
context('Running model interface queries')

SAMPLE.GCAMDBLOC <- system.file("extdata",
SAMPLE.QUERIES <- system.file("ModelInterface", "sample-queries.xml",
refscen <- 'Reference-filtered'
refdate <- lubridate::ymd_hms('2016-12-13 13:31:05')

conn <- suppressMessages(localDBConn(SAMPLE.GCAMDBLOC, "sample_basexdb"))
queries <- parse_batch_query(SAMPLE.QUERIES)

test_that('queries can be parsed', {
              expect_silent({qt <- parse_batch_query(SAMPLE.QUERIES)})
              expect_equal(length(qt), 8)
                           c("CO2 concentrations", "Climate forcing",
                             "Global mean temperature",  "GDP by region",
                             "PPP GDP by region", "Population by region",
                             "Building floorspace", "Land Allocation")
                           "<ClimateQuery title=\"Global mean temperature\">\n  <axis1 name=\"temperature\">none</axis1>\n  <axis2 name=\"Year\">global-mean-temperature[@year]</axis2>\n  <xPath buildList=\"true\" dataName=\"global-mean-temperature\" group=\"false\" sumAll=\"false\">climate-model/global-mean-temperature/text()</xPath>\n  <comments/>\n</ClimateQuery>")

test_that('trying to connect to an invalid database produces an error.', {
              expect_error({dbc <-
                           'Database does not exist or is invalid')

test_that('runQuery works with default arguments and local db', {
              expect_silent({rslt <- runQuery(conn, queries[[4]]$query)})
              expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 22)
              expect_equal(names(rslt), c("Units", "scenario", "region", "year",
                                          "value", "rundate"))
              expect_equal(min(rslt$year), 1975)
              expect_equal(max(rslt$year), 2100)
              expect_true(all(rslt$scenario == refscen))
              expect_true(all(rslt$region == 'USA'))
              crd <- class(rslt$rundate)
              lrd <- rslt$rundate == refdate
              expect_true(all(lrd), info=paste('rundate class= ', crd, ' failval= ', (rslt$rundate[lrd])[1]))

test_that('runQuery works with explicit arguments and local db', {
              queries <- parse_batch_query(SAMPLE.QUERIES)
              expect_silent({rslt <- runQuery(conn, queries[[4]]$query,
              expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 22)
              expect_equal(names(rslt), c("Units", "scenario", "region", "year",
                                          "value", "rundate"))
              expect_equal(min(rslt$year), 1975)
              expect_equal(max(rslt$year), 2100)
              expect_true(all(rslt$scenario == refscen))
              expect_true(all(rslt$region == 'USA'))
              expect_true(all(rslt$rundate == refdate))

test_that('warnings issued appropriately for empty tables', {
              expect_warning({rslt <- runQuery(conn, queries[[4]]$query,
                             'Query returned empty table')
              expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 0)
              skip("Skip due to readr bug which doesn't drop whitespace in an empty file then warns about it.")
              expect_silent({rslt <- runQuery(conn, queries[[4]]$query,
                                              warn.empty = FALSE)})
              expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 0)

test_that('empty region queries all region for XQuery style queries', {
    bld_xquery_query <- '<supplyDemandQuery title="Building Floorspace per capita">
        <axis1 name="Floorspace">input[@name]</axis1>
        <axis2 name="Year">demand-physical[@vintage]</axis2>
        <xPath buildList="true" dataName="percapita floorspace" group="false" sumAll="false">
            declare function local:append-heirarchy($parent as node(), $append as node()) as node() {
                let $scn := $parent/ancestor::scenario,
                $rgn := $parent/ancestor::region,
                $consumer := $parent/ancestor::gcam-consumer
                document { element scenario {
                    element region {
                        element gcam-consumer {
            declare function local:get-percapita($inputs as node()*) as node()* {
                unordered {
                    for $input in $inputs
                    let $new_input :=
                        element input {
                            attribute type {\'input\'},
                            attribute name { $input/@name },
                            for $demand in $input/floorspace
                            element demand-physical {
                                attribute vintage {$demand/@year},
                                (: TODO: hard coding units :)
                                attribute unit { \'m^2/person\'},
                                (: floorspace is billion m^2 and population is 1000 people and we want m^2/persion :)
                                text { $demand/text() div $input/ancestor::gcam-consumer/subregional-population[@year=$demand/@year] * 1000000 }
                    $new_root := local:append-heirarchy($input/parent::*/parent::*, $new_input)
                    return $new_root//text()
            declare function local:run-get-percapita($scenarios as xs:string*, $regions as xs:string*, $collection as xs:string) as node()* {
                let $regionsG := if(not($regions[1] = \'Global\'))
                    then $regions
                else distinct-values(collection($collection)/scenario/world/*[@type=\'region\']/@name)
                for $scenario in $scenarios,
                $region in $regionsG
                let $scenario_split := tokenize($scenario, \' \'),
                $scenario_name := string-join($scenario_split[position() < last()], \' \'),
                $scenario_date := $scenario_split[last()],
                $currTree := collection($collection)/scenario[@name = $scenario_name and @date = $scenario_date]/world/*[@type = \'region\' and @name=$region]

            local:run-get-percapita((:scenarios:), (:regions:), (:collection:))

    expect_silent({bld_data <- runQuery(conn, bld_xquery_query,
    # Note the sample DB has been filtered to only include just the region "USA"
    # which is not ideal for the sake of this test since we would want to ensure
    # for instance the model interface wasn't just returning the first region's
    # results instead of all.  This is the best we can do for now.
    expect_equal(unique(bld_data$region), c("USA"))

test_that('listScenariosInDB works on local DB', {
    expect_silent({rslt <- listScenariosInDB(conn)})

    expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 1)
    expect_equal(rslt$name, "Reference-filtered")
    expect_equal(rslt$date, "2016-13-12T05:31:05-08:00")
    expect_equal(rslt$fqName, "Reference-filtered 2016-13-12T05:31:05-08:00")

test_that('listScenariosInDB gracefully gives empty table when no scenarios available', {
    missing_conn <- localDBConn(SAMPLE.GCAMDBLOC, "missing_basexdb", validatedb=FALSE)
    expect_silent({rslt <- listScenariosInDB(missing_conn)})

    expect_equal(nrow(rslt), 0)

### TODO: test remote db queries, test queries on DB with a wider selection of
### regions and scenarios.
JGCRI/rgcam documentation built on June 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m.