 1:(1+n_bins)))
    TOP_coef_samples <- TOP_samples[, coef_names]




#' @title Creates a table listing the indices and names of TF and cell type
#' combinations from the assembled training data
#' @description Creates a table listing the indices and names of TF x cell type
#' combinations from the assembled training data.
#' This will be used to extract regression coefficients from the TOP fit result.
#' @param assembled_training_data Assembled training data obtained from the
#' \code{assemble_training_data()} function.
#' @return A data frame of the indices and names of TF x cell type combinations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tf_cell_combos <- extract_tf_cell_combos(assembled_training_data)
#' }
extract_tf_cell_combos <- function(assembled_training_data){
  cat('Extract the table of TF x cell combinations from assembled_training_data...\n')
  if(inherits(assembled_training_data, "list"))
    assembled_training_data <- assembled_training_data[[1]]

  # Remove TF x cell combos with missing values in training data
    filter_rows <- which(rowSums(is.na(assembled_training_data)) > 0)
    cat('Remove the following TF x cell combos with missing values ...\n')
    print(unique(assembled_training_data[filter_rows, c('tf_id', 'cell_id', 'tf_name', 'cell_type')]))
    assembled_training_data <- assembled_training_data[-filter_rows, ]

  tf_cell_combos <- unique(assembled_training_data[, c('tf_id', 'cell_id', 'tf_name', 'cell_type')])

# Selects posterior samples and perform thinning and
# keeps n_samples posterior samples (randomly choose),
# when the number of posterior samples is greater than n_samples.
select_TOP_samples <- function(TOP_samples, thin = 1, n_samples = 1000) {

  # If samples are from multiple MCMC chains, combine samples from the chains
  if ( is.list(TOP_samples) ){
    TOP_samples <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, TOP_samples))

  if (thin > 1) {
    TOP_samples <- TOP_samples[seq(from = 1, to = nrow(TOP_samples), by = thin), ]

  if (nrow(TOP_samples) > n_samples) {
    TOP_samples <- TOP_samples[seq(from = 1, to = nrow(TOP_samples), length.out = n_samples),]


HarteminkLab/TOP documentation built on July 27, 2023, 6:14 p.m.