
Defines functions aks_pools agent_pool

Documented in agent_pool aks_pools

#' Azure Kubernetes Service class
#' Class representing an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) resource. For working with the cluster endpoint itself, including deploying images, creating services etc, see [kubernetes_cluster].
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' The following methods are available, in addition to those provided by the [AzureRMR::az_resource] class:
#' - `new(...)`: Initialize a new AKS object.
#' - `get_cluster(config, role)`: Return an object representing the Docker registry endpoint.
#' - `get_agent_pool(pollname)`: Returns an object of class `az_agent_pool` representing an agent pool. This class inherits from [AzureRMR::az_resource]; it currently has no extra methods, but these may be added in the future.
#' - `list_agent_pools()`: Returns a list of agent pool objects.
#' - `create_agent_pool(poolname, ..., wait=FALSE)`: Creates a new agent pool. See the [agent_pool] function for further arguments to this method.
#' - `delete_agent_pool(poolname, confirm=TRUE. wait=FALSE)`: Deletes an agent pool.
#' - `list_cluster_resources()`: Returns a list of all the Azure resources managed by the cluster.
#' - `update_aad_password(name=NULL, duration=NULL, ...)`: Update the password for Azure Active Directory integration, returning the new password invisibly. See 'Updating credentials' below.
#' - `update_service_password(name=NULL, duration=NULL, ...)`: Update the password for the service principal used to manage the cluster resources, returning the new password invisibly.  See 'Updating credentials' below.
#' @section Details:
#' Initializing a new object of this class can either retrieve an existing AKS resource, or create a new resource on the host. Generally, the best way to initialize an object is via the `get_aks`, `create_aks` or `list_aks` methods of the [az_resource_group] class, which handle the details automatically.
#' Note that this class is separate from the Kubernetes cluster itself. This class exposes methods for working with the Azure resource: updating resource tags, updating and deleting the resource (including updating the Kubernetes version), and so on.
#' For working with the cluster, including deploying images, services, etc use the object generated with the `get_cluster` method. This method takes two optional arguments:
#' - `config`: The file in which to store the cluster configuration details. By default, this will be located in the AzureR configuration directory if it exists (see [AzureAuth::AzureR_dir]); otherwise, in the R temporary directory. To use the Kubernetes default `~/.kube/config` file, set this argument to NULL. Any existing file in the given location will be overwritten.
#' - `role`: This can be `"User"` (the default) or `"Admin"`.
#' @section Updating credentials:
#' An AKS resource can have up to three service principals associated with it. Two of these are for Azure Active Directory (AAD) integration. The third is used to manage the subsidiary resources (VMs, networks, disks, etc) used by the cluster, if it doesn't have a service identity.
#' Any service principals used by the AKS resource will have secret passwords, which have to be refreshed as they expire. The `update_aad_password()` and `update_service_password()` methods let you refresh the passwords for the cluster's service principals. Their arguments are:
#' - `name`: An optional friendly name for the password.
#' - `duration`: The duration for which the new password is valid. Defaults to 2 years.
#' - `...`: Other arguments passed to `AzureGraph::create_graph_login`. Note that these are used to authenticate with Microsoft Graph, which does the actual work of updating the service principals, not to the cluster itself.
#' @seealso
#' [create_aks], [get_aks], [delete_aks], [list_aks], [AzureAuth::AzureR_dir], [AzureGraph::create_graph_login]
#' [kubernetes_cluster] for interacting with the cluster endpoint
#' [AKS documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/) and
#' [API reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/aks/)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rg <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$
#'     get_subscription("subscription_id")$
#'     get_resource_group("rgname")
#' myaks <- rg$get_aks("mycluster")
#' # sync with Azure: AKS resource creation can take a long time, use this to track status
#' myaks$sync_fields()
#' # get the cluster endpoint
#' kubclus <- myaks$get_cluster()
#' # list of agent pools
#' myaks$list_agent_pools()
#' # create a new agent pool, then delete it
#' pool <- myaks$create_agent_pool("pool2", 3, size="Standard_DS3_v2")
#' pool$delete()
#' # refresh the service principal password (mostly for legacy clusters without a managed identity)
#' myaks$update_service_password()
#' # refresh the service principal password, using custom credentials to authenticate with MS Graph
#' # arguments here are for Graph, not AKS!
#' myaks$update_service_password(app="app_id", password="app_password")
#' }
#' @aliases az_kubernetes_service
#' @export
aks <- R6::R6Class("az_kubernetes_service", inherit=AzureRMR::az_resource,


    get_cluster=function(config=kubeconfig_file(), role=c("User", "Admin"))
        kubeconfig_file <- function()
            az_dir <- AzureR_dir()
                az_dir <- tempdir()
            file.path(az_dir, paste0("kubeconfig_", self$name))

        role <- match.arg(role)
        profile <- private$res_op(paste0("listCluster", role, "Credential"), http_verb="POST")$kubeconfigs
        profile <- rawToChar(openssl::base64_decode(profile[[1]]$value))

        # provide ability to save to default .kube/config by passing a NULL
            win <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
            config <- if(win)
                file.path(Sys.getenv("HOMEPATH"), ".kube/config")
            else file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".kube/config")

            message("Overwriting existing cluster information in ", config)
            config_dir <- dirname(config)
                dir.create(config_dir, recursive=TRUE)
            message("Storing cluster information in ", config)

        writeLines(profile, config)

        az_agent_pool$new(self$token, self$subscription, resource_group=self$resource_group,
            name=file.path(self$name, "agentPools", poolname),

    create_agent_pool=function(poolname, ..., wait=FALSE)
        pool <- agent_pool(name=poolname, ...)
        az_agent_pool$new(self$token, self$subscription, resource_group=self$resource_group,
            name=file.path(self$name, "agentPools", poolname),

    delete_agent_pool=function(poolname, confirm=TRUE, wait=FALSE)
        az_agent_pool$new(self$token, self$subscription, resource_group=self$resource_group,
            name=file.path(self$name, "agentPools", poolname),
            delete(confirm=confirm, wait=wait)

        cont <- self$do_operation("agentPools")
        api_version <- self$get_api_version()
        lapply(get_paged_list(cont, self$token), function(parms)
            az_agent_pool$new(self$token, self$subscription, deployed_properties=parms, api_version=api_version))

        clusrgname <- self$properties$nodeResourceGroup
        clusrg <- az_resource_group$new(self$token, self$subscription, clusrgname)

    update_aad_password=function(name=NULL, duration=NULL, ...)
        prof <- self$properties$aadProfile
            stop("No Azure Active Directory profile associated with this cluster", call.=FALSE)

        app <- graph_login(self$token$tenant, ...)$get_app(prof$serverAppID)
        app$add_password(name, duration)
        prof$serverAppSecret <- app$password

        self$do_operation(body=list(properties=list(aadProfile=prof)), encode="json", http_verb="PATCH")

    update_service_password=function(name=NULL, duration=NULL, ...)
        prof <- self$properties$servicePrincipalProfile
        if(prof$clientId == "msi")
            stop("Cluster uses service identity for managing resources", call.=FALSE)

        app <- graph_login(self$token$tenant, ...)$get_app(prof$clientId)
        app$add_password(name, duration)
        prof$secret <- app$password

        self$do_operation(body=list(properties=list(servicePrincipalProfile=prof)), encode="json", http_verb="PATCH")

#' Utility function for specifying Kubernetes agent pools
#' @param name The name(s) of the pool(s).
#' @param count The number of nodes per pool.
#' @param size The VM type (size) to use for the pool. To see a list of available VM sizes, use the [list_vm_sizes] method for the resource group or subscription classes.
#' @param os The operating system to use for the pool. Can be "Linux" or "Windows".
#' @param disksize The OS disk size in gigabytes for each node in the pool. A value of 0 means to use the default disk size for the VM type.
#' @param use_scaleset Whether to use a VM scaleset instead of individual VMs for this pool. A scaleset offers greater flexibility than individual VMs, and is the recommended method of creating an agent pool.
#' @param low_priority If this pool uses a scaleset, whether it should be made up of spot (low-priority) VMs. A spot VM pool is cheaper, but is subject to being evicted to make room for other, higher-priority workloads. Ignored if `use_scaleset=FALSE`.
#' @param autoscale_nodes The cluster autoscaling parameters for the pool. To enable autoscaling, set this to a vector of 2 numbers giving the minimum and maximum size of the agent pool. Ignored if `use_scaleset=FALSE`.
#' @param ... Other named arguments, to be used as parameters for the agent pool.
#' @details
#' `agent_pool` is a convenience function to simplify the task of specifying the agent pool for a Kubernetes cluster.
#' @return
#' An object of class `agent_pool`, suitable for passing to the `create_aks` constructor method.
#' @seealso
#' [create_aks], [list_vm_sizes]
#' [Agent pool parameters on Microsoft Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/aks/managedclusters/createorupdate#managedclusteragentpoolprofile)
#' @examples
#' # pool of 5 Linux GPU-enabled VMs
#' agent_pool("pool1", 5, size="Standard_NC6s_v3")
#' # pool of 3 Windows Server VMs, 500GB disk size each
#' agent_pool("pool1", 3, os="Windows", disksize=500)
#' # enable cluster autoscaling, with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 10 nodes
#' agent_pool("pool1", 5, autoscale_nodes=c(1, 10))
#' # use individual VMs rather than scaleset
#' agent_pool("vmpool1", 3, use_scaleset=FALSE)
#' @export
agent_pool <- function(name, count, size="Standard_DS2_v2", os="Linux", disksize=0,
                       use_scaleset=TRUE, low_priority=FALSE, autoscale_nodes=FALSE, ...)
    parms <- list(
        type=if(use_scaleset) "VirtualMachineScaleSets" else "AvailabilitySet"

        if(is.numeric(autoscale_nodes) && length(autoscale_nodes) == 2)
            parms$enableAutoScaling <- TRUE
            parms$minCount <- min(autoscale_nodes)
            parms$maxCount <- max(autoscale_nodes)
            parms$scaleSetPriority <- "spot"

    extras <- list(...)
        parms <- utils::modifyList(parms, extras)

    structure(parms, class="agent_pool")

#' Vectorised utility function for specifying Kubernetes agent pools
#' @param name The name(s) of the pool(s).
#' @param count The number of nodes per pool.
#' @param size The VM type (size) to use for the pool. To see a list of available VM sizes, use the [list_vm_sizes] method for the resource group or subscription classes.
#' @param os The operating system to use for the pool. Can be "Linux" or "Windows".
#' @details
#' This is a convenience function to simplify the task of specifying the agent pool for a Kubernetes cluster. You can specify multiple pools by providing vectors as input arguments; any scalar inputs will be replicated to match.
#' `aks_pools` is deprecated; please use [agent_pool] going forward.
#' @return
#' A list of lists, suitable for passing to the `create_aks` constructor method.
#' @seealso
#' [list_vm_sizes], [agent_pool]
#' @examples
#' # 1 pool of 5 Linux VMs
#' aks_pools("pool1", 5)
#' # 1 pool of 3 Windows Server VMs
#' aks_pools("pool1", 3, os="Windows")
#' # 2 pools with different VM sizes per pool
#' aks_pools(c("pool1", "pool2"), count=c(3, 3), size=c("Standard_DS2_v2", "Standard_DS3_v2"))
#' @export
aks_pools <- function(name, count, size="Standard_DS2_v2", os="Linux")
    count <- as.integer(count)
    pool_df <- data.frame(name=name, count=count, vmSize=size, osType=os, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    pool_df$name <- make.unique(pool_df$name, sep="")
    lapply(seq_len(nrow(pool_df)), function(i) unclass(pool_df[i, ]))
Hong-Revo/AzureContainers documentation built on July 11, 2021, 4:34 a.m.