
# Test global constants for proper capitalization convention
# E.g. "XXX" and "driver.XXX" are OK, but "xxx" is not


test_that("constants are capitalized correctly", {
  ns <- getNamespace("gcamland")
  objnames <- ls(ns, all.names = FALSE)

  for(oname in objnames) {
    obj <- get(oname, envir = ns)
    if(!is.function(obj)) {

      # Globals may have an initial qualifier that's lowercase,
      # but after that needs to be all uppercase
      oname <- gsub(pattern = "^[a-z]*\\.", "", oname)
      expect_identical(oname, toupper(oname), info = paste(oname, "incorrectly capitalized"))
JGCRI/gcamland documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 5:30 p.m.