Man pages for HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA
Partial Triadic Analysis (PTCA) for Check All That Apply (CATA) Data

addArrows.ptcaAdd arrows to a factorial map (best with a circle of...
addCircleOfCor.ptcaAdd a Circle of Correlation to a PCA-like map of correlation...
areColorsCheck that color names are the names of some real colors.
blockProjCompute the partial projections for blocks in 3-way...
Boot4MeanBoot4Mean computes a brick of bootstrap estimates for the...
Boot4PTCACompute the Bootstrapped factors scores for the I and J sets...
boot.ratio.test'boot.ratio.test' computes bootstrap ratios from a "bootstrap...
brick2MatUnfold a brick of data to a matrix
CARenormalizationre-normalize CA factor scores to Asymetric and...
CA.SfromXCompute the cross-product matrix for CA from a contingency...
cleanDataCATAClean a Brick of Data prior to a CATA analysis
colorOfMusic'colorOfMusic': 12 Children and 10 Adults picked up one color...
createAllMaps4CACreates all the partial ggplot2 maps for CA with all standard...
createAllNormedFactorsCreate all the normalization for the factor scores of a CA:...
createBaseMapcreate a base map for CA type graphs with ggplot2
createCmat4PTCACreates a matrix of cross-products or RV coefficients for the...
createCube4CATAcreate a "Brick" of data and contingency table from CATA df.
createFactorMapcreate the base plot maps for CA type graphs with 'ggplot2'.
createFactorMapIJCreate ggplot2 factorial maps for CA-type of maps dots and...
createLabelCreatesx and y labels for ggplots2 scatterplots
createLabel.genCreates x and y labels for 'ggplots2' scatterplots
createPartialFactorScoresMapCreate a 'ggplot2' map for partial factor scores (for...
createSymDist4PTCACreate a matrix of the symmetric difference distance /...
createxyLabelscreates x and y labels for 'ggplots2' scaterplots.
createxyLabels.genCreates 'x' and 'y' labels for ggplots2 scaterplots
CSCACommon and Specific Correspondence Analysis (CSCA) of a set...
CTstaredCTstared adds a vector of characters (i.e., stars) to the...
DataCheckMark2Cubecreate a cube of data from the results of a "pick-1" (aka...
eig4CA'eig4CA' computes the eigenvalues for correspondence analysis...
fuzzyRankingrecode rating data (e.g., Lickert type scale) into a fuzzy...
genCAGeneralized Correspondence Analysis with choice of row and...
getMeansget statistics (e.g., 'means') of groups of observations.
ggConvexHullggConvexHull use ggplot2 to plot a peeled convex hull for a...
ggdrawPolygonDraw a Polygon in a 'ggplot2' based graph
GraphPTCABootGraphPTCABoot plots the bootstrapped results of a CA
InertiaPermutedTables'InertiaPermutedTables' A function to Compute the inertia of...
InertiaTableA function to compute the inertia of a contingency table
ldiagLeft (i.e., pre) Multiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix
lightengives a lighter shade of a color
MakeCIEllipses'MakeCIEllipses'. Add Confidence interval ellipses to a...
makeggHeatMap4CTmakeggHeatMap4CT makes a 'ggplot2' HeatMap representation of...
MakeToleranceIntervals# 'MakeToleranceIntervals'. Add Tolerance interval hulls or...
Malinvaud4ptcacomputes the Malinvaud-Saporta test for significance in...
map4DotsAndLabelsCreate 'ggplot2' factorial maps for dots and labels. NB needs...
mat2Bricktranform a matrix into a Brick of Data
minmaxHelper4BrickComputes the x- and y-axes constraints for all 'prettyGraphs'...
minmaxHelper4PartialComputes the x- and y- axis constraints for graphs combininig...
normBrick4PTCA'normBrick4PTCA' norms an I*J*N CATA array.
OrangeJuiceCATARawData'OrangeJuiceCATARawData': an example of an excel file with...
p2Starp2Star Converts a vector of probabilities into a vector of...
partialProj4CACompute blocks (of columns or rows) partial projections for a...
peelZeHullCreate a peeled convex hull for a set of points described by...
perm4PTCA'perm4PTCA' Permutation test for the inertia and eigenvalues...
PlotScreeplot the scree for the eigenvalues of an SVD based...
PrettyBarPlotcreates bar plots for a series of variables. It is used for...
PrettyBarPlot2a 'ggplot2'-based function to plot bar plots for a series of...
PrettyBarPlotColor'PrettyBarPlotColor': create pretty bar plots with defined...
PrettyBarPlotColor4Q'PrettyBarPlotColor4Q' Plot the result of Cochran's Q for the...
prettyHistPlot a sampling distribution along with a value of a...
print.Boot4PTCAChange the print function for Boot4PTCA.
print.bootGroupChange the print function for bootGroup
print.bootRatiosChange the print function for bootRatios
print.CArenormedChange the print function for CARenormalization
print.createAllMaps4CAChange the print function for createAllMaps4CA
print.createFactorMapChange the print function for 'createFactorMap'
print.createFactorMapIJChange the print function for createFactorMapIJ
print.createNormedFactorsChange the print function for createNormedFactors
print.cscaChange the print function for objects of the class 'csca'
print.csca.blockChange the print function for objects of the class...
print.csca.block.diffChange the print function for objects of the class...
print.csca.block.partChange the print function for objects of the class...
print.genCAChange the print function for objects of the class "genCA"...
print.map4pfsChange the print function for the class 'map4pfs' (e.g.,...
print.partialProjChange the print function for partialProj.
print.perm4ptcaChange the print function for perm4ptca class
print.readCATACubeChange the print function for readCATACube
print.readCATACube.cChange the print function for class cleanCATACube.c
print.rvCoeffChange the print function for rvCoeff.
print.savePptxChange the print function for object of class savePptx
print.str_colorsOfMusicChange the print function for the data set:...
print.SymDifChange the print function for object of class 'SymDif' (from...
PTCA4CATAPTCA4CATA package to perform Partial Triadic Correspondence...
Q4CATA.CubeCompute Cochran's Q for a Cube of CATA Data.
Q4CATA.SliceCochran's Q test for a slice of a cube
rdiagright (i.e., post) Multiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix
read.xls.CATAReads the CATA data from an Excel File and creates a "Brick"...
renorm4CARenormalize CA factor scores to Asymmetric factor scores or...
Rv'Rv' Compute the RV coefficient between two matrices with the...
RV2MatRV2Mat Compute the RV coefficient between two matrices with...
RV4BrickCompute the RV coefficient between the slices of a data...
saveGraph2pptxsaves all the graphics present in the Global Environment into...
ShadesColorCreate lighter and darker versions of a color.
theme_ptcaA ggplot2 theme that matches the defaults of the factorial...
truc4ptcatruc4ptca: a private function
vec2graytransforms a vector of non-negative numbers into gray values
HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.