PTCA4CATA: PTCA4CATA package to perform Partial Triadic Correspondence...

PTCA4CATAR Documentation

PTCA4CATA package to perform Partial Triadic Correspondence Analysis (PTCA) for Check All That Apply (CATA) Data


The PTCA4CATA package provides a set of tools to 1) analyze "Check All That Apply (CATA)" Data; 2) display the results graphically; and 3) perform the correct inferences. In addition to correspondence analysis, Hellinger analysis can also be used. PTCA4CATA uses Partial Triadic Correspondence Analysis (PTCA) to analyze the pseudo-contingency table obtained from a CATA task.


Herve Abdi

HerveAbdi/PTCA4CATA documentation built on July 17, 2022, 5:41 a.m.