
Defines functions getFileInfo

Documented in getFileInfo

#' List all CMIP5 files in a directory tree
#' List all CMIP5 files in a directory tree, parsing their filenames for
#' information like experiment, model, and variable names.
#' @param path string root of directory tree
#' @param recursive logical. Should the listing recurse into directories?
#' @return  data.frame containing the following parsed from file names:
#' \item{filename}{Full filename, including path}
#' \item{variable}{File variable}
#' \item{domain}{File domain}
#' \item{model}{Model that produced this file}
#' \item{experiment}{File experiment}
#' \item{ensemble}{File ensemble}
#' \item{time}{year (and often month) range of file}
#' \item{size}{File size, in kilobytes}
#' @details For more information on CMIP5 filename structure and data description,
#' see \url{http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/data_description.html}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getFileInfo()
#' getFileInfo('.', recursive=FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{checkTimePeriod}}
getFileInfo <- function(path='.', recursive=TRUE) {

    # Sanity checks

    # Pull all nc files from the directory
    fullFile <- list.files(path=path, pattern='nc$',
                           full.names=TRUE, recursive=recursive)

    # Check that there are nc files to process
    if(!length(fullFile)) {
        warning('No NetCDF files found')

    # Pull the file name w/o directory and take off the '.nc',
    shortFile <- gsub(".nc$", "", basename(fullFile))

    # Split out the various components of the file name based on CMIP5
    # ...file naming convention: variable_domain_model_experiment_ensemble_time
    # ...or variable_domain_model_experiment_ensemble. The first example
    # ...contains 6 string identifiers while the second contains 5.
    fileInfo <- strsplit(shortFile, split='_')

    # Get the number of string identifiers in the file names
    infoSize <- unlist(lapply(fileInfo, length))
    # Flag the ones that match the expected number (5 or 6)
    valid <- infoSize %in% c(5,6)

    # Remove the files which do not have expected number of string identifiers
    if(!all(valid)) {
        warning('Unexpected (not correctly formatted) files. Cutting the following files from the list: ', fullFile[!valid])
        fullFile <- fullFile[valid]
        shortFile <- shortFile[valid]
        fileInfo <- fileInfo[valid]
        infoSize <- infoSize[valid]
        if(length(fullFile) == 0) {
            warning('No files to process.')

    # Pull the file size
    sizeInfo <- unlist(lapply(fullFile, function(x) { paste0(round(file.info(x)$size/1024), "K") }))

    # Since some of the files only have 5 pieces of information and other's have
    # ...6 we need to deal with them seperately and then merge the data frames.

    # Deal with the 'fixed' variables  (example: areacella)
    if(any(infoSize == 5)) {
        fixedInfo <- t(as.data.frame(fileInfo[infoSize == 5], row.names=NULL))
        fixedInfo <- cbind(fixedInfo, rep('', length=sum(infoSize == 5)))
        fixedInfo <- data.frame(path=dirname(fullFile[infoSize == 5]),
    } else {
        fixedInfo <- NULL

    # Deal with the 'temporal' variables (example: tas)
    if(any(infoSize == 6)) {
        temporalInfo <-  t(as.data.frame(fileInfo[infoSize==6], row.names=NULL))
        temporalInfo <- data.frame(path=dirname(fullFile[infoSize == 6]),
    } else {
        temporalInfo <- NULL

    # Put everything together
    fileInfo.df <- rbind(fixedInfo, temporalInfo)
    names(fileInfo.df) <- c('path', 'filename', 'variable', 'domain', 'model', 'experiment', 'ensemble', 'time', 'size')
    fileInfo.df <- data.frame(lapply(fileInfo.df, as.character),

} # getFileInfo
JGCRI/RCMIP5 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:43 a.m.