
Defines functions vec2gray DataCheckMark2Cube InertiaTable InertiaPermutedTables Boot4PTCA boot.ratio.test

Documented in Boot4PTCA boot.ratio.test DataCheckMark2Cube InertiaPermutedTables InertiaTable vec2gray

# Preamble ----
# This file contains the computational routines for PTCA4CATA
# Current functions here:
# boot.ratio.test()
# Boot4PTCA()
# InertiaPermutedTables()
# InertiaTable()
# DataCheckMark2Cube()
# vec2gray()
# Created August 05, 2016 by Hervé Abdi
# Documented with roxygen2
# Uptdates. August 07. HA / October 17 / 2016.
# June 9 2017. HA
# February 9 2018. HA
# September 19, 2019. HA

# ********************************************************************
# The functions start below
# ********************************************************************
# boot.ratio.test ----
# function from Derek's function for bootstrap ratios
#' \code{boot.ratio.test} computes bootstrap ratios
#' from a "bootstrap cube."
#' \code{boot.ratio.test} computes bootstrap ratios
#' from a "bootstrap cube" (created, e.g., by
#' \code{Boot4PTCA}).
#' NB: this function is a "modified clone"
#' of \code{InPosition::boot.ratio.test};
#' It differs from \code{InPosition::boot.ratio.test} only by
#' the suppression of the critical value in the returned list and
#' by the addition of \code{prob.boot.ratios} and
#' \code{prob.boot.ratios.cor} in the returned list
#' (see \code{Value} below).
#' @author Derek Beaton & Hervé Abdi
#' @param boot.cube An I*L*B bootstrap brick
#' (typically obtained from \code{Boot4PTCA}).
#' The third dimension (B) corresponds to the
#' random factor of the
#' "to-be-bootstrapped-units"
#' (e.g., judges, participants, assessors).
#' @param critical.value The critical value for significance
#' (default = 2, which matches a \eqn{p <} .05 significance level).
#' @param names4Dimensions names for
#' the dimensions (a.k.a. Factors), Default: \code{'Dimension '}.
#' If \code{names4Dimensions = NULL}, the name of
#' the dimensions is inherited from the \code{colnames} of
#' \code{boot.cube}.
#' @return A list:
#' 1) \code{sig.boot.ratios}:
#' A logical vector that identifies the
#' significant items.
#' 2)  \code{boot.ratios}: the bootstrap ratios
#' 3) \code{prob.boot.ratios}:
#' the (uncorrected) probability associated to the
#' bootstrap ratios
#' 4) \code{prob.boot.ratios.cor}:
#' the (Sidak/Bonferonni) corrected probability associated to the
#' bootstrap ratios.
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' BR <- boot.ratio.test(BootI)
#' }
#' @export
boot.ratio.test <- function(boot.cube, critical.value = 2,
                            names4Dimensions = 'Dimension '){
  boot.cube.mean <- apply(boot.cube,c(1,2),mean)
  boot.cube.mean_repeat <- array(boot.cube.mean,dim=c(dim(boot.cube)))
  boot.cube.dev <- (boot.cube - boot.cube.mean_repeat)^2
  boot.ratios <- boot.cube.mean / s.boot
  significant.boot.ratios <- (abs(boot.ratios) > critical.value)
  prob.boot.ratios <-  stats::dnorm(abs(boot.ratios))
  ncomp =  dim(boot.cube)[1]
  # Sidak - Bonferonni corrected
  prob.boot.ratios.corr <- 1 - (1 - prob.boot.ratios)^(ncomp)
  rownames(boot.ratios) <- rownames(boot.cube)
  rownames(significant.boot.ratios) <- rownames(boot.cube)
  rownames(prob.boot.ratios) <- rownames(boot.cube)
  rownames(prob.boot.ratios.corr) <- rownames(boot.cube)
  if (!is.null(names4Dimensions)){
    name4col <- paste0(names4Dimensions, 1:NCOL(boot.ratios))
         }  else { name4col  <-  dimnames(boot.cube)[2]}
    colnames(boot.ratios)    <- name4col
    colnames(significant.boot.ratios) <- name4col
    colnames(prob.boot.ratios)  <- name4col
    colnames(prob.boot.ratios.corr)  <- name4col
  return.list <-  structure(
         list(boot.ratios = boot.ratios,
              prob.boot.ratios = prob.boot.ratios,
              prob.boot.ratios.corr = prob.boot.ratios.corr,
              sig.boot.ratios = significant.boot.ratios),
         class = "bootRatios")

# ********************************************************************
# ********************************************************************
#' Change the print function for bootRatios
#'  Change the print function for bootRatios
#' @param x a list: output of bootRatios
#' @param ... everything else for the functions
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @export
print.bootRatios <- function (x, ...) {
  ndash = 78 # How many dashes for separation lines
  cat(rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
  cat("\n Bootstrap Ratios (BR)\n")
  # cat("\n List name: ",deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(x)))),"\n")
  cat(rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
  cat("\n$boot.ratios           ", "The Bootstrap ratios")
  cat("\n$prob.boot.ratios      ", "Probability associated with the BRs")
  cat("\n$prob.boot.ratios.corr ", "Corrected probability associated with the BRs")
  cat("\n$sig.boot.ratio        ", "Logical: gives the significant BRs")
  cat("\n",rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
} # end of function print.bootRatios

# ********************************************************************
# function Boot4PTCA.
#   Compute the Bootstrapped Factors scores for \
#   the I and J sets.
#'@title Compute the Bootstrapped factors scores
#' for the  \eqn{I} and \eqn{J} sets from
#' a Partial Triadic Correspondence analysis
#' (PTCA).
#' \code{Boot4PTCA} bootstraps the \eqn{K}-th dimension of a data cube
#' and computes bootstrapped factor scores.
#' @param ZeDataCube An  \eqn{I} * \eqn{J} * \eqn{K}
#' data cube (\eqn{K} are observations)
#' The third dimension (i.e., \eqn{K}) is bootstrapped.
#' @param fi  The factor scores for \eqn{I} (rows)
#' from the \code{epCA} program
#' @param fj  The factor scores for \eqn{J}
#' (columns) from the epCA program
#' @param eigs  The eigenvalues from the epCA program
#' @param nf2keep  how many factors to keep,  default to 2
#' @param nBootIter How many Bootstrap samples, default to 100
#' \code{(RowsBoot = ZeBootCube_I, ColumnsBoot = ZeBootCube_J)}.
#' @param compact (default = \code{FALSE})
#' if \code{TRUE} gives a compact
#' version with only the results for the symmetric approach.
#' @param eigen if \code{FALSE} compute also the bootstraped
#' eigenvalues. NB It seems that the bootstrapped eigenvalues are
#' biased (i.e., their mean is not equal
#' to the corresponding eigenvalue).
#' So this feature
#' is experimental.
#' @param eigen.compact when \code{TRUE} returns the whole
#' matrix of bootstrapped eigenvalues. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' When \code{eigen} is \code{FALSE},
#' \code{eigen.compact} has no effect.
#' @return
#' With notation:
#'  \eqn{I}: number of rows (of \code{ZeDataCube}),
#'  \eqn{J}: number of columns (of \code{ZeDataCube}),
#'  \eqn{L}: number of factors kept (i.e., \code{nf2keep}),
#'  \eqn{B}: number of Bootstrap replicates (i.e., \code{nBootIter});
#'  \code{Boot4PTCA} returns
#' a list if compact \code{FALSE}:
#' 1a) \code{RowsBoot} an
#' \eqn{I} * \eqn{L} * \eqn{B} cube of Bootstrapped
#' coordinates for the \eqn{I}-set
#' 1b) \code{RowsBoot.asym} an  \eqn{I} * \eqn{L} * \eqn{B}
#'  cube of Bootstrapped
#' coordinates for the \eqn{I}-set
#' (asymmetric projections);
#'  2a)  \code{ColumnsBoot} a \eqn{J} * \eqn{L} * \eqn{B}
#'  cube of Bootstrapped coordinates
#'  for the \eqn{J}-set
#'  if compact is \code{FALSE} 2b)
#'  \code{ColumnsBoot.asym} a  \eqn{J} * \eqn{L} * \eqn{B}
#'  cube of Bootstrapped
#'  coordinates for the \eqn{J}-set.
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' BootFactorsIJ <- Boot4PTCAt(A.Cube.Of.Data,fi = fi, fj = fj, eigs = eigs)
#' }
#' @export
Boot4PTCA <- function( # Boot4PTCA: Create Bootstraped
  # factor scores for I & J set
  # from the CA obtained by the sum of individual contingency tables
  # stores in a observations * variables * individuals
  # with individuals being a random factor
  #*****************    Hervé Abdi. January, 17, 2013 *************
  ZeDataCube,  # The Cube of Data
  fi, # The factor scores for I (rows) from the CA program
  fj, # The factor scores for J (columns) from the CA program
  eigs, # The eigenvalues from the CA analysis
  nf2keep = 2, # how many factors to keep,  default to 2
  nBootIter = 100 , # How many Bootstrap samples, default to 100
  compact = FALSE, # If compact == TRUE: give only the symmetric version
  eigen = FALSE, # if eigen is TRUE compute bootstrapped eigenvalues
  eigen.compact = TRUE # if eigen.compact is FALSE return the
     # bootstrapped eigenvalues
  # ***************************************************************
  # Output:
  #     RowsBoot   : an I * nf2keep * nBootIter array
  #                  of bootstraped factor scores (row)
  #     ColumnsBoot: a J * nf2keep * nBootIter array
  #                   of bootstraped factor scores (columns)
  # first check that nf2keep is not too big
  nL = length(eigs)
  if (nf2keep > nL){nf2keep = nL}
  nI = dim(ZeDataCube)[3] # how many observations do we have
  # compute the multiplication matrices
  Lefj = fj[,1:nf2keep] # the columns factor scores
  Lefi = fi[,1:nf2keep] # the row factor scores
  invdelta = eigs[1:nf2keep]^(-1/2)
  MultmatI.asym = t(t(Lefi) * invdelta^2) # Multiplying matrix I-set asymmetric
  MultmatJ =  t(t(Lefj) * invdelta) # Multiplying matrix J-set
  if (!compact){
  MultmatI =  t(t(Lefi) * invdelta) # Multiplying matrix I-set
  MultmatJ.asym = t(t(Lefj) * invdelta^2) # Multiplying matrix I-set asymmetric
  # initialize the Bootstrap cube
  ZeBootCube_I.asym <- array( dim=c(nrow(ZeDataCube),nf2keep,nBootIter)
                              #, dimnames=c('I-set','Factors','Replicates')
  ZeBootCube_J <- array( dim=c(ncol(ZeDataCube),nf2keep,nBootIter)
                         # ,dimnames=c('J-set','Factors','Replicates')
  if (!compact){
    ZeBootCube_I <- array( dim=c(nrow(ZeDataCube),nf2keep,nBootIter)
                           #, dimnames=c('I-set','Factors','Replicates')
   ZeBootCube_J.asym <- array( dim=c(ncol(ZeDataCube),nf2keep,nBootIter)
                              #, dimnames=c('J-set','Factors','Replicates')
  if (eigen == TRUE){
  # Compute the fixed effect with all eigenvalues
  fixedCT <- apply(ZeDataCube,c(1,2),sum)
  # Get the eigenvalues by calling eigCA
  fixedEig <- eig4CA(fixedCT)
  leRang <-   min(dim(fixedCT)) - 1
  if (length(fixedEig) > leRang) {fixedEig <- fixedEig[1:leRang]}
  bootEig <- matrix(0, nrow = nBootIter, ncol = leRang)
  # Now create I & J Bootstrap Factors Scores for the Cube
  # now go for an ugly loop
  for (m in 1:nBootIter){
    BootCT = apply(ZeDataCube[,,sample(nI,replace = TRUE)],c(1,2),sum)
    # get the Fi scores
    ZeBootCube_I.asym[,,m] = apply(BootCT,2,
                                   function(la) {
                              la/as.matrix(rowSums(BootCT))}) %*%
    ZeBootCube_J[,,m] = apply(t(BootCT),2,
            function(la) {
                la/as.matrix(rowSums(t(BootCT)))}) %*% MultmatI
    if (!compact){
      ZeBootCube_I[,,m] = apply(BootCT,2,
                                function(la) {
                        la/as.matrix(rowSums(BootCT))}) %*% MultmatJ
    ZeBootCube_J.asym[,,m] <- apply(t(BootCT),2,
                              function(la) {
                   la/as.matrix(rowSums(t(BootCT)))}) %*%
                     } # end of !compact

    # Compute the eigenvalues of BootCT
    if (eigen == TRUE){
      #print(paste0('ICI le Rang = ',leRang))
      boot.eig <- eig4CA(BootCT)
      lindex <- 1:min(length(boot.eig),leRang)
      # print(paste0('ICI lindex = ',lindex))
      bootEig[m , lindex] <- boot.eig[lindex]
         } # End of m-loop
  # Return the ZeBootCubes
  Names_of_I <- rownames(ZeDataCube)
  Names_of_J <- colnames(ZeDataCube)
  Names_of_F <- paste0('Factor ',seq(1,nf2keep))
  # Names_of_Iter <- paste0('Iter ',seq(1,nBootIter))
  rownames(ZeBootCube_I.asym) <- Names_of_I
  rownames(ZeBootCube_J) <- Names_of_J
  colnames(ZeBootCube_I.asym) <- Names_of_F
  colnames(ZeBootCube_J) <- Names_of_F
  if (!compact){
  rownames(ZeBootCube_I) <- Names_of_I
  rownames(ZeBootCube_J.asym) <- Names_of_J
  colnames(ZeBootCube_I) <- Names_of_F ->

  # dimnames(ZeBootCube_I) <- list(Names_of_I,Names_of_F,Names_of_Iter)
  return.list <- structure(
      list(RowsBoot.asym = ZeBootCube_I.asym,
           ColumnsBoot = ZeBootCube_J),
       class = "Boot4PTCA")
  if (!compact){
    return.list$RowsBoot = ZeBootCube_I
    return.list$ColumnsBoot.asym = ZeBootCube_J.asym
  if (eigen){
    # to expand and put this function as a parameter
    desDis <- function(X, limits = c(c(.025, .975)) ){# private F
                                     quantile(X,c(.025, .975))}
    fixed.Inertia <- sum(fixedEig)
    boot.Inertia <- rowSums(bootEig)
    mean.Inertia <- mean(boot.Inertia)
    CI.Inertia <- desDis(boot.Inertia)
    Total <- c(fixed.Inertia,mean.Inertia,CI.Inertia)
    res.bootEig.tmp <- rbind(fixedEig, colMeans(bootEig),
                         apply(bootEig,2, desDis))
    res.bootEig <- cbind(Total, res.bootEig.tmp)
    rownames(res.bootEig) <- c('Fixed Inertia', 'Mean Boot Inertia',
                                'Inertia CI 2.5%', 'Inertia CI 97.5%')
    colnames(res.bootEig) <- c('Total', paste0('Dimension ',
                                                    seq(1: leRang)))

    return.list$bootEigen =  res.bootEig
    if(!eigen.compact) return.list$bootMatrixEV = bootEig
}  # End of function Boot4PTCA
# ********************************************************************
#' Change the print function for Boot4PTCA.
#' \code{print.Boot4PTCA} Change the print function for Boot4PTCA.
#' @param x a list: output of Boot4PTCA
#' @param ... everything else for the functions
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @export
print.Boot4PTCA <- function (x, ...) {
  ndash = 78 # How many dashes for separation lines
  cat(rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
  cat("\n Brick of Bootstraped Factor Scores (BFS) from a 0/1 CATA Cube\n")
  # cat("\n List name: ",deparse(eval(substitute(substitute(x)))),"\n")
  cat(rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
  cat("\n$RowsBoot.asym    ", "an I*L*nIter Brick of BFSs for the I-Set (Asymmetric)")
  cat("\n$ColumnsBoot      ", "a  J*L*nIter Brick of BFSs for the J-Set")
  cat("\n$RowsBoot         ", "an I*L*nIter Brick of BFSs for the I-Set")
  cat("\n$ColumnsBoot.asym ", "a  J*L*nIter Brick of BFSs for the J-Set (Asymmetric)")
  cat("\n$bootEigen        ", "Bootstrap: summary for the Inertia (Totol and per Dimension) ")
  cat("\n$BootMatrixEV     ", "an nIter*L matrix of the bootstrapped eigenvalues ")
  cat("\n",rep("-", ndash), sep = "")
} # end of function print.Boot4PTCA

# Random permutations ----
# uses the InertiaTable function
#' \code{InertiaPermutedTables}
#' A function to Compute the inertia of a set of random permutations
#' of the "Check-Mark" (e.g. CATA) type of data.
#' \code{InertiaPermutedTables} creates a cube of data
#' from the results of a "Check-Mark"
#' data set collected in \code{DataChecks}.
#' These data correspond to participants matching (or not)
#' one Descriptor to
#' each stimulus of a set of stimuli.
#' The Stimuli are the columns of \code{DataChecks}
#' The Participants are the rows of \code{DataChecks}
#' The Descriptors are the numbers in \code{DataChecks}
#' (i.e., 5 for \code{Datacheks[2,3]} means that Participant 2,
#' chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @param DataChecks An \eqn{I}*\eqn{J} matrix
#' storing integers.
#' \eqn{I} are Participants, \eqn{J} are Stimuli.
#' The entries in Datacheks are integers that match the descriptors
#' (i.e., 5 for Datacheks[2,3] means that Participant 2
# ' chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3).
#'@param nPerm number of random permutations (default = \code{1000}).
#' Note that the number of Descriptors is "guessed" by the program
#' as the largest number is the dataset.
#' @return  returns a 1*\code{nPerm} vector with
#' the \code{nPerm} values
#'  of the inertia computed with the \code{nPerm} random Permutations.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' RandomnInertia <- InertiaPermutedTables(ACubeOfDataChecks)
#' }
#' @export
InertiaPermutedTables <- function(DataChecks, nPerm = 1000){
  #	Compute the inertia of a set of random permutations
  # of the "Check-Mark" type of data
  # Create a cube of Data from the results of a "Check-Mark"
  # data set collected in DataChecks
  # These data corresponds to participants matching One Descriptor to
  # each stimulus of a set of stimuli
  # The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks
  # The Participants are the rows of DataChecks
  # The Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks
  #     (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participants 2,
  #         choosed Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)
  # nPerm = number of random permutations (default = 1000)
  #Note that the number of Descriptors is "guessed" by the program
  # as the largest number is the dataset
  # return a 1*nPerm vector with the nPerm values
  #  of the inertia computed with random Permutations

  #  nI: # of Participants
  nI = nrow(DataChecks)
  # nJ # of stimulis
  nJ = ncol(DataChecks)
  # nK # number of Descriptors
  nK = max(DataChecks)
  # Descriptor by Stimuli by Participants
  # Initialize the tables
  RandomInertia = matrix(nrow =nPerm,ncol=1)
  ZeDataCubePerm = array(0,dim=c(nK,nJ,nI))
  # Go for the nPerm permutation samples
  for (ell in 1:nPerm){ # Ugly loop for the permutations
    # For the permutation test
    # the choice of each subject is permuted
    # (i.e., the colors chosen
    # are kept but they are assigned randomly to the pieces of music)
    # first permute the data per subject
    PerIndex =(
        matrix(rep( seq(from=0,by=nJ,length.out=nI),nJ),nI,nJ)
    # the permuted data matrix
    truc = matrix(as.vector(
               nI,nJ,byrow = FALSE)
    # Get a permuted cube
    for (i in 1:nI){ # Another ugly loop for randomization
      LeTableau = matrix(0,nK,nJ) # Initialize
      lesUns = seq(from=0,by=nK,length=nJ)+as.vector(t(truc[i,]))
      LeTableau[lesUns] = 1
      ZeDataCubePerm[,,i] = LeTableau
    } # end of "i" loop
    # get the Inertia of the  permuted DataTable
    RandomInertia[ell] = InertiaTable(apply(ZeDataCubePerm,
                                                 c(1,2),sum) )
  } # End of "ell" loop
} # End of function InertiaPermutedTables
# *******************************************************************************

#********************** Inertia of a Table***************************************
# InertiaTable----
#' A function to compute the inertia of a contingency table
#' \code{InertiaTable}:  computes the inertia
#' (i.e., phi square or chi-square / N)
#' of a contingency table. The computation matches the value obtained
#' from the inertia of the correspondence analysis
#' of the contingency table.
#' \code{InertiaTable} is mostly used for permutation tests
#' and bootstrap estimates.
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @param X A contingency table (non negative numbers)
#' @return the inertia (\emph{a la} correspondence analysis)
#' of the contingency table
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' X = matrix(round(runif(12)*20), nrow = 3)
#' InertiaOfATable <- InertiaTable(X)
#' @export
InertiaTable = function(X){
  # Compute the inertia of a contingency table
  xpp = sum(X)
  StochPerm = X / xpp
  Inertia = sum((StochPerm -
                 %*%  t(as.matrix(colSums(StochPerm))) )^2)

#        1         2         3         4         5         6         7

# ************************************************************************
# DataCheckMark2Cube function to create the Cube of Data from the checks
#'  create a cube of data
#' from the results of a "pick-1" (aka Check-1 or "Best That Apply",
#' BeTA)  data task
#' (i.e., describe one object with one descriptor from a finite list
#' of descriptors).
#' \code{DataCheckMark2Cube:}
#' Create a cube of data from the results of a pick one
#'  descriptor to describe stimuli.
#' The result of the check mark task is a
#' data frame stored in \code{DataChecks}.
#' These data correspond to participants matching one descriptor to
#' each stimulus of a set of stimuli, this task is called
#' pick-1, check-1, or BeTA (BEst That Apply).
#' The Stimuli are the columns of \code{DataChecks},
#'  the Participants are the rows of \code{DataChecks}, and
#' the Descriptors are the numbers in \code{DataChecks}
#'     (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participant 2,
#'         chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3).
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @param DataChecks A Stimuli by Participants table of checks
#' The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks,
#'  The Participants are the rows of DataChecks,
#' The Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks
#'     (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participant 2,
#'         chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)
#' @param NameOfDescriptor a length K vector of names of
#' the descriptors. if \code{NULL} (default) descriptors are
#' named \code{Descriptor-1} to \code{Descriptor-K}.
#' @return a Stimuli * Descriptors * Participants brick (i.e., an array)
#' of counts.
#' @examples
#' # use the colorOfMusic data set. See help(colorOfMusic)
#' data("colorOfMusic")
#' cubeOfMusic <- DataCheckMark2Cube(
#' colorOfMusic$participantsChoice, colorOfMusic$colorInformation[,1])
#' # cubeOfMusic is an array with dimensions:
#' # 10 (colors) * 9 (pieces of music) * 22 (participant)
#' @export
DataCheckMark2Cube <- function(DataChecks,NameOfDescriptor = NULL){
  # Create a cube of Data from the results of a "Check-Mark"
  # data set collected in the matrix DataChecks
  # These data correspond to participants matching one descriptor to
  # each stimulus of a set of stimuli
  # The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks
  # The Participants are the rows of DataChecks
  # The Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks
  #     (i.e., 5 for X[2,3] means that Participant 2,
  #         choosed Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)
  # NameOfDescriptor: gives the name of the Descriptor
  # if null number of Descriptors is "guessed" by the program
  # as the larger number is the dataset

  #  nI: # of Participants
  nI = nrow(DataChecks)
  # nJ # of stimulis
  nJ = ncol(DataChecks)
  # nK # number of Descriptors
  if (is.null(NameOfDescriptor)){
    nK = max(DataChecks)
    NameOfDescriptor <- paste('Descriptor-', 1:nJ)}
  else {nK = length(NameOfDescriptor)}
  ZeDataCube = array(0,dim=c(nK,nJ,nI))
  # Descriptor by Stimuli by Participants
  for (i in 1:nI){
    LeTableau = matrix(0,nK,nJ) # Initialize
    lesUns = seq(from=0,by=nK,length=nJ)+as.vector(t(DataChecks[i,]))
    LeTableau[lesUns] = 1
    ZeDataCube[,,i] = LeTableau
  rownames(ZeDataCube) <- NameOfDescriptor
  colnames(ZeDataCube) <- colnames(DataChecks)
  dimnames(ZeDataCube)[[3]] <-  rownames(DataChecks)
} # End of DataCheckMark2Cube
# ********************************************************************

#        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
#' @title transforms a vector of non-negative numbers into
#' gray values
#' @description \code{vec2gray}:
#' transforms a vector of non-negative numbers into
#' gray values.
#' @author Hervé Abdi
#' @param levec a vector of  non negative numbers.
#' @return a vector of gray values.
#' @examples # le.grey <- vec2gray(1:10).
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @export
vec2gray <- function(levec){# get grey value
  le.grey <-  grDevices::gray(1 - (levec / (max(levec))))
HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.