
Defines functions create_event_table

Documented in create_event_table

#' Create an event table
#' @param regimen regimen
#' @param t_max t_max
#' @param t_obs t_obs
#' @param t_tte t_tte
#' @param t_init t_init
#' @param p parameters
#' @param covariates covariates
#' @param model model
#' @param obs_type observation type
#' @keywords internal
create_event_table <- function(
  t_max = NULL,
  t_obs = NULL,
  t_tte = NULL,
  t_init = 0,
  model = NULL,
  obs_type = NULL) {

  if(length(regimen$t_inf) < length(regimen$dose_times)) {
    regimen$t_inf <- c(regimen$tinf, rep(utils::tail(regimen$t_inf, 1), (length(regimen$dose_times) - length(regimen$t_inf))) )
  if(is.null(obs_type)) {
    obs_type <- rep(1, length(t_obs))
  } else {
    if(length(obs_type) != length(t_obs)) {
      stop("Length of `obs_type` vector is not equal to length of `t_obs`. Please fix input data.")
  if(t_init != 0) {
    t_obs <- c(0, t_obs + t_init)
    if(length(obs_type) > 0) {
      obs_type <- c(as.numeric(names(sort(table(obs_type), decreasing=TRUE)[1])), obs_type) # Temporary: assume pre-TDM is most common observed type. Should be specified in argument ideally, but edge-case so leaving for now.
    } else {
      obs_type <- 1

  dose_cmt <- 1
  if(!is.null(regimen$cmt)) {
    regimen$dose_cmt <- regimen$cmt

  } else if (!is.null(model) && !is.null(attr(model, "cmt_mapping"))) {
    cmt_mapping <- attr(model, "cmt_mapping")
    if (!all(regimen$type %in% names(cmt_mapping))) {
        "Unrecognized regimen type. Define '",
        setdiff(regimen$type, names(cmt_mapping)),
        "' in model md field `cmt_mapping`"
    regimen$dose_cmt <- vapply(regimen$type, function(x) cmt_mapping[[x]], FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  } else {
    if (!is.null(model) && !is.null(attr(model, "dose")$cmt)) {
      dose_cmt <- attr(model, "dose")$cmt

    regimen$dose_cmt <- rep(dose_cmt, length(regimen$dose_times))

  ## bioavailability
  bioav <- 1
  # Handled now in Cpp file!
  # if(!is.null(attr(model, "dose")$bioav)) {
  #   bioav <- attr(model, "dose")$bioav
  # }

  ## first, add covariates to regimen to be incorporated in design
  if(!is.null(covariates)) {
    cov_dfs <- lapply(
      function(name, covariates) {
          name = name,
          time = covariates[[name]]$times,
          value = covariates[[name]]$value,
          implementation = covariates[[name]]$implementation
      covariates = covariates
    covt <- data.table::rbindlist(cov_dfs)

    # Converting type isn't super fast and the time adds up, so only do it
    # if needed
    if (!is.numeric(covt$time)) {
        covt$time <- as.numeric(as.character(covt$time))
    if (!is.numeric(covt$value)) {
        covt$value<- as.numeric(as.character(covt$value))

    # add covariate update times as dummy dose
    regimen$evid <- c(rep(1, length(regimen$dose_times)), rep(2, length(covt$time)))
    regimen$dose_times <- c(regimen$dose_times, covt$time)
    regimen$dose_amts <- c(regimen$dose_amts, rep(0, length(covt$time)))
    regimen$type <- c(regimen$type, rep("covariate", length(covt$time)))
    regimen$dose_cmt <- c(regimen$dose_cmt, rep(0, length(covt$time)))
    regimen$t_inf <- c(regimen$t_inf, rep(0, length(covt$time)))

    ord <- order(regimen$dose_times)
    regimen$dose_times <- regimen$dose_times[ord]
    regimen$dose_amts  <- regimen$dose_amts[ord]
    regimen$type <- regimen$type[ord]
    regimen$dose_cmt  <- regimen$dose_cmt[ord]
    regimen$t_inf  <- regimen$t_inf[ord]
    regimen$evid  <- regimen$evid[ord]
    regimen$bioav <- 0
  } else {
    regimen$evid <- 1

  # parse list to a design (data.frame)
  # For boluses, oral, sc, im, and covariates, set infusion time to 0. For all
  # other methods, assume infusion time was provided correctly
  is_bolus <- regimen$type %in% c("oral", "bolus", "sc", "im", "covariate")
  regimen$t_inf[is_bolus] <- 0
  dos <- data.frame(cbind(t = regimen$dose_times,
                  dose = regimen$dose_amts,
                  type = as.numeric(regimen$t_inf != 0),
                  dum = 0,
                  dose_cmt = regimen$dose_cmt,
                  t_inf = regimen$t_inf,
                  evid = regimen$evid,
                  bioav = bioav,
                  rate = 0))
  if(sum(regimen$t_inf, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    dos$rate[regimen$t_inf > 0] <- regimen$dose_amts[regimen$t_inf > 0] / regimen$t_inf[regimen$t_inf > 0]
  if(any(regimen$t_inf > 0)) {
    dos_t2 <- cbind(t = regimen$dose_times[regimen$t_inf > 0] + regimen$t_inf[regimen$t_inf > 0],
                          dose = 0,
                          type = 1,
                          dum = 1,
                          dose_cmt = regimen$dose_cmt[regimen$t_inf > 0],
                          t_inf = 0,
                          evid = 2,
                          bioav = 0, #bioav,
                          rate = -dos$rate[regimen$t_inf > 0])
    dos[(length(dos[,1])+1) : (length(dos[,1])+length(dos_t2[,1])),] <- dos_t2
    dos <- data.frame(dos)
  design <- dos[order(dos$t, -dos$dose),]
  if(!is.null(t_obs) && length(t_obs) != 0) { # make sure observation times are in dataset
    t_obs <- round(t_obs, 6)
    t_diff <- setdiff(t_obs, design$t)
    if(length(t_diff) > 0) {
      design[(length(design[,1])+1) : (length(design[,1])+length(t_diff)),] <- cbind(
         t = t_diff,
         dose = 0,
         type = 0,
         dum = 0,
         dose_cmt = 0,
         t_inf = 0,
         evid = 0,
         bioav = 0,
         rate = 0)
      design <- design[order(design$t, -design$dose),]
  if(!is.null(t_tte) && length(t_obs) != 0) { # make sure tte times are in dataset
    t_diff <- setdiff(t_tte, design$t)
    if(length(t_diff) > 0) {
      tmp <- cbind(
         t = t_diff,
         dose = 0,
         type = 0,
         dum = 0,
         dose_cmt = 0,
         t_inf = 0,
         evid = 2,
         bioav = 0,
         rate = 0)
      design[(length(design[,1])+1) : (length(design[,1])+length(t_diff)),] <- tmp[order(tmp$t, -tmp$dose),]
  if(is.null(t_max)) {
    if(t_init != 0) t_max <- t_max + t_init
    if(length(design$t) > 1) {
      t_max <- utils::tail(design$t,1)
    } else {
       t_max <- utils::tail(design$t,1) + 24 # guess timeframe, user should use tmax argument
    if(!is.null(t_obs) && length(t_obs) > 0) {
      if(is.null(t_max) || is.na(t_max) || t_max < max(t_obs)) { t_max <- max(t_obs) }
    if(!is.null(t_tte) && length(t_tte) > 0) {
      t_tte <- t_tte + t_init
      if(is.null(t_tte) || is.na(t_max) || t_max < max(t_tte)) { t_max <- max(t_tte) }
  design <- design[design$t <= t_max,]
  design[length(design[,1])+1,] <- utils::tail(design,1)
  design[length(design[,1]), c("t", "dose")] <- c(t_max,0)

  # now add the covariate values to the design dataset
  if(!is.null(covariates)) {
    for(j in seq(names(covariates))) {
      design[[paste0("cov_", names(covariates)[j])]] <- 0
      design[[paste0("cov_t_", names(covariates)[j])]] <- 0
      design[[paste0("gradients_", names(covariates)[j])]] <- 0
      nam <- names(covariates)[j]
      tmp <- covt[covt$name == nam,]
      for(i in 1:length(tmp[,1])) {
        design[design$t >= tmp[i,]$time, c(paste0("cov_", nam))] <- tmp[i,]$value
        design[design$t >= tmp[i,]$time, c(paste0("cov_t_", nam))] <- tmp[i,]$time
        if(tolower(tmp[i,]$implementation) != "locf") {
          if(i < length(tmp[,1])) {
            if((tmp[i+1,]$time - tmp[i,]$time) > 0) {
              design[design$t >= tmp[i,]$time, c(paste0("gradients_", nam))] <- (tmp[i+1,]$value - tmp[i,]$value)  / (tmp[i+1,]$time - tmp[i,]$time)
          } else {
            design[design$t >= tmp[i,]$time, c(paste0("gradients_", nam))] <- 0
        } else {
          design[,c(paste0("gradients_", nam))] <- 0
    # remove covariate points where there is also a dose
    design <- design[!duplicated(paste(design$t, design$dose, design$dum, design$dose_cmt, sep = "_")),]
    # design <- design[!(design$t %in% covt$time & design$t %in% regimen$dose_times & design$dose == 0 & design$dum == 0) | design$t %in% t_obs,]
  design <- design[design$t <= max(t_obs),]
  if(!is.null(obs_type)) {
    design$idx <- 1:nrow(design)
    design <- merge(design, data.frame(t = t_obs, obs_type), all=TRUE)
    design$obs_type <- ifelse(is.na(design$obs_type), 0, as.integer(design$obs_type))

    # merging can induce multiple doses and/or multiple infusion stop events, should reset those to being observations
    duplicate_event <- design$evid %in% c(1,2) & duplicated(design$idx)
    if(any(duplicate_event)) {
      design[duplicate_event, c("dose", "rate", "evid", "type", "t_inf", "dose_cmt", "bioav")] <- 0
    design$idx <- NULL
  design <- design[order(design$t, design$type, design$dum, decreasing=FALSE),]
  if(t_init != 0) { # add event line at t=0, to start integration
     design <- design[c(1, 1:nrow(design)),]
     design[1, 1:9] <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0)

InsightRX/PKPDsim documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 11:36 p.m.