boot.ratio.test: 'boot.ratio.test' computes bootstrap ratios from a "bootstrap...

View source: R/BootRatio.R

boot.ratio.testR Documentation

boot.ratio.test computes bootstrap ratios from a "bootstrap cube."


boot.ratio.test computes bootstrap ratios from a "bootstrap cube" (created, e.g., by Boot4PTCA). NB: this function is a "modified clone" of InPosition::boot.ratio.test; It differs from InPosition::boot.ratio.test only by the suppression of the critical value in the returned list and by the addition of prob.boot.ratios and prob.boot.ratios.cor in the returned list (see Value below).


boot.ratio.test(boot.cube, critical.value = 2, names4Dimensions = "Dimension ")



An I*L*B bootstrap brick (typically obtained from Boot4PTCA). The third dimension (B) corresponds to the random factor of the "to-be-bootstrapped-units" (e.g., judges, participants, assessors).


The critical value for significance (default = 2, which matches a p < .05 significance level).


names for the dimensions (a.k.a. Factors), Default: 'Dimension '. If names4Dimensions = NULL, the name of the dimensions is inherited from the colnames of boot.cube.


A list: 1) sig.boot.ratios: A logical vector that identifies the significant items. 2) boot.ratios: the bootstrap ratios 3) prob.boot.ratios: the (uncorrected) probability associated to the bootstrap ratios 4) prob.boot.ratios.cor: the (Sidak/Bonferonni) corrected probability associated to the bootstrap ratios.


Derek Beaton & Hervé Abdi


## Not run: 
BR <- boot.ratio.test(BootI)

## End(Not run)

HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.