InertiaPermutedTables: 'InertiaPermutedTables' A function to Compute the inertia of...

View source: R/BootRatio.R

InertiaPermutedTablesR Documentation

InertiaPermutedTables A function to Compute the inertia of a set of random permutations of the "Check-Mark" (e.g. CATA) type of data.


InertiaPermutedTables creates a cube of data from the results of a "Check-Mark" data set collected in DataChecks. These data correspond to participants matching (or not) one Descriptor to each stimulus of a set of stimuli. The Stimuli are the columns of DataChecks The Participants are the rows of DataChecks The Descriptors are the numbers in DataChecks (i.e., 5 for Datacheks[2,3] means that Participant 2, chose Descriptor 5 for Stimulus 3)


InertiaPermutedTables(DataChecks, nPerm = 1000)



An I*J matrix storing integers. I are Participants, J are Stimuli. The entries in Datacheks are integers that match the descriptors (i.e., 5 for Datacheks[2,3] means that Participant 2


number of random permutations (default = 1000). Note that the number of Descriptors is "guessed" by the program as the largest number is the dataset.


returns a 1*nPerm vector with the nPerm values of the inertia computed with the nPerm random Permutations.


Hervé Abdi


## Not run: 
RandomnInertia <- InertiaPermutedTables(ACubeOfDataChecks)

## End(Not run)

HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.