DataCheckMark2Cube: create a cube of data from the results of a "pick-1" (aka...

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DataCheckMark2CubeR Documentation

create a cube of data from the results of a "pick-1" (aka Check-1 or "Best That Apply", BeTA) data task (i.e., describe one object with one descriptor from a finite list of descriptors).


DataCheckMark2Cube: Create a cube of data from the results of a pick one descriptor to describe stimuli. The result of the check mark task is a data frame stored in DataChecks. These data correspond to participants matching one descriptor to each stimulus of a set of stimuli, this task is called pick-1, check-1, or BeTA (BEst That Apply). The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks, the Participants are the rows of DataChecks, and the Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participant 2, chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3).


DataCheckMark2Cube(DataChecks, NameOfDescriptor = NULL)



A Stimuli by Participants table of checks The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks, The Participants are the rows of DataChecks, The Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participant 2, chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)


a length K vector of names of the descriptors. if NULL (default) descriptors are named Descriptor-1 to Descriptor-K.


a Stimuli * Descriptors * Participants brick (i.e., an array) of counts.


Hervé Abdi


# use the colorOfMusic data set. See help(colorOfMusic)
cubeOfMusic <- DataCheckMark2Cube(
colorOfMusic$participantsChoice, colorOfMusic$colorInformation[,1])
# cubeOfMusic is an array with dimensions:
# 10 (colors) * 9 (pieces of music) * 22 (participant)

HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.