colorOfMusic: 'colorOfMusic': 12 Children and 10 Adults picked up one color...

colorOfMusicR Documentation

colorOfMusic: 12 Children and 10 Adults picked up one color to describe each of 9 pieces of music.


colorOfMusic. A data set: 12 Children and 10 Adults picked up one color to describe 9 pieces of music (one at a time). The participants are described by their age (children vs adults) and by their gender (F vs M). This data set is used to illustrate correspondence analysis in Abdi and Bera (2018).




A list with 5 data frames or arrays describing respectively 1) the check mark data, 2) the description of the participants, 3) the names and color codes of the 10 colors used, 4) the binary cube of data (color by music by participants), and 5) the (pseudo) contingency table of data (color by music).


A 22 rows (Participants) by 9 columns (Pieces of Music) data frame. The number at the intersection of of a row and a column gives the number-code (from 1 to 10) of the chosen color for the music (column) by the participant (row). The name of the colors are given in the data frame stored in $colorInformation.


A 22 by 2 data frame describing the participants according to Age (Child vs Adult) and Gender (F vs M).


The name of the colors and their color code (useful when plotting the data).


The 10-Colors by 9-Music pieces by 22-Participants cube of 0/1 data. A value of 1 (resp. 0) means that the participant chose (resp. did not choose) the color to match the piece of music


The 10-Colors by 9-Music Pieces (pseudo) contingency table. The value at the intersection of a row (color) and a column (piece of music) is the number of participants who chose this color to match this piece of music. This contingency table is typically analyzed with correspondence analysis. (e.g., see Abdi and Bera, 2018).


Herve Abdi


Abdi, H. and Bera, M. (2018). Correspondence Analysis. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd Edition). New York: Springer Verlag.

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