
Defines functions rmarkdown_wrap report report_moderators report_3psm report_i2 report_baseline report_n report_q

Documented in report


report_q = function(x,
                    rmarkdown = FALSE,
                    digits = 2) {
  call = match.call()
  envir = sys.parent()
  if (class(x) != "name")
    x <- call$x
  stat_q = rmarkdown_wrap(
    glue::glue('get_val({x}, "Q", digits = {digits})'),
    rmarkdown = rmarkdown,
    envir = envir
  stat_df = rmarkdown_wrap(
    glue::glue('get_val({x}, "Q_df", digits = 0)'),
    rmarkdown = rmarkdown,
    envir = envir
  stat_p = rmarkdown_wrap(
    glue::glue('papyr::round_p(get_val({x}, "Q_p"),3)'),
    rmarkdown = rmarkdown,
    envir = envir

  if (stat_p < 0.05) {
    mess = glue::glue(
      "Inspecting the Q statistic revealed significant heterogeneity $Q$({stat_df}) = {stat_q}, $p$ {stat_p}."
  } else{
    mess = glue::glue("Evidence for heterogeneity was not found $Q$({stat_df}) = {stat_q}, $p$ = {stat_p}.")



report_n = function(x, rmarkdown = FALSE){
  call = match.call()
  envir = sys.parent()
  if(class(x) != "name") x <- call$x
  stat_k = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('papyr::as_word(get_val({x}, k, digits = 0), T)'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  stat_n = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('get_val({x}, n, digits = 0)'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)

    mess = glue::glue("{stat_k} studies ({stat_n} effects) reported data which could be pooled.")



report_baseline = function(x, rmarkdown = FALSE, digits = 2, transf = NULL){
  call = match.call()

  envir = sys.parent()
  if(class(x) != "name") x <- call$x
  if(class(transf) != "name") transf <- call$transf

  stat_est = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('get_val({x}, estimate, digits = {digits}, transf = {deparse(transf)})'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  stat_lower = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('get_val({x}, lbound, digits = {digits}, transf = {deparse(transf)})'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  stat_upper = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('get_val({x}, ubound, digits = {digits}, transf = {deparse(transf)})'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  mess = glue::glue("The pooled effect size was {stat_est} [95% CI {stat_lower}, {stat_upper}].")

report_i2 = function(x, rmarkdown = FALSE, digits = 2){
  call = match.call()
  envir = sys.parent()
  if(class(x) != "name") x <- call$x
  stat_i2_2 = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('papyr::digits(get_val({x}, I2_2) * 100)'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  stat_i2_3 = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue('papyr::digits(get_val({x}, I2_3) *100)'), rmarkdown = rmarkdown, envir = envir)
  mess = glue::glue("The within and between cluster heterogeneity was {stat_i2_2}% and {stat_i2_3}% respectively.")

report_3psm = function(x, digits = 2, transf = NULL){
  call = match.call()
  envir = sys.parent()
  if(class(x) != "name") x <- call$x
  x = eval(x, envir = envir)

  chi2 = papyr::digits(with(msemtools:::threePSM({x}), chisq), digits)
  df = with(msemtools:::threePSM({x}), df)
  p = papyr::round_p(with(msemtools:::threePSM({x}), pvalue))
  real_p = with(msemtools:::threePSM({x}), pvalue)

  was_message = ifelse(real_p < 0.05, "was", "was not")

  mess = glue::glue("Evidence of potential publication bias {was_message} detected $\\chi^2$({df}) = {chi2}, $p$ = {p}.")
  if(real_p <0.05){

    adjusted_result = msemtools:::PET_PEESE(x, transf = transf)
    mess2 = glue::glue("The estimate adjusted for publication bias was {adjusted_result}.")
    mess = paste(mess, mess2)

report_moderators = function(x, rmarkdown = FALSE, digits = 2){
  call = match.call()
  if(class(x) != "name") x <- call$x
  dat = eval(x)
  mods = data.table::data.table(get_moderators(dat))
  mods = mods[mods$sig == T,]
  envir = sys.parent()

  if(nrow(mods) == 0){
    return("No covariate was found to be a significant moderator of the baseline model.")

  mods$r2_2.md = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue("papyr::digits(get_val({x}, R2_2, '{mods$moderator}')*100,{digits})"),rmarkdown, envir=envir)
  mods$r2_3.md = rmarkdown_wrap(glue::glue("papyr::digits(get_val({x}, R2_3, '{mods$moderator}')*100,{digits})"),rmarkdown, envir=envir)

  if (nrow(mods) == 1) {
    sent_mods = glue::glue(
      "'<<mods$moderator>>' ($R^2_{(2)}$ = <<mods$r2_2.md>>%; $R^2_{(3)}$ = <<mods$r2_3.md>>%)",
      .open = "<<",
      .close = ">>"
  } else{
    sent_mods = papyr::c_sentence(
        "'<<mods$moderator>>' ($R^2_{(2)}$ = <<mods$r2_2.md>>%; $R^2_{(3)}$ = <<mods$r2_3.md>>%)",
        .open = "<<",
        .close = ">>"

  if(nrow(mods) ==1){
    mess = glue::glue("The covariate which significantly moderated the baseline model was {sent_mods}.")

  if(nrow(mods) > 1){
  mess = glue::glue("The covariates which significantly moderated the baseline model were {sent_mods}.")


#' report
#' Constructs written reports about the contents of models
#' @param meta_ninja the meta_ninja object
#' @param ... things to report. One o
#' @param rmarkdown return results in rmarkdown?
#' @param digits the number of digits to return
#' @param transf you can supply a function to transform baseline pooled estimates
#' @export report

report = function(meta_ninja,..., rmarkdown = FALSE, digits = 2, transf = NULL, threePSM = FALSE){
call = match.call()

elip = sapply(substitute(list(...)),deparse)[-1]
options = c("n","q","baseline","i2","moderators")
if(threePSM) options = c(options, "threePSM")

filt = tidyselect::vars_select(options, elip)
if(length(filt) == 0) filt = options

mess = list(
  n = report_n(call$meta_ninja, rmarkdown = rmarkdown),
  q = report_q(call$meta_ninja, rmarkdown = rmarkdown, digits = 2),
  baseline = report_baseline(
    rmarkdown = rmarkdown,
    digits = 2,
    transf = transf
  i2 = report_i2(call$meta_ninja, rmarkdown = rmarkdown, digits = 2),
  moderators = report_moderators(call$meta_ninja, rmarkdown = rmarkdown, digits = 2)

  mess$threePSM = report_3psm(call$meta_ninja, digits = 2, transf = transf)

mess = paste(mess[filt], collapse = " ")
mess = gsub("call\\$transform","NULL",mess)



rmarkdown_wrap = function(code, rmarkdown = FALSE, envir = sys.parent()){
call = match.call()


    if(length(code) >1){

      return(unlist(lapply(seq_along(code), function(i) eval(parse(text = code[[i]]), envir = envir))))
    return(eval(parse(text = code), envir = envir))

    return(glue::glue('`r {code}`'))


JConigrave/msemtools documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 12:09 p.m.