
#' @title show
#' @description Generic display function for \linkS4class{scPred} objects. Displays summary of the
#' object such as number of cells, genes, significant features.
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @export

setMethod("show", signature("scPred"), function(object) {
    cat("'scPred' object\n")
    cat("\n- Expression data\n")
    nCells <- nrow(object@svd$x)
    nPCs <- ncol(object@svd$x)
    cat(sprintf("      Cell embeddings =  %i\n", nCells))
    cat(sprintf("      Gene loadings =  %i\n", nrow(getLoadings(object))))
    cat(sprintf("      PCs =  %i\n", nPCs))
    if(length(object@metadata) > 0){
        cat("\n- Metadata information\n")
        cat(sprintf("      %s\n", paste0(colnames(object@metadata), collapse = ", ")))
        if(length(object@pVar) != 0){
            cat(sprintf("      Prediction variable = %s\n", object@pVar))
            object@metadata[[object@pVar]] %>%
                table() %>%
                as.data.frame() %>%
                column_to_rownames(".") %>%
                `colnames<-`("n") %>%
    if(length(object@features) != 0){
        cat("\n- Informative PCs per class\n")
        object@features %>%
            sapply(nrow) %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
            `colnames<-`("Features") %>%
    if(length(object@train) != 0){
        cat("\n- Training information\n")
        cat(sprintf("      Model: %s\n", object@train[[1]]$modelInfo$label))
        getMetrics <- function(x, metric){
            bestModelIndex <- as.integer(rownames(x$bestTune))
            if(metric == "ROC"){
                round(x$results[bestModelIndex, c("ROC", "Sens", "Spec")], 3)
            }else if(metric == "Accuracy"){
                round(x$results[bestModelIndex, c("Accuracy", "Kappa")], 3)
            }else if(metric == "AUC"){
                round(x$results[bestModelIndex, c("AUC", "Precision", "Recall", "F")], 3)
        metric <- object@train[[1]]$metric 
        print(t(sapply(object@train, getMetrics, metric)))

#' @title Get metadata
#' @description Gets metadata from \code{scPred} object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("metadata", function(object) standardGeneric("metadata"))
setMethod("metadata", "scPred", function(object) {
    out <- object@metadata

#' @title Set metadata
#' @description Sets metadata to a \code{scPred} object. Metadata must be a dataframe
#' \itemize{
#' \item row names: ids matching the column names of the expression matrix
#' \item columns: associated metadata such as cell type, conditions, sample or, batch.
#' }
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @importFrom methods loadMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("metadata<-", function(object, value) standardGeneric("metadata<-"))
setMethod("metadata<-", signature("scPred"),
function(object, value) {
    if(!all(rownames(getPCA(object)) == row.names(value))){
        stop("Cells Ids do not match cell IDs in metadata")
    object@metadata <- value

#' @title Get principal components
#' @description Gets matrix with principal components from a \code{scPred} object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("getPCA", def = function(object) {

#' @title Get principal components
#' @description Gets matrix with principal components from a \code{scPred} object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("getPCA", signature("scPred"), function(object) {

#' @title Get loadings matrix
#' @description Gets rotation matrix (right singular vectors) from a \code{scPred} object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("getLoadings", def = function(object) {

#' @title Get loadings matrix
#' @description Gets rotation matrix (right singular vectors) from a \code{scPred} object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("getLoadings", signature("scPred"), function(object) {

#' @title Plot PCA
#' @description Plots PCA with raw results or group by a variable
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param group Groupping variable included in metadata
#' @param pc Vector of length 2 with the dimensions to plot
#' @param predGroup Equivalent of \code{group} parameter for prediction dataset. Projection and predMeta slots must be filled
#' @param geom ggplot geom
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("plotEigen", def = function(object,
group = NULL,
pc1 = 1,
pc2 = 2,
predGroup = NULL,
geom = c("points", "density_2d", "both"),
plotPred = TRUE) {

#' @title Plot PCA
#' @description Plots PCA
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param group Groupping variable included in metadata
#' @param pc Vector of length 2 with the dimensions to plot
#' @param predGroup Equivalent of \code{group} parameter for prediction dataset. Projection and predMeta slots must be filled
#' @param geom ggplot geom
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("plotEigen", signature("scPred"), function(object,
group = NULL,
pc1 = 1,
pc2 = 2,
predGroup = NULL,
geom = c("both", "points", "density_2d"),
plotPred = TRUE){
    geom <- match.arg(geom)
    pc <- c(pc1, pc2)
    namesPC <- paste0("PC", pc)
    pca <- getPCA(object)
    allpcs <- colnames(pca)
    pcsInEigen <- namesPC %in% allpcs
        label <- paste0(namesPC[!pcsInEigen], collapse = " and ")
        stop(label, " not present in SVD results")
    pca <- as.data.frame(subsetMatrix(pca, namesPC))
    pca$dataset <- "Train"
    # Check if a grouppping variable is provided
        if(ncol(object@metadata) == 0){
            stop("No metadata has been assigned to 'scPred' object")
        if(!any(group %in% names(object@metadata))){
            stop("'group' variable is not included in metadata")
        if(!is(object@metadata[[group]], "factor")){
            metadata <- object@metadata[[group]]
            metadata <- as.factor(as.character(object@metadata[[group]]))
        pca <- cbind(pca, metadata)
        names(pca)[4] <- group
        if(any(!namesPC %in% colnames(object@projection))){
            message("Performing projection of non-informative principal components...")
            pcaPred <- projectNewData(object, object@predData, informative = FALSE)
            pcaPred <- object@projection
        pcaPred <- as.data.frame(subsetMatrix(pcaPred, namesPC))
        pcaPred$dataset <- "Prediction"
                predVar <- object@predMeta[[predGroup]]
                pcaPred[group] <- factor(predVar, levels = unique(predVar))
                pcaPred[group] <- "Unknown"
        pcaAll <- rbind(pca, pcaPred)
        pcaAll$dataset <- factor(pcaAll$dataset, levels = c("Train", "Prediction"))
        pcaAll <- pca
        p <- ggplot(pcaAll, aes_string(x = namesPC[1], y = namesPC[2], color = group))
        p <- ggplot(pcaAll, aes_string(x = namesPC[1], y = namesPC[2]))
    if(geom == "points" | geom == "both"){
        p <- p + geom_point()
    if(geom == "density_2d" | geom == "both"){
        p <- p +  geom_density_2d()
    p <- p +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    if(any("Prediction" == pcaAll$dataset) & plotPred){
        p <- p + facet_wrap(~dataset)

#' @title Plot loadings
#' @description Plot loading values for any given principal component in a \code{scPred} object
#' @param object A \code{scPred} object
#' @param pc The number of the principal component to be plotted
#' @param n Top `n` variable genes to plot. Notice that the number of genes plotted is n*2 as both
#' negative and positive loadings are considered
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("plotLoadings", def = function(object, pc = 1, n = 10) {

#' @title Plot loadings
#' @description Plot loading values for any given principal component in a \code{scPred} object
#' @param object A \code{scPred} object
#' @param pc The number of the principal component to be plotted
#' @param n Top `n` variable genes to plot. Notice that the number of plotted genes is n*2 as both
#' negative and positive loadings are considered
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("plotLoadings", signature("scPred"), function(object, pc = 1, n = 10){
    # Validations -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Validate class object for `pc`
    if(!(is.numeric(pc) | is.integer(pc))){
        stop("`pc` parameter value must be numeric or integer")
    # Validate class object for `n`
    if(!(is.numeric(n) | is.integer(n))){
        stop("`n` parameter values must be numeric or integer")
    # Validate that only one principal component to be plotted was provided
    if(length(pc) != 1){
        stop("Only one principal component can be plotted. Provide a single number to `pc` parameter")
    # Validate that only one principal component to be plotted was provided
    if(length(n) != 1){
        stop("`n` must be a scalar integer")
    # Validate the principal component provided is valid
    if(!pc %in% seq_len(ncol(object@svd$rotation))){
        stop(paste0("Principal component does not exist. Min 1, Max ", ncol(object@svd$rotation)))
    # Validate that number of genes to be plotted is valid
    if(n > nrow(object@svd$rotation) | n < 1){
        stop(paste0("Only ", nrow(object@svd$rotation),
        " genes are included in the loadings matrix. Check provided number to `n` parameter"))
    # Main function -----------------------------------------------------------
    # Create column variable label for principal component
    pc <- paste0("PC", pc)
    # Obtain loadings, selects and orders genes according to their loading values
    object %>%
    getLoadings() %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
    select(gene, !! sym(pc)) %>%
    arrange(!! sym(pc)) -> scores
    # Get more variable genes (absolute value)
    top_positive <- top_n(scores, n = n, !! sym(pc))
    top_negative <- top_n(scores, n = -n, !! sym(pc))
    # Merge variable genes and sets factor variable to set the order of the genes when plotted
    rbind(top_negative, top_positive) %>%
    mutate(gene = factor(gene, levels = gene)) %>%
    mutate(direction = as.factor(c(rep("negative", n), rep("positive", n)))) -> top
    # Plot "lollipop" graph
    top %>%
    ggplot() +
    aes_string(x = "gene", y = pc, color = "direction") +
    xlab("Genes") +
    geom_point() +
    geom_segment(aes_string(xend = "gene", yend = mean(top[[pc]]))) +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = "none")

#' @title Get training probabilities
#' @description Gets training probabilities for each trained model
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("getTrainResults", def = function(object) {

#' @title Get training probabilities
#' @description Gets training probabilities for each trained model
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("getTrainResults", signature("scPred"), function(object){
    if(length(object@train) == 0){
        stop("No models have been trained")
    if(ncol(object@train[[1]]$pred) == 0){
        stop('No training results were calculated. Set savePredictions = "final" and returnData = TRUE')
    probs <- lapply(names(object@train), function(model) extractProb(object@train[model]))
    names(probs) <- names(object@train)

#' @title Get predictions
#' @description Gets prediction probabilities for each cell class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("getPredictions", def = function(object) {

#' @title Get training probabilities
#' @description Gets prediction probabilities for each cell class
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("getPredictions", signature("scPred"), function(object){
    if(length(object@train) == 0){
        stop("No predictions have been performed")

#' @title Plot gene expression data
#' @description Plots a PCA and projection with the gene expression values for a given gene
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param gene Gene id. Must match one of the row names in the gene expression matrix used as input
#' @param pc Vector of length 2 with the two dimensions to be plotted
#' @param low Color for low gene expression
#' @param high Color for high gene expression
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("plotExp", def = function(object, gene, pc = c(1,2), low = "gray", high = "red") {

#' @title Plot gene expression data
#' @description Plots a PCA and projection with the gene expression values for a given gene
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param gene Gene id. Must match one of the row names in the gene expression matrix used as input
#' @param pc Vector of length 2 with the two dimensions to be plotted
#' @param low Color for low gene expression
#' @param high Color for high gene expression
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("plotExp", signature("scPred"), function(object, gene, pc = c(1,2), low = "gray", high = "red"){
    iTrain <- which(rownames(object@trainData) == gene)
    if(length(iTrain) == 0){
        stop("Gene not found in training data")
    trainGenes <- t(object@trainData[iTrain, , drop = FALSE])
    namesPC <- paste0("PC", pc)
    pca <- as.data.frame(subsetMatrix(getPCA(object), namesPC))
    pca$gene <- trainGenes
    pca$dataset <- "Train"
    if(length(object@projection) & length(object@predData)){
        if(any(!namesPC %in% names(object@projection))){
            message("Performing projection of non-informative principal components...")
            projection <- projectNewData(object, object@predData, informative = FALSE)
            object@projection <- projection
        iPred <- which(rownames(object@predData) == gene)
        if(length(iPred) == 0){
            stop("Gene not found in prediction data")
        predGenes <- t(object@predData[iPred,])
        pcaPred <- data.frame(object@projection[namesPC], gene = predGenes)
        pcaPred$dataset <- "Prediction"
        pcaAll <- rbind(pca, pcaPred)
        pcaAll$dataset <- factor(pcaAll$dataset, levels = c("Train", "Prediction"))
        pcaAll <- pca
    ggplot(pcaAll, aes_string(x = namesPC[1], y =  namesPC[2])) +
    geom_point(aes(color = gene)) +
    scale_color_gradient(low = low, high = high) +
    ggtitle(gene) +
    theme_bw() -> p
    if(any("Prediction" == pcaAll$dataset)){
        p <- p + facet_wrap(~dataset)

#' @title Get accuracy
#' @description Returns the accuracy per group (recall) given a known "true" for the prediction dataset
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param var Variable in \code{predMeta} slot containing them true classes. True classes will be compared to
#' the classifications provided by scPred in the \code{predictions} slot
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setGeneric("getAccuracy", def = function(object, var) {

#' @title Get accuracy
#' @description Returns the accuracy per group (recall) given a known "true" for the prediction dataset
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param var Variable in \code{predMeta} slot containing them true classes. True classes will be compared to
#' the classifications provided by scPred in the \code{predictions} slot
#' @importFrom methods setMethod
#' @export

setMethod("getAccuracy", signature("scPred"), function(object, var){
    if(length(object@predMeta) == 0){
        stop("No metadata for prediction dataset has been stored")
    if(!var %in% names(object@predMeta)){
        stop("Variable not present in metadata")
    response <- make.names(as.character(object@predMeta[[var]]))
    predictions <- object@predictions["predClass"]
    truePred <- cbind(predictions, response)
    # Get accuracy
    res <- as.data.frame(table(truePred$response))
    names(res) <- c("true", "total")
    truePred %>%
    set_colnames(c("prediction", "true")) %>%
    mutate(result = if_else(prediction == true, "correct", "incorrect")) %>%
    group_by(true, result) %>%
    summarise(n = n()) %>%
    filter(result == "correct") %>%
    select(-result) -> counts
    left_join(res, counts, by = "true") %>%
    select(true, n, total) %>%
    mutate(n = if_else(is.na(n), 0, as.numeric(n))) %>%
    mutate(accuracy = n/total) %>%

#' @title Gets contingency table
#' @description If the \code{predMeta} slot contains a column with the true classes of the cells,
#' builds a contingency table by using this column as reference and comparing it to the predicted classes
#' obtained with \code{scPredict}. If an independent column with predicted classes is in the prediction
#' metadata, this column instead of the default classes assigned by \code{scPred} can be provided using the
#' \code{pred} parameter.
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param true Column name in \code{predMeta} slot that corresponds to the true known classes
#' @param pred Column name in \code{predMeta} slot that corresponds to the predicted classes
#' if they  have been assigned independently from the \code{scPredict()} function
#' @param fill Value to fill contingency table ff unique cell classes from the true and the
#' predicted columns do not match.
#' @param prop Return proportions or counts? Default: proportions
#' @param digits If proportions are returned, number of digits to round numbers
#' @return A contingency table
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_ summarise
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @author José Alquicira Hernández

setGeneric("crossTab", def = function(object, true, pred = NULL, fill = 0, prop = TRUE, digits = 2) {

#' @title Gets contingency table
#' @description If the \code{predMeta} slot contains a column with the true classes of the cells,
#' builds a contingency table by using this column as reference and comparing it to the predicted classes
#' obtained with \code{scPredict}. If an independent column with predicted classes is in the prediction
#' metadata, this column instead of the default classes assigned by \code{scPred} can be provided using the
#' \code{pred} parameter.
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param true Column name in \code{predMeta} slot that corresponds to the true known classes
#' @param pred Column name in \code{predMeta} slot that corresponds to the predicted classes
#' if they  have been assigned independently from the \code{scPredict()} function
#' @param fill Value to fill contingency table ff unique cell classes from the true and the
#' predicted columns do not match.
#' @param prop Return proportions or counts? Default: proportions
#' @param digits If proportions are returned, number of digits to round numbers
#' @return A contingency table
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_ summarise
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @author José Alquicira Hernández

setMethod("crossTab", signature("scPred"),
function(object, true, pred = NULL, fill = 0, prop = TRUE, digits = 2){
    res <- processPreds(object = object, true = true, pred = pred)
    predictions <- res$predictions
    true <- res$true
    pred <- res$pred
    predictions %>%
    group_by_(pred, true) %>%
    summarise(n = n()) %>%
    spread(key = true, value = "n", fill = fill) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    column_to_rownames(pred) -> x
        row_names <- rownames(x)
        x <- mapply(function(x,d){x/d}, x, colSums(x))
        rownames(x) <- row_names
        x %>%
        round(digits) %>%
        as.data.frame() -> x

#' @title Plot prediction probabilities
#' @description Plots the probability distributions according to a grouping variable.
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param facet Column name in \code{predMeta} slot
#' if they have been assigned independently from the \code{scPredict()} function
#' @return A distribution probability plot divided into facets representing the groups contained in the
#' provided facet column name and colors to the corresponding probabilities for each class. If no grouping
#' variable is provided to the \code{facet} parameter, distributions are divided according to the predicted classes
#' by default
#' @export
#' @author José Alquicira Hernández

setGeneric("plotPredProbs", def = function(object, facet = NULL){

#' @title Plot prediction probabilities
#' @description Plots the probability distributions according to a grouping variable.
#' @param object \code{scPred} object
#' @param facet Column name in \code{predMeta} slot
#' if they have been assigned independently from the \code{scPredict()} function
#' @return A distribution probability plot divided into facets representing the groups contained in the
#' provided facet column name and colors to the corresponding probabilities for each class. If no grouping
#' variable is provided to the \code{facet} parameter, distributions are divided according to the predicted classes
#' by default
#' @export
#' @author José Alquicira Hernández

setMethod("plotPredProbs", signature("scPred"), function(object, facet = NULL) {
    if(nrow(object@predMeta) == 0){
        stop("No prediction metadata has been assigned to scPred object")
        predictions <- getPredictions(object)
        facet <- "predClass"
        res  <- processPreds(object, true = facet)
        predictions <- res$predictions
        fill <- res$true
    n <- length(object@train)
    predictions %>%
    gather(key = "Class", value = "prob", seq_len(n)) %>%
    ggplot() +
    aes_string(x = "prob", fill = "Class") +
    geom_histogram(color = "black") +
    facet_wrap(as.formula(paste("~", facet)), scales = "free") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = getPalette(n)) +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("Probability") +
    ylab("Number of cells")
IMB-Computational-Genomics-Lab/scPred documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 7:37 a.m.