
Defines functions new_covariate

Documented in new_covariate

#' New covariate
#' Describe data for a covariate, either fixed or time-variant
#' @param value a numeric vector
#' @param times NULL for time-invariant covariate or a numeric vector specifying
#'   the update times for the covariate
#' @param implementation for time-varying covariates either 'locf' (last
#'   observation carried forward) or 'interpolate' (default). Non-numeric
#'   covariate values are assumed to be locf.
#' @param interpolation_join_limit for `interpolate` option, if covariate
#'   timepoints are spaced too close together, the ODE solver sometimes chokes.
#'   This argument sets a lower limit on the space between timepoints. It will
#'   create average values on joint timepoints instead. If undesired set to
#'   `NULL` or 0.
#' @param unit specify covariate unit (optional, for documentation purposes
#'   only)
#' @param remove_negative_times should times before zero be discarded (with
#'   value at time zero determined based on `implementation` argument), `TRUE`
#'   or `FALSE`.
#' @param round_times round times to specified number of digits. If `NULL`, will
#'  not round.
#' @param comments `NULL`, or vector of length equal to `value` specifying
#'  comments to each observation (optional, for documentation only)
#' @param verbose verbosity
#' @export
#' @return Object of class `"covariate"`
#' @md
new_covariate <- function(
  value = NULL,
  times = NULL,
  implementation = c("interpolate", "locf"),
  unit = NULL,
  interpolation_join_limit = 1,
  remove_negative_times = TRUE,
  round_times = NULL,
  comments = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE) {
  if(is.null(value)) {
    stop("Covariate value required!")
  if(is.null(times)) { # time invariant
    times <- c(0)
    value <- value[1]
  implementation <- tolower(implementation)
  implementation <- match.arg(implementation, c("interpolate", "locf"))
  if (mode(value) != "numeric" || is.factor(value)) {
    if (implementation == "interpolate" && verbose) {
      message("Non-numeric values cannot be interpolated. Switching to 'locf'.")
    implementation <- "locf"
    value <- as.character(value)
  srt <- order(times)
  times <- times[srt]
  values <- value[srt]
  if(is.null(unit)) unit <- "undefined"
  if(length(unit) == 1) {
    unit <- rep(as.character(unit), length(srt))
  } else {
    unit <- as.character(unit[srt])
  if(implementation == "interpolate" && isTRUE(interpolation_join_limit > 0)) {
    new_times <- c()
    new_values <- c()
    new_unit <- c()
    tmp <- data.frame(cbind(t = times, incl = FALSE))
    msg <- FALSE
    for(i in 1:length(tmp$t)) {
      if(!tmp[i,]$incl) {
        id <- abs(tmp$t - tmp$t[i]) < interpolation_join_limit
        if(sum(id) > 1) {
          msg <- TRUE
        new_times <- c(new_times, mean(times[id]))
        new_values <- c(new_values, mean(values[id]))
        new_unit <- c(new_unit, unit[id][1])
        tmp$incl[id] <- TRUE
    if(verbose && msg) {
      message("Note: Some covariate observations were joined to protect against ODE solver issues, see help on `interpolation_join_limit` argument for more info. Important: Units are disregarded in this join, so please preprocess data if units vary!")
  } else {
    new_times <- times
    new_values <- values
    new_unit <- unit
  if(remove_negative_times) {
    if(any(new_times < 0)) { # extend to time zero if any observation is < 0
      if(! (0 %in% new_times)) {
        # add zero time, and remove all t < 0
        if(any(new_times > 0)) { # add the interpolated obs before and after 0 as t=0
          if(mode(new_values) == "numeric" && implementation == "interpolate") {
            new_times <- c(new_times, 0)
            y1 <- utils::tail(new_values[new_times < 0],1)
            y2 <- utils::head(new_values[new_times > 0],1)
            t1 <- utils::tail(new_times[new_times < 0],1)
            t2 <- utils::head(new_times[new_times > 0],1)
            grad <-  (y2-y1) / (t2-t1)
            new_values <- c(new_values, y1 + grad * (0-t1))
            new_unit <- c(new_unit, utils::tail(new_unit[new_times < 0],1))
          } else { # add the last obs before 0 as t=0
            new_times <- c(new_times, 0)
            new_values <- c(new_values, utils::tail(new_values[new_times < 0], 1))
            new_unit <- c(new_unit, utils::tail(new_unit[new_times < 0], 1))
        } else {
          new_times <- 0
          new_values <- utils::tail(new_values,1)
          new_unit <- utils::tail(new_unit,1)
    new_values <- new_values[new_times >= 0]
    new_unit <- new_unit[new_times >= 0]
    new_times <- new_times[new_times >= 0]
    srt <- order(new_times)
    new_times <- new_times[srt]
    new_values <- new_values[srt]
    new_unit <- new_unit[srt]
  if(min(new_times) > 0) { # extend to time zero if first observation is > 0
    if(new_times[1] > interpolation_join_limit) {
      # add observation at t=0
      new_times <- c(0, new_times)
      new_values <- c(new_values[1], new_values)
      new_unit <- c(new_unit[1], new_unit)
    } else {
      # assume observation was at t=0
      new_times <- c(0, new_times[-1])
      if (verbose) message("Note: time for first covariate measurement set to 0.")
  if(length(new_unit) > length(new_values)) {
    new_unit <- new_unit[1:length(new_values)]
  if(!is.null(round_times)) {
    new_times <- round(new_times, round_times)
  cov <- list(
    value = new_values,
    times = new_times,
    implementation = implementation,
    unit = new_unit,
    comments = comments
  class(cov) <- c("covariate", class(cov))
InsightRX/PKPDsim documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 11:36 p.m.