
# @RdocClass VComments
# @title "The VComments class"
# \description{
#  @classhierarchy
#  @get "title". 
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{letter}{The smart letter.}
#   \item{verboseName}{The name of the verbose object.}
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
#  @allmethods  
# }
# \details{
#  The 'v' in VComments stands for 'verbose', because of its relationship
#  to the @see "Verbose" class.
#  Here is a list of VComments and the \R code that replaces each of them
#  by the compiler:
#  \bold{Constructors}\cr
#  \describe{
#   \item{#V0#}{[<args>] - NullVerbose(<args>)}
#   \item{#V1#}{[<args>] - Verbose(<args>)}
#  }
#  \bold{Controls}\cr
#  \describe{
#   \item{#V=#}{[<variable>] - Sets the name of the <verbose> object.
#                              Default is 'verbose'.}
#   \item{#V^#}{<threshold> - setThreshold(<verbose>, <threshold>)}
#   \item{#V?#}{<expression> - if (isVisible(<verbose>)) \{ <expression> \}}
#   \item{#V@#}{<level> - setDefaultLevel(<verbose>, <level>)}
#   \item{#Vm#}{<method> <args> - <method>(<verbose>, <args>)}
#  }
#  \bold{Enters and exits}\cr
#  \describe{
#   \item{#V+#}{[<message>] - enter(<verbose>, <message>)}
#   \item{#V-#}{[<message>] - exit(<verbose>, <message>)}
#   \item{#V!#}{[<message>] - pushState(<verbose>)\cr
#                             on.exit(popState(<verbose>))\cr
#                             If <message>, enter(<verbose>, <message>)}
#  }
#  \bold{Simple output}\cr
#  \describe{
#   \item{#Vn#}{<ignored> - newline(<verbose>)}
#   \item{#Vr#}{<ignored> - ruler(<verbose>)}
#   \item{#Vt#}{<ignored> - timestamp(<verbose>)}
#   \item{#Vw#}{[<title>] - warnings(<verbose>, <title>)}
#  }
#  \bold{Output messages}\cr
#  \describe{
#   \item{#Vc#}{[<message>] - cat(<verbose>, <message>)}
#   \item{#Ve#}{<expression> - eval(<verbose>, <expression>)}
#   \item{#Vh#}{<message> - header(<verbose>, <message>)}
#   \item{#Vp#}{<object> - print(<verbose>, <object>)}
#   \item{#Vs#}{<object> - summary(<verbose>, <object>)}
#   \item{#Vz#}{<object> - str(<verbose>, <object>)}
#  }
# }
# @examples "../incl/VComments.Rex"
# @author
# @keyword programming
# @keyword IO
setConstructorS3("VComments", function(letter="V", verboseName="verbose", ...) {
  verboseName <- as.character(verboseName)

  extend(SmartComments(letter=letter), "VComments",
    resetVerboseName = verboseName,
    verboseName = verboseName

# @RdocMethod reset
# @title "Resets a VComments compiler"
# \description{
#   @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#  \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns nothing.
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   @seeclass
# }
# @keyword programming
setMethodS3("reset", "VComments", function(this, ...) {
  this$verboseName <- this$resetVerboseName

# @RdocMethod convertComment
# @title "Converts a verbose comment to R code"
# \description{
#   @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#  \item{vcomment}{A vcomment @list structure.}
#  \item{.currLine, .line}{A line number and the line currently processed. 
#      Used for error message and warnings.}
#  \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns one @character string of \R code.
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   @seeclass
# }
# @keyword programming
setMethodS3("convertComment", "VComments", function(this, vcomment, .currLine=NA, .line=NA, ...) {
  cmd <- vcomment$cmd
  args <- vcomment$args

  if (is.null(args)) {
    argsStr <- ""
  } else {
    argsStr <- sprintf(", \"%s\"", gsub("\"", "\\\"", args, fixed=TRUE))

  vcmd <- NULL
  if (cmd == "+") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("enter(<verbose>%s)", argsStr)
  } else if (cmd == "-") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("exit(<verbose>%s)", argsStr)
  } else if (cmd %in% c("0", "1")) {
    clazz <- ifelse(cmd == "1", "Verbose", "NullVerbose")
    if (is.null(args)) {
      vcmd <- sprintf("<verbose> <- %s()", clazz)
    } else {
      vcmd <- sprintf("<verbose> <- %s(%s)", clazz, args)
  } else if (cmd == "=") {
    if (is.null(args)) {
    } else {
      this$verboseName <- args
  } else if (cmd == "^") {
    threshold <- as.integer(args)
    if (!is.na(threshold)) {
      vcmd <- sprintf("setThreshold(<verbose>, threshold=%d)", threshold)
    } else {
      throw("Invalid threshold value: ", threshold)
  } else if (cmd == "?") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("if (isVisible(<verbose>)) { capture(<verbose>, %s) }", args)
  } else if (cmd == "@") {
    if (is.na(as.numeric(args))) {
      throw("VComment error: Invalid verbose level on line ", .currLine, ": ", .line)
    vcmd <- sprintf("setDefaultVerboseLevel(<verbose>, %s)", as.double(args))
  } else if (cmd == "!") {
    vcmd <- "pushState(<verbose>); on.exit(popState(<verbose>), add=TRUE)"
    if (!is.null(args))
      vcmd <- sprintf("%s; enter(<verbose>, \"%s\")", vcmd, args)
  } else if (cmd == "c") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("cat(<verbose>%s)", argsStr)
  } else if (cmd == "e") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("evaluate(<verbose>, %s)", args)
  } else if (cmd == "m") {
    method <- gsub("^([^ ]*)([ ]*)(.*)", "\\1", args)
    args <- gsub("^([^ ]*)([ ]*)(.*)", "\\3", args)
    args <- trim(args)
    if (nchar(args) == 0) {
      vcmd <- sprintf("%s(<verbose>)", method)
    } else {
      vcmd <- sprintf("%s(<verbose>, %s)", method, args)
  } else if (cmd == "n") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("newline(<verbose>)")
  } else if (cmd == "p") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("print(<verbose>, %s)", args)
  } else if (cmd == "s") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("summary(<verbose>, %s)", args)
  } else if (cmd == "t") {
    vcmd <- "timestamp(<verbose>)"
  } else if (cmd == "w") {
    if (nchar(args) == 0) {
      vcmd <- "warnings(<verbose>)"
    } else {
      vcmd <- sprintf("warnings(<verbose>, %s)", args)
  } else if (cmd == "z") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("str(<verbose>, %s)", args)
  } else if (cmd == "r") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("ruler(<verbose>)")
  } else if (cmd == "h") {
    vcmd <- sprintf("header(<verbose>, \"%s\")", args)
  } else {
    vcmd <- NA

  if (!is.null(vcmd)) {
    if (is.na(vcmd)) {
      newLine <- paste("# <?>", .line, "</?>", sep="")
      warning("Unknown VComment on line ", .currLine, ": ", .line)
    } else if (cmd %in% c("0", "1")) {
      newLine <- vcmd
    } else {
      newLine <- paste("if (<verbose>) { ", vcmd, " }", sep="")
    newLine <- gsub("<verbose>", this$verboseName, newLine, fixed=TRUE)
    paste(vcomment$indent, newLine, sep="")
  } else {
}, protected=TRUE)

# @RdocMethod validate
# @title "Validates the compiled lines"
# \description{
#   @get "title"
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#  \item{lines}{A @character @vector of lines of code to validated.}
#  \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @character @vector.
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   @seeclass
# }
# @keyword programming
setMethodS3("validate", "VComments", function(this, lines, ...) {
  # Check number of enters and exits.
  pattern <- paste("enter(", this$verboseName, sep="")
  nbrOfEnters <- sum(regexpr(pattern, lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1)
  pattern <- paste("exit(", this$verboseName, sep="")
  nbrOfExits <- sum(regexpr(pattern, lines, fixed=TRUE) != -1)
  if (nbrOfEnters != nbrOfExits) {
    warning("Number of verbose enters and exits do not match: ", 
                                             nbrOfEnters, " != ", nbrOfExits)

}, protected=TRUE)
HenrikBengtsson/R.utils documentation built on March 7, 2024, 9:37 a.m.